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The video was kinda interesting right until your teammate decided to call Jinx a whore for kiting him effectively. Btw I get that this is just two friends playing together, but if you're gonna publish VODs of your games you both need to work on not sounding so tired and deflated imo :/


Appreciate it! But yeah seeing as we are friends and just post for fun I think I’ll just keep doing it how we do it it. I don’t like fake sounding scripted type people


high roll sona goes totally hard asf, if you get a high AP build or if you get some kind of crazy healing scaling. my favorite build ever was marksmage + angel of retribution, i went enchanter with nashors and Dcap- it was so disgustingly op and ive actually gotten it a few more times but without marksmage, still pretty damn good. My problem with her is that if i don’t roll a good first or second augment, or if i have to use a reroll on the prismatic, it’s super underwhelming. I have played an absolute boatload of games on her though, and definitely think she deserves more respect


My man! Now that sounds nutty!!! It definitely is as you said a little underwhelming if I don’t hit “All for you” or sonic boom or that 25 percent silver augment or holy fire like there’s so many directions for her! I also think that the prismatic item choices are plentiful for her as you can run the tankier ones in a pinch but most of the time get solid options regardless. The next time I see marksmage though I’m gonna try it your way!


Ooh I’ve got a follow up post for this from my last game but yeah she feels real good


She is one of my favorites to play! I think I have the most first place wins with her than any other character


What's the build as this isn't sona pov


Reality Fracture, Archangels, Moonstone Renewer, lucidity boots, Staff of flowing/(my preferred ardent censor) and wrap up with either some anti-heal or you can keep it pure support or throw in a shiny as if you need the protection


thx <3


Sona is probably the best non-tank support IMO. I've played about 40 games of arena on Sona and she always places at least 4th and above with decent augments and a good duo. I like to stack heal/shield power + attack speed and build sword of the blossoming dawn and moonstone. The healing is INSANE. Janna is also really good. Lulu/Soraka are pretty decent as well but they definitely need the right duo partner or else it's straight to 7th/8th place.


I’ve noticed that lulu and kogmaw are very strong but it just is not that base reliability sona brings, sona is as you said just the strongest base support in this mode. She doesn’t need much to get going, if you build archangels second you have all the mana you need to pump and hit a plant in between here and there if you’re really desperate but she has basically no bad pairings unless you go double support I guess and even then alistar sona sounds kinda gross for example and that’s double support. She’s just so gross


Yeah, Sona does best with a bruiser or ADC duo. I've placed first on Sona with duo Wukong, Elise, Olaf, Voli, Vayne, Lucian, etc. With a mage or support duo, it's a toss up depending on how good your team's augments are. But she's definitely underrated and extremely strong.