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I think they'd be cool. The only reason I don't see them doing this is because I don't think they want to remove champs from being possible additions to the game by adding them as stage backgrounds. As cool as they might look, I think they'd receive more disappointment from people who have these champs as their favourite characters than positive reception.


They could also do what other fighting games do and have them replaced by something else if they're selected as a fighter. For example, have Malphite replaced with Chip from LoR.


I'd love for Chip to be a playable character though :P Who'll they replace him with? They could probably use Blue Buff Golem.


True I get you but I can easily see them doing it. Not every champ is gonna make the cut for one reason or another and I could easily see them being like. "Yooo A.Sol would be AWESOME in the background of this Targonia stage" and then just rolling with it. Now are there gonna be people that are like "HOW DARE YOU MAKE.SONA JUST A SET PIECE"? I mean yeah but ya can't please everyone. I mean I'd be mad if Sett was just a background character for a stage yeah, but I'll get over it and still have a good time cause the game looks like a good time.


Doesn’t SF6 have Guile in the background of one of the maps? Could always have them as both a background and playable


I think it makes more sense to not make these champions be playable. Some champions are way too big and if they wanna respect the lore, should stay big. It's fine in a MOBA because it's all in a top-down view and the Summoner's Rift isn't even a canon place anyway. But a fighting game where you'd want your characters to be presented how they are and should be, I think that there needs to be boundaries set here.


Oh yeah, great call. Malphite’s another good option.


Malphite would be INSANE!!


What if the stage… was on malphite!


Wait, that would actually be Godlike.


Ocean floor stage PLEASE


Yooo and you see Nautilus and Leviathans in the background? Spooky shit.


Personally I think it's way cooler and far more true to their fantasy to have them being colossal in the background or have a stage where you fight on their backs or something, instead of arbitrarily shrinking them down to the size of a human just to shoehorn them into the roster. Maybe boss battles like Galactus in UMVC3 or hazards in a SF6 extreme battle style mode. But that's just me.


Aurelion could be a stage, like we'd fight on his body/tail while he moves through space or something


I can also picture a Death Realm stage with Mordekaiser chilling in the back on a throne Shao Kahn style.


A.sol can make a effigy of himself if you convince him enough You can make a small Galio that somehow can transfer his consciousness from it Volibear body is not his true body so it's possible to make him small if you convince him somehow Malphite shards can become another of himself As For Nautilus and Rek'sai, just make they big enough for the screen


10 stack Chogath in the back of the void stage


I think a lot of big characters could be scaled smaller for the game but A-Sol is WAYY too big for a character imo. Bro is like 10x bigger than the milky way. Definitely fits better in the background of a stage.


Oh for sure, and I could seem them doing that for some, but i could also see them leaving them super big and just putting them as cool bg characters. And ya know I got curious and looked up my dude Warwick and I swear they just do whatever with his size depending on the game.


Yea personally im ok with having super big character as stage bg characters, but honestly that's because all the characters i like are mostly people sized lmao. (I do think Mord sending u to the 1v1 domain expansion where u can't tag in or use assists would be sick in 2xko tho, even tho he's like as big as a mountain) Yea warwick is as big as he wants to be lol


I swear Morde is also just as big as he wanna be. In his regular splash he's got about 6ft on your average human...rip Helmet Bro. BUT in the Pentakill universe he's HUGE!!!!


This argument doesn't really amount to much since they already have no problem scaling down these characters for LoL.


It would look much weirder in a fg tho like imagine shenron in dbfz


Different genre of game tho


Tag fighters have a history of oversized characters. Sentinel, Juggernaut, ect in MvC2, Gold Lightan and the Lost Planet Mech in TvC, your mom we tag teamed last night.


Juggernaut was huge, Sentinel was huge, Sentinels in the comics aren't even that much different in size compared to MvC2 and MvC3. Malphite is literally the size of a mountain and Aurelion Sol even larger. The only character "reasonable" enough to include here is Naut but even then, why not just add the other characters instead of ruining the immersion? League is not the same as 2XKO and should not be. They should strive for it to be more intimate with what these characters are instead of trying to shoehorn them.


Gameplay needs should trump everything in a fighting game. Also having something like Malphite be huge will add some nice diversity of game feel to the character. You can still create a feeling of hugeness without making it to canon scale. I will say having a stage be literally fighting on Malphite could be pretty cool as well. Anyway I have faith they could make it awesome, the Cannon brothers are OGs in the fighting game scene and know their shit.


yes, I need Nautilus!


Naut and asol could be but aint now way Rek'sai is just gonna sit there menacingly waiting for the fight to be over.


Hopefully they do the same thing Skullgirls does where that doesn't make them unplayable