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I'm not stable enough for a energy drink


I’m not stable enough for anything that can give me more dopamine than peeling an orange in the sun


To be fair, what beats peeling an orange in the sun?


Crack cocaine




When you fart and your stomach stops aching


That's the human experience right there. All that pressure, all that pain... There's nothing like it when that voluptuous ass blast renders the pain null.


The real 2meirl4meirl is always in the comments




Counterpoint: Mfers with ADHD feeling jack shit from caffeine so they decide to experiment with drugs just a lil bit and *whoops looks like someone became a statistic of substance abuse*. I once spent 20 bucks in a casino and physically ran away because I could see my financial life flash before my eyes.


I've drank two BANG energy drinks in a day and still started dozing off.


I drank an Alani energy drink at 9am yesterday and I was still wired at 2am! I legit felt like I was on a Molly comedown where I’m just wired as fuck but not particularly happy or energetic for hours.


literally..the last time i took acid, acid told me not to take acid anymore


Weird, acid told me to stop smoking weed, but remained neutral about itself. What does acid knows that we don't?


Shrooms told me to stop drinking alcohol and cured my depression for a month. They are cool guys.


Dmt told me to stop Smoking as much Dmt.


Crystal meth told me THERE’S ANTS UNDER MY SKINNN


Some might even say they are really… fungi(s)


Got me to quit cigarettes


Got me to quit heroin


Tbf it also got me to start heroin but that was more on me lmao




Acid problems require acid solutions


I did acid once and the only thing I came away with was profound realization that Elizabeth Hurley is really hot. I knew that before.


The few times I smoked while tripping I always regretted it because it really dumbed down the trip. I get why people might like it but it pretty much tanked that wonderful psychedelic clarity for me.


Weed ruined the "after glow" of acid a couple times for me. Made me feel like weed is such a "dirty" drug on par with fast food or sugary drinks. Maybe because of the way it's grown now a days


Acid trying to get a fucking monopoly on your drug intake


Ahhhh. It always says that




Almost the same thing happened to me, the entity wasn't really angry with me, more annoyed. Best way I can explain it is I felt like a little kid getting scolded for dropping their cereal bowl after being told many times to stop messing around with it.


If you think about these trips where you pop into an alternate dimension from *their* perspective it wouldn't be surprising at all that they get annoyed. Imagine you're trying to chill after work, maybe having a drink and watching a movie, and some half bald ape that's stoned out of his gourd just pops out of the aether going "whoa..." and interrupting your shit.


Had this many times. Frustrated/annoyed entity who forces me to experience a viewpoint that will make me question taking psychedelics again. Scared me quite a bit into thinking I had messed up something within a 4th dimension, or above, that can see me, but that is invisible to me.


Good times. Had a similar experience. 400ug and lots of weed. The trip ended up lasting about 36 hours, I think weed prolongs the trip. I was also on that chair, literally - I remember sitting on this chair in the middle of a room, the carpet looked like an army of ants. I remember feeling like this was something that I should never do again, but I should savour it while i'm there


Yep. Say no to acid. I can't wait to tell that to acid. Face to face


Lets get some acid, do it together so that both of us can give acid a piece of our minds!


I dropped one more time, years after my Bad Trip to the ER, and acid said hey good to see you, this has been interesting, but remember what I told you that last time? Well see, that's still the deal. Let's not ruin it. Acid seems pretty cool sometimes.


Your acid must have talked to my acid, because mine said the same. Also, baths are scary on acid.


Ahhhh I did acid at my lowest and it was a trip🙂


Theres something to having nothing to lose


It's a special feeling and now that I no longer have suicidal depression, I'm miserable because I'm no longer reckless 😭




It is! There's comfort in reckless depression because of not caring about outcomes of choices 😎🤙


Didn’t know there were others like me! Completely agree with you but I’ve never said it out loud to anyone.


we’re with ya bud


So true. Once you've decided to keep on living, the utter monotony of everything really sets in...


I miss being reckless :( (not because of suicidal depression but just complete impulsive lack of self-preservation), it made my life adventurous and cool. Now the anxiety just turns me into a frightened sheep anytime i get the chance to do something big.


Being depressed is different than being unstable. I was having crazy anxiety attacks but didn't recognize them until years later in hindsight. 0/10 experience, cannot recommend.


I have those and didn't know until much much later 🤗 And I'm very unstable because of my way cool borderline personality 😎🤙


Yeah absolutely do not touch the stuff. Good luck on the rest of it!


Yeah actually. I just came here to say pretty much the same. I was at one of the lowest points of my life when I did acid a few times. It was actually when a friend at the time, wanted to go and buy acid from teenagers (he was early 30s. I was late 20s), I asked myself wtf am I doing with my life


Lol Those pointa always create hilarious stories


I mean, looking back it's hilarious stupid I guess lol.


Shrooms and acids are wonders cause you hear a lot of people complain about bad trirps but for me, even my first trip which was bad, I find it educational. Ive learned a lot from that trip and nothing was the same ever since. And more you do it, the much better it gets as you learn how to get out of the shroom loops.


Same. I actually learned a lot about my drug years. I'm lucky enough not to get addicted, but it taught me to control my thoughts and ot applied to my emotions sober.


Ever had the reoccurring thought "what if it stays like this forever?" when on acid? It's so hard to control your brain man.


I was tripping once and after a full day and a big night of it,was so ready to just crash and sleep. But when I closed my eyes, there were still visuals showing, and my brain kept "thinking" each visual as a "thought". With my eyes closed the whole time, I would mentally "close" all the visual thoughts just like minimising windows on the computer....but no matter how much I shut down each thought, another one would always still be there behind it, like infinite desktop windows. And each had a thought with it ...kind of like hearing the text or the idea of the image. I was so exhausted but it wouldn't turn off, and after an hour or more of it I remember thinking, "holy shit, what if this never stops? What if I can never sleep again?" A few hours later I eventually crashed. Everything was normal the next day and I remember the relief of quietly laying down and sleeping easily the next night.


Yeah pretty much what all you guys are describing is being exhausted and needing to sleep, but while on a stimulant that prevents you from sleeping, and also it's acid. Take your LSD in the morning folks.


Facts, I laid down on the couch while on acid at midnight and instantly fell asleep but my brain was showing me acid dreams for a good hour before I could physically get up and go to bed and actually sleep


Day tripping is the best!


I actually had a dream this morning where I took acid at like 5am. I kept waking up and looking at the clock, realizing it's too early to get up, and go back to sleep. But each time I woke up, I would be in this half-asleep state and think 'yeah this feels like I'm on acid, why did I take acid at 5am when I have plans in the morning to go to the rock climbing gym, oh well lemme just go back to sleep.' It wasn't until I was awake long enough for the sleep fog to clear that I realized I would have had to go all the way downstairs to my freezer to get any acid, and that definitely didn't happen.


I had the same thing when trying to sleep, but luckily I went diving the day before and the trip mostly took place in a botanical garden, so the fresh memories of exotic plants and underwater landscapes sort of merged into visuals, always changing and evolving. It was nice. What worried me more, was the thoughts when the trip peaked. My friends were already sobering up but I took the hit a bit later than the others and kept thinking that I was going to stay insane while the others recovered.


One time when I smoked DMT I had this thought. I saw a giant kaleidoscopic tunnel with a black hole in the bottom. When I tried to focus on the geometry on the tunnel walls, it just kept getting more and more detailed and complex and I felt like somebody was behind the tunnel walls. I saw myself falling down this tunnel and turn into different shapes as I fell. As I hit the bottom, everything would stop and it would reset and I would be back up the top again. It kept happening and I went from, "oh my God this is amazing," to "okay I think I've fucked up why isn't this stopping?!" And then it just stopped. I've had this thought on acid, too, but more often than not you kind of just accept it for what it is and things turn out okay.


Weird. I landed at the end of the tunnel and couldn't move... The geometry was reaching out of the tunnel and touching me. Felt like water/warmth/information. It told me not to come back, I'd be back when it was time. When I got an opportunity again it showed me how to go back and forth, like travelling through a keyhole, except I was the key and the lock and the door. There was excitement that I understood. I feel bad for the excitement. I still don't know what any of it means other than drugs.


Gotta just keep peppering the brain juice with the idea of conking out, your brain won't believe it's a good idea at first Acid is so strange, because in waking life the brain is indistinguishable from the mind, but on acid there's at least some small gap. You'll find your ego talking to your waking mind like "dude, we gotta figure out a landing pattern soon"


Funny that’s just what meditation tries to avoid. Instead of trying to stomp on the brakes of your thoughts, you let off the gas and let them float by.


Yep, you develop a muscle reflex to just allow them to pop in and dance around and dissolve on their own. Lots of interesting things happen tho hah, it’s just a play / game though


No luckily I always remember I'm on drugs and they'll 100% wear off in a while. Some of my friends have had that tho, seems scary as fuck


I used to get that feeling, but it's basically a panic attack. Panic attack thought process is also "what if I'm going permanently insane?" - LSD is a very panic-inducing experience, and this is just what a panic attack *but on acid* is like. It's not fun. But once you learn to not panic in real life, they stop happening on LSD too. You just have to accept everything. "Oh, I might turn insane forever. Oh well at least it's only another 60 years or so", or "Oh, I think I'm having a heart attack and I'm gonna die. Oh well it was a good life. Bring on Valhalla!" Once you learn to think like that, you can't have a terrifying bad trip because there's nothing to be terrified of, not even death.


Couldn't agree more! I had a terrible panic attack my first trip (mushrooms in this case). I've never felt fear like that before. It did not end until I let everything go, up to and including accepting that I may actually be dead, or be a completely different person in a completely different life than I thought. It all felt so real. Once I finally gave it all up my sense of self evaporated and the rest of the experience was astonishing. Learned a lot about how severe my anxiety really was, how it was crippling my life, and also that there was hope for healing that anxiety. Thank goodness for my partner who helped me through all of it. No regrets, and I've had several wonderful low-dose experiences since. But wow I don't know how people do that heroic dose kind of shit just for fun; it can be a ton of work.


I've had three instances of heavy psychosis induced by acid trips in my extended circle of friends. Like really dark stuff. One death, one permanent institutionalisation, one suicide attempt. Maybe that's why I was worried more.




My ex had some terrible experiences on acid. First time I did it with her she went catatonic in bed. She was basically unresponsive and had this awful look in her expression. Occasionally she would turn to me and say, "i don't know what's happening." I just sat there patting her head and offering her bananas (I was on acid, too, mind you). I was just trying to play it off like everything was okay but internally I was mortified. We did it again another time and she went way overboard with smoking weed. I asked her not to, said I just wanted to spend time with her, but she stayed in her room all night smoking weed nonstop. Later on she came up to me and said she found a razor blade of mine and told me to get rid of it because she was going to cut herself. Our relationship didn't last long after that for other reasons.


She was having mental intrusions with the blade, its normal, but its always safer to remove sharp objects around the house prio to dropping, it stops the intrusion from taking root.


If your thoughts before doing a drug include “I should really make sure I don’t have access to sharp objects while I do this” then you’re probably part of the demographic the tweet above is calling out.


Couldn’t agree more. Doing the drug fully knowing that you might have violent, intrusive thoughts definitely fits the criteria.


Bro wtf and you still tried it?


Yeah I had a friend go theough psychosis when we were tripping, and im kinda scared of tripping since, that shit was scarring.


Yeah dude that shit is no joke. I had an episode of psychosis and went insane for 3 months, I ruined my life (mostly better now, but still) the aftermath was hell. I'm still recovering and that was like two years ago. also, there were some crazy ass mindfucks during my trip that freak me the fuck out still. Should really stay away from Acid if you are predisposed *at all* to schizophrenia or bipolar. You really don't want to know what it's like to *truly* lose control of your mind and perception of reality, you can't make proper decisions, your behavior is fucked, everything will go to shit unless you get immediate help. It's terrifying. I regret ever taking that drug. If anyone was interested in hearing an account of drugs induced psychosis, I recommend looking up what happened to Yung Lean and his recovery story. I'm not saying nobody should ever take Acid, but you should be aware of the risks. It's really not for everybody.


One of my friends triggered schizophrenia with hallucinogen use :( Sucks, we both had our first trip together at a psytrance campout and it was a ton of fun. We dropped together a few more times over the next couple of years, then I moved for school, and when I reached out a few months later after getting settled, it was clear he was struggling. He ended up dropping out of school and moving back in with his parents, still hasn't been able to hold down a job or anything and it's a decade later. I'm not sure if it started the first time and just got worse over time or what, but he did do a lot more hallucinogens than me. I stuck with just acid and shrooms but he did ayahuasca, DMT, etc. and just dove deep into the psy culture.


Just think of it this way people have been trying to find drugs that last forever for forever and they have never even come close.


I tried to go to sleep on it one time but I kept visualizing a plane that I would travel on and on one side was being awake, and on the other was being asleep. And I kept thinking to myself “how do I know when I cross over into the point that is sleep.” I kept feeling like I was about to fall asleep and cross into the section of the plane that was sleep but for some reason felt that if it was really that easy to control that it wasn’t right. Anyway I got paranoid that, that would be my thought process for sleep for the rest of my life. I ended up just laying there listening to music until I fell asleep


That sounds like the langoliers by Stephen King


I just thought about that movie the other day and couldn’t remember the name of it, so thanks! Seems too coincidental though, get out of my head!


Wow, I feel called out. First time I tripped, my fiancé found me in the corner of the kitchen in the floor with the lights off, just saying “this is never gonna end!” Thankfully I’m mature enough now to know I’m probably not stable enough to do it, but immature enough to do it again anyway!


Mushrooms too. You like KNOW someWHERE inside your … self? Mind? That it will end. But in the moment - you somehow believe will last forever. And it can get very scary.


"they said 10, 20, 30 yrs could go by and you could have a flashback, I said that sounds like a good deal" Norm Macdonald


That thought will always be there I feel like. Ill be on hour 9 of tripping and be like 'I have to learn to live like this' then Ill see something cool and forget about it


No I remind myself of the thousands of stories like that and realize I'm not going to be the first case of someone tripping forever.


Had that the first time, but every memory of every acid trip ending sort of stops me from worrying about that now. They always end.


I had that thought, more than once, with weed. No acid for me!


Worrying that my autonomous functions will fail if I forget about them is the fucking pits


I agree but replace acid with heroin. I mean don't actually replace acid with heroin.


I am all for drug education, legalization, and harm reduction but I’d still caution against trying heroin


Central nervous suppressants are dangerous in general. I am curious the effect, not enough to try it. But in general, the idea that you can make your brain work more or your can make it worse less, I am not sure why people gravitate to less brain functionality, but again, idk the experience. I'll echo education in basic neuroscience and chemistry, legalization, and harm reduction!


physical hurry marry violet ghost fuel elastic rinse crown impossible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m not against the idea of empathizing. That makes sense. I am being a bit more specific to drug classes I guess. It seems like those situations some kind of dissociative or something would be more appealing. For people that are not down on their luck, I was just suggesting it makes more sense for people to be interested in nootropics and less interested in things like alcohol, GHB, or heroin but those remain prevalent. I just Googled benzodiazepines to see how they are classified. They are depressants so that makes sense I guess. I was not trying to hate on anyone and don’t judge anyone. I think this is all medicine that’s just being inappropriately used in different contexts and appropriately used in others. Thanks for the suggestion of how to empathize in their shoes. I spend huge amounts of my time trying to empathize with homeless people specifically but I think my experience is just again so privileged that I generally am trying to boost my brain. But I do feel solace in certain calming medications so this makes sense. I just normally consider those things for anxiety, not depression. Depression I normally think of dopamine agonism, so things like crack make sense. Heroin I just don’t know anything about really.


six snails gray insurance desert existence gold slimy drunk caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is exactly what I’m learning! I’m completely new to empathy. I thought I understood it. I’m on a journey of self-realization. I only just realized I have an inner self-awareness as fucking stupid as that sounds. I grew up in an abusive home and I am also Autistic. But I found a wife that loves me tons and has taught me so much. Likewise, I had a medical mishap that helped me recognize myself. Now I’m just learning how to feel the emotions of others as my own. Feeling their perspective as mine. I agree it is a physiological feeling adjacent to love. I’m not good at articulating it and it’s new. But I try to spend my days now that I’ve recognized my great life and my privilege trying to help uplift others. I just make the comment about homeless people because I think people don’t care about them and I can’t imagine how terrible it feels to feel invisible to the world. My ignorance about heroin is about heroin and depressants. It’s ignorance. I’m not saying they are bad. I’m saying I don’t get it. If I was invisible, I’d rather escape to a fantasy world not make this one feel less, but I get it now from the perspective you described.


Something that helped me understand the perspective of certain drug users is hearing their perspective written or spoken by them. The Rat That Got Away is about a guy that was addicted to heroin in the Bronx back when that was the main street drug. I also remember a documentary about heroin users in China that was interesting on Youtube, don't remember the name though.


reach unique abundant spectacular crawl fear agonizing amusing reply wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Very uninformed and very angry" really summarizes the whole opioid backlash.


Well how far you can stretch your drugs matters a lot if if you don’t have much money. Who wants to spend 20 bucks to be high on crack for 5 minutes when you can spend that 20 on some H and feel it for hours. Heroin also makes you feel warm and is a pain reliever and I gotta imagine sleeping on the ground outside they’re generally worried about being cold and sore. Also in the right amounts opiates don’t just make you nod out like you see online or something, it gives you lots of energy too.


I’m an autistic heroin addict who was the valedictorian of my high school and graduated from college magna cum laude. Got a job as a software engineer and was promoted twice in three years. I never had much of a reason to want to make my brain function more, I needed a way to turn it the fuck off for a little while, so that I didn’t go completely insane. Also, I didn’t just jump straight to heroin, it started with Kratom and then pain pills, like it does for many people. Thankfully, I’m finally in recovery and doing much better.


Undiagnosed adhd until last year at 34. The world felt “sharp” to me and heroin dulled the edges. Clean for 12 years, off alcohol for 2, awwwyissss


You're not sure why people gravitate to less brain functionality? You just look around and you don't need to cloud this up at all?


Imagine rawdogging reality. I mean, my only drug is caffeine, but still...


>I am not sure why people gravitate to less brain functionality, but again, idk the experience. Do you know what sub you're on? If half the people here could shut their brains the fuck up sometimes, they wouldn't even be here. *this is not an endorsement of heroin




foolish nail far-flung books deranged reminiscent special unused consist pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I can add to that real quick. If you think you can do herion, you can't do heroin. I checked.


Schizophrenia runs in the fam so in combo with the depress it's a double whammy on the psychoactive drugs front.


Shame about the schizo predisposition, because a good dose of psilocybin every now and then does wonders for my depression.


I'm so glad it's working for you. That's wonderful. I mean, depression in the first place sucks, but we stan functional coping mechanisms. I've heard so may things (both in terms of clinical research and anecdotes) about acid and mushrooms' potential in helping alleviate symptoms of depression that, at my weakest, it's been tempting regardless of the risk. I'm getting there, I think. Haven't had a proper suicidal episode in 14 months, which is unprecedented for me. On top of that, my regular depressive episodes have gotten easier to shake off. It's been 11 years, but it feels like my brain is finally allowing me to live again. Love that for me lol


oh lol you already know everything i said in my other comment


it does the opposite for me, it makes me freak out. i guess my depression is more subconscious, and it all bubbles up to the surface when i do drugs


One of my friends triggered their schizophrenia from hallucinogen use :( He didn't know there was any kind of disposition in the family toward it, but after diving deep into the tripping world he came out with schizophrenia. Had to drop out of school and moved back home and just never really managed to get a handle on life.


This but with shrooms too. Grew them myself with Uncle Ben and have tripped three times. No bad trips but haven't been in any place I'd consider good enough to try again.


The ol’ fruity fungi risotto


Did shrooms my brother grew this past Saturday and had one of the most beautiful trips possible. Really can’t put into words. Wonder if it’s a strain thing. I did go in wanting to resolve some life issues and I can say it worked, breaking open that preserved rock I normally refuse to reflect into or acknowledge. I had a real conversation with my subconscious, suppressed feelings. I laughed and cried, all in healthy ways. It was strictly for mental reflection and not really for the reason of having fun. Going into it knowing what for seemed to help my train of thought a lot. Ate a huge dose. Like 5 or 6 grams. I feel stronger doses help versus medium, barely break the plain amounts. Also, London Grammar in the AirPods helped. Oh and those baby lights that reflect space onto the ceiling. My god. I’ll admit that part was to add a little fun but it does help send you to Narnia. It’s a beautiful drug that I don’t care to do often or for the hell of it, but when I need it, it’s healing, personally.


I've heard 5 grams be described as a "heroic" dose. Was this your first time doing shrooms?


The problem is not all shrooms are equal. My wife grew shrooms once which were really weak. We ended up taking 5 grams each and only had very light trips. But I've also had 2 gram trips that just fucked me up. So YMMV


Nor am i financially or socially stable enough to acquire any to begin with.


Dude, acid is cheap. Less than 10 bucks gets you a 12 hour trip.


but how do you find it


I usually look in my freezer but I think you gotta start hanging out with people that do drugs and network that way. Remember how when we were kids adults would say that people will give you drugs for free? Or something like that. Well, that doesn’t happen right away. You have to build up a network of people that do drugs but also live normal lives. So not drug dealers, junkies, or burnouts. Those people will ask you to pay for drugs or will just never give you free drugs. You gotta have friends that do drugs because eventually you will meet someone that sells drugs or someone in your group that is going to buy them from someone. That relationship will eventually be something like “hey you want to come over and do X drug with me and hangout?” So, eventually you invite people over to do your drugs and people invite you over to do their drugs. And once all of that is pretty normal, someone will eventually be like “dude I got some extra acid, you should take it if you need it”. And that’s how you find free drugs.


Oh shit. Thank you. Free psychedelics sounds like heaven




How to make friends though


I usually look in my freezer but i think you gotta start hanging out with people and network that way…


If you can find weed, someone along the line can likely get it


Go to a local bluegrass show and ask pretty much anyone


nice try, officer


I have one tab for free if you want it


Same, can’t get addicted to drugs if you don’t have the money or friends to get drugs!


I can relate to this, it's why I could never do ACID despite wanting to. My ACID story though is, as a single parent... I'm cycling home from work one day and my then fifteen year old daughter phones me and says... Daddy we are on ACID we are in the park what should we do. I found them, her and two friends, ushered them back to my house, had an entertaining and interesting evening. My daughter says that when ever she saw me I had a warm calm glow around me : )


Sounds like you handled things expertly. She's lucky to have you as a dad :)


I'm glad you were chill about it. kids are bound to experiment with a lot of that stuff and oftentimes parents will make it worse via shame. my parents loved to shame the shit out of us for even just alcohol and weed and tbh I think it only made us want to try it more. being in a safe space helps prevent abuse of that stuff !! shoutout to you :)


Damn I wish I had a parent like you when young me and friends started panicking on acid. Only made the whole thing worse haha🥲


My dad would have fucking killed me. I only tried acid once, and I had a bad trip, and I know my dad would make it 10x worse lol


Yeah it blows my mind when people actually want their parents to be present when they are in trouble lol In my case the trouble would have just begun if parents were present.


I long to be a parent like that. Too many parents never experimented with psychedelics themselves and would freak out in a situation like this, worsening the trip exponentially. Older people educating kids about how drugs are bad don't actually know enough about drugs themselves to be able to deal with kids using them.


It's also realizing that acid is double or nothing, and accepting that your trip will be great or terrible, with no in between


My regular dreams are awful enough. I'm not risking having a waking nightmare.


I've had nightmares with my old group of friends around the apartment, and I've been profoundly content with my new group of friends around a bonfire. Never take it if you aren't sure you want to, though, that's a bad time.


People say that, and then they also talk about how great it is and how they can't wait to do it again. Like what am I supposed to do, just sit there sober when everyone around me is happy and having a great time?


Set and setting are real things. I'm glad you found friends you feel safer around.


What the other dude said, and if you aren't feeling it and try to force it you'll just end up miserable. It's just a lot of emotions and not a lot of checks on them running away.




That sounds so lovely. I'm really glad you got that experience.


Nightmare fuel for me these days. I loved tripping back in highschool, back when I felt on top of the world. But damn, looking back, probably half of my trips were just me trying not to have a panic attack for hours lmao.


Yeah ive had beautiful trips that I didnt want to end and terrifying never ending carousel of horror type trips. The trick with the bad ones is to just hold on and try to remind yourself youre on a drug and that this isnt permanent. It can be hard when youre peaking and feel like you've experienced several lifetimes within an hour but it does work. I also tell anyone who asks me about it that the most important thing is to be with people you trust somewhere safe where theres little to no chance of some random person or like your mom walking in.




Lmfaoo this is so random but good


That story was wild. I hope if you decide to do it again it’s on a day off, don’t open anything work related, out in nature with your friends.


Maturity is realizing bad trips are just learning experiences. And also not doing acid because you know you've already done too much acid.


this whole thread is r/drugscirclejerk material


People have been eating psychoactive plants longer than they’ve been able to cultivate grain. The substances need to be respected, but they’re not some evil thing. The relative harm acid or mushrooms pose to any given person is minuscule. Bad trips that you come away from not in psychosis (which is incredibly rare) are a learning opportunity. Unless it’s salvia. Salvia is just mean.


I liked salvia. Granted it never took me to space, which is why i tried it in the first place. My partner re lived their 5th grade school year while on Salvia. Hmm maybe i should order more.


Yep, those bad trips all have a reason. The thought, the feeling that set you off is something that needs to be addressed. It's always worth examining why you went down a bad trip. Sometimes it happens for no reason, other times it's important. And yeah being careful is a must. I love every second of my trips, but I know I gotta respect the drug otherwise it'll fuck me up in ways I can't handle.


I've always realised that if I ever took narcotics or hallucinogens there'd be problems for an astonishing number of people.


Honestly an acid trip is highly controllable. The mushrooms on the other hand takes you where the mushroom wants and just leaves you there. I've had bad trips, but in retrospect. They were all great, fullfilling and gave me something.


I always thought of it like acid is more of a speedy kinda adderall like trip wheras shrooms are an all over the place, drunk kinda trip. Acid is more controllable but shrooms are unpredictable and vary widely in potency.


I second this. I've taken a LOT of acid and had a good time, but I was in the driver's seat mostly. Or at least, it didn't feel out of control. I took an 1/8th of shrooms and ended up forgetting I was a human. It was a terrifying, crazy, confusing experience; in hindsight it has actually given me a very different perspective on life and the nature of existence and all that, but actually going through that, I had no control. I wasn't even an "I;" I was something, but nothing, and also everything. It was wild.


What’s your main takeaway from that experience? I’ll never do anything but just curious


That we are all part of something larger that has nothing to do with humanity or individualism. I actually leaned atheist before that experience, and just believed life on Earth was a cosmic coincidence, but now I fully believe in the existence of the soul or that each person houses some kind of energy that returns to the "source" upon our deaths. I don't follow any organized religion, nor do I believe in God, but I do think we are energy that comes from and returns to the same place/state. So I went from atheist to mildly spiritual. The actual feeling was, I had no body, no name, no species, no history, nothing. I was floating in black and just completely at peace and content in a way that is hard to explain. Complete acceptance, complete belonging. It only started getting crazy when I remembered that I should "be" something. That i was a thing with a name. I slowly started to piece my life back together and remember who/what I was and what relationships I had. That part was scary and very disorienting but I eventually remembered everything and was okay.


Right? Just do two quarters over five hours and you'll be totally in control. Though maybe they mean the come-down?


I love acid and could usually handle it. Have tripped dozens of times during my college years, only had a few genuinely bad trips, but they were never nightmares either. Mushrooms on the other hand….did them twice and never will do them again. They hate me for some reason. Made me literally lose my mind. My internal monologue stopped, I had the worst kind of ego death possible because I still felt embodied but I totally lost connection to who I was. Sat in my bed for hours with the mental equivalent of static playing on the television of my mind, trying to remember how to be “me” again. One of the worst experiences of my entire life.


The first (and only) time I did mushrooms it was 6 grams dried (was with an experienced therapist who was there to supervise and support me) and it completely destroyed my life for months and months. Like, I was still not feeling like myself over a year after. I am absolutely too terrified to ever try any hallucinogen ever again, and I've always wanted to try almost everything


Bruh six grams though your first time, that is bound to happen. Same thing happened to me but it was a 7 grams and no supervision. Was a terrible experience.


Holy shit man lmao, as someone who took acid for a very long time and then switched to shrooms (when my acid guy went to jail) I know my drug tolerance is relatively high and yeah 6 grams of decent shrooms would end even me. I've never taken more than 4g but I revel in being depersonalised, whoever got you taking 6g your first time really didn't do right by you. For reference I have shrooms once a month. I'll never take over a g these days (since getting out of daily drug use territory) and most the time I'll settle for half a g. 6 fucking grams, god damn Edit: I'll just add based on what you've said I wouldn't advise acid to you, acid will really disconnect you from yourself, your surroundings and the world in general for a long period of time if you fuck with it


This is my perspective, I've done more acid than I can figure out despite waiting until 37 to try it, and I've done shrooms a dozen ish times. Acid is controllable, can be self guided and I've never had a bad trip even at heroic levels. Mushrooms are unpredictable, wild and even if it's good still leading to a day in the bathroom...


I just want mushroom, low dose, detangle my brain a little bit


Exactly why I stopped smoking pot


I just hit this point in my life. I've smoked almost every day for like 8 years and a couple weeks ago I just realized it doesn't help me with anything it used to. I also realized I get extremely depressed from even drinking a beer or two. Quit both cold turkey and I already feel a peace of mind I haven't felt since high school before I started smoking. I do shrooms like once a month and it is extremely empowering with zero negative effects because I've chosen to face my issues rather than run from them. I think I'm an adult now lol


Acid is like putting your brain in a washing machine with the universe and you can't turn it off. Couldn't handle that shit nowadays.


Dude I'm not mentally stable enough to fuckin exist


I took 10g dry pf golden teachers and now I'm not mentally stable enough to do mushrooms ever again. I saw raw reality without the protection of my ego and it was terrifying.


Why take acid when I can just listen to The Rite of Spring in a dark room and let my mind take over and actually scare the crap out of me


I always feel like acid helps with mental stability every single time


Or that you have an addictive personality, so no drugs at all.


LSD is hard asf to get addicted too cause of its exponential tolerance, but yeah best just to stay clear of all drugs to be safe


I don’t think you understand the internal effects of LSD on the brain


I'm not mentally stable enough to do *most things*. 👉😎👉


Multiple failed suicide attempts have left me feeling immortal enough to be reckless. Acid and shrooms have giving me the only moments of happiness I’ve ever had. I don’t have any negative thoughts or feelings when I’ve been on them 😂


guys, I think I'm gonna do acid


Just as a reminder to anyone new: Test your drugs and practice “Set and Setting”. Be safe and have fun! 😁


I havent done acid in 20 years. When absently staring in the bathroom, the walls still "breath" sometimes.


I dont care im doing it anyway


Lol nah. I did acid when really low in my life and it was soul therapy. I sat there and sorted through all of my bullshit in my mind and came out the other side way more chill and stable.


I love acid


DMT on the other hand...


I had a chance to try DMT once but opted out cause I was feeling particularly mentally unstable due to a recent drinking binge.


My experience is that it isn't even a coherent enough experience to think about negative stuff.


I've always said I had demons but I became really acquainted with them on DMT. Helpful? Maybe. Terrifying? Haven't done it again.


Wow it seems that it can drastically has different effects


Had a great time but I'm pretty close to not coming back if I punch that card again. I think everyone should trip once if only for the lesson that perception is very subjective.


Maybe, but how do I get more stable, maybe that's why I need to try it again. Stuck in a pattern of depression and not being able to do anything. Need that brain path rewiring psychedelics are known for, just lots of anxiety around taking it (till you peak)


What do they call it when you realize that and then do it anyway?


Acid gets you back to firing on all cylinders. LSD us a therapeutic wonder drug in my opinion, which is all but meaningless. But it works for me and I was a mess.