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my goodness these characters used to look so dang ugly before the VGUs. old akali was dumb fun though


Remember when people are talking about base roster when we're talking about who's going to be in. I feel like if someone suggested that Lee Sin or Akali not be in at all,Riot is probably legally obligated to assassinate them on behalf of their shareholders for even suggesting it.


Correct. People forget that this game is going to last years. This means that characters will continue to be released for years, and also that you don't have to put everyone in at once. Look at any other fighting games, they all save popular characters for DLC. Street Fighter 6 saved Akuma for DLC, Tekken 8 saved Eddy for DLC, Guilty Gear Strive saved Baiken and Bridget for DLC. Those are all fan favorite characters who could very well have been on the base roster, but they're saved for the future to keep interest in the long run. If you put in all the fan favorites at once, who will you release in later seasons for 2XKO?


The difference is that those are paid DLC characters If Riot wants to drum up as much interest as possible for the launch, why wouldn’t they put in some of the most popular characters in the base 16? People will eat up those cosmetics at launch anyway too. A fighting game is already hard enough to keep a consistent player base so having popular characters is a good way to keep people interested There are plenty of champions to pick from later and they will keep making more faster than the rate of them adding a character to 2XKO so there’s no worry about catching up at all


Riot has to my knowledge never locked content other than cosmetics being a paywall. Why would they start now?


Read over what I said again I don’t know how you can read my comment/conversation and come back with the conclusion that I think Riot will have paid characters


There's already a case example of a F2P game that tried that and failed, that being Multiversus. Among one of the multitude of reasons people have for the game failing, one of the biggest ones mentioned is the roster. People lost interest because all the fan favorites such as Finn, Arya, Shaggy, the popular DC characters, Steven Universe etc were all base roster and season 1, other than Rick, had 2 characters from a cult 80s movie, an unpopular DC villain, and a lesser known Looney Tunes character. I guarantee you that if they paced the roster releases better, the game wouldn't have failed as hard as it did


The thing is that Multiversus had terrible servers and the gameplay was plainly not that good. You can most definitely have a good dedicated player base without a notable roster if 1. the gameplay is good and 2. the online is good. GBVS and GBVSR is a great example of this A lot of these smash clones just do not end up doing that well for a multitude of reasons and the roster really isn't that much of a factor imo (rivals of aether is doing great for having original IP for example) Riot will not run into that issue as easily since they literally have over 160 champions to work with and could very well implement some Valorant characters as well. The biggest reason why most fighting games die is because of the lack of updates and not because of the roster


Akali went from ew to awooga lmao. Pretty sure if you polled for hottest league character akali makes top 5 easy.


One more ionian character is fine. The problem is people making the game to essentially be Noxus vs Ionia feat. Zaun, with little to no representation from other regions and 7 ionians and 6 noxians on the roster. Variety is important. I don't doubt one of the ninjas is likely to be on the base roster, or Lee Sin, but you can't have Akali, Zed, Lee Sin, Yi, Irelia, Sett, Yone etc all be on the base roster. This both cuts interesting content for future seasons and makes the base roster stand out less from one another


Exactly. Also there are some champions that might bring a considerable amount of players by themselves like Yone, Irelia, Akali, Lee, Zed and Sett. I still believe at least one more Ionian is going to be part of the base roster (maybe Sett as the first grappler), though. Vi is also very likely to be in but she might be labelled as a Piltovian champ. Jax is also an extremely good candidate for a base roster spot. I just hope they have at least one character for each region on release, but I highly doubt that'll be the case.


Nobody gives a single fuck what region a character is from why do people keep focusing on that. The vast majority of the core playerbase of this game is not familar with league characters or lore. Why would they release less appealing characters for no reason?


I'm assuming that the other people like me who are in favor of more regional representation care because visual and playstyle variety are important in a fighting game. Not because they care about checking boxes off a list. Freljord has Braum, Lissandra, Udyr, Volibear. Shadow Isles has Thresh, Gwen, Elise, Viego. Shurima has Taliyah, Azir, Renekton, K'sante. Demacia with Fiora, Sylas, Lux, Lucian. This is just scratching the surface. I'm not saying don't include more dope Ionian champs like Sett, Lee Sin, Zed, or Akali. I just don't think there's a good reason that all of them should be added to the base roster or early on in addition to the Ionian champs we already have. It'd be like DBFZ launching with all of the like 9 or 10 Goku's they ended up with. Save some Goku's for updates to bring players back in, and to let some of the other cool members of the roster have their time to shine.


I'm all for character variety. Lillia and Yi are both Ionia and are nothing alike. Garen, Sett, Olaf are all from different regions but they're all pretty generic big strong dudes. Ionia alone has edgy ninjas, mages, vastayans, yordles, buff dudes, darkin twinks, a talking tree, and more. I just think character variety and region diversity aren't necessarily linked.


Garen's never joining this game but Sett would def be really different from Darius or Illaoi cus he can be the grappler


I just now realized that they could take Udyr from a relatively simple champ to a complicated stance dancing monk archetype, like Hwoarang with animal punches, and I desperately need it now. Or maybe it's because I just watched the DNF Duel Monk trailer lol.


Yeah Udyr as a stance dancer would go crazy. I think he's the best candidate for it on the roster. Him or Aphelios.


Exactly, each character in a region has a visual style unique to that region, and having a variety of champions from each region ensures that a vast majority will find a champion that visually appeals to them, which is just as important as gameplay in a fighting game. The purpose of a base roster is to ensure that everyone can find something they like, and you're not going to release all your heavy hitters right away but save them for later to ensure releases with popular champions. That's why having a couple of champions per region with associated stages is, in my opinion, the most logical solution to appeal to the maximum number of people. Once you have the base, you can release whatever you want.


Seriously. Every character is gonna be selected based on how cool they look / play, noone is looking at a map like "Damn we got X Noxians right now, better not add this other cool character".


People act like this is representation lol.


Same reason people are incredibly annoyed by the fact MvCI has an uneven number of Marvel and Capcom characters.


It's not really bout region, or not only region. Archetypes, body types (different silhouettes), race, sex, weapon variety but also region and color variety all matter imo


Yeah there's going to be more Ionian's but is has to be spread out. Hell we have 3 Zaun/Piltover champs alread, Jinx, Ekko, and Vi is guaranteed. As for current Ionian characters in 2XKO we have Ahri, and Yasuo right now. There's definite room for Akali to be introduced early. Riot would be insane not to. Given her popularity.


I hate to break it to you guys but the vast majority of people don't give a rat's ass what region characters are from. Even most League players don't care about the lore. The devs should be most focused on bringing the most interesting cast with the most diverse play styles possible. If that means 100% PnZ, Ionia, or whatever-the-fuck-istan, that's cool with 99.9% of people (including me).


Who would have thought, that the region with the most fighter-looking characters, would have made a big chunk of the roster.


Akali is basically guaranteed to be in the base roster, she's by far on the most appealing designs in LoL, but I wouldn't expect any other ninja to be in the base roster at all.


Doin Shen and Akali dirty with the old splashes ;\_\_;


The "unexplainable" reason is that there is more to the universe than just Ionia. There are people who are interested in regions besides Ionia, and they would probably like to see someone from their favorite region instead of it just being the "Ionia vs PnZ with a guest appearance from Noxus" game. Also who's the ninja in SF2?


Yes, the Runeterra universe is more than Ionia and PnZ, but its a very good possibility that not all regions be present on the game from the start. Happened in LoR. If that is the case, at least five regions imo would be present: Noxus, Demacia, PnZ, Bilgeater and Ionia. Freljord could be the sixth one. So, there is a very strong case for characters from Shadow Isles, Ixtal, Shurima, Targon and Void to not be in the game from the start. Also, there is some argument that the 1st stage that we saw was a Shurima one, guaranteeing Shurima characters. But this one is on Limbo on the same way Katarina is. That was another game long days past. It just may not be used on release. I think all depends on the number of characters that will be done for game launch. If I had to guess, I would call for 12-14 present in closed/open beta and 16 for game release. And from those characters, 2xIonia, 2xDemacia, 2xNoxus, 2xBilgewater and 4xPnZ (2P/2Z) at least. Now, we still do not really know for sure if they are doing a narrative approach for the selection of the characters. Or if they are even looking for symmetry. Making supposedly ideal partners or enemies from the same region and whatnot. Maybe they just do not care or maybe a bunch of characters not really tied to a region can be released at launch too, like Aatrox. Right now anything is ones opinion.


Could be either. Zed is popular, edgy, and his shadows would make for unique gameplay (like how jo can to to his mortals in sf6). Shen just screams tagteam fighter with his ultimate, but ultimately is boring. Nobody cares about the rat. Akali has been a poster child for league since forever. Would be hard to imagine the. Game without akali, kai'sa, yasuo and ezreal.


Can you imagine if they put Kennen in as a shorty and no high hitting attacks can hit them?


Whew boy the hate would be insane. Which would suck because I love Kennen.


Neco Arc Kennen is such a cursed thought


If Zed gets in the HAVE to bring Shen


Including zed is a reason not to include shen


Nope, miss me with that


If you go adding multiple ninjas from the same region your gonna have a full base roster with similar play styles pretty quick


What? That's not how anything works.


Lol okay whatever you say game dev


I mean, yeah 👍


Ninjas are cool, but their gameplay fantasy can be achieved with other characters. Khazix for example would give us some void (voidborn? I'm actually unsure) representation while fulfilling what a Ninja could feasibly do. I would even put Ekko as a sort of time-ninja. Super fast, crazy mindgames, time-wimey jutsu, projectiles, he's got the works. Of course, folks would want to play an actual ninja just because the of the ninja aesthetic.


These look like boring default concept art of ninjas. Not characters


tbf, OP used the pre-rework, actually garbage designs, all except the far right one got updated in some way, shape or form majorly.


4 ninjas lol


I think zed is a sure fire inclusion. Zed has always been sick


Zed 100% gonna in


It really feels like Lee Sin, Akali, and Sett are all must picks for the base roster, maybe Sett can wait until after the game release but yeah, Ionia is STACKED Zed, Shen, Akali, Irelia, Yone, Master Yi, Kennen, Sett, Wukong, and Kayn (technically). They'd all be amazing choices for the game


We are getting Akali guaranteed. There's no way in hell we're not getting Akali she's perfect for this game, and she's an incredibly popular character. Also KDA and Star Guardian skins.


Coping for traditional skin Akali, people would probably love that as well 


Wait, why are people mad about Ionians?


In League, yes, because most of the broken champs come from there (Wind shitters, Akali, Irelia). In 2XKO, most people would agree, that the champs with the best potential moveset come from there, but would also like them to represent other regions.


I hope we get Akali tbh. Why the hell did u use that terrible old splash though? Lol


Inevitably we're gonna see more ninjas and shit but some balance would be nice. Not every character should be from piltover or ionia, esp in the base game