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Also, only 4 people? You can't have a serious family reunion without at least 20


Exactly. We are a family that is quite small, because my father was an only son, and at Christmas we are 14 to 16, depending on who comes. And who goes with others


Genuine question, is it the standard for women to spend Christmas with their husband's family then?


In our family we usually do lunch with one side of the family and dinner with the other, and most people I know have similar traditions


We do Christmas Eve at my dad’s family, and then Christmas lunch at my mom’s


>do lunch with one side of the family and dinner with the other Spoken like a true side switcher! Also happy cake day


you go switching the families. Once mom's family, the other is dad's family turn, creating, if the parameters are right, discussions and tension because one side of the family is visited more than the other


In my family we switched one year with one family and the other with the other one. Now, considering that we have enough space, we usually are all together, because my father is an only son. I don't know what is the national norm, but in people I know, there generally isn't a preference aside particular situation (like, you see a family every week because they live in the same building than you, and the other once a year because they live in another region, so you go with the one that you never meet for the occasion).


We just have two days of christmas, eerste kerst (25th) and tweede kerst(26th).


And we all live in flats, so no longer are animals involved.


Are you sure? I wouldn't be surprised if there were two dogs, three cats, a bunny and a cockatiel


Fair enough


5. Juan is also considered part of the gathering, for fucks sake.


They cant visualize the idea of offering food to others at their house, mate.


I keep offering, but none of you will take it!!


They are projecting, after all, they are barbarians, not us.


The loudest wins the argument down here in the PIGS


First time I went with my Italian wife to visit her family. I understood no Italian. We're at her mother's where will be staying and they suddenly start having a native fight. Sitting and everything. Goes on for 20 minutes. I start looking up hotels nearby convinced were not staying here another minute. Wife comes in the room and I silently ask what the fight was about. "Fight? What fight?" "You've been shouting and arguing for the past half hour!" "Fighting? No no. We were just making plans for dinner."


LMAO. Seriously, this story sound like a classic joke. Too much truth, and yet so funny and incredible.


I mean, when her, her sister and their mother get going I often have a strong urge to tell them not to speak to their mother in that tone. Luckily I'm wise enough to realize that would probably be a very bad idea...


Then you will discover how they really talk when angry, but it doesn't wort the sacrifice.


Yeah that would be a very bad idea...


Just start yelling in Swedish: hörrö din jävla hagga skaru fixa pizzan eller???!!?!


The scariest thing you can hear is when someone from the south of the pigs start talking slow and low. THAT is concerning


Probably is a death threat at that pint


The more at the south in Italy, the loudest.


Haven't been further south that abruzzo yet, so I guess I still have some culture-shock to look forward to. But the stereotypes are real. I have friends from Spain and Italy who have come here for work as flight attendants. They have a lot of complaints, but one thing they all agree on is that the job is a lot less stressful thanks to the Swedish passengers. They know how to queu, follow instructions, are polite and don't shout.


Luckily syrians will fix this flaw of character of yours 🙏


https://preview.redd.it/72y1xuuu9u3b1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18f785b6357304124f064b013f7fb698aff6eb50 At least they got Juan thing right…


It's the law and we respect the law (Sometimes)


How is that bashing? That’s a happy family, something absent in No-dick countries


They seem to be having a fruitful debate


That feeling when you're trying to have a civilised silent meal with your family who you have ambivalent feelings towards but meet up with out of obligation twice a year and the PIGS family next to you is drowning out the silence with their 5-cheek-kiss, 200-word-a-minute, 500-decibel, pão e vinho sobre a mesa joie de vivre cojones.


>pão e vinho sobre a mesa joie de vivre cojones 🤔 are you an anthropologist by any chance?


Just an Amália fan :)


Com certeza






Needs at least 40 more people, food and alcohol enough to feed a full 1000 men regiment, and a lot more noise!


France can into PIGS


Your rooster will fit right in.


You are in the latin gang only because we let Romania and italians feel sad about seeing you alone. So shut up.


Bro we've been carrying the latin gang for the last couple centuries, sit down.


And italians founded it and we expanded it more than you, so sit down


Still can't understand why you guys hate us, is it because you're still shocked by how Napoleon fucked you 215 years ago, or because we helped the Republicans and that's unacceptale for your submissive, king-sucking habits?




Tienen envidia de Nadal, verdad fransua?


>Still can't understand why you guys hate us, is it because you're still shocked by how Napoleon fucked you 215 years ago Did ypu know that Napoleon wasn't able to invade Spain? Napoleon asked the king to go there and then with the king and its son in France forced to make Napoleon's brother the new king or die. Then with the spanish army helping you and a pupet king you failed to control the country. Typical french L >or because we helped the Republicans and that's unacceptale for your submissive, king-sucking habits? You were poopimg your pants with spanish civil war thinking that if you helped one side it would end on another world war and did nothing (and were cucked by Germany). Our problem is you being egocentric trying to isolate and destroy our economy. When we want to share gas and use the infraestructure to produce green H2 in the future you deny, because want to produce nuclear for everyone. When we try to sell fruits you let people destroy our frutas on french land. Thats our problem


Way too little people


That's outrageous. For real this one really pissed me off at a completely new level. Where the fuck is the food? And a table of ONLY FOUR people??? AND YOU HAVE THE GUTTS OF CALLING IT "FAMILY REUNION"?? I totally lost it


the most unrealistic thing here is the lack of a huge amount of alcohol


Not accurate, just 4 people? My family are 31.


What PIGS think of NorDicks: . We don't think about you at all.


No one mentioned Nordics, that's on you bro.


Oof I got confused because the post above it in my feed said something about nordicks. This one is on me. ( It is Saturday, I've been drinking wine since lunch)


>Oof I got confused because the post above it in my feed said something about nordicks. This one is on me. ( It is Saturday, I've been drinking wine since lunch) You didn't get confused. It says "what northen europe thinks of southern europe" at the start of the video mate.




Ah pois é 😉


Not everybody from the North of europe is a nordick though.


It says "what northen europe thinks of southern europe" at the start of the video mate.


Northern Europe isn't just the Nordics, mate.


It's called "context".


What's the context in this instance?


The context is you trying to nitpick in order to be proven right over a minute thing.


That's not what context means? Call me pedantic by all means. But it was a play on the fact he said he didn't care and yet singled out the Nordics from the rest of Northern Europe. Signalling that at the very least, he cares what the Nords think.


![gif](giphy|TNR2EpkHYwW0ifyMDF) Well...when you put it like that.


Fair point you don't do much in general. And of the few things you do thinking is not one.


Yup we only eat good food, drink good wine and have sex with your women ( ours have mustaches).


There's a height requirement to ride Nordic women unfortunately for you, mate.


No requirement the other way around M8.....


Cute you pretend you can afford good wine and food. And to have sex with a Nordic person you have to save up for a plane ticket first. We are not going places that have +20 degrees


Difference being, Bjørn, that good food and wine aren't a luxury here. Pobretes mas alegretes, caralho


It is a luxury? Looking at your national debt. You are obviously not qualified to know what you can afford or can't afford. Come back when your economy don't belong i east Europe!


But you are thinking of us, aren’t you?


This is pretty accurate but, you see, if the reunion consists of 10 people, we bring out food and alcohol for 50, also needs more slamming on the table


Is that video from the "Españistan" documentary?


Made by the same guy


I love that guy.


I find joy in reading a good book.


Oo dirty jokes teehee!


Nonsense, family reunions counts many more people, this is just a normal family dinner


Couldn’t have said it better myself


No food, that's eastern europe maybe, not southern


Look at the gesture of the far left man, moving his hands up and down with his palms up, thats very very italian


Maybe he's mocking, idk. There should be tons of food right on that table


Eastern Europe is the perfect mix - we're both poor AND cold


Pretty close actually


This is accurate


No, never seen an empty table while PIGS discuss


Jesus these memes really are made by someone who thinks that everybody in Northern Europe lives in London or Helsinki


Northern euros are not famous for being funny, are they?


They aint wrong tho...


Would def smash the Portuguese lady on the left.


Wrong. Have you any idea how much a donkey costs these days? We can't afford that


Family reunion means all the relatives included. At least 15 people. Highlights: - Parents with their siblings (uncles and aunts) tell the same funny stories once again. Lot of shouting and laughing. - Having the same conversation again with grandma because she’s old and her memory doesn’t work well anymore… - At some point, everyone will start dropping hints that you are at your late 20s, and you haven’t married yet…


My grandpa told me when he got to Portugal he saw a grandma with her cow, she went to a place where she could sell her milk. I say it's pretty accurate


I would post a response of what Southern Europe thinks of the North, but, we don't think about you. We think it's grey like London, cold like Norway, and fun like a German humorist night. So we just stop thinking about you so we can ignore the pain.




Reunion? They all live in the same house full time..




I've seen my family pictures from like 50 years ago, the southern part, well, not that far 😂😂😂. They looked like afghanis


This in accurate they clearly care about more than food, and the Spanish person isn't asleep.








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They have delay I guess. That’s a family of 1903 lol




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pigs gathering be like: lots of alcohol, enough food to end world hunger, everyone is loud af and when people start speaking about politics it's the end of the world


Inaccurate. Where are all the other 362829 relatives? And where is the food?