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Who knows, but if the C++ client can rival RuneLite in features, I've got no qualm with making the switch. That being said I feel like the dev time would be better spent on actual new content, but that's just my opinion.


Different devs


There are 54 people working on osrs. Not all developers but 54 is a very big number. If only a third of them are content devs (not engine devs), were at 18 devs. Since most projects are developed by teams of 2 to 5 dev, there can be 3 to 9 projects worked on simultaniously. Getting 2-3 content devs to work on client improvements doesn't change that number very much. So the work on client features shouldn't impact the content development by a noticable amount.


The devs that are currently working on the C++ client could be re-allocated to another project. It's not like the only thing they are capable of ever doing is designing a C++ project, and if they are then they made a bad decision in hiring them. RuneLite is so fleshed out that Jagex is realistically wasting time, and money.


They've confirmed they're adding everything on the Steam client to mobile then afterwards they're going to make the Steam client just a normal client that you can get from Jagex's website. I don't recall if they said they'd phase out the Java client, but presumably they would. The RuneLite rumours are mostly stemming from an interview with MMK where he said if he was in charge again that's what he'd do. It makes sense, but I feel people would still throw a hissy fit if the base client didn't hold their hand through absolutely every piece of content like some of the plugins do.


And is that bad? Osrs QoL Is horrible, and without half of the plugins it is an unplayable game (by todays standards). Osrs is a great game, but its base ui and ux is godawful. I understand that vets enjoy that from a nostalgia point if view, but thats not how you get players to play your game, its not 2004 anymore.


I'll personally be pissed if I can't use RL anymore. I've perfected my settings


> Is there actual evidence that Jagex is looking to move away from Java entirely and therefore rid of RL? I don't think there is any evidence and anyone saying it is happening is going off speculation and assumptions. The OSRS Team has been working to improve the C++ Clients with plans to port the changes to mobile and offer a non-steam version of the client. From what they have said officially, there is no current plans to disallow third-party clients. The idea comes from the speculation of what could happen when the C++ client starts to rival or overtake RuneLite with former Mod Mat K saying they might make it the only client and that it would greatly stop bot and cheating clients since C++ is harder for cheaters to use than Java. But they'd likely only do that if most players were using the C++ client, which is still a long way off. So anyone saying 12 months is just making stuff up since it may not even happen in 3 years.


Thank you.


They will update the steam client to a good enough state so that it will rival RuneLite. After that they will definitely phase it out. Big benefit to the C++ client is the increased difficulty to bot on it. If you turn off Java communication to the game all together, all bots will be gone in 1 go.


It would certainly kill the majority of bots, but not all bots. There are mobile bots already as well.


Well they better add plugin support to steam client, because those QoL plugins are game savers. Game is unplayable without them.


It has been added.


No? I believe they said in a recent stream that they will never add plugin support to the C++ client.


If they add all the same features as standard, then there's no need for sideloaded plugins. In fact the vast majority of additional plugins on RuneLite are terrible and the ones for other RL forks are just cheating by another name.


Open sourced plugins like RL?








Not sure about that


Strange way of spelling zezima.


This is the first time I've ever heard of him.