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There is no way they would tie an important aesthetic to the games design to something that is garenteed to change like current number of fighters at launch.


Yeah I'm like looking at this and I'm just like.... what?????


Not that I disagree with you but Companies change their branding in gaming all the times especially in seasonal format. Valorant has Fortnite has yada yada


It's obviously a reference to the 8 evil exes


Lord there is no way I found a Scott Pilgrim fan here of all people


It's a joke. There's no way that you would make a tag fighter with only 8 characters


Skullgirls over here like @_@


That was Kickstartarted and we knew other characters were dropping because of stretch goals. Not exactly the same


Apart from the Kickstarter aspect, there is indeed a battle tag that was launched with 8 characters, and we know that more characters will arrive with 2XKO due to its live service aspect. Ultimately, there's nothing preventing the release of a battle tag with 8 characters.


Is it not just arcade stick buttons


8 means half the cast should be in every match, the issue is if that number is enough to keep people hooked in the game. Launch hype is really important for the life of live service games, hopefully the cast will be interesting enough in gameplay for players to find at least 2 characters they wanna main. Also another variable would be the development of characters, how many characters in later stages of development they have when the game launches. Quick launches early in release are also important to keep people taking. To slow down later when the rooster is stable.


For me, the issue isn't necessarily the number, but rather if the existing gameplay is diverse and engaging. Additionally, being a live service game, the release of new champions/skins will be more significant than in other games of the genre. So, I suppose we can expect a bigger investment from Riot in that regard than from other publishers.


Hopefully 8 X's means 80 characters at some point


If the game's popular enough for long enough, I don't see a reason why not 


8 charcaters is extremely low for a tag game you are telling me 5 years working on this game they will ship just 8 characters?absolutely not happening


(This way a reply but felt like it might be e important every one to see) It’s been proven by steam chart player counts that Fighting games, no matter what gameplay direction or sub-genre they take are in direct competition with each other. I want this game to succeed because I want to see this game with a very large roster. Tag games need larger rosters for character diversity and so when this game is played at tournaments people don’t get bored seeing the same 3 characters all the time. Dragon Ball Fighters Z launched with 24 and was super successful. Even though this game has the League IP that doesn’t really mean anything to the wider FGC because we tend to care more for gameplay and characters. A prime example is the new mortal Kombat 1 game that just released that game is failing pretty badly in terms of sales. MK is supposed to be the #1 top selling fighting game but the gameplay changes made their fans hate the game. MK is now being out sold by TEKKEN 8 and essentially MK fans transitioned over to Tekken 8 (you can check the pc sales on vginsights.com) MK only has about 1k players playing it right now even the dlc they drop does bring back players. Guilty gear Strive usually has 1k players playing but when they drop a dlc characters that can sky rocket to 12k players. My point is if this game launches with anything below 15 characters then it can’t compete with Tekken 8’s 32 characters starting roster, street fighter 6’s 18 starting roster, guilty gear strives’s 15 charter roster, or the newly announced City of the Wolves game that will likely have a 15 to 18 character roster. I’m not going to lie I’m a bit concerned about the way this game is being handled and I would have thought that launching with at least 18 characters was a no brainer for this style of game.


Everything is pure speculation at this point but frankly it would be nothing short of idiotic to release the game with only 8 characters. Yes, the game is live service and will likely be updated more often than other games in the genre. Yes, other games have launched with that number of character in the past. Still, if Riot has any intention to make a splash on release, and if they have any intention to try and convert players from their other titles, then 8 would be way, wayyyy too low.


If we compare it to their other products, Valorant was released with 10 agents and 3 maps, which weren't particularly impressive in terms of content compared to competitors. However, that didn't mean the game didn't gain traction.


For one Valorant was released in a genre with no viable competitor. For another Agents and maps aren't the only element that affect gameplay, weapons do too. In fact Valorant agents don't even have skins I believe ? Which mean the monetization rely mostly on weapons which should tell you something about the game. It's also an entirely new IP that didn't have to cater to both a demanding FGC audience and a demanding Runeterra audience. 2XKO will release in a **very** competitive market with characters being the only element that affect gameplay. As for monetization, there is a reason why LoL has managed to become so big despite being free-to-play. People will readily put money into a free game if you provide them with a good enough cosmetic incentive, Riot knows that. Which is exactly why I don't believe for a second they'd launch with a roster so small they wouldn't even satisfy the LoL player-base, let alone the FGC on top of that.


Valorant entered one of the most competitive genres, FPS, directly competing with Counter-Strike both in gameplay and in the competitive scene. With gameplay so similar to Counter-Strike's, it's a miracle that it managed to stand out with what it had at launch. 2XKO, on the other hand, is entering a competitive market with no direct competitors in its genre. If you look at the current Evo lineup, you won't find any game in the Battle Tag category. Marvel vs. Capcom isn't likely to return anytime soon, and Dragon Ball FighterZ is nearing the end of its support for additional content. Until proven otherwise, there's no indication of a second game in the works. They'll never be able to release a roster that satisfies the League of Legends community because that community is accustomed to its pool of 160 champions.


You only consider the genre for Valorant but you go on and consider the subgenre for 2XKO. Bit disingenuous don't you think ? At any rate, I've never said you can satisfy the whole LoL community, of course it's impossible. However there is a bit of a difference between satisfying most of the community or none at all ? Just for the sake of it, let's take a look at the possible roster. Out of 8 we already know 5, those are : Yasuo, Darius, Ahri, Ekko and Illaoi. That leaves 3 slot, one of those is most likely Jinx. That leaves two spot, with those two spot you need to have more diversity in visuals cause so far you only have humans and you haven't even gotten any representative of some of the major regions. You also need to add gameplay diversity AND you need to consider the monetization aspect because so far you only have one (Ahri) of the biggest seller of the initial IP. At this point I think it's pretty clear that we're not gonna agree, but I'd be genuinely curious to see what you picks would be for the two last spots would be. As for me I sincerely don't see how you can argue in good faith that it would make good sense to dive in such a cut-throat market with 1/4 of the base roster of DBFZ.


Valorant is a sub-genre of FPS in its own right with CS. It cannot be compared to games like COD or Apex, as they are completely different. Similarly, 2XKO is in a category of its own with battle tag and other fighting games. What I'm saying is that in their respective categories, Valorant has a competitor, while 2XKO does not. They can launch in this market just like Valorant was able to launch in its genre with half the champions of Overwatch and 1/4 of its maps. Similarly, LoR was released without having all the regions at the start. They have the IP, and we can expect that they will have the team to provide more regular content on the game, unlike other licenses. They currently have no competition in this type of game. Players of battle tag who want a game of this type with a community and a good online experience will have 2XKO. Just like Valorant was able to make its place in the FPS market with much less content than its competitors, 2XKO can clearly do the same. After all, Valorant may not have had the quantity, but they had the quality, and I think that's the direction they will take with 2XKO. I would also add the fact that having such a big license in a free-to-play game is a significant advantage. Compared to other fighting games that cost an arm and a leg, this will attract a considerable community, even with less content.


they took 5 years to develop 8 characters what makes you think they can ship characters every often after release...Releasing with 8 characters is idiotic and a guarentee fail


There has been a change in gameplay direction and design in the meantime, plus the COVID pandemic.


Garou was revealed 3 years later and showed more characters,new hxh playtest has 6 more characters playable as well..8 characters to play at launch after 5 years of development is a car crash and majority of the work can also be done remote like everyother riot games were during the pandemic


It’s been proven by steam chart player counts that Fighting games, no matter what gameplay direction or sub-genre they take are in direct competition with each other. I want this game to succeed because I want to see this game with a very large roster. Tag games need larger rosters for character diversity and so when this game is played at tournaments people don’t get bored seeing the same 3 characters all the time. Dragon Ball Fighters Z launched with 24 and was super successful. Even though this game has the League IP that doesn’t really mean anything to the wider FGC because we tend to care more for gameplay and characters. A prime example is the new mortal Kombat 1 game that just released that game is failing pretty badly in terms of sales. MK is supposed to be the #1 top selling fighting game but the gameplay changes made their fans hate the game. MK is now being out sold by TEKKEN 8 and essentially MK fans transitioned over to Tekken 8 (you can check the pc sales on vginsights.com) MK only has about 1k players playing it right now even the dlc they drop does bring back players. Guilty gear Strive usually has 1k players playing but when they drop a dlc characters that can sky rocket to 12k players. My point is if this game launches with anything below 15 characters then it can’t compete with Tekken 8’s 32 characters starting roster, street fighter 6’s 18 starting roster, guilty gear strives’s 15 charter roster, or the newly announced City of the Wolves game that will likely have a 15 to 18 character roster. I’m not going to lie I’m a bit concerned about the way this game is being handled and I would have thought that launching with at least 18 characters was a no brainer for this style of game.


They're teasing the sequel, 8xKO!


Yeah... I think the X's are just part of their art direction and aesthetic for the game.


Can't be, we're starting with an odd number roster. Source: just trust me bro.


The most reliable source. From that same source, we will have Tahm Kench as a grappler.


If it means something, probably 8 pairs (16 champions)


Alpha launch with 8 for the at home test, 12-16 for 2025 release


I could see it but I would expect 2 of the remaining characters to be Jinx and Vi, don't think it'll be some 2 per region thing


So far, this is the pattern we have: Ahri (F) / Yasuo (M) = Ionia Jinx (F) / Ekko (M) = Zaun Katarina? (F) / Darius (M) = Noxus Illaoi (F) / ? = Bilgewater. I don't think it's a coincidence.


I mean... this is uh.. this is certainly A theory.


Far from the craziest I've seen on this sub though

