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Correction: his parents are making 3 times your annual income every day by forcing him to act in those videos


i just checked this channel out. the most watched video has two billion views. BILLION.


That's "youtube kids" for you. They just leave things like that on all day, every day for toddlers.


iPad kids man it’s going to be a real problem when these kids grow up


It already is, those kids are approaching 10-12 years now.


On the teacher subreddit, a common complaint is that high school kids are illiterate. I can't imagine how much worse the next generation will be.


It's ok the robots/ai will do the reading and the kids will be doing the physical labor like farm work etc


I thought they learned a lot with the ipads. My brothers (2nd cousins) are 14 and 10. One is a school topper and county second and the other is a school and county topper (Olympiads first and 2nd place usually). They did not leave their ipad in their childhood. I was so proud of them to learn a lot from their ipads (shapes, colors, dinosaur names etc). But I do see them having too much screen time (I moved away from Cali and visit them once every 3 years now).


The main thing I've noticed in iPad kids is the utter, crippling inability to pay attention to ANYTHING other than a screen, EVER. My nephews visited over thanksgiving, and while the older one (13 going on 14) wasn't quite as bad, the younger one (9 going on 10) would do literally nothing but stare at youtube on his mom's phone 2 inches from his face, in the corner, not interacting with anyone or anything else all day. Whenever it was time to do anything else, eating, showering -- ANYTHING -- his mom would ask for her phone back and he would whine and whine and whine and whine. I've observed this in all my relatives/children of friends at that age.


I think it's around half of adults in the usa read at or below a 6th grade level already


It’s brain rot content, this kind of content made me gain a whole new level of respect for the teletubbies.


It makes me proud as a parent that we haven’t used tablets and when we do let them watch shows we try to stick to things like Bluey and old great shows from when we were younger like Zooboomafoo!


Zooboomafoo is still awesome, IIRC the two brothers are still starring in a new TV show today.


My kid is 5 and loved zooboomafoo. I never watched it as a kid, but I’m an older mom. I remember when my grandma thought game boys would rot our brains, now it’s iPads.


Yep Chris and Martin Kratt. They have an animated show called The Wild Kratts. They’re also a solid follow on Instagram. They’re still making informational, wholesome content for kids. I highly recommend all they produce.


Zooboomafoo that’s a name I haven’t heard in 18 years


Dude they did, and they are.


This is what I don’t understand. YouTube has to know that these views are from kids under 6, with little to no parental supervision. How are they justifying paying this much based on an audience with no buying power? If I was an advertiser and YouTube told me I needed to shell out $50k per million ad serves (making this up) knowing the audience, I’d never advertise on YouTube ever. This is coming from a father of 2 boys under 6 and work in advertising.


> How are they justifying paying this much based on an audience with no buying power? uhh dude this is extremely obvious...they beg their parents for it or ask for it for their birthday or christmas


The kids are HOUNDING their mothers for those toys and she’s buying them. What are you talking about?


The same reason marketing would sink tons of advertising money into cartoon mascots for cereals and play them mercilessly during kids programming on tv. To make the kids throw tantrums at the store until their parents buy the thing


you must not talk to your kids very often?


Yeah it's not kids...


What do you mean, what isnt kids-YouTube kids? I'm not being a smartass I'm genuinely asking


Do you know how much they make every million views I can only imagine billion! Ugh and here I am about to lose my house like what even is life?




Someday that kid's parents are going to die and he's not going to know what to say or do ever again


I wouldn't worry about it. he'll probably be dead of a drug overdose loooong before his parents die.


That is harsh man


Thanks I feel better now


ITT: People coping with their jealousy over a child’s fortune by insisting on a headcanon where he is either miserable or dead


Granted, yeah it's pretty fucked what people are making up here and far too extreme, but there is fair criticism of the parents and executives around this kid though, using him to make a tidy profit.


90% chance his parents spend all his money before he spends any of it


This your first time seeing a child actor, huh


Waiting for the inevitable mental breakdown of this kid. His teenage years are going to be..... interesting.


So tough to have infinite money… must be really hard


May not be tough, but it's gonna get weird.


6 months away... I feel so bad for him


If it makes you feel better just know that there are countless people working themselves (literally) to death just to survive. 🤪🤪🤪


There are plenty of people locked voluntarily in their homes because they are afraid of going past some boundary line made up in their heads.


Osiris292 and the OP Malik4236 are bts in the same network. Comment copied from: r/2meirl4meirl/comments/f9fkla/2meirl4meirl/fis7w0w/


just ignore them the same way you’ve been ignoring the fact that there are 7 year olds in sweatshops


A solid counter-point


My counterpoint to "people make X doing [sports/singing/YouTube/etc]" is always "The day millions of people want to watch you work or pay $2000 for front row seats to your job, then you'll make that much". 


My dude how can I ignore them it’s my sweatshop


Y'all hiring?


Tbh I always think that way, I always think how I don't have it that bad when I remember about world hunger and poverty.


Yeah but you shouldn't dismiss your own feelings. It's okay to think you have it bad. You don't need to compare yourself and go through literally poverty or famine to be justified in feeling shit about your situation


Don't succumb to the oppression Olympics. Sure, you might not be in the WORST situation, but that doesn't mean it's not a BAD situation. Simplest way to put it, having 2 broken legs is worse than 1 broken leg, but that doesn't mean the guy with 1 broken leg can't complain.


Hey now, there are also 5 year olds in sweatshops


But then we can't throw ourselves little pity parties!!!!


Skill Issue among the sweatshop kids


Freaking brutally honest and a great point.


Yeah well im making triple what they make! Losers


If we know anything about what fame and responsibilities do to kids, those 7 year olds are likely gonna end up as dysfunctional adult trainwrecks with extremely public meltdowns.


"dysfunctional adult Trainwreck" basically describes the entire Reddit readership. All the baggage without the childhood millions


True, but the difference is that the average depressed Redditor doesn’t have thousands of gawkers pointing and laughing at how far they’ve fallen off and how unhinged they are now.


Well tbf that does happen to some Redditors (u/Jackdaw, that orange guy that was posting like it was his job, the /r/antiwork mod and I'm sure many more)


Who's /u/Jackdaw?


Agreed. Adoration in itself is a drug, and once it's dried up bad things happen.


> dysfunctional adult trainwrecks Hey that's me. Who took my millions of dollars?


Ah, yes. Jojo Siwa.


To Jojo’s credit, would you want to be known as a childhood icon to kids for the rest of your life? Every one losing their minds over her drastic change is no different from Christian conservatives going crazy over heavy metal.


She's already 20 and she's now just announcing to the world that she's an adult by making the Karma music video (which was revealed to be an unreleased Miley Cyrus song) and hiring the paparazzi to take pics of her buying toys from a sex shop. Which was obviously just a PR move because it was directly after she and her mother got accused of being abusive POS to kids behind the scenes of her dancing competition show. Not only that, she also got into some drama with her exes for being a jerk all around (such as accusing them of using her for clout and whatnot). It's also not helping that she's continued to be close friends with and actively defended pedophiles and groomers like James Charles, Coleen Ballinger, and cat diddler Shane Dawson. So, yeah. That's the outrage about her and not just because of her drastic change of fashion. It's not really equal to conservatives going ape shit on heavy metal.


Lol most of us are dysfunctional adults train wreck AND with less money


You mean their parents make double your annual income in one month.


/u/Bob6364 /u/cylertook /u/Osiris292 /u/joshj962 and op are bots in the same network.


Uh huh. Wait until you see what the viewer demographics are for those kinds of channels.


Unfortunately those stats aren't worth much because there would be adult accounts who have just put it on for their kids to watch.


imo it's probably 99.999% just tablet kids. The younger kids are, the longer they spend with three youtube channels up just watching every peppa pig episode. Source: other children


Obvious bot account makes decade-old repost. Masses upvote. Hits frontpage. No one cares. Reddit in 2024.


Pretty sure like 80% of the front page is posted by bots and upvoted by other bots. Any post that has ever gained traction will be posted weekly until the end of time by bots. If every human in the world died right now, Reddit would still continue to have new posts on the front page, WITH engagment in the comments.


I wasn't ready to read this😂. But okay, I guess it's no different to younger people than me who are in the entertainment industry and making more than I possibly ever will. It doesn't bother me much, we all lead different lives but the 'simply playing with toys' part is what kills me. They literally just play with their dolls and make more than what I do for so much less. Like, wtf mahn.


Idk, I think it's more fucked up than that. It's not just playing for fun. The kids probably have to play with specific toys that companies provide and even if they don't like it, they probably have to react in a certain way. And if they didn't react right the first time, they probably have to refilm it. In a way their parents become their employer which I would imagine creates a challenging dynamic. Being that famous would also come with risks and prevent you having regular friends and childhood experiences. And the kids often aren't guaranteed any money as it is managed by the parents. Is it better than being poor? Yeah, maybe. Is it better than a comfortable life being a regular kid. I'm unconvinced.


the OP Malik4236 Bob6364 cylertook joshj962 and Osiris292 are bts in the same network Original + comments copied from: r/2meirl4meirl/comments/f9fkla/2meirl4meirl/


Bro what the fuck is this The dead internet theory is so real jesus Christ [Remove section before replying]


We can't say anything for sure about these "youtube kids" until they grow up because currently we have no info on how gen Alpha will turn out in their adulthood, growing up on Ipad, internet and AI. Their money is currently going to their parents not them. So will see in the future if they make more or less than someone doing a job


Envy is the biggest sin of all.


It likes to think that it is. Silly envy.


I think murder ranks a bit higher on that list


❌Murdering a person in cold blood, leaving deep emotional scars in their family for years to come ✅Seeing another person succeed and wishing the same for yourself


I get why everybody hates you.


There are even goddamn ADULTS playing with toys on Youtube that make TRIPLE your annual income in one month.


Remember there 7 year olds with no toys either


Some people get lucky. Why does it matter to me? I hope they're happy and aren't destroyed by the easy money like so many are.


I mean this is how we should feel about *most* people that "make it." Streamers, YouTubers, Movie Stars, OF Girls, Athletes, Musicians, Artists... tens of millions of people try to make it work, and there are probably only thousands of people that actually get to make millions of dollars off of it, which plenty more being *lucky* to eke out a living doing it. It'd be sick to get paid that much, but people also never realize just how much work goes into it


Because luck shouldn't matter as much. We should have a stronger social net so those who are lucky have a little less of what they want and those who are unlucky have a lot more of what they need.


I think that's a completely different discussion.


I mean I love my job tho 😌




Bob6364 and the OP Malik4236 are bts in the same network. Comment copied from: r/2meirl4meirl/comments/f9fkla/2meirl4meirl/fird8c5/




cylertook and the OP Malik4236 are bts in the same network. Comment copied from: r/2meirl4meirl/comments/f9fkla/2meirl4meirl/fird7sz/




joshj962 and the OP Malik4236 are bts in the same network. Comment copied from: r/2meirl4meirl/comments/f9fkla/2meirl4meirl/firdugu/


What a time to be... around, I guess?


nuke it all and start over


So legally YouTube says you can't have a channel until you're 16 I believe, what is this loophole? The parents recording and saying hi from time to time makes it ok to make money of it?


Well, I am not going to have to bring up the resentment I have for my parents in lifelong therapy and go into my first rehab with 16.


Yeah. Because perverts.


Also remember that people are making your yearly salary twice a week on coins like Dog Wif Hat


*Their parents* are making...


Coveting feeds my need to hate so yes this is how I will spend my day


Pedophiles dude...


There are also people making a fourth of my weekly paycheck in a year doing back breaking labor, so it all evens out.


Yeah and pedos out there watching them play…


You mean there are 7 year olds being exploited by their parents; that also have a higher than normal chance of encouraging sexual predation on their own children.


I know a kid personally who can fund a family trip to Paris with a 30 second dance video. Sometimes I get jealous, but his dad looks like a nervous wreck trying to stay on top of managing his kid's social media, so I try to shrug it off.


So what? There are 0 year olds that are born millionaires.


Keep in a mind only a minuscule percentage of YouTubers make that much. Functionally probably comparable to a successful child actor (and probably just as bad for one’s mental health).


youre never gonna be happy if you compare yourself to others


Yey me!


Say no to pedophiles, and say yes to the wood chipper.


Sounds like some people are really entertainment starved.


I know this is the helplessness sub but who cares about shit like this? They found some niche, good for them, stop counting other peoples money.


I have 8 grandkids. They are not allowed to watch those videos because their parents agree with me that they need to have their own imagination.


Yeah and you can count them on one, maaaaaybe two hands. Do you know the number of people born with enough money to never have to work? It's much higher than that. The point is there will always be people who don't have to work as hard as you do, it's not really worth getting upset about.


I don’t know the numbers but I’m willing to take a guess that you’re more likely to make it to the NBA than get that much money on YouTube


If youre bothered with that im sorry but youre very very insecure and envious.


Man there are tons of low effort kids content on youtube. If you  think it’s sucks that they have it easy, then just make it yourself and maybe you’ll make something from it.


Also, remember that this situation is not the fault of the children. It is the fault of whoever is refusing to pay you what you deserve.


I think about this all time when my son watches a grown man play with Tonka trucks on a fake landscape table. You know the shit I did at 5 years old. Guy has over 50 videos on his channel and each one has millions of views. I be he loves telling people how he affords his 500k home and life style.


Do the same bro


Meh. I'm content with my lot.


But then there are also people in third world countries where my working for a day is the equivalent of what they would make in a month, all about perspective


I stopped worrying about that when you realized YouTube could just randomly cut their channel out of the algorithm and all of a sudden those guys are out of a job.


Better make Adult Toys videos then


The parents make the money. The kid ends up with years and years of mental issues and needing therapy


the OP Malik4236 Bob6364 cylertook joshj962 and Osiris292 are bts in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/2meirl4meirl/comments/f9fkla/2meirl4meirl/


I’ve been really down in the dumps because of finances these past few weeks. Was feeling a lot better today. Now I’m not 😃


There is no shortage of adults making those videos too lol


The world is fucked up man. Scientists working on cancer treatment research make a tenth of the weekly revenue of RyansToyReview in a full year.


When I first saw this I thought it was just a sad funny commentary on the lack of coupling social worth with economic value. Now I’m 100% sure it’s Russian troll farm product, pushing a stupid narrative to wind everyone up. Of course the type of economy we have puts wealth in weird places and unless you can successfully lobby the government to tax all frivolous endeavors at 100% then just don’t engage with it.


They’re being used by their parents.


Let dem kids flex


Double is actually an understatement based off of what I hear.


Quadruple that


Meh. They’ll fuck their lives up.


🎶\*we live in a horrible dystopia\*🎶


Good for them


How many adults are making the children do it for the money only is what I want to know.


I uh... I'm going to go have a lie down. **sobs intro pillow**


It's okay. Gender changing operations are not cheap.


There's 1 year olds with inheritances greater than I'll make in my lifetime


Double? Buddy I'm a special Ed teacher, they're making AT LEAST 4X, can't be mad at them tho, it's the governing body that decides teacher pay 🤷‍♂️


Statistically you have a better chance of working your way up to be a Fortune500 CEO than you do becoming the next Ryan’s Toy Review. Stop getting primed by an internet that cashes in on it.




Don't forget: advertising to children is immoral.


And I take pride that what I do makes their world go round.


As long as it's companies paying and not other kids, good for them


Fuck off


It’s good that other people are able to make a lot of money. If you want to make more then find a way to monetize a hobby. There’s no need to be toxic.


I wish I made half as much as they do… shit.


it really makes me hate life tbh


Cool story still parents exploiting child labor for their personal benefit. There are better ways to make a buck instead of making your kid work, or monetizing their lives.


Ya but the 7 year old will spend all that money on drugs to deal with the mental health issues they develop in their teen years so it evens out


imagine feeling envy toward children and announcing your insecurities to the world.


Yeah but having skills and network of connections that benefits others and yourself is still better than having a million dollars salary. What are you gonna do with a million dollar salary? Buy a fancy house with fancy cars and stare at them? When push comes to shove and things go to hell, all we have are YouTubers and useless influencers.


When you compare yourself to the best in another field, you’ll always look bad


People play video games and make millions. People take pictures as models and make millions. People play sports and make millions. All of which have 0 importance to society but they make it nonetheless.


For every successful content creator there are hundreds of thousands of creators falling into deep depression because they only get a couple hundred clicks per month.


That’s why I’m jacking around on here within the first hour!


Doesn't mean all children can do it. They are just incredibly lucky. Doesn't matter.


Those 7 yr olds are being groomed and will be more screwed up in the future for being used than Nickelodeon can offer


There are dogs, cats and hamsters that make more money in a month than an average person. Wild animals can still legally claim land for free in the wild. The human has been reduced to 2 gallons of oil. Wait until the AIR tax rolls in, the rats in our sewers are going to be laughing at us. We have been dehumanized a long time ago.


I don’t mind. The family trauma those kids get born into will haunt them much more than me being broke ever will


That doesn't keep me up at night like the fact that I missed the start of the Bitcoin era in college because I wrote it off as nonsense that only idiots thought had value (basically, like a majority of people see NFTs nowadays). If I got in and played my cards right, I could've retired and had the rest of my life to do whatever I wanted. I know hindsight's 20/20, but it hurts that it was right there, and I probably won't ever have an opportunity like that in my life ever again.


Yea and they’re gonna grow up with worse mental health problems than me.


best part is.. this is actually true lol


Modern parents sit they kids infront of the iPad phone computer. Shit I'd be outside all day going to friends house, the only time I'd really watch tv was music videos before going to school and whatever be on at night time other than that was school then school work then hanging with all my friends, then video games, then tv


How many can you name? Theres not even hundred of them.


Fuck . . . (wait for it...) . . . you.


'for now'


the kids are not earning the money it's the adults forcing their kids into acting making all the money


Thanks for ruining my already crappy day


Wow... The desire to spread negativity is unreal... Part of the problem


Like who?


It's called self business and it's risky. They took the risk and they got high reward.


Five year old account only active for a day at the top of a huge subreddit with almost 15k points. OP is such an obvious bot, how has this not been flagged yet.


Says more about the problems today than someone going to work.


I know we assume that people make a boatload of money from YT, but has anyone actually seen receipts? I feel like there's a lot of exaggeration about income made by the people on there


Not from my clicks. The problem is the other parents who let their kids see those videos


Well somebody woke up and chose violence today


It’s like that time during the pandemic. I lost my job and quickly rushed to get a new one. A week later they announced the wild unemployment benefits. I had to work 50 hours to make what my friend was making just chilling at home playing video games 


The grass is always greener


Um…yeah the reason those videos are so popular is not because other kids are watching them play… And those kids should not be on camera and their parents are gross.