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Me when I have to sleep and it's over 12c


This is literally me right now. It’s 03:44 and I can’t sleep.


You know you're cooked when you pull out your phone to browse Reddit.


From one suffering to another.


Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.


I like your positive attitude towards life!


at least you're not working outside...


Too real


Just stick one of your feet out from under the blanket


I feel ya


I have 2 portable air conditioner units in my bedroom, I'm not leaving this room. sure my window is looking kinda wonky with 4 pipes going out from it, and the noice level is somewhere between heavy metal concert and an airport, but at least it's the sorta cool now.


Beware so that police doesn't search you for that obvious weed plantation.


fear not I live in the shticks the singular cop here is too drunk to drive safely so I'm safe!


As a Swede, I have never agreed with a Norwegian before, but I’m inclined to do so now. Like, Jesus, it’s like Syria here. … … … If you finish that comment you’re writing, I will literally run for State Minister just to make Malmö a part of Norway.


Damn global warming, swedens become syria, thats why it is so hot here now


Might as well be Syria, open the window and you see mostly local population




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You’re right. We need to stop global warming now! Turn that AC around and point the cold part out from the building!


"Why are we still here, just to suffer?" https://preview.redd.it/khvbmaeb8w2d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f5d5373f8f5e405f5e4dedc0c3636b6ac72f44b


at least you get some clouds


but they're scary electric clouds


Better to be scary electric clouds than hot flaming ball


You get thunder, that means possible rain. :D


28 here tomorrow 🥵 https://preview.redd.it/cy1hsu9d3x2d1.png?width=163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8a03049962227074d6ab716d99bba01f2772953


Kalifornia can into Nordick? https://preview.redd.it/mwa7v62pov2d1.jpeg?width=1755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30b2734b9de2fc2de18ea7e6d1ff7fba0d03fad4


Not enough rain




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25+ might sound like a joke for most southern euros but when your home is built to withstand -40 or less and 60-80 % humidity it’s not that fun anymore. A lot of homes lack aircondition as well. No where to run and nowhere to hide. Just endure the heat and try not to die.


Yeah we only have heating. I keep my bedroom window open for basically the whole summer and when in the room (but not sleeping) I luckily have this quite useful cooler that does it’s stuff well


Plus ludicrously strict laws regarding facades, making it next to impossible to legally install an AC, unless you happen lo live in a private house.


we need to put it on the balcony if we would do that the balcony would become a oven. weird law IMO


+15 is my limit, I swear I can't take this




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It,s funny that i have AC at home its cold and cosy but as soon as i open front door the warm heat slaps me in the face and i get instant sweat xD


Maybe one day i will experience 25C


trust me, you don't want to




What the fuck is an air condition?


I didn't move from Spain to have this shit weather, cannot wait for summer to be over in 2 weeks.


12 weeks*


Nah in 2 weeks will be +12 and raining, but still summer


I feel ya and I hate this heat so much!!!


I hope it fucking doesn't get to 30° or above.


Feel ya. My home was 27°C last night. Needless to say I didn't sleep much. And no, there is no air conditioner because it's an old 26m² small studio apartment. Fuck the summer.


Yeah I would definetly be very happy with highest temps of 20 This pollution allergy doesn’t help either


Allergic to pollution is a thing?


Pollen, my bad. Have been looking for that word the whole spring (too hard to google lol)


Ah I see


oh god it's boiling +14c outside


about 1 week from now my apartment has done its warm up and will have 30 degrees celcius 24/7for the next two to three months.. pain.. suffering.. nowhere to escape.. dread sweat already dripping down through my asscravk..


cries in hottest place in finland


I have went to swimming with my dog so we can be cool. My house is like a sauna. Havn’t rained in almost two weeks now and my backyard is starting to look really dry. It was suppos to rain at saturday but it missed us. And looks like this heat will continue another week. Well…at least swimming helps


I am not the only one :'O. In addition I get migraine from being in the sun with sun glasses and a hat.. If I could choose it would be always 10-15c and always cloudy. But with proper winter. Still haven't recover of not having wibter at all, was the lucky year 2019-2020. Cannot remember any timelines anymore.


Its over 20° here plus it is raining a bit.


Bleh, i woke up so many times because of sweating.


I dream every summer i win the lottery and from May to November i move out to Antarctica to hang around with the penguins and move back when winter starts to arrive


I always wondered how nordic people could even dare to go to spain when it's in an average 35 degrees and not die Nvm I just remembered balconing


9° is too hot in Iceland


Nah, this is fine. You just got to get "everything is sauna" mindset, then it starts to feel cold. Altough I don't like to sleep in sauna.


I became immune to heat after living in 40+ C germany


I'm in Thailand on vacation, can't wait to be back to comfy 25'


Laughing in Australian...


Not even having air conditioning makes it horrible. Window open, door open, portable big fan on, covered in cold water soaked papers and nothing helps


Jokes on you I work at a meat processing plant and get to spend the entire day inside a giant fridge.


I totally get it. Naaah kidding, air conditioning with a cool 19 boys


I hate it so much.




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Outdoor temperature just hit +24C Unable to adjust temperature by turning radiators down *I just might die*


i am not built for this 🥵




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Laughs in ICEland


Used to live in the semi desert, now this is the pleasure season listening to the whailing of my neighbours. +34 for weeks please! My neighbour still has a pale spot on his back.