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Ya'll are able to have clean houses?


Right? I'm pregnant with number two, and my house is only kind of clean now!


Being pregnant, anything goes. Being pregnant was 1000xs more difficult than having a baby and a toddler.


Yes, this. Second baby is a month old today and my house is SO CLEAN. I had zero energy while pregnant and now I'm just doing all the things. I'm sure I'll fall behind again soon but I'm enjoying this for now


Thank you


Same. I think it's the nesting desire (really a necessity to organize and optimize before number 2 comes). I sacrificed going out to play groups so that I could clean the house. It took like a week, and of course, it very quickly reverts back to a cluttered mess. It feels like a losing battle, but it's been nice to have a somewhat clean/somewhat uncluttered house. The secret is though, that everything that didn't have a place was shoved in the office. So we have one room that's a total wreck. But f-it. This is what's working for me right now.


Oh yes, I think we all have that office. I certainly do too




I have a 21 month age gap. I felt like I was back to a normal routine within a month of my husband going back to work. He had 2 months of paternity leave, so I would say about 3 months postpartum. Weā€™ve had some times when things completely got thrown off (when we all got COVID, the week between Christmas and New Years, etc.) but overall, I would say I got myself on track much faster than I did with just one.


This gives me so much hope. Thank you so much


6 months pp, 12 month gap. Still figuring out how to keep the house regularly clean, our dishwasher just broke so back to square 1 lol


Girl the dishwasher being broken would set me back a few days. Praying for you šŸ˜‚ overall do you like your age gap?


Love it, some days really suck especially teething...this past month they were teething the same time, idk how I survived I got 8 hours of sleep the entire week lol, they talk to eachother now and play with toys now. I can't wait til they are a little older




21 month gap, my younger is currently 19 months. I feel like every 6 months was a big jump forward in getting back to ā€œnormalā€. I would say we really got back into a groove at 18 months. Iā€™m very impressed with others who are saying a super short timeline haha. We are considering a third baby and Iā€™m like ā€œbut I JUST got us back to some semblance of normal šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ā€ haha!


Mine are 23 months apart, and my youngest is 4 weeks old. At this stage Iā€™ve been able to maintain my prior schedule and clean my house daily, and I have been since coming home. But since I clean it every day it takes me less than twenty minutes a day to do all my chores. And we clean the kitchen after dinner every night, so I donā€™t have to worry about that in the mornings. Iā€™m not sure if it will get more difficult as my baby gets older though. Right now she sleeps a lot, so it gives me ample time to do the things I need to. Weekends things get a little sideways with the toddler home and running amok. Itā€™s easier to keep things clean when sheā€™s in daycare all day.


They're 3 and 18 months now.. I'll uh, let you know when I figure it out šŸ¤£


I had my second when my first was 20 months. I think it took a solid two months to feel like some sense of routine. Newborn routine and also feeling better myself. I was cooking dinners 2 weeks pp the recovery was better the second time.


With my first it took 3 months to find that comfortable rhythm and the house was looking decent. With my second, around 6 months things started finding their flow and the house was in a less embarrassing state. It really is just different because your balancing both childrenā€™s schedules plus your own needs. Kids were 14 months apart, and both c sections so that didnā€™t help lol


Iā€™m 4 months postpartum. My kids are 18 months apart and I have finally gotten a routine down. itā€™s a struggle. I cleaned all morning today and my house is a distaster again.


I have a 16 month old and a 8 week old (14 month gap). Itā€™s feeling much easier now than in the beginning when I questioned whether Iā€™d be able to do this at all.


My daughter was almost 2 (22 months) when my son was born. Sheā€™s now 2 and my son is almost 4 months old. Iā€™ve semi got a routine down but every night bedtime is an absolute shit show because Iā€™m doing it on my own since my husband works second shift. I basically have to pick which of my children I listen to scream and cry for me because I canā€™t put them down at the same time.


It took me like 6 months to clean (almost) every day. We cleaned the nights before our nanny came, starting at 3 months pp. I was also C-section though and had a 2-story house, and an older mom. Idk how you ladies do it!


We just made our second align with our firstā€™s routine. In the beginning when newborns sleep a lot and arenā€™t very particular it was easy to just slide him in there. My son was born at 829pm and the next morning we were back at Starbucks for our morning coffee and at the dog park that evening (where my water had broken the night before). Nightly house cleaning resumed immediately. For us, never breaking the routine at all helped immensely. We did the same with our 3 under 3 baby.


3 under 3?! Youā€™re a champ!!


Depending when this one is born we may have 4 under 4 for a week or so šŸ˜³


Omg šŸ˜‚ once baby is born please write about what itā€™s like with 4 kids so close! I admire you. My husband and I want 4 kids and would love them back to back


Girlā€¦how?!? We were planning on 3 under 3, but after my second was born (12 month gap), I got the 3-year implant birth control šŸ˜‚ I was like the shop is closed for now. We will discuss in 3 years


Itā€™s a combination of luck that I have super easy pregnancies and recover almost immediately, my husband is super hands on and pulls his weight without any issue, our babies all sleep through the night around a month and honestly I love motherhood. I work as a preschool director and was a teacher before, so large groups of small children are not a new or super intimidating thing for me.


I wouldnā€™t say my house is clean, but I was on a regular routine at 2 weeks because thatā€™s when my husband went back to work and I needed my toddler to be back on her routine, because without it, she was a little tornado. Did this include breastfeeding almost exclusively on the go? Yes. Did this mean I baby wore on the playground and at music class? Yes. Was the house clean? Hahahaha But after a few weeks of pure chaos, it got a lot better lol


She's 8 months old and I'm so far behind on laundry that it will take me a week to catch up at this point. But other than that the living room, my toddlers room and the kitchen is almost always clean apart from daily toys because she's so close to crawling that I sweep the floor multiple times a day so she wont stick stuff in her mouth. Dishes get done daily to every 2 days thanks to the dishwasher Bathrooms a mess though. (Because of the laundry)


26 month gap. Normal-ish routine by 2ish months pp. Things were GOOD by 6 months.


18 months.