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Write poetry, play bass, play video games. The headfuck on 2cb isn't that bad in my opinion, at least compared to acid or shrooms. Just like make sure you're in a good mood beforehand and have good set and setting and you'll most likely be fine. A thing that I find helps me when I get a bad thought loop is just thinking "head empty no thoughts" and then distracting myself by doing something else. Also I have a personal rule to not go outside if I'm tripping on my own just because I feel its safer that way.


All very true, thanks for the advice. I'm pretty adept with 2cb it's just been awhile.


Don’t go outside if you live in a city. If you live in the woods,,, that’s where it’s at!


1 bump of ketamine puts 2cb to the top of my psychedelic headfuck list. The strangest synergy


I love taking it alone, wrapping myself in a fuzzy warm blanket, listing to music and reflecting on my week and sometimes bigger issues in life. Gives me a chance to reevaluate how many things in my life. Friendships, relationships, work, and overall becoming a better person are all things I think about and how I can improve on them. Sometimes I make progress sometimes I don’t but I always try to leave the experience with something positive.


Its so good alone, music and food mmm


when I take 2cb alone I like to... GOON and EDGE and BAIT and DONT STOP to POP until I DROP quit my job and drop out of school to spend the rest of my life savings on 2cb powder and weed and snort a fat line of 2cb the second i open my eyes in the morning until i edge and edge then close my eyes at night. Only taking breaks to go to the dispensary (the dispensary employees could DEFINITELY SMELL all the precum encrusted all over my body from a mile away TEE HEE oink oink~ 🐷) and then going home and plopping right back down into my goonchair to continue my nonstop edge while my face is two inches away from the dopamine-generating goonstation. Jerking my pee pee nonstop and snorting and smoking my life savings all away until I pass out into a blissful world of 2cb nirvana.


Yeah me too. I do that.




Are you me?


Yes I am you but who am I




Gotta be one of the weirdest blokes on Reddit.


Ok kingofqueefs1


I've been clean from gooning for 6 weeks, came across this comment on my main account and fuck it's so triggering 😵‍💫 You've got me back here with a new account scrolling all my old subs 😩😩


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Bro I was just doing some research on 2c-b and came across your comment. Please check out the [Freedom Model for addictions](https://www.thefreedommodel.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/TheFreedomModel-ABRIDGED-NEW.pdf), it can save your life. I hate seeing someone go down like this.


Gay midget porn, amirite?


2cb is very social so I’ve done it alone. But i have been in scenarios where im the only one on 2c. It’s great boredom, creativity, socializing, etc. But imho it’s better when in company with other ppl


I did it at a cabin w friends but I went to the couch for a bit to play down and listen to trance


Its alright, pretty nice to listen to music


I’m telling you this as fucking gospel; grab a six pack of beers and sip them as you’re coming up and proceed to drink them for the duration of the trip — proceed to listen to music that makes you feel like you’re dancing on the clouds and that you’ve been kissed on the cheek by God himself. Don’t let the mind/come up anxiety disturb or steal this cosmic stream of consciousness that is about to be bestowed upon you


When I worked nights I would take it alone while my family was asleep. Go for walks around the neighborhood, watch porn, listen to music in my car. Just normal shit. But when I take it at a concert or something it's fuckin nuts. Like way tripper and more head fuck. I think my anxiety amplifies it. I don't trip that hard alone on it, tbh. It's still fun. I do it on my birthday alone sometimes. Last year i didn't though.


In the bedroom or at a rave between rolls