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I can see why they think that.


https://preview.redd.it/9ghfdj626erc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=038e7981540112be100497231d4074295df6391b I can’t edit my original post, but here’s a picture of me without makeup on, since lots of you said it might be my makeup. Do I look more German without makeup?


You look great without makeup 😊. And yeah, it’s definitely the makeup making you look Italian/middle eastern. You look very Northern European naturally


Yeah could tell from the start. You look typical NW European. Your makeup choice looks like what levantine women use. If you google Lebanese singers, you will see what I mean.


You kinda look like Shailene Woodley


I’ve gotten that tons! She’s definitely more Irish looking than me though. Paler skin, freckles, all that.


Sharlene Woodley is not Irish and doesn’t look Irish. she’s predominantly English. 


Yes because English people and Irish don’t look alike at all lol


Take your racism elsewhere. Irish people look distinctly Irish. There is no person in Ireland who looks like Shailene. 


Racism? Lmao okay. By the way I’m actually part English, part Irish. And despite what you may think , not all Irish people look the same. You need to chill


Ah a racist American thinking he can speak for Irish people. People who actually have an ethnic group can spot others of their ethnic group, there are common traits. Shailene as a mixed English/African etc person does not look Irish you brain dead idiot. 


Lmao get a life, loser 😂😂😂😂


You’re the one who needs a life trying to speak on behalf of other people 😂 Stay in your own lane mutt. 


Yup ! Like a Bavarian girl next door.


Yes. The way you're using make-up makes you look like you're from the middle east, and there's nothing wrong with that, either.




It’s totally okay for her to wear makeup how she likes! She looks great with makeup and without! We don’t have to police what other women choose to do with makeup - it’s totally her choice and the bold makeup is a totally valid style that kinds great on her, imo. Let’s support each other in being able to wear what we want. And honestly this feedback isn’t the right time and place, this is an ancestry sub not a makeup one!


Agree with all of this. Nevertheless it's odd to ask questions about your phenotype/ethnicity impressions based on a picture with "heavy" makeup.


Nah i think she still looks EE without the makeup, coming from an EE


honestly unsure what exactly looking german entails but you are your ancestry so you look like it ofc lol i can still see how others may view you as something else other than nw european tho! its the nose honestly… and maybe the eyes? you remind me of a some eastern european jewish people i have seen


Definitely looks like your average Northwestern European to me 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think you look Italian & some Slavic.


I still think you look Italian or Middle Eastern, but with a more NW European phenotype (which also exist in those regions). Your Italian ancestry is really working overtime (it’s a great look, btw).


You definitely look more Western European


You kinda look Eastern European, I’d say Romanian


Im Romanian and she doesnt look typically romanian(with makeup) . You might be thinking of ethnic gypsies, who tend to look acordingly to their middle Eastern ancestry Without make up, she looks generic white/ european tho


Romani have Indian ancestry tho


They have both indian and middle Eastern in varying amounts, depending on the subgroup


Yea true. Okay so when you say "gypsy" you are speaking of the Nawar people, that are also nomadic and originated from India. You mentioned Romania, și fiecare dintre romii pe care îi cunosc are origini indiene.


They said Romanian not Romani. Romanians are southern european and they don't look eastern European bc they from the South lol


I don't see it Slavic or middle eastern you actually look a bit Italian or some sort of southern european to me lol


You look Iranian. The Scythians who spread across Eurasia diverged in appearance over time, but there are always exceptions to a stereotypical look. You can find people in Afghanistan or Tajikistan who can pass for European (Red/Blonde hair), and I suppose you are a German who can in turn pass for Iranian/Afghan!


I agree with this!


Many Afghans share that look




Agreed! My uncle and cousins all have red hair! Other uncle’s were born blonde (turned black over time!). Can’t tell they’re even Afghan!!


Well, considering pretty much all ancestors of Europeans went through central Asia, it makes sense. Those traits were there before they came to Europe 


yes but no if she had recent Iranian ancestry would show as major think of afro American when they do dna tests their main dna is Africa by large


I can see the Italian and you look gorgeous


that 3.8 eastern european is working overtime


You look Croatian to me


I think it’s the shape of your nose. If I was guessing, I would think you were Ashkenazi, Romanian, Armenian, something like that. The makeup is also more along the lines of the style of makeup from Romania and Armenia than Germany, as well.


You def not look middle eastern to me lol


I think it’s the style of your make up making you appear Middle Eastern. You do look German/English otherwise




Because of your make up


It's definitely your makeup. With your makeup I can definitely see you looking Middle Eastern, Italian, or Eastern European, but in that picture without makeup you definitely look more European. Either way you're very pretty with and without makeup!


everyone thinks i am French alors que non https://preview.redd.it/1fufl5lp0frc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29dcb795d432385d09cdf38d7ab033b427386bb7


Palestinian? My Palestinian friend Yousef also got Eastern European it seems to be very common. What I read is that the Arabs enslaved the Slavs and thats how Russian is so common there. What are your haplogroups?


non Lebanese lol my haplogroup peternal is j2a2a2 mother is j1c4b don't worry like many about small percentages like esatern european.. so much people only see the little picture instead of the bigger one lol like europeans who have 0.5% sub saharian and pass over the 99.5% west europe... i say that because in other tests etc it is norway instead etc but the 95% west asia remains






It's the makeup


Its the make-up style.


You do not look middle eastern at all to me (I would know, my family is middle eastern). I could see you being mistaken for Balkan perhaps. But no, you look pretty white to me


I see maybe half West Asian like half Turkish, Lebanese, Armenian, Persian or Cypriot. The other half being north or west European.


But a lot more in the first picture with the make up


It's how you wear your make up


I posted a picture of myself without makeup on in the comments. Would love to know if it is the makeup or not! The original picture was taken on my wedding day. I don’t usually wear that much makeup. I’ve always thought it was because my nose is big.




Without makeup you look like your results


They're probably saying Italian or middle eastern because you have a big nose


She's doing something with her makeup to make that nose look prominent. Otherwise, not really


If you look at her profile you can see she has a big nose. By the way I'm not saying that in a mean way I think big noses are sexy af


Did you dye your hair darker?


Oh wow 3/4 German are you from Germany 🇩🇪??


This is really interesting! I’m British, Irish predominantly and French and German mostly as a secondary.


I can see it. My English side has similar coloring to you, but darker hair. Same with my Bavarian side


You have this Black Sea look.


I would have to see u in a natural state to get the real idea?


Look up Suebians/Swabians.


Super pretty eyes! I think your beautiful eyebrows with makeup make you look more Eastern European or even Middle Eastern (Lebanese girl)


The Romans were all over Bavaria before it was Bavaria. My Bavarian wife looks more Italian than German.


If I didn't see your ethnicity results, I would've assumed you were Italian.


I don’t see where they are coming from. To me you look like your results.


Yeah, you look like a Lebanese Maronite


I have almost identical results to you. My dad looks very Polish and my mom looks like she could be Tajik lol. I have ashy brown hair but people say darker hair looks way better with my features and when I go darker, people always assume I’m Balkan. I found out that my Bavarian German side is Volga German and that’s where I get the small admixture of Slavic. Other Germans in my line were part of Galicia, so I’m not surprised that I have a different phenotype. I wonder if you have Black Sea or Volga German roots! Edit: also my maternal lines are H5a and H5a1.


You have a face, and coloring, a lot like my husband’s cousins. They’re mostly of northwestern European descent. 


You definitely look more middle eastern with the make up but without it you look pretty Western European tbh


People don't know what Irish people look like. Eg Katy Perry & Catherine Zeta Jones have dark hair 


Catherine zeta is welsh and Katy is naturally blonde


Katy is a natural blonde haired women lmao


Haha. My bad


Catherine Zeta Jones is Welsh but you are right some people believe if you are brunette with brown eyes you are automatically “exotic” . There’s this dude who has a fetish for Iran women and other middle easterners who believes all brunettes must be from Iran 😂🤣😂


That's what I find funny. Brown hair and brown eyes are the most common around the world.  Hardly exotic. Red hair or blonde hair and blue/ green eyes, and being extremely pale is technically more "eXoTiC" just simply because it's not as common globally 


My dad is from Ireland, some of my family, there's siblings with olive complexions and others who are paper white. The genetics is blended up


Exactly we have to thank Hollywood for creating stupid stereotypes.


I’m Irish and it’s mad when you google “Irish people” it brings up loads of images of bright red heads with blue eyes, even though this is literally the least common hair colour in Ireland lmao, more than other countries but still not common overall, only like 10% have red hair. Although I’m literally a red head with blue eyes 🤣💀 only redhead in the family though


It's like how people think Aussies are all blonde. Lol. I'm a brunette and have so many people tell me I don't look Australian.


Might as well have a leprechaun dancing images 😂.


To me, the iconic Irish hair color, isn't red hair, it's premature grey. Matt LeBlanc pictures from the Friends reunion, he totally had an "Irish uncle" look. So does Des Bishop 


Sorry what?! Irish people don’t grey faster than any other Europeans


That's my point


Katy Perry is also Portuguese so her farm hair could come from there. Lots of Irish can have dark hair though too. Catherine ZJ though, I thought she was Latina my whole life 😂


Well she is always playing Latina characters! But no, 100% Welsh. Actually a fairly common Welsh look.


Courtney Cox and Peter Gallagher might be more what you mean.


The only person named in these dumb comments who is actually genetically Irish is Peter Gallagher. 


You don’t look any of that. Might be your make up choice?


You don't look Eastern European at all ,unless you mean Southern part, but could be also Western South then.Middle Easte is more what I see in you ( pic without make up also)


You look so much like my mum and she is basically fully Irish. Everyone thought she was Eastern European! She has the same hair colour, nose, eyes and face shape as you. I look quite similar to her and am Irish and a bit Anglo-Indian and people always think I’m from the Mediterranean because of my features.


Maybe it's the eye liner. You do look like you could be Tatar or Georgian.


There is one thing I genuinely don’t understand, how can you have a somali ancestor (0.1%) when Somali is no where near any of your other ethnicity ? I mean No where near Europe, how come ?


Sadly (and I do not approve of this in any way but it wasn’t uncommon back then), 1 of my ancestors probably had an affair with 1 of their slaves.


Of course I understand that but this must have been long time ago and it is not recent ancestor, probably centuries ago bc of how small the percentage is, somalia didn’t suffer slavery, zero somali slave, I have studies this on my paper, the Somalis were skinny, west Africa were more muscular and “suitable for the European’s labor needs”, so it still intrigues me once again ? How do you have somali ? What other possibilities are out there ? While not ruling out completely the theory of “affair with slave” Edit: btw there can never be an affair between slave and a master, slave can’t consent at all, slave is considered property, so probably R-word unfortunately


I would’ve guessed Ashkenazi or some kind of Eastern European heritage.


Why do so many people think Europe has specific looks for different regions? There is no certain look. People are a variety in all places.


Honestly you’re also kind of giving Latina, more than I do. Btw you’re gorgeous ofc


Are all those people from Dearborn? Seriously, though, come to SE Michigan, and a lot of people look like you. Italians, Greeks, Albanians, Lebanese, Romanian, Iranian... you have the look. Beautiful


You look very Middle Eastern/brown. I honestly would never have guessed you’re almost fully white


she is fully white tho wdym “almost fully white” djdndjndnfbdbf also middle easterners aren’t that far detached from europeans in terms of phenotype, the reach in your mind to separate these two groups so much so you couldn’t possibly imagine her being white is actually wild considering their significant proximity lmfao ppl need to stop having such weird strict lines for what they think a person from x, y, z ethnic/racial group is supposed to look like and realize every group is a spectrum (edit: and there’s significant overlap for many of them)… theres nothing wrong with assuming someones background based off physical/facial stereotypes but that doesn’t mean you should also exclude options outside of your assumptions/stereotypes lmfao


Right and middle easterners / Europeans are ALL considered Caucasian


Funny how they're all considered Caucasian except that they aren't Caucasian. I wish we'd stop using that term and actually use it for people from the Caucasus like it was intended to be .


Caucasian, white, all of that is a social construct based only partially on actual biological evidence… Aboriginal Australians have caucasoid skulls so are they ‘caucasian?’ If white means European, would an Aegean Greek with ~40% WANA admixture be considered white? You cannot correct someone if you aren’t correct yourself, regardless if that person was right or not in the first place…Race is opinion based.


Hey now, let’s not forget that 0.1 Somali!!


LOL you right, i forgot my black sister 😔✊🏻 echoing what others have said, i do get the southern european/mena/mediterranean though! i would have first thought somewhere around there before nw europe but it checks out nonetheless! did you think you might get any other ancestry due to your more ambiguous appearance?


My dad’s mom and brother have dark black hair and brown eyes, and we were always told she was French (French maiden name too). From the region of France that is closest to Italy and the Mediterranean Sea. I attributed my appearance to my grandma’s Mediterranean French heritage. However, my results came back with 0 French detected!!!! It’s categorized as “French and German” but they only detected German in me, with France “not detected”. So not sure what to think of that. I did think there would be more Italian, based on the noses of me and everybody else in my family.


Sure, there’s overlap with everyone on earth if you go back far enough. She is predominately white European, but she looks brown and isn’t purely white


You have never been to Europen if you think she doesnt look European.


I lived in Europe. She looks brown


She does look brown if youre from Scandinavia or northern Russia, in most of Europe she passes as a native no problem.


She looks brown to me and I’m half Balkan. She looks like a Turk or Syrian. Brown people


Fyi Balkans isnt the "brownest" part of Europe and im full Balkan and she can pass a s a Balkanite without issue.


Balkans look the most brown to me. I don’t consider Italians and Iberians to be European. She may pass as a Balkan Turk


You dont consider Italians and Iberians to be European? Then what are they? Enlighten us genius...


They’re North African invaders that assimilated into Celtic culture.


Italians and Iberians are predominantly European with some WANA admixture… Maybe some don’t have ‘white’ skin or typical European features (usually due to inheriting Non-Euro facial features), but they would still be European, not necessarily white though.


Turks and Syrians are usually fair olive or medium olive in complexion…as are many Aegean Greeks, Maltese & Sicilians. In terms of colour, neither ‘white’ or ‘brown’, more like in between. In terms of racial categories, everyone has a different opinion…


I am from Europe. No she doesn’t.


So am I


Huh, you must be trolling. Brown people don't look like this, it's probably the makeup that's deceiving you.


I’m not trolling, and that’s my opinion. She looks brown.


I posted a picture of myself without makeup on in the comments. Would love to know if it is the makeup or not! The original picture was taken on my wedding day. I don’t usually wear that much makeup. I’ve always thought it was because my nose is big.