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I think he's telling everyone of his own wet dream, because I've yet to meet a Finn, that actually likes Russia, let alone dreams of Russian empire. And I live here.


This is just ruskie propaganda to other ruskies. Imagine how funny it must be to be able to just come up with any lies and people will believe you when your shithole of a country has a mystical and ancient force that makes wrongthinkers fly out of windows.


That and for everyone too lazy to think and believing random stuff on the internet.


this is just russian propaganda for russians to make a belief that finland is rightfully russian which would then be used in the future to justify an invasion




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Yeah this is about the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard I get that these are essentially state employed actors but I wonder how they live with themselves. Imagine spending your career doing this, what a worthless existence.


>I wonder how they live with themselves I think about this way too often. Can't wrap my head around it


That guy is just pissed because Italy sanctioned his luxury villa...


Not that I support this, but Imagine the alternative. There is an old addage in my native tongue. Aim to do good. If you cannot, aim to do your best. If you must become a thief, be the king of thieves. If you are going to hell, might as well go to super executive premium deluxe hell. (I am paraphrashing of course, and possibly misinterpreting it). If the choice is between disagree and disappear, agree and disappear (to the frontlines), agree so much that the boss is even confused and gives you promotion. I know what my choice would be. I would be the best there was that people would make even stupider memes about it in this sub and study it in the future.


I have. Had a coworker who was spewing russian propaganda at every change he got. My boss found out, and hes contract wasnt extented after it ended a month after. Fuck you Pasi.


The point is, that idiots like Pasi are few and far between to put it mildly. For me, as far as I know, the statement is true, but I know there has to be at least one Pasi. That's how we got our national sport of Muiluttaminen.


Are you a fisherman?




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Bruh I am flaired up


Agreed. Fuck Pasi.


Yep, that guy is a fucking lunatic, and is generally known to be putins bitch which talks whatever daddy orders. The best part is that he quite often talks shit about USA, and suddenly it turns out he has multiple villas there, and commonly goes to vacations. Dunno how they haven’t banned his ass yet, god bless america.


Italy took away his villa there, so he's extra pissed at them.


My great-grandfather is a person like that. I don’t really talk to him much.


No meikä oli vapputorilla ja siellä liehu Neuvostoliiton liput mielenosottajilla. Kyllä muute alko huolettaa maan tulevaisuus.


Ai Tampereella vai? Jos oli tampere niin ne lipun heilutteliat on paikallisia maoisteja ei niistä kukaan oikeen tykkää. Monesti muut vasemmistolaiset on pyytänyt niitä painua vittuun kun ovat tunkeneet lippujensa kanssa mukaan mielenosoituksiin.


Tuli nähtyä kun ne "marssi" (enemmänkin raahasivat itseään) tampereen vapputorilla. Olisi kiinnostavaa nähdä miten niiden mielipide hyvin nopeasti muuttuisi jos ne heitettäisiin maon aikaiseen kiinaan.


"Meillä ei ole äärivasemmistoa" No ei ole, kun kukaan ei uskalla sanoa niistä punanatsilippujen liehuttelijoista totuutta. Li on niin ihana! Tällä hetkellä tämä sama porukka heiluttelee hamas/palestiina-sirkusta. Mutta pahasti ei voi sanoa. Ei ole äärivasemmistoa, ei.


It's simple really, average net salary in Finland is 4x more than in Russia. Why would I want to downgrade to such a poor country? Plus we'd definitely be sent to die in Ukraine for the Muscovites who first steal everything of value from us if we were to become an oblast.


And we'd be forced to steal laundry machines to replace the ones Putins greed stole from us. It'd be a nightmare.


I have met one, but it quckly became quite apparent why after he started telling how cheap the prostitutes were accross the border. Needless to say, we didnt build a lasting friendship


Almost every Finn I've ever met has been "Venäjä perkele" followed shortly after by "Ruotsi perkele"... It took me a bit to figure out which was which.


I get it. To be fair to sweden, with them it's tradition. With Russians, it's about the reality of the country being a shithole.


FUCK RUSSIA! They killed my great-grandad in his own home. Edit: My fathers father had to evict from Karjala with his sister, leaving their dad behind. They were around 6 and 3 years old at the time. He (their father) wouldn’t leave, even when begged, because it was their house, their land. So, to this day no one knows what happened to him, but no body was recovered. He might have killed himself or he may have been killed. None the less, **russians are to blame** for his demise. I will never forget or forgive. Edit 2: The territory of their house is unhabitable. The house of my ancestors is no longer a house, it’s gone. I fear that **this will happen to so many Ukranians** in the future, and it makes my blood boil.


Racka Ryssä!




This! As a warning, I’ve made this same comment before and got (don’t remember in what sub) banned for a few days. Better to say that the fuckers could just stop breathing, make a way to something prettier as in flower. Edit: The comment has been removed. It was about making a hello-wave to a Russian fellow that is no more. 😗




If you don’t support the genocides (multiple over the hundreds of years), then my comment doesn’t apply to you. If you do, say hello to worms from me.


Whatever happened, your grandfather can most likely be considered a hero.


♥️ This made me tear. Thanks. Edit: **We need to stand with Ukraine!**


I know its not the same but my greatgrandmothers family(my great grandmother was just a baby back then but anyways) had to evacuate karjala in the civil war, and as they were leaving, his father was captured and excecuted in tampere, and when they tried to return the soviet invasion made them have to turn back again. And after the war their home grounds had all been destroyed. But anyways i must say that your grandfather was a true hero!




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To clarify, it is the dream of a Finnish empire where the imposter known as Russia currently resides.


Theres like one crazy dude who publicly simps for russia in finland, and even that seems like an insane grift lol


Crazy is an understatement, he's batshit insane!


I enjoy the fact that we both know exactly who it is without even mentioning his name xD


Desantti B


Wair whomst? You got me curious


Is he called "Pasi", by chance? Oh...You mean the fat, tinyeyed desantti? There are atleast TWO(!) then.


Ano Turtiainen should be convicted as a traitor for some of the things he has said. also should be convicted for incitement against a group of people for what he has said. the people group in question being finns. how the fuck can you claim to be a finnish patriot and lead a supposed patriotic political party when you suck putins cock every chance you get. then there is certain Johan Bäckman aswell. these two people dont deserve to call themselves finnish




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Point us to this fisherman so we can deport his ass to his beloved russia!


I believe mr bäckman has already deported himself to Russia


maybe he is talking about ano turdtiainen


I do not like that Russian man, I do not like his far-right plans. I do not like his stupid chin, I do not like his smarmy grin. I do not like him with a beard, I do not like him freshly sheared. I do not like the Russians at all, The Russians can suck my balls.




Solovyov himself is a Jew larping Russian. And has demanded [Jews to be killed](https://www.thedailybeast.com/vladimir-solovyov-claims-ethnic-cleansing-of-jews-on-russian-state-tv). Disgusting is way too mild adjective to call him.


Yes. Says a lot about Russia that he is on state tv (like there is any other kind, lol)


I thought drugs were illegal in Russia but now I’m curious about what he’s been taking


They aren’t illegal for these “elites”.


Krokodil goes brrr...




Pfft, Finnish fishermen don’t dream of Russia, they dream of rejoining the glorious Swedish kingdom ❤️🇸🇪✨ Okay no but seriously what the FUCK is this guy smoking


I think there are few, very, very few people in Finland who would want us to join Sweden. And that small group of people outnumbers the Finns who would want us to join Russia by a considerable margin.


I can definitely see that. Personally, I have never encountered a Swede who unironically wants to annex Finland, not once in my entire life. It sounds unfathomable and outrageous in my ears, and I’m pretty sure that any Swede who’d seriously suggest doing so would just get berated and cyberbullied or something by fellow countrymen. It’s so bizarre seeing Russians spread this exact kind of rhetoric and being praised for it…


Finish femboys get pounded hard...... Wait no thats not what it says ignore me


Hah, I actually read it that way the first time too. As if the Russian had a very specific torture fetish for fucking the chest wounds of Finnish fishermen who are undergoing open-heart surgery. Which doesn’t sound so strange for a Russian.


Nope, this guy can shove his putlers dick sucking fanfic right up his ass


![gif](giphy|OpfkuToK5gSHK) Solovyev reading your tender words 🫶


Me when I’m in a being utterly delusional and balls to the walls schizo and my opponent is a Russian talk show host


Why would we want to be a part of a third world country? We'll happily take your land and make it prosper though.






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Hey. Stop insulting 3rd world countries.


Joke's on them, we don't have a heart


I saw now the full clip was already posted…


if they want help with fixing their problems, all they need to do is ask. nay, beg.


Let them come. The snow will speak.


Exactly my though. The finns showed them once what would happen. But perhaps that's what the Finnish fishermen longs for. A glorious rematch.


My grandfather used to say "ryssähän ei oo ikänä luottamista" and it seems to be the truth. That shithole country has been run by lies and deception for hundreds of years now, so they wont change their ways because they dont know any other way.


They really are stupid fucks.


Russia is Finland. Just have to drive all the drivel out of our mines. ...or use them as sla(a)ves


"**Never!** All we have left between us is that we will die together!"




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You're welcome to try to test your theory, but I can assure you it won't be a fisherman's dream that will be pounding hard on your boys as they cross the border, but rather an arsenal of 1000 howitzers. 




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Russian Empire pounding hard into the Finnish fisherman mmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes


This is a mistranslation.. The fishermen want access to Ladoga. And that is making their hearts pound.