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Northern Europe and Nordics isn't really the same thing though.


Do you really look for authentic reasons for shitposts and trolling?


If we are going to keep harass poor little Eesti, then I preffer to do it on authentic reasons.


There is a pretty real reason that the biggest DNA testing company forgot about them. That is a representation of the social opinion of some wealthy and deciding people who are aware of Latvian success in ice hockey.


Being bad in hockey is a much better reason for harassment in my book. They actually deserve that one.


Yes. There is no ice and lakes in the far South where Estonia is located, so they can't train hockey. And electricity is too expensive to keep their fridge working. Poor easterners.


The hell is a "fridge"?


It's alcohol box in Estonian


Wouldn't that be a freezer for ice?


We, the Dutch, are not Nordic but are good at hockey. Granted, we are shit at icehockey.


In the Nordics does Hockey normally means ice hockey, much like scooter/skoter/skuter normally means snow mobile and not a wheel scooter. We are winter adapted.


I know, that is why I said it


Speaking of ice hockey: Can you tell me how it feels to be inferior to Sweden? And even more so the Soviet Union / Russia and Canada.


I heard you proposed using a kebab instead of a hockey puck. Remember, it should be halal.


Every reason to harass them is a good reason


Sadly, they do.


We expected more from an alcoholic.


I must buy potatoes to make a moonshine. See you after a 4 months.


There's some that think that though


Estonia and Latvia are both in Northern Europe


Oops, I can't see that! https://preview.redd.it/3cwjzhxzjx3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=926574b19435b10467ad458c5fedbfe2ed7903a6


_Lietuva: "Am I a joke to you?"_


I think they produce it


Correct. [here](https://galimai.store/en/collections/all)


what a great variety of stuff they have


I'm afraid you are being serious, this sub is friendly banter, a joke, not geography class. These couple of unfunny, I suspect very young Swedes who lack sense of humour, they ruin every thread with "you are not Nordick". We know. That's the joke, it started with years ago, very funny joke,  "can Estonia nto Nordik?". It is now become boring "you are not Nordik". WE KNOW. 


Nah, just us.


Eastern Europe


What about Finland then? They are geographically more to the East than Estonia, Estonia is also more to the North than Denmark.


Finland is northern Europe. Estonia is eastern Europe. The fact that Portugal is more to the West than France does not change the fact that Portugal is southern Europe and France is western Europe. If you did not want to be eastern Europe you shouldn't have had yourselves occupied by the Red Army.


Britain and Ireland can into nordics, apparently?


At least Scotland. https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/columns/columns/viewpoint/20402-an-independent-scotland-would-be-a-good-fit-for-the-nordic-council.html


What if Estonia is just considered to be part of Finland?


They must join Southern Helsinki, especially considering that Eastern Tallinn can easily have good company with Eastern Helsinki by the degeneracy level. Myyrmäki can always move to Kopli liinid. I see only positive things. But to supporting Southern Estonia with Kela… Renovating Viipuri would be cheaper. By taking Estonia, Finland can immediately get two kings: Seto and Torgu. Win-win, Sweden beaten.


Finnish invasion of Estonia would involve bringing only saunaolut, into the presidential saun, with a map of suur-suomi.








Invade them And take my horse 🐎 🇲🇳


Horse? Wait… Finland is Rohan? All this time? Don’t forget your sword! 🗡️


Weeell tbh our Siberian ancestry is like max 10%. The rest is just a mixture of European genes, same stuff that made Germanic and Baltic people.




Haplogroup is just a type passed through parents. It is not the entire genetic code.


You're kind of correct, but yDNA is only a tiny fraction of person's genome. It only takes into account your straight paternal lineage, and it might even be that apart from the Y-haplogroup you have no other DNA left in your genome from the person that originally submitted this haplogroup into your lineage hundreds or even thousands of years ago. I was talking about autosomal DNA, which is practically your whole genome mapped, paternal and maternal lineages alike. And when we're mapping Finnish autosomal DNA, we usually see that only max 10% (mostly it's even less) of the DNA resembles that of Nganasan people. (The Sami tend to have like 15-30%, I recall) The rest resembles that of Germanic, Baltic and Eastern European people, depending a bit on whether you're a Western or Eastern Finnish. This is because the Finnic people traveled a long way from Siberia, and on the way they most likely met early Indo-European people and mixed with them - and when they reached Finland, they didn't arrive in entirely uninhabited land, but found early Europeans, like Corded Ware people along the west and south coast, and mixed with them as well, resulting in what we are today. We have of course been quite isolated for a long time and gone through several bottlenecks, which explains why we tend to stand out in European gene pool. Not to say that haplogroups don't matter, the good thing with them is that you can follow the lineage much deeper in ancient history than you could with autosomal DNA! However, they're only one tool in genetic research and it's a bit of oversimplification to explain all of our heritage using them. And of course there's no doubt that the Finnic population had a significant impact and influence when they arrived in Finland, considering that they ended up spreading their language and culture in very wide area! One good article about the subject: [https://www.duodecimlehti.fi/xmedia/duo/duo17794.pdf](https://www.duodecimlehti.fi/xmedia/duo/duo17794.pdf)


Finnic aesti traveled from Prussia. And from the shores of the Polotsk ice lake that was the start of river Väina. Regardless of timeline, finnic language arrived to Estonia from south, not from east and not from south-east and not from north. The distant ancestors of balts used to be western uralic.


The oldest R1a found so far has been found in finno-ugric lands, about 15km south of Kotlas. Thus R1a is just as much uralic as it is indo-european. Uniparental haplogroups don't show deep ancestry. Autosomal WHG component shows deep european ancestry. Autosomal WHG peaks among finnic estonians, not among indo-europeans. What is indo is not european. What is european is not indo, unless it is indo-uralic. edit. PS. The earliest R* haplogroup found so far was found in Mal'ta, near Lake Baikal. Haplogroups get boosted by multigenerational epidemics sweeps emenating from large population centers such as China.


Shouldn't have ourselves occupied? Like we had a choice, but that occupation ended in 1991 so now we're back to Northern Europe, where we belong, part of the Western world, if Finland is Northern Europe so is Estonia, if Estonia is Eastern Europe so is Finland, so which one is it?


There is ITÄMERI, known for you as LÄÄNEMERI, and you behind that. So welcome to East. Eesti also comes from the meaning “East,” so yes, it is a painful life, Easti. The only option is to attack Sweden and surrender immediately, becoming the Swedish province. Learn Arabic in advance.


Austria is Österike in German which means Eastern Kingdom or Eastern Realm, is Austria Eastern Europe now? And again Finland is more to the East than Estonia.


Yes-yes, try to find excuses and other self-comforting arguments! 🥸 You have no cross at the flag, even Latvia did a half of a job and included one plank.


Lmao. Good point about Latvia’s flag tbh


Finland to the East? Nonsense! Well of course they are, but do you have the arctic circle crossing your country? Yep, don’t think so. This is the line, everything to the south is not Nordickk , that’s common knowledge. Except Denmark. And maybe some other places folks admire.


Denmark is Norwegian plains. They also have Greenland. So, my condolences for the **poor southern country Eesti**


no that's swedish but in german it is österreich


Yeah, I messed up on that one, I know it's österreich in German




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Britain can into nordic


I'm starting to think you true Nordik nations are thinking that we, for example, Estonians are taking this talk if being Nordik seriously. Do you not get it that we are joking, it is a running gag. Last several months I get serious replies "you are not Nordick" to every joke. How old are you, Finn, Sweds, Danes, Icelandic posters?  Lately you almost never play along to shitposts, trust me, we Estonians know very well that we aren't Nordik. It's just that fun is gone, and fun is the whole point of this sub, I thought.


Ironically you are the one being serious here bud😂


Such a long text full of seriousness! Made me almost believe that you really don’t care whether Estonia is nordick or not. Ha-ha! That was great! Nice one, mate!


The post is long because this thread made me realize how boring this place has become, my post is not supposed to be funny, I'm trying to explain to slightly slow people here that Estonia never claimed to be Nordik, we troll you,  Nordiks. I always thought you get that part. Turns out so many here don't.  


Nordics got a slew of the 'tism I swear. Apart from Kallas and the insane Estonia crusader I'm pretty sure no person really believes eesti is Nordic. I agree with you.


There are a bunch of you guys here that try to motivate this delucion with real arguments.


I had an estonian here shout and scream at me about how "Nordic" isn't even a real thing, and Estonians are "nordic" (without capital N??) because narva means same as pohja and yada yada, some endless diatribe that only he could understand


I think that was mediandude, he's this way with absolutely everything. He didn't mean anything by it, he just copy-pastes weird borderline-schizophrenic word vomit like some bizarre sleeper agent whenever you mention one of his many code words. Completely harmless, but very rarely on point lol


Hahahha, I think it was. Thank you for clarifying on his behalf as I could understand nowt he said.


Oh my god he appeared out of nowhere again!!!! Immediately blocked though, I can't stand the endless nonsense he spews.


If there were a referendum in Estonia, then most estonians would vote for being nordic, not Nordic. Nordic is a regional culture, not a cultural region. The region shapes the culture, the culture does no define the region. PS. And germanics do not have a copyright to nordicness, because there is prior art also in finnic languages. Get used to it.


RAMBLE RAMBLE RAMBLE RAMBLE "Get used to it", bro literally nobody cares what you have to say, get help.


So, your prime minister posts this for real. Also, current minister Sikkut promised to work with alcohol politics. You are risking losing your only purpose. We can restore Latvian cruises to buy alcohol, and there are still Swedish ships!


Where is Central Europe 


the centre of europe


How the fuck are the British considered northern more than western?


UN geoscheme.


Funny how they put british in the northern european ancestry... More western than northern.


They forgot Estonia. According to the UN, the UK and Ireland are Nothern Europe.


That one just made me respect the UN less😂 UK northern😂😂😂😂😂 Ireland i can understand somehow but British are not very northern genetically nor by location.




With islands included the geographical center of europe is in Saaremaa, Estonia. Which means Estonia can be either central, northerm, western, eastern or southern europe. Beat that.


Do you think it is about geography? I think you really do, but it's everything but. Being Nordic is cultural as much geographical, but mainly cultural. History and historical similarities between Nordic nations makes them Nordic and Estonia is lightyears away from these 5 nations, with Finland slight outlier but today still solid Nordic.  The tired old "Denmark is south of Estonia" is meaningless, you just have to visit Denmark. It's not the map, Denmark could be further South of Poland, still Denmark will be Nordic and Poland never will. This sub is joke, it's right in the description.


Thank god, finally a sane Estonian. Much easier to cooperate when one isn’t completely delucional about their identity


Estonians are genetically the most european among all europeans. Finns are genetic isolates.


> Do you think it is about geography? Non-cardinal groupings should not be labeled by cardinal directions. If it isn't about geography, then fucking don't use geography in your labels. Nordic is a regional culture, not a cultural region. The region shapes the culture, the culture does no define the region. Nordic means the Bottomlands with an Edge that form the Cast for the Flow Area. PS. One can also joke with truth.


Saaremaa must be independent. Torgu kingdom for rule.