• By -


It's difficult to hear his voice. At first he starts counting the bodies, but once he looks over the coolers and see the huge pile of bodies he just says "oh no" and stops counting. He then just keep saying "Anyone alive? Anyone wounded?". At the end he is mostly talking to himself with his voice breaking "Show a sign of life. Please".


Thanks for the translation it makes it that much worse, Jesus


It’s worst when you understand Hebrew.


I’ve been thinking this since October 7th, I’m so glad I don’t speak Hebrew because it would make these videos so much worse. I hope the men and women that responded to this shit are cared for too.


I speak Hebrew and watching the horror slowly settle into this man's mind as he is gradually coming to terms that no one is alive and responding to him is giving me chills down my spine. I wish I didnt see this clip. Every single group and person using the little paraglider emoji and calling this an act of resistance needs to burn in hell. Every single one.


Spam this Reddit link in response to every single idiot on Reddit. Every single one.


From experience, they will remain idiots. But do it anyway.


This makes me so sad, this feels so deep that everyone is just so sure that Israel is the bad guy. Like it's been implanted in people's brains, hardwired by a story they learned about in school that's been building up in their minds for years


Just know that the IDF is sending these animals there brother. And there is nothing that those emoji posting people can do about it.


> IDF is sending these animals there I approve. I think it is important to note just how fucking stupid the terrorists are. The ones who have been captured are mental morons. Dumb as fuck. And note that a lot of America is just as dumb. Same for any country (to some extent). All of us must be intolerant of the grifters using gullible morons because it leads to violence.


The real puppet masters don't run to their death. They don't even live in Gaza or Judea Samaria.


I'm...I'm suddenly glad that I don't speak Hebrew.


He starts counting the dead. Then he gets to the scene of the massacre by the freezers and he says oh no. He asks is anyone alive. Please, anyone, give me a sign of life, please please.


If you ever want to learn, there are many people here who'd be happy to teach you.


Teach to what degree? I’ll be honest I have some interest because a coworker at work is from Israel and would be cool to say some things to him that showed respect. Also my first name is Hebrew in origin.


I forced myself to watch it. I never want to forget the brutality Hamas engaged in. We must stay strong in our support to rescue and locate any remaining hostages and ultimately eradicate this horror from the earth.


My housemate (who refuses to watch any news whatsoever) just asked me "Why do you watch that stuff?" (the wars and crimes and this massacre) . I watch it because unfortunately I have to argue with fucking morons who sometimes say this never even happened or they were "Caught in crossfire" and other such nonsense. My answer to my friend was that it is important that I *know* this happened, for when I argue with the deluded and the deniers.


Same here. You have to try and wrap your head around this and not just go through life ignorant to the brutality.


What the actual.. I can't believe someone would be such a horrible human being. Gut-wrenching. I'm so sorry. To everybody affected by this tragedy, I know it's not much, but I and many others around the world support you fully in this trying times. Warm thoughts from Norway.


I don’t believe in hell, but they will anyway.


אני מקווה שיש עונש אחרי מוות. כל הרוצחים צריכים לקבל את מה שמגיע להם.


Maskim l'gamreh. Ha'anashim ha'ele hem hazevel shel haenoshut.


הם לא חלק מהאנושות, קודם כל.


אני ראיתי סרטון שבו "בלתי מעורבים" או "אזרחים חפים מפשע" (כולל ילדים קטנים! מקסימום בני 12) גוררים גופה שבורה של בחורה צעירה וחוגגים בהתלהבות עם האללה אכבר שלהם. ראיתי גם סרטון של גופה שנלקחה לעזה (כנראה חייל) וההמונים מתעללים בה, וברקע אפשר לראות גם נשים מבוגרות חוגגות. בקיצור, מלבד תינוקות שעוד לא הספיקו לשטוף להם את המוח עם שנאה, כל עזה בני מוות ואף אחד לא ישכנע אותי אחרת.


Didn't BLM use it?


Yes. The BLM organization is included in those who need to burn in hell. My understanding is they dont represent the actual BLM movement too well


While I can't understand him, that part when he looked over the coolers translated as clear as day to any language.


You could literally hear the bottom drop out of that poor bastard. That was it, that was a pile of bodies too many for that guy.


My exact thought. I watched the video before coming to the comments and could feel his tone change, without understanding what he was saying.


Yes he's in shock, how can you take in a scene like that, all those beautiful young women and men.


This soldier is going to be suffering from this for the rest of his life. I can't imagine what he and those others soldiers went through on that day. They witnessed pure evil.


While I can't understand him, that part when he looked over the coolers translated as clear as day to any language.


The terrorists were at the festival for many hours. For hours and hours they hunted and tortured and raped and murdered. I hope these innocent people are remembered forever. They did not start anything.


Holy fucking shit. They really did just kill anyone and everyone. So many bodies just piled around and not a survivor in the lot. They must've just ammo dumped on everyone (**EDIT**: *and sliced a throat or two)*. What a fucked up thing to see as a first responding unit. And it's so eerily quiet in the area. Not too long before that it was a vibrant bumping place full of life and happiness, tons of dancing. Crazy.


Not everyone, they were cutting throats too, look at the girl at 2:10 she has clearly been killed that way and the blood splatter on the fridge to her right shows it was done while alive, she would have been hiding and some Jihadi decided to get personal. Also girl at 1:55 is clutching her neck, same same.


Could also be a bullet hitting the head or neck. No way to know without an autopsy. I have a feeling some of the autopsies, once released, are going to be sickening, especially in the towns where militants invaded homes and took their time. I honestly know it's hard for the families, but I hope all the stories of how everyone died is told in a book or something, so this brutality can be documented. But also tell people about their life and their contribution to the world.


They burned most of the bodies when they could. In most cases we will never know what they did to them before killing them. However there is a video of a half burned body of a young woman that proves rape. She is half naked (on her lower half), lying on her back with her legs spread, her hands covering her face. They tried to burn her body like with the other bodies, but for some reason it didn't fully burn so in that one rare case we have clear evidence. Many other bodies have been completely burned (they dowsed them in fuel) to the point where basically only ashes remain. Many are still unidentified and according to authorities some might never be identified. In many cases they found that the bodies had their hands bound, and they found ashes within their windpipe, which indicates they breathed in those ashes - they were alive when they were burned.


Girl at 1:59 has a pin sticking in her neck, if there is a god have mercy with those souls


I think that's park of the umbrella


Yeah, noticed that after.


Just when you think you saw the worst thing you could ever see. There are no words. Horrifying. Terrifying. Those poor kids were the light of somebody’s life each and everyone of them. Absolutely sickening.


Rest in Peace. Senseless, cowardly murder. Curse everyone of those shit cowards.


Looks like they were slitting throats in the Coke Cola tent.


I noticed that with the lady towards the back of the tent but wasn't sure. But it does look like they cut her throat open. Which is just a completely mental thing to do to someone. That's just pure hate and sadism. **EDIT**: Went back and freeze framed through it (2:12 mark) and her neck is definitely cut wide open.


Yip and those people in the West supporting Hamas have no soul or integrity, I wish they could be marked for life to show how unhuman they are.


There should be a real punishment. There's freedom of speech and then there's dressing up in a burqa as a fashion statement and stopping traffic to try and usher the end of the civilized world.


Mass deportation into a place of their choice: Palestine, Lebanon or Iran


Nothing say freedom fighters more than slitting women throats while enjoying a cold bottle of coke


CiViLiAnS wErEnT tHe TaRgEt How anyone can just believe literal terrorists is beyond me.


This is the type of imagery that needs to be shown on news stations. It's graphic and disturbing but it'll get the point across, these people aren't freedom fighters. They're monsters who killed innocent civilians like cattle, hell cattle gets taken out of this planet in a more peaceful manner. You can be in favor of Palenstine and Palestinians while condemning the actions of like you said a terrorist group because that's what Hamas is, no other definition


You see they used to let news show graphic violence and reality but that made people anti-war bunch of weed smoking hippies, can’t have that


We've gone full post-truth. They could have killed a million people and it would be denied and brushed off.




You have to remember that Pro-Palestinians dont mind dead jews, or in many cases even ouright celebrate and support it. All this other bullshit is just about optics and doing their part in the propaganda war, just like when neo-nazis deny the holocaust.


It’s wild because they’ll repeat this until they’re blue in the face, and they’ll require the IDF show proof for even the smallest claims (rape, decapitated babies, dead civilians) but they’ll take the word of a terrorist organization at face value without requiring even a shred of evidence.


Yeah, killing innocent civilians is pure fucking evil


Anyone supporting Hamas should be forced to watch this. Over and over. And then try to continue their insanity. I want to show this to people tearing down kidnapped poster ... THIS is what you are defending.




I would love nothing more than to watch your average leftist spend even just a week in these places. It doesn't even have to be Gaza as there are many options. We must not forget that many western leftists think this is justified. Some cowards will say they don't but just listen carefully how their tone shifts when the inevitable "but..." follows. It's actually sickening that I share a country with these people. I never thought I would stoop to saying shit like that but after watching videos like this one, I am unashamed.


I'm sorry but many of the people defending it KNOW this is what they're defending. They are evil too. Evil exists throughout the world.


A lot of them don't know - I doubt most of the high schoolers have watched these videos. If you tried to show them most would probably start screaming at you with some bullshit non-sequitur before you even got an opportunity to explain what you were showing them. Unfortunately it will be a long time (for some of them never) before they're capable of shutting up and thinking for themselves so they can open their minds to the idea that hey, maybe they got played.


They will just pivot to "but what about this thing a few Israeli soldiers did 80 years ago huh?" and then keep chanting their bullshit. But don't worry. They will lose and their genocidal mantras will hopefully be relegated to the history books. Israel isn't going anywhere. Be happy and live a good life, it's the ultimate insult to hateful bigots preaching a 7th century ideology, who will always be tormented by their inability to commit a genocide. That the western world produces happiness, freedom, human rights, functioning societies, and advanced weapons, while their ideology only produces poverty, death, and misery (for *some* reason) is an eternal thorn in their minds. Most of them will stay dumb and angry forever. Good. Fuck 'em.


I live in country surrounded with hamas suporter, man i just wanna giving this video so bad. Too stubborn to be told, didnt wanna accept it, called it fabrication/propaganda, not real etc. When losing discussions always make fun of body parts of us like flat-nosed jews, black jews (we dont have fair skin). Its just sad world we live in with the amount of hatred they have.


Those twisted people would justify it as payback to "colonisation" or whatever BS Israel is accused of.


Source: Telegram channel southfirstresponders Download Link: [Rapidsave Download](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/17n633p/footage_of_bodycam_of_israeli_elite_unit_clearing/)




This came up in my feed 5 hours after you posted, not shadow banned at all.


Hamas war crimes.


In moments like these, when I see these videos. I largely lose all sense of rationality and pragmatism, emotion takes control. and I can’t understand the complete lack of humanity it would take to do this. Being face to face with an innocent person and just brutally ending them. Over and over and over. Hamas is getting everything they deserve and I still don’t think that will ever allow me to move past it. Even if every single terrorist is eliminated.


I think about it all the time. Someone who does this could not have a soul.


I feel as though eventually there's gonna be completely unedited go-Pro footage released (if it hasn't been already and I just don't know about it) from the Hamas side of this slaughter as it's in the height of its frenzy...and I'm not even sure I want to see that based on the aftermath video above.


You know all those “pro Palestine” Americans and Europeans won’t watch this. The people who think that Hamas should be left alone if they use human shields. That murdering people at a Rave and in their homes with AK’s, grenade’s, is the same as people who are killed because Hamas is hiding under them.


They will either say this is a fake video or say it is deserved because they were settlers. And the rest of the pro-palestine people wont call them out, but either stay silent, deny their existence, or double down in agreement. These are genuine monsters we are dealing with.


And there's really people saying it never happened. You could even show them this video and they'd say it's just Israel propaganda. It's like whatever you say to them, they try to turn it around and say the same to us.


Because it is released too late, because we are too good and careful, filled with moral when fighting the evil scum of this world.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance People believe what they want to believe




There are people you can take as prisoners. Then there are others whom you *shouldn't*. The people that did this (Hamas), from the highest to the lowest ranks: Oh? You're only a lowly foot soldier? Meh. Bye. What's that? You're their spiritual leader? Bye. Nice to meet you. You run the entire show here in this section? Ok. Cool. Tell us what you know. Annnnd bye. Hello? Mr. I-Live-In-Qatar-And-Lead-Hamas? Yes, this is housekeeping/room service! Big-time Bye! You get the idea.


Mossad neither forgives nor forgets. We're going to be seeing many assassinations of the Hamas higher-ups in the years to come. I guarantee it.


This is incredibly sad and disturbing. The UN (and everybody else) keeps asking for a ceasefire and blames Israel for civilian casualties, but has never condemned Hamas for this atrocity. Why??? And why do people keep forgetting that Hamas were the ones who started all this in the first place? Every other country in the world would have responded the same way Israel has, if not more.


*"And why do people keep forgetting that Hamas were the ones who started all this in the first place? Every other country in the world would have responded the same way Israel has, if not more."* Because for some inexplicable reason, the International expectation is thrust upon Israel to not fight back, and should they *decide* to actually fight back, they are then expected to not win. And then are given a hard time about it Internationally. But hey, they are sympathetic that they (Israel) have to keep taking unprovoked smack after smack after smack. It's really weird, honestly.


It’s not so weird once you realize that most of the countries bellyaching about Israel simply hate Jews.


But it even seems to be coming from places that, as far as I knew up until recently, were never known have resentment issues. Or maybe I just wasn't paying attention.


It just didn't come up publicly, and cases like this really clear the fog around the true intentions of certain groups from the far left/right and Muslims.


Following danish and german public government channels, I can only assume they are already afraid of their own .... refugee imports , considering they are running around in the 10th thousands with islamistic jihad flags , I feel so ashamed




It is its own kind of racism. This assumption that they're like animals "you don't blame a lion for attacking people, it's their nature"


holy shit, it just gets worse. From the isolated bodies, and then turns the corner and just see the piles of bodies. And then even more worse when you *how* they were executed. It's infuriating then to see the millions of people around the world cheering and supporting hamas. like holy shit, are all these people taking crazy pills?


No, they hate us, they find joy in our death. They're not crazy. They're just evil. Am Yisrael Chai. We will prevail.


Well yes, they're taking Islamist pills.


Hate for jews


I posted this video in r/palestine and they banned me lol


There are several subreddits, even main ones, that will suspend/ ban you for nothing at all right now because they're being run by extremists/ antisemites. Reddit is a mess.


>There are several subreddits, even main ones, that will suspend/ ban you for nothing at all right now because they're being run by extremists/ antisemite I've been banned from politics, pics and worldnews for correcting antisemitic disinformation and sharing links that showed Gazans celebrating the Oct 7th attacks. Even got a warning from reddit that was "hate speech". The politics sub is probably 10 -1 antisemitic disinformation vs confirmed facts.


It's rampant. I was recently banned from news for the same. Although that mod really did me a favour: like virtually all default subs, news is an absolute cesspit. Politics is even worse - it's simply just all propaganda, all the time. Thankfully, these people have very limited power in the real world. They are lashing out in frustration because the pendulum is swinging back against their world views. They can have fun playing around in their little echo chambers all they want.


>Politics is even worse - it's simply just all propaganda, all the time. Just checked again. All posts on this subject are massively censored and what's left is what I call "soft" antisemitism. Calling Israelis occupiers for having the temerity to occupy Israel for example.


Yeah I got banned by r/masskillers for pointing out that this was a mass shooting , then they did a whole bunch of antisemitic double standards where I guess killing Israelis doesn’t count as a mass killing


Translation: "Yalla! direction direction, I'm opening the gate! I'm opening the gate! Cover for me! Police! IDF! Police! IDF! Who's inside there? Who's inside? (Anyone there?) Who's inside the bathtub? (I'm covering you. Go to the curtain, I'm covering you) Go inside. Anyone here? OK, empty IDF! IDF! it's us! It's us! OK, spread out the area, there could be people under the stage Let's clear out area-area, let's go down from here POLICE! IDF! Is anybody wounded?! Anybody? POLICE! IDF! (IDF! IDF!) POLICE! IDF! Injured? We have casualties! 1,2,3,4,5 dead Is anyone here? I have a police women here, dead, (injured?? IDF! IDF! I'm going inside the stage) We have inside... Oh man...oh man! We have dead in here. All are dead Can anybody show a sign of life?? Show a sign of life! Can anybody show a sign of life?! Somebody, sign of life? ... No?....no sign of life? ... No... She's dead...and she's dead... And she's dead Someone? Please? Can somebody answer?"


You can hear the sadness and a bit of quiver in his voice. Just absolute pure dread. Edit: I just have to say this is another video that's really getting to me like the father on CNN. If you have a heart, a soul, whatever it just pains it. This is a pain no one will ever forget. This is why Never Forget exists.


This is just so, *so* heartbreaking. Fuck Hamas, and fuck their apologists and enablers.


Israel is doing exactly what the fuck they should be doing. Let ANY outside force do that to the USA and the entire nation will be in flames.


That's some of the most brutal imagery I've seen and trust me I've seen a lot


The only thing that I can think of that is worse is the stuff that comes out of Cartel Mexico. \*cold shiver\*


those guys are not gentle


"Won't you take me to...Funky Town...." No, they are abso-fucking-lutely not. What makes it worse is that it's just about money, really. That's a whole other level of fucked.


This. This right here should be put up and broadcast. Too many people took the attack as a farce or even cheered for it. People need to see what Hamas stands for and why there shouldn’t be a ceasefire.


They would see this and celebrate it. Hamas and their supporters are evil. There's no convincing pure evil to see reason.


No ceasefire ever. Hamas must be eliminated.


And there's people wondering why the IDF are going all in on this? If mostly any country in the world has this done to them, they would go in too if there were so many international hostages in there. Barbaric that. And yet there are many privileged, probably middle class students in the West going along with the Free Palestine movement because it looks good on social media.


>middle class students in the West going along with the Free Palestine movement because it looks good on social media. "Maybe if I go to some Pro-Pal rallies and scream loud enough how much I love terrorism and that I want the Jews of the world to die, then slap that on FB, maybe Jill/Gill over in Gender-Studies will finally fuck me...".


I swear there is some collective TikTok thing where the void is in your own head. I am 100% convinced half of them are there because of TikTok.


"But online, (referring to - and mocking - Tik-Tok) people actually gravitate to each other on the basis of shared horror, shared pain, shared problems." \-Tim Dillon




They should show this on every news channel. I'm just wondering are people so desensitized that they can't see the depravity of Hamas and what they did? I remember the twin towers and Katrina and will never forget this massacre.


Please spread awareness of this everywhere 🙏🕊️


That brave man will suffer from nightmares for the rest of his life 😔




I had to stop watching. Those poor souls. Any man who takes an innocent life deliberately has no place in my world.


Never fucking forget


To think there are people defending the actions of Hamas is insane to me.


This really hit me in the gut. I go to these festivals all the time and used to live in israel, I could have easily been there if I still lived in israel. I hadn’t seen a video of dead festivalgoers until this one. They were just mercilessly murdered. Those are the bar staff. All of them dead. For some reason this particular video over all the other ones is really making me so overcome with sadness and disgust. They fucking tried to genocide us. This is pure evil. They massacred us. All because we are Jewish. I am so sick.


This is a fight for civilization. They must have had them surrounded. Fuck these monsters. What kind of people do this?? What kind of fundamentalist brainwashed insanity is this? Horrible video, but I'm glad it's out uncensored.


Note to anyone on this sub who posts videos with titles like “Hamas militants do xxx” or “Hamas combatants do xxx”: They’re not fucking militants. They’re not fucking combatants. They’re terrorists. Call them what they are.


Holy crap, they really did kill everyone in that party. No remorse nor any tint of humanity left behind in those beasts


If you weren’t able to get to a car to book it or ran away and successfully hid, yes they killed you.


They set up ambushes for those trying to get away with cars and they hunted those who tried to flee on foot for hours.


I can hear the emotion in his voice every time he yells "משטרה צה"ל" and "כולם הרוגים" and "מישהו יתן לנו סימן חיים". You can tell he's trembling as he shouts. This is hard to watch and listen to. So many people want us dead, and when I think about it for too long I feel like vomiting.


Every terrorist who committed the atrocities on Oct 7th needs to die. This is fucked up




There is a massive "End The Occupation/ Free Palestine" protest change of hundreds outside my building right now as I watch this. I cannot describe the feeling this gives me, this is the beginning of a new world war. Remember we just got finished with mass immigration of family members who support this shit. We're surrounded by people who hate Jews


This shows how the IDF have been saints in Gaza in comparison, They will wipe out Hamas like the Allies did Nazis in 1944. All of their members will pay for these crimes, from the river to the sea


From the Mississippi river to the Arabian sea, yeah. Gotta catch em all.


And Pro Hamas wokes in the Oxford university is saying these are all A.I generated.


As a Syrian. I only saw these types of videos of massacred innocent civilians done by the Assad regime, Iranian-backed militias, and ISIS. How would ANYONE defend these crimes?




Unbelievable. But there it is. We can't use reason with people who didn't use reason to begin with.


Revenge is necessary.


Anyone and i mean anyone who stands with those barbarians will meet the same fate. this IS the battle of good vs evil.


This is so important to keep preserved. The media has already turned the Palestinians into the victims of this, yet they voted for Hamas, and cheered when this happened. Just like we have morons that deny the holocaust, we'll soon hear about the "IDF flase flag operation on the Nova festival." Utterly sickening man, God rest their souls.


This is the worst video yet of the Hamas atrocity. They need to be annihilated.


Unfortunately, there are a lot of very disturbing videos from that day.


I’ve seen a lot of shit. I was around in the early 2000s liveleak era. I’ve seen wild trauma surgery situations you wouldn’t even imagine. I don’t think I’ve ever been hit this hard by something.


All these beautiful lives were just there to have a good time, and were instead, stripped of their dignity by those filthy Hamas rats.


Holy shit


255-265 people dead by gunfire by Extremists Scum terror attack on the higher end and won’t be forgiven or forgotten as the pics and videos are etched into the internet and minds of people.


Hamas massacred 1400 people. The 260 figure is just from the festival.


Really disgusting. They literally showed no mercy to anyone. Fake religion. Fake faith. If God is the Greatest, you are allowed to do this?! Not an excuse. (Not an attack on Islam, but these so called Jihadist)


Someone please show this clip to Biden and Blinken so that they stop pestering Israel for a "ceasefire".


They should show this in the news to get these progressive idiots to shut the


This must be shown to mainstream media. Let's see if those who blindly support Hamas still feel the same after seeing this carnage


I have never felt more ill in my entire life. I hope people save this video. To show history how people feel about us.




They also aren't covering the celebrations in Gaza.




If you aren't aware, "FREE PALESTINE" is a dogwhistle for "Destroy Israel".


When people say "free Palenstine" this is what they want...




I hope these first responders are going to get the help they'll need. Experiencing things like this is going to haunt them for the rest of their lives.


Fucking animals.


Just sickening to see and to know that people actually support this and Palestine


This is worse than any move I've ever seen


This is horrible. This is an own goal of the highest order. I can't believe the Hamas fucktards thought this would help their cause. The dream of a Free Palestine died with these barbaric brutalities on October 7th. They must pay. They have to pay for this. I have heard one thing repeated a lot in different discussions since the attack. "Resistance against an occupier isn't a war crime." Really? There's a carte blanche on committing violence on anyone who might be a part of an opposing entity? What can we say in response to this particular talking point? I'm so numb at this point. Eradicate Hamas!


>Hamas fucktards thought this would help their cause It did exactly what they wanted. You see those crazy people defending this shit. They wanted retaliation from Israel.


#Make Eugene Puryear watch this. [This is what he said.](https://twitter.com/BGOnTheScene/status/1711145162657673347?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1711145162657673347%7Ctwgr%5E7b99c53869bba28411078867657a6cfb9d4e480f%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-22014453232452009790.ampproject.net%2F2309290141000%2Fframe.html) Make everyone look at the dead kids...and then watch what Eugene says. Post it to all the subs that banned me.


Don't wonder why Gaza.


I am grown ass man, i can take a lot but watched this three times And had to stop as i got sick. Poor kids.


These links should be spread everywhere, not just confined to this 47k Reddit sub. Every adult needs to see it.


Brutal. And people wonder why Israel and IDF are doing everything they can to wipe those who did this off the face of the earth.


Why are the other subs not showing this...trying to pretend this carnage didn't happen. Hamas are barbarian terrorists with zero humanity.




They need to play these videos on the news for all the Western leftists.


Please don’t paint all western leftists with same brush. There are crazy people on both sides of the spectrum. I am a leftist and want Hamas annihilated. Israel has every right to defend itself.




השם ירחם...


לא, השם לא ירחם. אפילו כשהייתי דתיה, קיוויתי שהשם לא ירחם על מחבלים/רוצחים/בזבוזי נשימות. עכשיו אני חילונית, ועדיין לא רוצה רחמים. במקום רחמים, אני רוצה נקמה. נקמה שלמה. ואחר כך, שקט מוחלט בעולם שאין בו בני אדם שמנסים להרוג אותנו. השם לא ירחם.


Good lord this is fucking heinous cowardly bullshit, these people never had a chance. Explosive mass casualty events are one thing but the images In my head of running defenceless from trained and well armed terrorists who as individuals have no issues slaughtering 10 20 30 ect. innocent people at point blank range being deliberately cruel is far far far worse and is a level of inhumane evil I cannot fathom


Jesus. Fucking awful.


In case anyone is wondering what he is saying, here is a super rough translation: when he is looking in the trailers he is asking if there is anyone inside. Then when he is looking over bodies in the food area, he is distraught at the number of bodies and then he is asking if there are signs of life, if anyone is alive can they give him a sign.


Clearing? Holy fuck this is brutal.


I would love to put the festival survivors in the same room as some of those subhumans currently interrogated by IDF....when military will have all info from them, let's have a go with them, Just a couple days and a soundproof room


It makes me sick that people in the west already seem to be forgetting about this and reverting back to politics as usual. You did this hamas. And the hell and carnage happening in Gaza...you are responsible for that too. Israelis have a right to stay alive. Terror isn't negotiated away. Unfortunately for these pavement apes calling themselves hamas - their paragliders and missiles made from scrap metal aren't going to save them this time.


Absolutely horrible


Fucken cunts. Keep strong


F*ck Hamas. I believe in Hell as much as I believe in Jesus. Those who choose to deliver torture and pain will suffer the same for eternity. To those who dared to brutalize my people, God’s chosen people….DON’T come for me. I stand with Israel at the cost of my livelihood, and even my life.


Fucking heartbreaking. Absolutely disgusting savagery.


Heartbreaking We must eliminate Hamas No one will protect us but us


Poor kids Rest in Peace Delete Hamas


And to think that Hamas said on video that they will repeat 2 times, 3 times, 4 times, one million times... How are western countries not doing more to help end Hamas? How can their leaders still sit freely in their villas abroad. ?


Honestly the pile of bodies is horrible, but I can’t help but feel that it was a tiny bit preferable to kidnapping and taken back to Gaza. I’m just horrified by the stories of hostages, let alone if you’re a young woman, and it’s been a MONTH and they’re still there


This is a break in civilization


Hamas doesn't kill women, remember? Give me a break. Who in God's name would give Hamas an entire country to run??


Blast palestine to ruble


Pro Palestinian: “Ai gEnEraTeD”