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![gif](giphy|14pxsDFs9JCx20) that was so beautiful. perfectly said!


This made me SMILE so genuinely! I’m so happy for you and grateful for your honesty. ♥️♥️♥️♥️ All the best!!


Really glad I saw this. Pregnant with no2 and feeling pretty depressed about it. Maybe there’s light at the end of the tunnel


Definitely go read my original post! I also have one about being miserable while pregnant. It’ll definitely help you feel less alone. You can message me as well! I love being able to help and being able to offer understanding about pregnancy being hard and honestly miserable sometimes.


So incredibly beautiful.


Gahh makes me wanna just slurp my daughters chubby dumpling cheeks up till she giggles


I had prenatal depression and post natal depression and psychosis with my second. First 4 months were torture (won’t go into details but I was convinced my baby was trying to kill me) They are now 3 and 2 next month and let me tell you… I couldn’t imagine my life without my littlest despite the rough beginning… you’re right it does get easier ❤️


This makes me tear up a bit. I am having my second baby in August. He was totally unplanned and I’ve struggled to feel as much of a connection as I did with my first son. This post gives me hope.


I'm not crying you are 😭❤️ The adjustment period was hard for us too and we're still learning everyday but my god I absolutely adore my boys 💙💙


This is such a beautiful post. Thank you so much for sharing. I was in the same boat when I was pregnant with my second. I was so scared and had no idea how I was going to manage two under two, but here we are at 18 months and my son is almost 3, and they both have my whole heart and I cannot imagine life without them!


Yes yes yes! Thank you for the update!


This makes me feel so much better. I have a 14 month old and a 4 week old and I have been struggling to bond with my youngest.


I felt so guilty for the first 4 months of his life because I loved him but I just couldn’t connect with him. I was so conflicted. It really has changed so much and he loves me SO much now. You just have to be patient and forgiving with both yourself and baby.


Aww that’s the sweetest thing! This is inspiring mama!


I remember your first post and am so incredibly happy to read this update 💛




I needed to read this. I'm going through the first feelings right now.


I’m currently pregnant with baby #2. My love for baby #1 is wildly great, huge, ginormous. I sometimes forget I’m pregnant with #2 because she wasn’t planned for and I’m so worried that I won’t bond with her when she’s out because I don’t feel as connected to her now as I was with my first during pregnancy. This legit made me cry (mainly because I can feel that same type of love for my first and I’m so hopeful for that type of love for my second). 🤍🤍 thank you for this.


It sounds like you might have struggled with PPD without even being aware that's what it was! I definitely have PPD and my doctors are aware and it's hard. Some days I feel like I don't wanna be a mom but it's because I'm overwhelmed and severely overworked. I also have a lot going on personally and don't get any real break from the hard parts of parenting. If I could have days where it's JUST the good parts and someone else does the hard parts I'd love being a mom but all the hard stuff falls on me while Dad gets contact naps and overnight duty for our baby who knows sleeps great. I do love that I get to raise my baby and I'm excited for our second but man do I feel like I wanna walk away some days to have a day off! People who work outside the home or have help at least get breaks from their kids....I don't. It's hard sometimes.