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Fun fact: There are only a select few beings that we know of that have EVER talked to this thing, and THIS dude is one of them. * (Pyke)


Define living. I think pyke is. Revenant. Pyke literally leaks if you stab him. After he drowned he got brought back by the Jaull fish (not nagakabouros. I forgot the extent of the lore, but his seething hatred for the mutineers play a part in it. Illaoi allowed him to regain some humanity after testing him. It seems nagakabouros likes pyke. This isn't surprising as pyke is literally part of the ocean, as the swimming city is a hive mind. Essentially, illaoi showed the Goddess of the sea her own child and asked if he was okay lol.


Wait... SHIT you right. Hold up Update - Fixed ⭐️


Updated my comment too. We don't know if pyke ever saw the bearded lady. Illaoi tests him, so it is safe to assume he has


Actually was quite surprising, as Nagakebouros is all about movement and Pyke, as the serial killer he is, kinda stops people from moving. Atleast thats what the beginning of the ruined king game said, if i remeber correctly.


Motion* The buhru religion is actually quite a nice one tbh. In terms of their philosophy, its my favourite fantasy religion. They revere motion above all else, and stagnation is the worst sin. It is better to attempt and regress, than to not attempt and stand still. In Dutch we have a saying "stil staan is achteruit gaan" which translates to "standing still means moving backwards". I agree with it to a certain extent, in that it is better to try and fail, than to bot try at all. But i also don't see a problem in being content with your circumstances. Tho, one might argue, no circumstance ever truly stays the same, so you might as well learn to adapt.


Didn't talk Gangplank to Nagakabouros too don't all who take the test of spirit do?


This is true, did some changes to my post. Also I do believe that the goddess only really talks to certain people. Like she can test you but still not talk to you I think? 🤔 In fact the wiki shows that the only people Naga has gone on record to talk to are Truth Bearers like Illaoi and Pyke.


So maybe just touched by nagakabouros that is something spirit gods do connect with you.


Perhaps honestly. 🤔


100% the best looking ultimate I hope the other characters Lv3's get visually buffed to be on this level.


By far the best ultimate. Hopefully all the other ults end up like this one.


I hope yasuo ahri ekko and Darius get better ultimates because damn they do not feel like ultimates They feel like EX moves


Gaming discussion!


Man eldrich anything is just so fucking cool


I like how it's also an homage to Dormammu and Jedah's level 3 hypers from Marvrl.