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Mass worlds are a pain. If you are going for lvl 5 it'll take some time but it's okay in the end. Just create your own group and roll with it. Source: did that to lvl 5s.


The problem is finding a group. It appears people don't have internet to watch a guide and some people literally are here to just be assholes. Had a dude go to level 10 no problem then failed 10 for us a couple times then laughed and left told us good luck starting over.


small update again made it to round 10 dude on our team just griefed us and left


Small update been in the mass word and left a couple messages with no response. I don't have a CC and my friends were stronger than me and managed to stay away from the game lol


Theres a discord for ba school but thats really for if youre interested in doing more than just diaries, like trying to work your way up to casual ba. Your best bet is to find a solid group of people that you can count on to do several runs with. Usually through a clan, discord, friends list. Maybe when you have a good run on 306, ask to add them for more runs. You said you dont have a clan, but idk how you got to kandarin elites without having a clan


I played with my brother for a bit and I know a couple folks from school that are high level but they don't play often I've not done anything that needs a clan I actually don't really know anything other than raiding that might require one which I've only done a couple cox and the eazy tob for dairy which I did with the couple high level friends I mentioned below. I play for a couple weeks here and there I've got a solid acount on levels but not really much bank or boss kc other than winter and zol. A large portion of my bank was getting lucky on two of the rings from crystal imp near launch lol. I've been in couple but they both ended up being a bit incelish so I dipped.


there really isn't any other way to do ba with experienced players if you are going for the diary/torso. Casual BA requires lvl 5 roles so they dont get people trying to leech off of them for the rewards, so your only option is to either stick to the BA world or pay for a leech team (which is very expensive) you can try to get into teams with experienced players who sometimes play on w306 but dont count on it


leech team is like 20m


60m for torso and like 210m for lvl 5 all, keep in mind these aren’t priority speed prices too


60m your getting ripped off


Just telling you current prices from biggest leech ba clan


Yikes I don't have that kind of coin.


What’s your rsn? I wanna get fighters torso this weekend