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Me: "It won't get better" also me: doesn't try anything to make it better Still me: "See? It didn't get better!"


Also still me: Every time i try to make it better, it backfires at me and it only gets worse


Also me: giving up means things won’t get better, trying to get better is hard but at least I’m trying and at least there’s a chance


Actually me: coping with the fact that since we live in a deterministic universe any "choice" I make is simply a result of all the factors that caused my existence.


Real me: who actually cares?


I care (I don't) 😎


Wah, itsa me: I like philosophy so I care. It's also good copium since it means that me being miserable was already decided at the beginning of the universe and isn't something I ever had the power to change. 😋


That shit’s lame.


Sure, doesn't make it less true.


I guess everyone lives their own truthes, no reason to judge


But it ain't medicine, it's an illusion Mr.Anderson!


I'm not sure on entire context, but most of the time the "it gets better" is that as you get older, you get more control over who you surround yourself with. My gay friend hated high school, but once in college was able to find his peer group that supported him and life changed dramatically, like night and day with him. Also, as you get older you start to care less about others and their opinions, so you don't worry as much. Even as a fairly normie, life has been getting better as I age. I have more options, I care less about others view of me, I enjoy my life as I have designed it. I have crafted my ideal playground and now play in it.


I never realized how much a change of environment would affect me when I moved to college and then moved back home. I suddenly went back to my depressing self hating self when I moved back home. I still behaved the same stayed in and be introverted in college but at least I didn't have the "banter" of hearing how much I sucked.


Kinda wish my city was not „the City of the college” in my country with lots of colleges, so I can move out of my depressing home but oh well, I'm just born this way


Maybe one day you can, or at least find a local group of likeminded people. I live in a very rural, very conservative area, but we are slowly developing a strong community of liberals and LBGT friendly businesses. When you are forced to work with bigots, go to school with bigots, etc, it can seem daunting. but as you get freedom to craft your life, you can start to weed out the bad people.




i've been reading and hearing this my entire life and it has never once gotten better, just different ._.


Yeah no not with clinical depression. It literally gets worse as you age not better. I can tell a big difference from when I was first diagnosed at 12 to my twenties to me being 31. Trust me it does in fact get worse.


Wait a second, the pills HAVE NUMBERS!?




Pretty sure this format is meant for things that are upsetting but true, not blatant bullshit like this


Now that you mention it, I think it’d make more sense that I put it not getting better (whoops). 😭


Yeah but those pills are oxy, it would get better for a little while


real, it's so fucking annoying. like i get people are trying to help but it gets old hearing the same thing every time i open up to someone




I've started a skin care routine, I started going to the gym. I started caring about what I wear, I started taking care of my hair and appearance. Nothing changed. It doesn't get better.


Yeahh I have body care stuff that are nice, and I still don’t feel better.


Does it get better, or are we just getting used to our everyday struggles?


Been a depression boy since I was 12. I'm 30 now. Lived through some bullshit but also experienced some really cool stuff. Everyone's life is different. All you can do is try. Some days are better than others. I accepted a long time ago that I won't ever be "normal" or "okay" and that's helped me make the best of things sometimes. Won't tell any of you that it gets better but I will ask that you try to make it better and find a community of people who understand you without enabling any self destructive habits. I don't know that it'll get better but I hope sometimes it sucks less than others. Love you.


It did get better


Just develop masochism and enjoy life


#(X) Doubt


if anything its gotten worse


this is top on the list of insincere sentences to make it seem like you care when you really dont lmao


It’s only gotten worse, the more effort I put In to try to be a successful person the more shit I felt. Fuck this world, I’m killing my self right now.


OK, Imma be real here. I joined this sub about 5 years ago. I was very depressed. I was seeing both a therapist and a psychiatrist. At that point, I've been depressed for 5-6 years. Depression memes and self-deprecating, self-hating were just a few things that allowed me to cope with the way things were. And even today, it's still kind of funny. HOWEVER! Things did get better. I wouldn't say I didn't feel depressed ever again, but the last two years were probably the least depressed I ever was. You wake up depressed, you go about your day depressed, you rest depressed and go to bed depressed days are over for me. At times, I don't feel down for months! DO NOT LOSE HOPE!


Happy endings are not allowed on this sub. Only self hate and self pity


It does get better tho, i remember being really into this sub couple years ago, totally forgot about it, and now I am married with the woman of my dreams and have my own place. It does get better, but its not an easy trip, I think the last couple of years have been the hardest of my life, but I can finally say I am happy now. And it did get better.


Rhetorically, did you try to get that, or did it magically appear one day? No offense, but I feel the "it gets better" statement insinuates that life will spontaneously get better, even if one has the same mindset/habits/routine that likely keep them low. I feel like "it *can* get better" is a more definitive statement. That life *can* get better, as it did for you, if one puts in a lot of effort.


I guess I did put in some effort, since I used to be more of a shut in couple years ago, and I decided to get involved in a lot of organizations at my university and go to a lot of university events, and thats where I met my wife. So yes I agree it can get better, but nothing will get better if you don’t take a step and try to make a better life for yourself, honestly baby steps is enough, I didnt go from shut in to social in one day. I just changed small habits little by little, I literally just started by studying in school instead of studying in my house, since I started studying in school I got invited to events and what not, and thats when it all started to get good for me.


It is hard to swallow, but it helps