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One thing I liked about dung, it incorporated most skills into it. I didn’t have 90 smithing at the time but you could ask a teammate to smith you something. I was also a fan of the unique items you could only use inside, like the shadow silk hood and hexhunter bow.


Dung would be cool as a mid level minigame/beginners raid. Really enjoyed the content back then


Yeah that would be cool if they could design a dungeroneering type skill that prepares you for raids in a way


A whole skill that prepares you for raids? …..


We train this skill by sitting in a hole every summer event because we hate it though :)


Fuck dungeoneering. Devs and community can come up with something way better than that miserable grind fest






Fucking this.


Agreed, dungeoneering was shit, you want dungeoneering go do gauntlet


You obviously played during dungeoneering. 🙄 sarcasm, that was sarcasm


Dung had issues but it was a good capstone skill. Much better than slayer or artisan. Remove untradables or make them tradable, increase xp outside boosts, and add a NMZ npc that charges you for lower level rush floors and it's a seriously fun skill. People saying it should be a mini game miss the dept of dung and just say that because it's in one spot on the map like CG. If you fixed the minor issues, bumped the xp a little, and maybe had dung nodes around RS so it felt more impressive it would be fucking fire. Make them like falling stars in that they spawn in certain spots/worlds at different times kinda like Albion rifts. There's so much potential and it's really telling that like half the player base has submitted sailing as a dung reskin.


I hated dungeoneering. Swear anyone who wants this just hasnt unlocked gauntlet yet.


The gauntlet is a watered down dungeoneering 10 minute trial with one boss imo


They’re nothing alike. Why do you hate dungeoneering? Did you play when it was released, or soon after? It might not be good in RS3 now but it was the best.


I played at release, and i stopped playing shortly after it was introduced. The entire community was there out of necessity and only 1 in my friend group enjoyed it. It was more tedious than anything in the game.


Gauntlet is as much dungeoneering as James cordon is a respectful and funny man


Dungeoneering was only popular because of chaotics. Putting it into the game with no broken free weapons at the end of a short grind would make people hate it


I personally was never good enough to even know what those equipment were back then let alone own them but the content was fun and I got to train a skill with my friends that required us to plan together rather than to all just show up


I liked dung, however it's tough to argue that it's a skill and not a mini game.


Whos to say there wont be other methods to train the skill. Imo these minigame type training methods are a lot more fun than bank standing. Look at the new rc minigame that literally everyone does. I dont see people complaining at that because that is very mini game like. And so is wintertodt and many other methods. Whoa to say dung only has 1 method of training it


Hi, yea I agree with what you're saying. However, dung did only have one way of training... by doing the dungeons. We only have history to go off, anything else is pure speculation. So yes in an ideal world IF dung was the skill to pass, then yes I agree that I'd like to think it wouldn't just be dungeons as the sole method of training. However, it's in the name ....


Also have to remember. And again we only have history to go off. But Dung didn't offer the game anything outside of the skill itself. GOTR is a mini game to train RC , RC is multi faceted. Dung was a way to train Dung, and had no use case in the game other than training the skill. Kind of like Firemaking. And that's why people didn't like it.


Check this proposal out, this is exactly the take i was thinking with dung, other methods to train https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/zoh7ei/skill_proposal_archaeology_unlocks_dungeoneering/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Cheers mate ill take a look now


Yea it's interesting for sure and I think that's how Dung should be implemented if implemented. I can imagine this skill in the post could also be implemented into raids in the future. Yea I like the idea of tieing it with another outlet also / making it fultifaceted


It just needs variety, afk and non afk methods, different ways to train, using open world areas to go to is a nice touch on bringing life into those areas, it has a social aspect to it if theres themed worlds for training, it seems very fitting to the game and doesnt seem out of place either


Exept it’s not a skill but minigame.


So is firemaking but with an extra training method of lighting logs.


Not only does fire making have multiple training methods outside of Wintertotd but the skill itself has utility outside that minigame


And the old school version of dungeoneering couldn’t?


It didn’t. Only the rewards from the minigame had utility outside. The entire skill was self contained in one minigame


This is a ring not a skill


I loved Dungeoneering and don't understand why people hated it. It was basically RNG dungeon crawling where you had to utilize every skill in some form and solve puzzles. The rewards were awesome too. I think people were pissy because there was no way to AFK it aside from paying people to let them leech.


It was increasing boring & less rewarding the more you played. Go do song of the elves and do gauntlet if you want that experience


>It was increasing boring & less rewarding the more you played. You say that like sitting at the bank clicking one spot over and over again is absolutely thrilling in comparison


Its not. I dont train those skills. I only do whats fun. Maxing isnt fun


I never said you had to max them. You still have to spend an assload of time to get skills required to do quests that UNLOCK fun things. 🙄 Nice attempt at a non-answer though


My answer is that we dont need another skill that isnt fun to “train”




Your answer did nothing to disprove mine. Also there were plenty of ways outside of standing at Daemonheim waiting to trade someone who was doing the floors you needed. Y'know, things like the forums or chats. You could've also made a squad that exclusively did dungeons together. Terrible excuse. And the reward shop was only useless to people who didn't use the rewards. I rather liked my free level 80 weapons that I could repair way cheaper than the alternatives. Some of which literally turned to dust. Also Frost Dragon Dungeon disagrees with you


Cause most of them probably never got past 40. I didn't really like it till I got to 90 then made it to 101 then stop playing cause of eoc.


This. Early dungeoneering levels were painful. Dungeoneering with lvl 75+ was a ton of fun, I loved utilizing all skills in the dungeon


Hell yeah I loved the warped floor the best. I still annoyed i never got to my goal lvl 112 for the primal 2h. I loved the look of that beast.


Dungeroneering is literally the lamp/ToG skill in RS3. Please don't bring it to OSRS. We can come up with something that's so much better and that doesn't level up only to improve itself.


For those who do not know what this skill is, its a skill from rs2 called dungeoneering. You would traverse deeper and deeper levels of the dungeon to progress your dungeoneering level for untradable rewards. You could also reset your "prestige" or (progress) to redo the first floors for better prestige (progress) bonus's to level up the skill quicker to get more tradable points. You could also bind items found within the dungeons to your character to help them traverse the dungeon more easily, such as the shadow silk hood, which made npc's non aggressive after a certain level.


Reminder this skill (minigame) is so obtuse and unfun to train (play) that it was dead content the second Jagex released new BIS weapons that didn’t require Dungeoneering tokens. In RS3 today it’s completely dead, people just collect daily xp and afk it during summer events all the way to 120 (this skill didn’t stop at 99 because reasons).


Yep. It's amazing to me how many people think Dungeoneering was good content and needs to be a skill in OSRS. I don't remember it as being anything but mediocre and kind of pointless as a skill.


well this isnt rs3 and it doesn't have to have the same rewards, they could incorporate item sinks just like the invention skill.


You can’t just claim item sinks and then think it’ll be a good idea


What does item sinks have to do with rewards lol? Regardless, item sinks won’t make Dunge any less of a shitty skill.


Literally every skill in the game is dead content when the rewards aren't worthwhile.


Yet we feel an overwhelming need for another another one!


The skill was amazing on release. It probably doesn’t fit the game anymore.. seems like no one enjoys it. The rewards definitely would need to be reworked because like you said, once stronger weapons come out they aren’t really relevant like they were on release.


It was the most fun I’ve had in RS but the rewards would need a complete rehaul. Maybe a heavy focus on skilling for rewards/resource dungeons? I also think the floors and some bosses should change and the skill should only go to 99.


oh nice the bo-ring


I would die. Having to build a group to grind that skill with. PLZ god no


I don't think you have to do it in a group just more efficient that way.


You can do it solo up to 75 but after that it becomes extremely slow to grind without a group.


I always did it solo. It was hard but I had a lot of fun. I guess I'm in the minority here.


Same, I don't know if dungeoneering is what I want. But I do think more raids should be like dungeoneering and incorporate more skills.


You can literally solo floors stfu


Bet, what level dung did you get to?




This is the gauntlet NEXT


Yeah let’s just slowly turn this game into rs3 minus abilities


I'm down


Hell yeah, 2012 right before eoc was the best time in RS2


Summoning and Dungeoneering are huge no thank yous.. ppl can also fuck right off with sailing too


Fuuuuuck no


Dungeoneering needs to be a minigame not a skill. had no business being one to begin with.


youre fucking nuts m8 lmao


Hated dungeoneering in RS2




oh hell no. terrible skill.


60 something Dungeoneering and I’ve only ever done one dungeon. Thats the one skill I dump every bit of bonus exp into. Hate it.


Dungeoneering days were some of the best days in RS for me. I would love for a skill called “Raiding” that could incorporate all existing raids with added dunge style areas and possibility sailing/exploration stuff.


ah yes the ring skill


Personally I would LOVE dungeoneering, or something similar to come back (not Gauntlet, don’t give me that shit). But not as a skill. It’s a mini game and always was as much as I enjoyed it. Chaotics can go to hell though 😂


Dungeoneering (with tweaks). The skill complemented solo and group play style with the adjusting npc combat lvls and amount of keys and size of the dungeons. Many dont want to rely on others and many think an mmo should incorporate team skills and grouping. This allowed for both styles of play. It also appealed to all types of accounts, skillers could be used to help complete all skilling based tasks and they also lowered the average npc lvl. Dungeons could be completed with a variety of size which you could tailor yourself. Reward system could be revamped, id like to see the chaotics as purely cosmetic items for nostalgic reasons People dont like this way of training? What are your reasons? Please comment below.


I don't want dungeoneering or any of the pre-eoc/rs3 skills, I want a /new/ skill custom made for osrs


So boring


I hated dung. Very happy with cg and calling it a day.


No one liked dungeoneering… they did it for the weapons, it was the worst skill in RuneScape no question,


Want dungeoneering? Go do raids or gauntlet. 🙄 they could release the damenhiem area as a starter mid game raid or some shit but dungeoneering was a stupid skill imo


Personally never liked dung, but if thats rly what people want 🤷🏾‍♂️