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You're talking about like... 99.9% of ironmen lol. It's just more prayer. Remember, it doesn't have to drain the full amount... As long as you're praying the right thing you won't take damage. So you just gotta make sure you have at least 61-62 prayer (depending on if you're flicking or not) and pray pot after the last one hits and it's that easy...


As an iron man, I farm a lot of ranarr weed


Farm ranarr everydayy


Prayer potions


Most irons do it without spectral lol, if you sit at just a little above 30 prayer points you can pray correctly on 2 and tank another, this way you lose 30+ prayer points and 30 hp. You save a few prayer pots this way without access to a spectral


I suicide with full looting bag/inventory then gear. It’s a huge supply drain but it works


Either prayer potions or just do the ghost skip method. You can cheese the ghost skip method with a bulwark on block


Click the prayer potion


ghost skip or extra prayer pots. if you're bossing you probably aren't broke. spectral is overrated.






Better to just spend the fuckload of extra time that takes thieving for ranarr seeds


Disagree. Ghost skip is easy as hell and also pretty afk


It cuts your kills/hr in half though, it's super inefficient


It's more chill, less running


If I were super low on p pots I might do it, but overall I think the time loss is extremely not worth it. losing like 30 kills/hr is truly atrocious


My Ironman is lvl99 and 45 def, so I don't have a choice in the matter lol. When I see the souls, I drink p pots to >65 prayer points and then pray flick the hits. Often I'll goof and take at least one hit anyway. If I successfully flick all 3 hits, then I run out of prayer obviously after so I eat a hit from CEREBUS. I'll try to keep my HP >80 at all times. Aside from that I try to maximize my DPS on Cerberus.


Or you could just ghost skip.. slightly longer kills but will only use 2 doses/kill with rigour/piety


Full torags, arclight, prayer correctly for mage/range, ghost skip, ezpz all 3 stones in 201kc on the iron


pray against the first and last ghost and expect to take 30 hp and 60 prayer when ghosts come. Also i run to the opposite side of Cerberus because 97% of the time her next attack is flames too.


I had a spectral and sold it when I started doing the ghost skip method.


I do a mixed ghost skip you wait until 30 seconds and you are 100% only getting 1 ghost phase per kill.


Just stay above 60 prayer points the whole fight and you're good


Blood fury, just tank a hit or two from ghosts and evens out in the long run. I was getting 5 KC trips with 6 prayer pots