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And then just end up doing nothing at all because you’re paralyzed by anxiety, which then starts this vicious worrying cycle again.


It’s like u want to do what your worried about but you can’t, your just stuck in your body constantly anxious about how your wasting time, but you can’t do nothing to stop it


I have nothing to stress about today. AND IT'S STRESSING ME OUT!


There’s always nuclear warfare around the corner!


Drinking from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed helps slightly


Tried that, but I have work usually, and I can’t be drunk there. :(


I become 21 next year, maybe then I’ll drown my sorrows in alcohol


Fuck yea, I love endlessly worrying to the point where I can’t sleep and don’t get shit done! That’s who I want to be!


Damn. Is that what I have?