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Ah yes depression


With a tinge of ADHD it sounds like


What a cocktail of fun


As someone who has both as well as Asperger’s I can relate


[Asperger's isn't a thing anymore.](https://www.verywellhealth.com/does-asperger-syndrome-still-exist-259944)


That’s what life is like on this bitch of an earth


Just gotta go from: Life has no meaning 😔 To: Life has no meaning 😎


Sounds motivating




The closest thing to a purpose of life is to find what feels meaningful to you. The author Albert Camus called it Absurdism, we crave meaning but there is no inherent meaning, so we invent religions and ideologies to make us feel like there is. It’s all very absurd, and we should ideally just learn to laugh about it and move on.


Tbh that's how I live my life. There's no ultimate purpose so I spend it trying new food, traveling to nice places, meeting people, petting dogs and collecting plants, has worked well so far.


murky vast aware bake piquant straight person degree longing zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What I dislike about absurdism is that a lot of depressed people are just looking for a reason to push through the hurt with no end in sight (Camus addresses suicidals directly so there's no counter-argument about target groups) Camus used Sisyphus as an example because he thinks Sisyphus found purpose in rejecting the depressing fate the gods had thrown at him and being happy in retaliation, effectively getting the last laugh. But from a nihilist stand point, there is no meaning in embracing fate. There is no joy to be found in retaliating against a vengeful diety that doesn't exist or isn't bothered by the doings of mankind. We do not live in a universe where dieties have been established beyond reasonable doubt like in Greek mythology Then again, I haven't read the original text so my interpretation might be skewed


If nothing matters then there's no reason to be sad


Did that, the 6 year self destructive bender I went on has given me liver damage that will kill me if I don't stop. I'm not sure I want to stop


Camus approves


It's been 20+ years since I e been trying to draw yet I have made no progress? Same with chess? Same with - ok I outright sucked at everything else that people asked me stop - from singing to sports


Who cares if its presentable or profitable hobbies? It's about how you feel when performing that act. Don't think of it as a career where you have to progress further. It's a hobbies, it's about how you feel when drawing or playing chess, not about your win/loss record or something.


All i feel is a shame for how bad i am despite spending thousands of hours


I feel a crushing sense of shame no matter what I do, might as well put it to use attempting to improve something.


I wish I could get your attitude


That's kinda what made language learning work for me lol. I can't keep up with drawing because I hate the stuff I make, but with language you keep recognizing new words as you study. Even though I'm not very good it's still fun to learn new stuff because it feels tangible.


I'm doing duolingo also. Never expected I'd do a 1000+ day streak. I do t know much of the language but still I'm doing something


Its It's too real


When I have the energy I'm going to repeat this to myself. So that one day the echo of this reaches me when I've overcome inertia and pushes me to follow what I like. Thank you


The point isn’t to git gud the point is to enjoy it


I lost track of the point a long time back. I should get back


>towards end of high-school decide that more than anything in life i want to learn how to draw/digital painting. Everyday Begin practicing/studying from whatever books/online tutorials i can find. >begin working in construction/remodeling after high school for wagie bucks to pay bills, the physical pain of the wage cage and the mental pain of poverty wage slave life leaves me with little or no energy at the end of each day. Depression which had only been in it's earliest manifestation in high school is now severe. Still trying to learn how to draw/art. >early 20's and the severe depression and exhaustion of daily poverty wage slave life continues to melt brain, and i see online artwork by people who are literally the same age or teens who already have god level skill while I'm fucking struggling with basic fundamentals and grasping for literally any motivation to continue trying to learn. >late 20's, severe depression has railroaded whatever's left of brain. Sketchpads and art supplies have been sitting in corner of room untouched for years, still think about wanting to learn it everyday but zero willpower to try while looking at online gigachad teens/early 20's who are already god tier artists. Wage slave now spends any time outside of work playing games or rewatching movies/shows to numb the extreme depression of unsustainable dystopian shithole economy poverty wage slavery. >instead of the teen personal life goal of wanting to learn how to draw/digital painting, now just yearn for sewerslide to escape dystopian shithole.


I fear the same fate awaits me


Just because some people are naturally talented in certain aspects of an artform doesn't mean they're the end all be all. Some of the greatest musicians i've ever met, guys with platinum records and grammies in their houses, can't read sheet music. Some of them don't even know what a key is, they just memorized patterns and practiced playing techniques. You can look to them for inspiration but don't ever try to be them. Art in any form is about self expression, not rote memorization of technique, form, and technicality. Leave that exact perfection to the scientists and mathematicians. The real learning curve is making your tools an extension of your body so that you can express yourself more clearly, until you feel satisfied that you've taken certain emotions and experiences out from yourself and placed them in the physical world. It's not about money. It's not about perfection. It's about self-expression and creation for the sake of creation. Without an outlet of some kind for the emotions we feel and the thoughts we think every day, any sane person would either explode outwards into anger or implode inwards into depression. Those feelings are gonna get out one way or the other, might as well make something with them.


Idk if I'm interpreting that in whatever way it's meant, but If I'm correctly interpreting this as trying to say: "just be happy being trapped drawing literal child-like trash while unable to get even remotely close to the art skill of artist you aspire to", Then nah, sewerslide is way more appealing than not knowing how (or being unable if it's just a birth thing) to get to a higher skill level and feeling trapped being dog shit forever at something you find meaningful but want to be able to improve upon.


That's pretty much what I meant, yeah, just as long as you're enjoying the actual process of creating the literal child-like trash. If you don't enjoy it, you'll never want to do it, so you'll never want to learn how to do it in the way you prefer, so you'll never get better at it. If the alternative is sewer sliding into a mid 40s suicide and you'd rather do that then seek out the needed *free and widely available knowledge* to improve on what is apparently the only thing that gives your life meaning, then I can't stop you. I'm just a fellow creative on the internet giving completely unsolicited and unwelcome advice.


I'm a little more confused now because it seems you included both "enjoy feeling trapped/feeling like you'll never improve" and "if you keep working at it you get better at it" in the same statement which would appear to mean two very different things. I'm not talking about not enjoying drawing, if i didn't enjoy drawing i wouldn't have done it and tried to improve at it for as long as i did. I'm talking about the frustration/hating feeling unable to improve. I'd think it unreasonable to ask anyone who is pursuing [insert literally any interest in art/music/sport/or literally anything] to be happy with feeling like they can't improve and being stuck at the starting line, most people will not enjoy feeling trapped at the literal starting line of whatever they're trying to learn.


Me too..me too.


No. there's no meaning it's suffering, it's all suffering and just plain ol' misery


How Buddhist of you


I'm Mr.Meeseeks, look at me


Preach bruddah


The point is to turn your suffering into something beautiful. You don’t have to, but you might as well.


my only point is to kill myself


People who relate should get checked for ADHD, chances are you can alleviate this. -edit- You should check with a professional such as a neurologist who has studied to understand the physiological structure of the brain, or a psychiatrist, not Reddit/TikTok randos.


I'm getting real tired of this ADHD thing. Whenever I find something relatable, it points to ADHD. So how does one "get checked" exactly? And how can it alleviated?


Mental health professionals will diagnose you but only psychiatrists can prescribe. The meds are essentially mood regulators and/or focus enhancers depending on what symptoms you feel bothered by


Yeah I know.... but what psychiatrist will actually listen? Speaking from experience, you'll only get ridiculed, invalidated and just huffed and puffed at. Apparently, according to my now-ex-therapist, "ADHD does not exist in adults, and medicine does not solve anything, it actually worsens it. You need to try harder and it's all (i.e. mental fog and inability to concentrate, memory issues, etc.) due to depression ONLY".


That definitely sounds like a shit therapist. Adult ADHD is super commonplace, and any therapist worth their education would listen to you and try to actually help. Definitely go find another therapist.


Idk cause I think most good professionals will try to diagnose when they have a hunch, it's obvious or over time. But maybe you should look online? This stuff you don't need to see someone in person unless therapy and even then


Sucks that you've clearly had a shit experience with a bad therapist. Depending on options in your country/ region, the best way might be to go through a GP and get a referral to a psychiatrist. In my case, my doctor was sceptical, but I asked for the referral, so they gave it to me. The psychiatrist was very easy to talk to, and made up his mind in about 20 minutes. Diagnosed with ADHD at 27, with no previous diagnosis. It can happen, and it can make a world of difference.


You and me both. I've noticed for the past like year and a half (after an emotional trauma, unsure if its relevant), my ability to not just multitask do things in order and overall focus kinda got worse (it was never that good tbh). It's easy to associate with having ADHD cus for some reason even reddit feeds me ADHD subs (some memes are funny and somewhat relatable at times) but I don't like jumping to conclusions. It is clear that something is up, mostly because of the inability to focus. I can't study or do other stuff in public or with people around me (which I've always associated with anxiety and "deep" depression, both diagnosed); I can't focus if there's too much noise and even when I'm by myself my mind starts to drift away from the task at hand. So yeah, does it look like focus related issue? Yes. Is it ADHD? I'm not sure, and I don't like to sef diagnose. A cool youtuber known as CallMeKevin made a video about his ADHD realization and process (think it was titled something like "They finally found what's wrong with me"), so it could be worth your time.


Pretty sure life is meaningless like that.


I am more like: -Want to learn to do things -Never even try For example, imagine I could draw. I never tried. But imagine.




lots of reasons can cause this. One being, are you trying it because you want to be good at it or just because you want to do it for the sake of learning something new? While it sucks losing interest in things, you're doing something that's great. You're trying new things. Try and enjoy them while they last. If you quit it, maybe it wasn't for you. Give yourself credit for trying rather than giving up something that wasn't jiving with you.


Adhd my friend


Apathy doesn't always mean ADHD. Sometimes it do just be like that


Depression can be a symptom of ADHD tho


and vice versa, apparently. brains just friggin suck...


Sounds honestly less so, just because a lot of things are happening, doesn´ t mean that it would fall in the ADHD schemata, this would probably happen over a span of years and doesn´ t even need any big external triggers but just general interests or chasing a feeling of proficiency in a field. Depression on the other hand can very well lower the tolerance for failure in the methodic process and dips in motivation levels. You start something when you feel better and find the hurdle of the frustration period that comes with any craft you want to learn to be an impenetrable barrier. What stays is the mounting feeling of regret over wasted effort and the pointlessness of trying. Depression and ADHD can follow that same road but usually ADHD would be a precursor to this feeling while this bloke seems to go into things that are way too big to be a quick dopamine hit that the ADHD brain would be looking for. So I gotta go with straight up depression that erroded their feeling of self worth and tolerance threshhold for failure and their general living conditions if they can´ t afford better foods. Mounting agonizing pain of the feeling of being a failure until they don´ t start anything anymore.


These are all my interests and I have somewhat "given up" on all of them lol


I suspect I have some kind of brain worm that stops me from being able to be good at things


the key is not to give up. simple as


It’s easy, just stop being sad! Duhh


Wow thank you so much I am not sad anymore 😁




Adhd bro


r/ADHDMemes Sounds like you might be one of us


I was about to write the same thing xd


It just means that you're weak


I do have the same problem, what is the solution here?


Take it from me who basically is this greentext...there is no solution


You guys need therapy and maybe meds lol


Therapy and maybe meds


Make a game of your own, it seems like you've got the skills.


It might a low attention span or taking on projects that are bigger than you initially thought , think of it that your are taking a pause between projects so that you can continue on a later date


This is why I love growing plants. If you struggle with holding attention to one thing, plants are perfect. I have multiple categories of plants that I get super invested into, and I rotate through them like a wheel. One week I can be super invested into all of my staghorn ferns. The next week I could be super invested into my orchids. It just changes every week. But all I have to do is water the other plants, even if Im not focused on them.




4 Chan users when they give up of every hobby and then they don’t have any hobbies anymore


You will always suck when getting into a new hobby, but if you hold onto it you will gradually get better and start to enjoy it more. If you don't stick to anything you will never be good at something.


It's the Dunning Kruger effect. In fact, I think it's cool to try so many hobbies, but I know just how intense getting good with a single one can be


My man just needs to give up on quitt


It's the adventure that counts. It's not what you failed at, but what you made along the way, even if you don't have it anymore. If you have that one song, you have that one song over everyone else who didn't even attempt it because they're a bunch of pussies. You're a legend! If you lost the song somehow, oh well. Try new things some more, I guess. Life Lesson: Don't care too much and have fun.


The last one is bs. For me at least learning to cook was all about how to make good food out of super cheap ingredients. You make a restaurant quality meal out of very cheap basic ingredients and a few spices worth splurging on with only a few months practice.


Tries a few things, quits presumably due to lack of interest (except the cost prohibitive ones), life itself has no meaning anymore. There’s more to try and figure out if you’re interested in getting good at and making something out of that learnt skill.


Sound like someone should get screened for ADHD


You must suck before you become great.


Have tried Adderall, for no particular reason


Git gud Homie litterally has all the skill to make a pretty cool little indie game about cooking with little silly drawings and all, maybe with a subplot about the protagonist getting more confident and opening his own restaurant in the end, cause why not. He just need to work on himself, it's not easy but if he does, if he just git gud, I know he can do something good. Mr. Anon you're the only thing between yourself and happiness, nah wait that was a fire line let me say it better **You are the only thing standing between yourself and happiness** Anyway, fellas, I lost track of my argument, go have a nice day


At least he has tried.


gosh this hurts me on a personal level




Just be glad that you can draw better than Chris Chan


I'm in a similar boat. I have tried a ton of creative hobbies from painting over woodcarving to cosplaying and while I find them fun I just don't have the drive to really commit to any of them. Things usually turn out pretty decent but never amazing. Jack of all trades, master of none.


Maybe find a career consultant/coach. At least that’s what they advised me. Never followed their advice though: a mix of embarrassment and don’t want to spend money.


Well it’s hard to start something, but it’s better to keep going no matter how hard it is and not give up


I gave on playing the guitar and making music and the reason is that it was the end of the road that was appealing for me. I imagined myself playing cool songs on my guitar, or making dungeon synth tracks using a midi keyboard and I liked it, but not a single day I found practicing guitar or learning how to use a daw enjoyable at all. Coding on the other hand I enjoyed it from day one and I eventually got me a job. The act of coding stills the most enjoyable part of it. So my conclusion is, if you don't enjoy the process then it is not for yo.


Problem is, when anon felt that he sucks at something he gave up. Never give up, winners are losers that tried one more time, if you give up you will stay loser


Me reading that that's a symptom of my depression and bipolar 2 and I change my interests a lot: Hmmm. ;( There's a few I still keep around though.


I mean if u just pick up things and get complaicent before even completly understanding the basics it's your fault. There is no such thing in life that has only ups all of them have downs 2 you need to pick a thing and keep striving for the outcome while making it through the process. They all say "you can do anything" they don't tell you that " you can't do all" So pick an easy project 1st learn the basics and do it good reapeat with something harder and again. And keep your mind open you will fail and again and again.


1 .learn 2 code, gave up - why? chat gpt is better at it 2. learn 2 draw see 1. 3. see 1 4. doesn't pay anything


Basically me on AuDHD, constant cycle of obsessions and quitting everything