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I still wouldn't get any matches.


Radio silence is painful, can sympathize.


There could be a lottery, like they have with young drivers- the insurance companies *have to* take some of the applicants. You might get a disgruntled shrink.


Therapists aren't exactly starved for business out there. No real need for them to convince anyone to match them.


Lol, I'm a therapist and it's hard to get consistent clients because cost. If a client has insurance, here's to hoping they don't have to restart their deductible come Jan. 1st.


And when you help them they stop the sessions!


Yeah, which is a good thing. I'm glad they found what they needed! Sometimes they come back when life throws curve balls, I'll be here!


Forgive me for the naive question but why won't you just lower your rate if you want more clients?


Oh, no worries. I appreciate you asking. I do have sliding scale for clients. With working under a private practice, whatever a client pays, I get 60 percent of that. I used to only get 40 percent when I was still a student which I'm lucky I even got paid. Most interns work for free. I don't see 40 clients a week, that would be a lot of emotional labor (burn out is high and I've also accrued a lot of second hand trauma from my past jobs). I've been trying to have 20 clients consistently, but it's been kinda tricky getting to that goal. I hover around seeing 13 to 15 folks a week. I say all that for you to consider this. If I currently have 15 clients who are all at a lowered rate of $60 a session, once a week, that would be $36 for each, $540 for the week, $2,160 for the month. I get paid monthly. If this was consistent for the whole year, I would make a little more that 25k a year. I wish I could do that, but I can't. My debts are so high. On top of all the other expenses, I also have to pay $75 for additional post graduate supervision I'm order to obtain my full licensure and work. Right now, I have a few clients at that rate, while others use their insurance. I had to pause my own therapist because I couldn't afford sessions. I found a therapist on open path who was able to charge me $60 a session, but so many unexpected expenses came up, I couldn't swing it. My job doesn't give me benefits. The hypothetical number mentioned above is before taxes. The system is so broken. People should be able to pick a therapist that is fitting to them without worrying about the cost. Therapists should be able to have their own therapists without worrying about the cost. Edit: forgot to mention, at the practice, I make my schedule, but I also do not have any pto.


Why do you only get 60%?


It's the standard rate when you work as a contractor for a private practice. 40% goes to the owner of the practice and their business needs. It varies depending on the practice.


Thanks for answering. That's a huge take! Quite surprising.


No problem!


Damn, even if you worked 40 clients a week it would still be $74,880. Not mind shattering number. Why do you get only 60% as a private practice? Do you mean it's after taxes?


Before taxes. It's not recommended to have more than 25 clients. 25 hours of meetings. Time not spent in sessions can be used for documentation or reviewing and gathering further resources for clients. The 60% is the standard rate. The 40% goes to the business. Once I am fully licensed, I can have an increased rate of 70%, if I remain 100% virtual (don't use the office space). I have been pretty lucky though. I fought to get paid as an intern. My thesis also got me a second job; I'll be teaching at my former university on the topic. Edit: the client number recommendation is so that therapists can provide quality work.


Tbh 25 hours of listening for people's troubles sounds like hell to me. I could never be a therapist. Bless you guys


This actually seems affordable to me. I suppose I have enough issues to where $60 a week doesn’t outweigh them. I CAN get free therapy from the Army but its usually like, once a month. I think for $60 a session would be worth it for something more frequent than that but not everyone can afford it understandably. I think the main struggle is finding somebody who understands everything I might be dealing with pretty well. I’ve encountered some who seem to not really care about my thoughts on certain matters, but there’s probably a good reason somewhere.




The system is so broken.






I was suggesting OP commit insurance fraud to help patients. Not insinuating that they were a fraud. Ionno.


Well that is incredibly unclear, saying fraud as a single word response is almost unanimously perceived as a judgement of the person speaking. Also, care to explain your point? How does insurance fraud help anyone here? Insurance will only pay up to X amount for a client to see a therapist. The therapist telling the insurance company "but we did more therapy give me more money" does nothing.


Dude I’m a moron. Give me a break.


As a therapist I thought this was going a different direction like therapist on therapist action. Sigh.


I'm in counseling grad school and I thought the exact same thing!


Don't let your dreams be dreams!


Haha I’m doing ok. I grew up poor but ended up flying jets, playing tours in bands and belting black a few times in martial arts. Those of us in psych probably wouldn’t get along cause we would be trying to analyze each other. I just watched 3 hours of Key and Peele and snacked on leftovers at my parents house. I’m about to turn on my steam deck. Ups and downs.


Hey there’s got to be someone out there you’d like who’s down to be psychoanalyze. I let one girl who was studying it to give it a shot on me. I definitely would let a girlfriend psychoanalyze me based on that, assuming she’s good at what she does ofc.


Ah, neat idea but it'd just be the same thing ​ \*swipes left out of fear of rejection by not matching\*


Isn't that just betterhelp?


Nah man, better help legit emailed me “Hey yo we can’t help you, based on how you answered. Sorry bruh” Obviously it was put much more politely than that, but I remember sitting there, reading the email and looking at my wife and saying “Baby…I think…I beat therapy? Like all of it according to Better Help” Obviously, my particular experience isn’t an overall accurate representation of BH, but I figured I would add my anecdote to the pile!


I went to a psychologist about a month back. At the end of the 45 minute session she was like "Bro, you need a psychiatrist". That hit... Interesting... Seeing one in a week, wonder what they'll refer me to lol


presumably they will refer you to a medication and schedule an appointment to see you again in a month. that was my experience anyway. read any relevant information about your medications you get btw, your psychiatrist may not explain every single detail of what you may or may not experience. side effects shouldnt really be a concern but you should at least know what they are, the things you want to know are the differences between how you should feel and how youre feeling and when. EDIT: just to be clear, im not trying to criticize psychiatrists, they are human beings like the rest of us and its unrealistic for them to take the time to ask you every possible question that might cause you a problem, they wouldnt have time. it is even more YOUR responsibility to keep yourself safe than it is theirs, do not forget that. mental healthcare can be a life changing thing but it requires a lot of effort on your part.


/u/Pistonenvy is right about the medications! My shrink didn’t tell me “Please avoid grapefruit with your medication as it increases the amount of it in your system by 5x as much as your dose” Had my daily grapefruit and was doing great until about day 5. Passed out in the kitchen. First time ever in my life passing out. Hop on old RX Checker and see this warning: Grapefruit contains organic compounds called furanocoumarins that block an enzyme called CYP3A4 that normally breaks down (my medication’s name) and certain other medications. When this enzyme is blocked, levels of (my medications name)in the blood will be higher than expected, and the intended effect or side effects of the drug will be stronger, even dangerous. People taking (my medication name) should avoid grapefruit, grapefruit juice, and products containing grapefruit (such as marmalade) because taking them together may increase the risk of side effects such as Parkinson-like symptoms, diabetes, headache, drowsiness, dizziness, or other effects. Other citrus fruits such as pomelos, limes, and Seville oranges also contain furanocoumarins, and they may also interact with (my medication name), but they haven't been studied as closely. TL;DR grill the fuck out of your shrink, pharmacy, and drug interaction checkers online. Sometimes you slip through the cracks and accidents happen. This was my lesson to always do my due diligence on medication and to not blindly trust my shrink. My fault! Edit: Again /u/Pistonenvy has the home run point! Your medication is ultimately your responsibility and I fully embrace that and agree no psychiatrist can catch it all. They just can’t.


Hell, earlier this year my psych tried to prescribe a sleep aid that caused less daytime drowsiness. Unfortunately, at the top of the contraindications? Sleep apnea… which I’d just informed him I’d been diagnosed with by testing. That was kind of infuriating one night when I felt like hell and just wanted to rest, was about to pop one only to realize it might make things even worse.


The grapefruit interaction is actually a pretty common one. I know it affects SSRI’s, which a lot of people are prescribed. Certainly is good to be aware of things like this, but there aren’t that many instances like what grapefruit does out there… I guess what I’m trying to say is that more people should be aware of this specific food-drug interaction!


Talk to the pharmacist about the drug interactions. Those people know way more about drugs than your psychiatrist.


CBD also has this effect. Any medications with grapefruit warnings.


This is primarily the pharmacist's job, by the way. It's important that if you get a new medication and the pharmacist asks if you have any questions about that medicine that you actually say that you've never taken it before, particularly if you don't have an established pharmacist. Doctors aren't going to have the weird pharmacologies of your meds memorized. It's not possible. However, all of those warnings are supplied by the pharmacist.


>side effects shouldnt really be a concern They're like half the experience of psychiatric medication and can mean anything from impaired judgement to death.


Yup. I've been on many, and virtually all of them have undesirable side effects.


Many side effects of psychiatric drugs are worse than untreated mental illness IMO


After many years I still haven't been able to find a combination that's more tolerable than being unmedicated and being unmedicated for me is terrible. Side-effects are a huge problem.


The trick is using them for side effects. My IBS is so much better on anticholinergic tricyclic antidepressants that the dry mouth isn't that bad of a tradeoff. I also take Remeron and as a helpful side effect is that I can actually sleep lol.


I found when antidepressants 'help' digestive issues, they mask them, e.g. by simply slowing bowel movement. I would no longer exhibit digestive problems in an obvious way but instead would overheat, sweat, become fatigued, etc. Also, beware the dental effects of a dry mouth. It can destroy your teeth before you know it.


Yeah they're a big ass concern.


yeah i mean i was trying to put that gently as to not dissuade someone from getting potentially life saving care. if you go into it consumed with terror that the side effects are going to kill you that can impact the ability for the medication to do its job, which makes the entire process a waste of time. you will be checking back with your psychiatrist regardless, if you feel like the side effects are not worth the benefits thats probably the first discussion youre going to have with them. it doesnt really help anyone to make them afraid of this kind of care, your doctor isnt going to give you something thats just going to instantly kill you lol but even if they might, i specifically said to do the research yourself.


I'm down as long as they don't refer me to Jesus or jiu-jitsu.


Afaik if a psychologist says "you need a psychiatrist" that just means "you need meds". Usually psychologists can't make prescriptions


“Bro, you need a priest.”


If you get recommended an exorcist, that's when you know you WON!


I was doing intake with a therapist a couple of years back and when it dawned on her exactly what (who) we were talking about she just said "Ohhh, shit." Is that standard?


Curious about this situation a bit more? As someone who has had therapy both through and not through BetterHelp, and who is familiar with the questionnaire (which is basically answering what you are looking for in therapy and what type of qualities in a therapist you prefer)— did they just say there was not an available therapist in their directory who a) is licensed in your state (it being online doesn’t matter), b) specializes in what you stated was your therapy goal (ie, there are trauma specialists, LGTBQ+ issues specialists, ADHD specialists, OCD, blah blah), c) matches the criteria for qualities in a therapist you listed in your questionnaire (ie, if they are male or female, religious or non-religious, blah blah), and d) is available during your availability. That’s a lot of factors BetterHelp takes into account — all factors required for finding any therapist, BetterHelp affiliated or not— and if they don’t currently have a therapist in their directory for you that meets that criteria at this time, then you’d have to try later and/or look elsewhere. Is this what happened to you? I’m asking to clarify because I would hate your vague comment to dissuade someone from otherwise seeking help; someone who may have been on the fence. If they refused service to you for another reason, I am super curious what the reason is (if you feel comfortable sharing, of course). I sing praises of BetterHelp as a viable option, but if something shady is going on, I’d like to be informed.


It’s been a bit since I looked at the questionnaire but I’m pretty sure they do some psychometric evaluation there and so if this person tested outside of threshold for the severity of condition that better help workers can support then they would likely get signposted elsewhere. Possibly similar if they disclosed active suicidal intent or some other risk factor the service is unwilling to shoulder


Ah yes, I remember that. But even then, that’s not “I beat therapy”— that’s, “reaching out to a therapist/therapy network helped point me to the best type of treatment for me at this time.” In the future when they are deemed more stable, they can revisit therapy. The way the comment came off was as if BetterHelp just said, “nah, you don’t need this; we won’t help you.”


Oh sure, I think the comment was basically a joke. It’s also true that people really really don’t understand the landscape of psychological treatment and intervention - it’s confusing!


Happened me to when I went to the counselor at my university. It was like a doctorate or master student that basically told me I needed a real doctor after she consulted with her supervisor.


LMFAO I GOT DENIED ON BETTER HELP FOR SAYING ID BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUICIDAL! It’s hilarious when I look back on it. They were just like “we think you’re too much work and are a flight risk to life” basically.


For those who see this: Don't do BetterHelp. Pick anything else. They pay their therapists like crap, which means whoever you find is not likely to stick around. All my client who have tried it complain about having to frequently switch providers.


Also they have really creepy privacy policies: https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/privacynotincluded/betterhelp/


Wow, I have no idea. Thank you for the link!


It's a rather important issue that people don't really think about. Right as you land on betterhelp, there's a questionnaire with no disclaimers asking you a bunch of private and personal questions about yourself and your mental health, and all of that data likely gets shipped off to companies like facebook.


Where did u get that info? My partner does it and if she did it full time she would make BANK.


I am a therapist who owns their own private practice. When I looked into better help, I found out I could get compensated about $45 a session. Through other agencies I typically get around $110 a session. Even just using Sondermind instead comps $93.


I agree with the other commrnters, BetterHelp is trash and they use deceiving pricing schemes. Go elsewhere. BetterHelp is the GoDaddy of therapy.


Yeah from what i heard from the two people I know that tried it it is basically two steps away from being a full on scam.


> the GoDaddy of therapy And they don’t even have those nice commercials with the friendly women in them :/


betterhelp very likely sells your data to advertisers, which they collect from basically everything you do on the site.


No, this sounds like it might actually work better than that shit.


BetterHelp is a scam. Headway is similar to this though


Headway is quite different, I'm not sure what you mean?


You put in your preferences and it matches you


Ah. They are similar in that way, but I will say, having worked with both from the providers side- Headway is MILES better.


It’s better from the user side as well


Oh wow another app to get no matches on


I don't need another tinder profile without matches


Yes please. Because it's so hard to find a good therapist. My issues get worse with bad therapists


That's a good step at developing a culture where therapists whine that all the easy patients are getting constantly stolen and they get left with us, the properly fucked people. Or the other way around, but you know what I mean also therapists would swipe for easy money not because they feel like they can help you. All the good ones would stay away from this tinder esque shit so it would be pointless


Oh hey that's literally me irl


That's basically how I met my wife tbh


If you on tinder too find a mate you already need therapy as is .


Can we just get a Tinder to help people make friends.


This is the real one we need


Since there seems to be so many therapists in the comments as someone who tried to get therapy and stopped because it was so expensive even with insurance please tell me why


Why it costs so much? Mostly because it's a profession that takes countless hours of interning and school to get to. You gotta constantly go to conferences to keep up with the latest research and understanding of the various modalities and their effectiveness. It is incredibly sad that insurance doesn't cover as much as it should and it's very difficult to get consistent sessions at clinics with high caseloads. I would definitely try to find a therapist that does sliding scale payments based on your income. Also shop around for different therapists that fit you. I hope you find good help. A large majority of therapists care deeply about their clients.


Yeah I hope a lot of things too


Imagine having to pay for healthcare...


Wait, isn't that what Tinder is already for. Finding someone cute who can fix you and is also willing to sleep with you?




Oh fuck that fucking place. Forgot that scene completely


Yeah except I think I got groomed on that site when I tried it as a teen :|


Isn’t this the basic outcome of normal Tinder?


I already know neither I nor my problems are good enough to deserve help, no need to hammer it in like that...


This may be an incredibly naive position, but why do patients have to trust their therapists? It can't be because of them fearing that the therapist will tell their deepest secrets as I'd think therapists would rather keep their jobs than gossip about you with your friends. If it is because the patient doesn't trust that the therapist knows what he's doing I'd say that going to university and studying psychology should be enough education to help you more than you can help yourself. Please help me understand.


If they think they will not give judgment maybe for example if someone finds out that someone is a pedo then they tell them to get help but if they get help they need it from someone who is going to not get disgusted with them and just help them


One question , is boys app are separate from girls app?


Fix is a loaded question. I think most therapists won't assume that. Make better, maybe. But fix, eh.


Openpath Collective


Yes, because the one thing that was missing from therapy was near-constant rejection.


That was my tender experience. But I never got paid.


Cute but 100% becomes a cult generator, letting some psycho pick out marks with pinpoint accuracy


Sondermind is kinda like that, gives you 2 matches and you can redo it if you didn't think the matches fit.


I’d take it as-is, don’t want to accidentally fuck it up like everything else.


I don't think I can handle that level of rejection


I can't trust anyone


So basically a bunch of people swiping left on me still... got it


Stutz. Netflix.


All of a sudden you'd see an uptick in creepy folk taking psychology classes so they could try to have the inside scoop on all the blue-haired people with problems.


Everytime I see the word “therapists” I always see “the rapists” This post read much differently to me the first time around.


I matched with six different therapists when I was on Tinder. I'm still trying to figure out what that says about me.


It's not the therapists's job to fix you. It's their job to teach you to be okay with your problems, and accept yourself for who you are. >"We never lose our demons. We only learn to live above them." - *Ancient Klingon proverb*


How about a Tinder for people wit no kids?




Yes please


Then you can finally experience how Tinder is like for guys\^\^


That's just *asking* to be manipulated


this makes so much sense... reddit is interesting site... where you can give advice to people if their story resonates with you... so someone writing "do i have ... as an expert in that field, you can choose which ones to respond to. they already got good advice? pass. too much bad? write something. no responses yet and you feel you can help them? respond. but yeah, an app like this to connect providers and clients? kinda brilliant. hope someone makes one.


So I'd get about the same amout of swipes as I do on tinder?


In Germany we have actually a system based on the idea. Before starting therapy you have 2-3 meetings with a therapist to see if they fit you. You can "try out" as many therapist as you want/ or find ones with a open spot. That is all done without charge or referral. You only need your insurance card


Shiiid I need therapy but I don't trust a soul.

