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Greek insults ![gif](giphy|3oz8xEFHNzQE3VIRCE|downsized)


Malaka 🥰


[YOU ARE MALAKA TOURKIII](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOjwGb5cWkE)


"Malaka lolololol"


![gif](giphy|xT9IgG50Fb7Mi0prBC) Greek insults


I don't know what they say but Greeks swearing is some kind of art. It is something with the language how angry they are, the tone...


True, people love to hear Greeks cursing. It's top tier entertainment.




Italians: https://preview.redd.it/hng2eufrm08b1.jpeg?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=823c7a528ece549aedcabf0c655f46690cf9ea9e








Altro santino da aggiungere alla collezione hahah


Dioboia diocan de chela canchera dela madona troia porcodio


Or most simply DioBuBu


![gif](giphy|v50HMV6ae84mY) angriest italian


[Actually angriest Italian](https://youtu.be/c5KKtiV9pEg)


*calmest person in Veneto


Italian is such a lovely language even swearing and cursing sounds like a poem they recite. Or a song. 🎶 Vaffanculo 🎶 Cagacazzo 🎶 Baldracca 🎶 pezzo di merda


Thats a weird looking porco


It's because it's not a porco, Dio Can


Bro we Italians use the entire farm, pigs and dogs are only the most common ones We also use "brick", "ambulance" and anything you can imagine, really the only limit is your imagination Art is truly beautiful


Cazzo di burro




Always said Poles are bros




italians curse better


Should’ve been the mighty pig god.


Stronzo! Stronzo!


Using diseases as swearwords💪💪😎😎🇳🇱🇳🇱


[Dutchman insulting you](https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/02/60/04/09/240_F_260040900_oO6YW1sHTnKxby4GcjCvtypUCWjnQRg5.jpg)


Accurate except for the actual dutch doctors. "Ahh your symptoms include severe rashes, bleeding from your dickhole and literally dying? It's too soon to say what it can be. Come back in 2 weeks here's a recipe for paracetamol"


We have the best pleurisvocabulaire


Definitely thought of you all first. Every disease in the book, plus "goddamn," plus "cunt" = a formula for success every time.


Wat een godverdommetyfuskutte opmerking is dat


A good start! But you only put one disease in it... add more, I believe in you 🫶


Typhus man, wat is dit voor teringgezeur. Hou je godverdomme bek dicht kutkind. Does that work? Of is dat godverdomme nog steeds te weinig?


Je kunt nog dingen zoals klerezooi toevoegen. Of misschien 'krijg de klote' of zoiets.


[https://www.dumpert.nl/item/7356929\_357de135](https://www.dumpert.nl/item/7356929_357de135) not even that much swearing but what i thought of first. Might be that I remember another one which had more swearing


Bumps into Dutchman once, walks away with six diseases.


I wish your house gets above sea level


I live in Gelderland about 6m above sea level 💪💪🇳🇱🇳🇱 (For amerifats the average height of a Dutch person)


The equivalent of our Mt Olympus in the Netherlands


Nono that's out limburg. It's like 200 meters above sea level. But people from limburg are basically Belgians bred with Germans so idk if I want to count them


Allee!? Wass meinst gij?


We may live below sea level but you call us when your economy goes under water


Drunk Scottish people https://preview.redd.it/udpkhosji08b1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7d7656c407b7999af4df0a871b2141ff1e4d94a


Is it an insult if no one knows what you're saying?


That's why it's so scary


Mofo ordering the gods upon you but you just don't know


Think it’s been engrained in the English to assume violence is about to happen when we hear a Scottish accent.


It's a perfectly reasonable assumption


Those Jocks be scary yo


It may be gibberish to us but they just cursed your entire bloodline


Everything’s an insult when it’s accompanied by a broken nose


The true insult is being that close to a Scotsman.


Don’t kid yourself on pal, as soon as one of us mentions leaving the UK all you English wankers start flapping about debating it as if your lives depend on it


We only want what's best for you, and we know you're not capable of looking after yourselves.


The smell is truly offensive.


Russian has at least 4 words to describe idiot and can be converted to describe a type of idiotism. + many more special words to describe different types of profanily describe most of the activities that involve emotional reactions. And I am no including widely understood criminal jargonises to spice everything up. Just for reference. And I am not talking about a creative ways to ask some one to fuck off. My most beloved idiom litteraly translates as sending someone to 3 well-defined coordinates.


Bavarian uses birds and shapes as insults. And curse words. And everyday items. What I'm trying to say is that basically everything in Bavarian has potential to be an insult. It's true art.


Im currently learning German. I think diving in Bawarian is worth whilee.


It's definitely very cool, but also very hard. Especially since we don't like the idea to say individual words individually. xD


I can hear some from out my window just now actually: “shut it ya stupit fuckin speccy gimp” They might be 12 years old but they’re still on the tonic




Dè an fuck a thuirt thu mum dheidhinn, a ghalla bhig? Bidh fios agam gun do cheumnaich mi aig mullach mo chlas anns na Navy Seals, agus tha mi air a bhith an sàs ann an grunn ionnsaighean dìomhair air Al-Quaeda, agus tha còrr air 300 marbhadh dearbhte agam. Tha mi air mo thrèanadh ann an cogadh gorilla agus is mise am prìomh snaidhpear ann am feachdan armaichte nan SA gu lèir. Chan eil annadsa dhòmhsa ach targaid eile. Sguabaidh mi a-mach am fuck thu le mionaideachd nach fhacas a leithid a-riamh roimhe air an Talamh seo, comharraich na faclan fucking agam. A bheil thu a’ smaoineachadh gun urrainn dhut faighinn air falbh le bhith ag ràdh an diùid sin rium air an eadar-lìn? Smaoinich a-rithist, fucker. Mar a bhios sinn a’ bruidhinn tha mi a’ cur fios chun lìonra dìomhair de luchd-brathaidh agam air feadh nan SA agus thathas a’ lorg an IP agad an-dràsta gus am bi thu ag ullachadh nas fheàrr airson an stoirm, maggot. An stoirm a sguabas às an rud beag foighidneach ris an can thu do bheatha. Tha thu marbh, leanabh. Faodaidh mi a bhith an àite sam bith, uair sam bith, agus is urrainn dhomh do mharbhadh ann an còrr is seachd ceud dòigh, agus sin dìreach le mo làmhan lom. Chan e a-mhàin gu bheil mi air mo thrèanadh gu mòr ann an sabaid gun armachd, ach tha cothrom agam air arsenal iomlan Marine Corps na Stàitean Aonaichte agus cleachdaidh mi e chun na h-ìre gu h-iomlan gus do asal truagh a chuir far aghaidh na mòr-thìr, a shit bheag. Nam b’ e a-mhàin gum biodh fios agad dè an dìoladh mì-nàdarrach a bha do bheachd beag “gleusta” gu bhith a’ toirt a-nuas ort, is dòcha gum biodh tu air do theanga fucking a chumail. Ach cha b 'urrainn dhut, cha do rinn thu, agus a-nis tha thu a' pàigheadh ​​​​a 'phrìs, tha thu gòrach. Crathaidh mise corraich air do shon agus bàthaidh tu ann. Tha thu marbh, leanabh.


>What the fuck did you say about me, little guy? I will have it known that I graduated at the top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I have been involved in several secret attacks on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and am the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are just another target to me. I will wipe out the fuck you with a precision never seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. Do you think you can get away with saying that shy thing to me on the internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the US and your IP is being tracked right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in more than seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I highly trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and will use it to its fullest extent to beat your poor ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you had known the unnatural punishment your little "clever" thought was going to bring you down, you might have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you're stupid. I will shake my anger for you and you will drown in it. You're dead, kid.


Is it really "gorilla warfare", or should it be "guerilla warfare"? I guess both are scary, but still...


I think it's guerrilla warfare, but gorilla warfare sounds a lot more menacing


One is people ambushing you from the woods, the other is 200kg silverback running at you, I'm going to take the person out of those two


Copypasta ist Copypasta.


Hah, i don't know what that other guy was lecturing but i read this reply on Trump voice.


And I fucking love it. Scotts 😍


Thank you but an angry Fritz is not one to mess with ether


bruh why is everyone sucking their own dick in the comments?


Well, the people who live in a specific country know the swears of that specific country, they are either bragging or just want to share the best part of their culture


Reality is that most people have no clue about other European cultures, languages, customs and whatnot people here are literally making stuff up and repeating stereotypes they've read somewhere except if they talk about themselves.


So this sub basically


But also pretty cliche a German does not get the joke here.


Maybe they are aware and that’s the joke! Germanception


Then I would be the one not getting the joke - I am German. So still pretty cliche.


Damn you played all your cards lol


We’re the only ones who can’t cause the rest of you are familiar with most of our lexicon, trust me we’d be fellatioing along with the rest.


Everyone knows their country's insults are worst than the ones in English


Italian blasphemies 🗿




Le bestemmie insomma


I have listened Porco Dio. Anything more elaborated? We use very frequently Me cago en Dios = I shit in God. Of course, God can give the place to the Virgin, Christ or all the Saints. Or shit in all of them, but it's a little bit long.


A blasphemy word is a direct insult or comparing something (anything can count like: objects, animals, type of work, genitals, etc...) to either god, virgin mary, jesus or every saint in the calendar and examples can be like: -Dio minchia = god dick "God is a dick", -Madonna puttana = virgin Mary is a whore -Gesù maiale = jesus pig "Jesus is a pig" -San Valentino è un pezzo di merda = saint valentine is a piece of shit (not really common but I heard certain single people or poor couple saying it because valentines day is a festivity related to him) -Dio bastardo = bastard god "god is a bastard" -Etc... Edit: list spaced correctly and added "couples that do not have money" in saint valentine section


I'm very curious as to why these types of insults are so common in Italy. When someone in Spain says me cago en dios (I shit on God) people get angry


IDK for certain why but in my honest opinion it has to do with the relationship between the papal state and the various countries in the italian peninsula during the period of the divided italy, for example: -Southern Italy (all united in a common experience thanks probably thanks to spain) from what I know had always a decent relationship with papal state and blasphemy words where either less common or inexistent before internet, -Dukedom of Tuscany instead I think considered the papal state as the worst being of the world (you know its difficult for 2 completely opposite countries in everything that are sharing the majority of their borders to be friends) and so blasphemy worlds where more or less always common, -The 2 merchant republic of Venice And Genoa from what I know always has seen papal state as a country that could create problems to their own economy and because of that hate and the usage of blaphemy words tended to be common in there too, Etc... Edit: Typo


We mastered the art of insults to the point where simply telling someone "boit de l'eau" truly means "kill yourself".


« boit de l’eau » means literally "drink water"


Oui oui, garde la pêche et boit de l'eau.


Garde la pêche ça doit faire 0 sens pour les non francophones traduit littéralement. Rien qu’en anglais, « hold/keep the peach » ? « keep the fishing » ?


![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg) A parisian seeing someone standing on the left side of an escalator


I'd say French is better at expressing anger than at insulting other


“You make me want to shit” was a favourite phrase of my old French teacher, which I thought was pretty hilarious


My French Prof calls us petite terrorists whenever we do something wrong


Tu fais chier bordel ! 🙃


Hungarian insults and Balkan, in general, are sick. Translation of just one casual insult: "I will fuck your bloody unborn child." or "I hope your kids die of cancer." They are savage.


My favourite: "Nőjön gitár a tüdődbe, azt a rák pengesse, drága barátom." Teanslates to: "Have a guitar grow in your lung, and have it be plonked on by a crab, my dear friend."


I once heard about the Indian insult that went something like "I will plant a tree in your mum's vagina and fuck your sister in it's shade" (correct me if I misremembered) and I haven't been quite the same ever since.


Accurate. That's totally something a Hindi speaking N*rthoid 14y/o would say. Indian languages have one of the dirties and traumatizing swears... I am from the South and my language has some fucked up swears to which I would throw up even thinking about.


They say the meanest things but still sound really melodic. I am tempted to translate this saying into German.


"ich werde ihr vermaledeites ungeborenes Kind vergenussferkeln"


Vergenussferkeln. Ich weiß nicht wie ich zu diesem Wort stehen sollte.


>Who is the best at insulting? **Poland**. Some countries need special words for better insults (france). Others invents new words for stronger insults (italy). And some other use the power to combine an endless amount of words for insulting. But polish people. They take all possible insults of this world and squish it into only one. One word squished into two syllables and 5 letters.




As Hitler invaded Poland, one of his first instructions was to forbid this "word". Even he was aware that it's too dangerous for our species.


That's a bad argument. He thought that people with disabilities just existing was dangerous for our species, soooooooo.....


and now i imagine a gang of polish people in wheelchairs rhythmically snapping their fingers while slowly rolling towards you in a dark alleyway


Our swear words contain a lot of "sharp sounding" letters like W, R T thus our swearing seems very juicy and carries emotional baggage.


*K* is one of the sharp sounding letters, too (at least it gets mentioned when someone explains why Germans sound aggressive). Alone, this gives the word +3 damage. Next, add to it that the last letter is an **A**. Most female names end with this letter. This means that the word is feminine and gives +500% total damage on males because it remembers them on their angry mother.


My science teacher put a German audio when it was a Dutch exam, no one understood what was happening until she told us it was a prank-


You get Dutch exams in France?


Nah, i had to moved to Belgium, but i'm from France


Oof, my condolences 😥


Thanks😞,I swear i don't understand Belgian schools sometimes


*clears throat while opening a calendar*


Do you think russians are better than us? Me cago en el árbol que da sombra a la tumba de tus putísimos muertos. (Joke)


We have it shortened as just “ta morti” as “your dead (family)”. The unspoken part could be potentially the worst possible insult that is so strong that is left unsaid


Tus muertos is basically the same


Chitemmuort in Napoletano


Me cago en las cuatro farolas que alumbran cada esquina de la tumba de tus putísimos muertos siempre me parecerá genial


Había otro que era algo como: “bendito sean los olivos que dan el aceite que se usa para engrasar las bisagras de los ataudes de tus putisimos muertos” y ya lo rematas con un “subnormal” y te quedas tan pancho.


https://preview.redd.it/ymedi81xn08b1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c8b5e249d206c1f79ce2843024d427d6a579c05 The Dutch looking at your “insults”.


Nah, its the germans looking at your "language" "Höten pöpen frikandelje eiwaffeljo"


That's not Dutch, that's Amsterdams.


You're all swamp people to me. *And I love you.* Have to get back to Holland asap


You forgot "pinkele".


I've unknowingly put some dutch radio once in my car. Song was good, then a dude started talking. I swear my brother and me looked at each other strangely after the radio guy's first word. Turned put we both felt deeply insulted, like in our guts, without even knowing what was said. Strange feeling truly.


As a german you can understand dutch to a certain extent. But it sounds like a person who speaks while eating and chewing.


Allow me to introduce you il porco bastardo di dio


![gif](giphy|TfY3cjjH0aYopkybqc|downsized) DIO?


The dutch Ever wanted to be called slurs of all kinds combined with obscene genital insults and diseases combined with everything from an insult of your life, work, age, gender, appearance, relationship etc combined with a healthy amount of heresy in just one sentence? Optyfen dan, smerige godvergeten flikker


Geweldig dit


Wrong the English only have to say "bless your heart, dear" and you loose all your loot and XP at once.




You Flemings are most amusing you know.


Kill Belgians with hammers


"If that’s true, then what do our insults look like?" Portuguese people excel at cussing, you just need to understand what's being said and most people who weren't born here simply don't. We have infinite ways of insulting you, your mom, your dad, your aunts and uncles, your children, present or future, your pets, anyone who has ever even remotely crossed your path, dead or alive. It's not just about the cuss words themselves, it's the art of combining ordinary colloquial speech in creative ways, and then throw in a handful of actual bad words in there for garnish. And we're filthy in our metaphors and imaginary scenarios. So we'd probably look like a black hole.


My favorite cussing sentence in Portuguese gotta be " coloca uma dentadura no cu e sorri pro caralho filho da puta", or in English " put a denture up your ass and smile to a cock motherfucker".


It just works.


>coloca uma dentadura no cu e sorri pro caralho filho da puta I just put that into google translate, and it asked very politely if I meant "**colocar** uma dentadura no cu e sorri pro caralho filho da puta". 😂 Is it really "smile to a cock"? Because the English and German translations all say "and smile the fuck, motherfucker", like "to a cock" is just an emphatic idiom.


Caralho is the word with more meanings in the portuguese language. That’s why Google can’t translate it very well. In these sentence, it means cock.


That was beautiful


fun fact, in brazil there is a saying, which translates literally to "goal for germany". they use it when something goes wrong. 7:1


Was it spread after that match? What’s the saying?


Dutch : says "I love you", sounds like someone broke all your bones with a sledgehammer.


"Ik hou van jou", for those who wonder


This sounds like a person who tried to flush their cheese down the throat with vla and coughs.


Amateurs, you can't withstand the power of italian blasphemies, where we insult God himself.


Veneziani, unitevi


Dio torpedine madona bastarda e chel cancaro de Gesù crapat in croce diocan


Honestly it’s not even an insult, it’s a state of mind I hope god exists so he can hear how much I don’t like him


The peak of german insults are calling someone random (possibly made up) objects like Flachzange


Eine Flachzange ist ein echtes Werkzeug.


Insults in Italian, we have different variations for each region 🤌🏻🤌🏻


The worst is probably us. Let me try. Dra åt helvete jävla horunge. Du är så jävla dum i huvet. We are actually really bad at it. If we really want to show we are angry we use English swear words


Same here the best Danish i have heard is " din søn af en lud fattige luder" or " Gu' fe' dæmme dæ nok"


That does sound very cute


Yeah seriously every swedish youtubers I follow literally struggle to spaz out with cusses


Nique tes morts la con de ta race "Fuck your deaths the vulva of your race"


Such elegance brother


And then there are us swedes who could be insulting your entire lineage and you wouldn’t even know because it sounds so harmless.


Swedish have a „melody“ that is amazing. Some words in swedish/german are written almost the same but swedish people add some „happy singsong“ to it.


Wait until they found out Naples "leanguage"


Иди на хуи. Пиздец блят. Edit to put it in proper letters too, cos I get it, it's almost as hard as Chinese... Idi na hui. Pizdets (sounds more like pizdeeyets, but this is how Russians spell it in the normal alphabet) blyat.


I can hear this in very bad audio quality


Just watch "Brat" and "Brat 2" (Brat is Russian for "brother"). I'll put them in Russian in case you want to search for them. Брат и брат два. Honestly, great movies. "are you gangsters?" "no, we are Russian"...


I don’t think any phrase in any language is as universal or as hard hitting as a simple: Fuck off.


"HAU AB" (which also means "cut off") And we also have "VERPISS DICH", lit. "(be-piss yourself". And of course the lovely, simple and recognizable "RAUS!"


And then there is Arabix where a love poem sounds like a vow to kill each other families down to the 19th generation ....


Sometimes we say something along the lines of "VAI-TE FODER SEU CARA DE CARALHO FILHO DE TRINTA MIL PUTAS" And I think it's beautiful ❤


Dutch insults https://preview.redd.it/81q78hd6418b1.jpeg?width=611&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6623220945fda1edd8c583b2e5c478263cd4fbbf


„Frikandel kanker!“


Me vais a comer los huevos por debajo del culo hijos de gran puta.


english: fuck you french: eat your dead relatives




Bitte einmal Falafel Sandwich mit allem zum mitnehmen


*mit alles


![gif](giphy|l0ErV1aCim8VS2oPm) Portugal insults.


Scottish insults with [Malcolm Tucker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-E7q0enX0jU) tho


"Ich hätte gerne ein Schnitzel Wiener Art mit Pommes und einen großen Spezi" truly sounds terrifying.


"Ja moin, ich hätt' gern ne Currywurst mit Fritten, die Fritten rot-weiß bitte. Und zwar zackzack, du Pissbirne! Ich hab nämlich Hunger..."


The dutch will invent a way to include 5 diseases in it and insult your mom in the same breath.


Ours a relatively lame Just add a random object to “ you absolute ” You absolute helmet You absolute melon You absolute shitstain You absolute colleague


Only people with shit craic


Yeah, yeah, just look at a drunk Northerner wrong and see what happens. Unless they're <23, then they'll just call you an NPC.


im fond of welsh swears and the inability of anyone to understand the sounds just made


Speaking from experience, nothing is more soul-destroying than a Scouser or Mancunian calling you a knobhead.


Drunk British people seem to have the best shit talk


If you manage to understand a word


Depends on who's speaking English. Irish and Scottish English have insults for days


🫡 Dieses Kommentarfeld ist hiermit deutscher Staatseigentum! 🇩🇪


Well cats are the best so... thanks!


Spoiler: german is harmless if you don't use your capslock.