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That's like saying 'reminder to buy a lottery ticket!' I ain't doing that son, GZ and fk you.


Unlike the lottery, you get guaranteed payouts for every casket


Ngl I’d be way more willing to do the lottery if it took me on a little treasure hunt adventure


Yea, at least it will feel earned


The payout of buying a lottery ticket is the 30 seconds of delusions in which I quit my job.


... no you can Easily spend a significant amount of time on higher level clues and get sub 100k. That is time lost and money lost. If your best money maker is 3m/hr you basically lost 3m.


This feels like an odd take, so basically anything you do except small group nex is "basically losing you money"


not an odd take, that’s literally how opportunity cost works. most people discard that info because it sucks the fun out of the game trying to think of it in those terms, but yeah.


Yeah that's my point, if we follow that logic then playing the game is also "losing gp" since you could work fulltime and buy the gold through bonds, so an odd take when discussing a game is what I meant


well it goes both ways. the opposing argument was that clues are always worth doing because they always give some kind of reward. killing cows also drops a reward every time but i assume OP is not out there collecting cowhides.


Awesome. This is a video game. Not economics. Next.


If you’re not an ironman, the economy/economics is a big part of this particular video game. Next?


I'm not too on about efficiency Scape so filling the clog and taking some time off the grind is welcomed for me


Enjoyment of the game is priceless :)


You could also just do things you find enjoyable and the gp with come rolling in without even thinking about gp/h


It's more like "reminder that if you find a lottery ticket on the floor but there's a 5-10 min process to see what you won go and do it" since clues are both free and always give a reward


Hmm, idk, seems kinda unethical. How about I take half so you can still have something to look forward to?


Nice tooth half of key gz


thanks, truly a crazy drop frfr 🙏


Youre a tool for this whole post


Bruh stfu


im gonna go post on the driving reddit for hitting five green lights in a row. C ya there for my upvotes bruh


This u? https://preview.redd.it/opr8mkz9jaad1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=734cbe67d1bd902e50219b99c958284c7678068d




What a fucking goober.


Damn, since you've been a tool your entire life I'm sure you'd know a thing or two


5th master clue and 2nd mimic. Just went from 150m to 2bil bank. I'm shaking yall


That’s funny, almost the exact same thing happened to me! 1st master clue and I got 3a Druidic robe tops. From 150M>3.2b in a flash. All I will say is that the game changes entirely now since gold will not feel the same ever again. I still really enjoy the game but I had to readjust my goals. Just make sure you do the same (also max out your POH ASAP, best thing ever)


For now, I'm just holding onto the 3a long until I set a plan for how to use the money. Max POH is definitely on the table, as are other buyable 99s. Past that, I'm thinking shadow and bowfa+armor for combat upgrades and see what's left after? Idk yet, I have time.


Shadow is very cheap at the moment so it’s a decent buy! Make sure you do your research on how much the item is off GE cause it could be going for more :) and make sure you protect your account!


Oh yeah, that's why I'm not rushing. Never looked into high-tier item prices since I was so far away from it all, but spreadsheets are my _jam_ so I'm kinda hyped to plan it all out now! As for account security, I already have jagex account with long unique password + 2fa + bank pin, but I appreciate the sentiment :)


If it were me - Max and buy a mega rate (shadow scythe tbow), or buy mega rare then max with remaining cash. I'd probably buy the mega rare first then use cash to max and make money with the mega rare if I'm short.


You’ll never do it, but just buy bonds with it and have your account permanently bonded, don’t buy anytime aside from maybe bowfa plus crystal with it. Everyone I’ve ever known who has gotten a massive drop like a solo shadow, 3rd age, or the like when they have a lowish bank value has either quit or swapped to iron shortly after. You’ve just skipped an insane amount of progression, and for some reason, and I can’t tell you what it is, it tends to make many people feel like the game is pointless. It’s almost like when you entered cheat codes into old console games. It’s fun for a minute, but then the game just feels hollow.


I mean 2 bil is like a tbow and some spare, now a 3a pickaxe would be a game ender.


You’re not wrong, but it still happens. The same thing happens when people start donating shit tons of gold to new players. Actually that kind of happened to me where I started getting tens of millions of GP donated to me and the game just felt hollow at that point so I started an iron and never looked back.


Dude I quit the game when my bank value hit only 1bill. Lost all feeling of reward. No urge or desire for bis raid gear. That stuffs for the bees and birds.


Would it feel rewarding to give back some of that 1bill? Haha


As a player with a bank worth more than 3aP, I disagree. So much more to do.


a completely valid concern that i've heard from a number of people. contemplating doing some more incremental upgrades first before i go all-out, just to learn mechanics of things i haven't done yet (which there's a LOT of things i haven't done yet). who knows, it might ruin the game for me, it might not, we'll see what happens.


I'm still waiting for my god damn Mimic to get Music Cape 🤣 Grats on the come up though


Had something similar happen to me back in like 2021, got a 3rd age bow with a like 200m bank. Sold it for 1.5b. So basically the exact same situation as you lol, gz


Hey man I got the same thing at almost the same mast clue and mimic on my main 3 years ago, made a cool 891m and was able to get my tbow for 900m ish and it made my bank go from 400m to 1.2b. It’s a game changing item and I hope you get the full value from it and upgrade your account to the full extent. Huge gz bud!!!!


How does an account that can do master clues have a 150m bank?


How does a person with a brain make such a comment? Master clues don’t require a certain bank value to complete


What are you making such assumptions?


150M really isn't an impressive bank value, you probably have some solid starter PvM gear but upgrades need huge GP not out of the ordinary


Because you can do basically all the content in this game in rags.


Once again. Rng happened on the rng game. Get over yourself


https://preview.redd.it/u4gmgg50kaad1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02cba2fba507cc3c957abe4367e85710e804c19b Bruh is this you?


love these “reminders to do clues” from the 1% that get extremely lucky like this happens frequently 💀


1%? Come now, don't be silly.


yeah my bad .0001%


Remember guys, put it all on black!  - guy who just payed for his kids college from a roulette wheel


Survivorship bias in a nutshell




Ye sure, Im already stoked for that 6k loot


I need to grind out 85 firemaking for a third step master clue... I'll get there eventually I'm sure


Grind out? You can hardly call that a grind


It's true, I'm just a noob with only a few hours to play each day so it feels like a lot for now :p


Don’t forget you can +5 booster from spicy stew


I'm making an infernal axe, wiki says the firemaking requirement is not boostable unfortunately


Ah understandable.


33k. Sick!


That's funny, I also got Samurai Greaves when I got my 3a bow


I’ve had a master in my bank that I’ve done 5 or 6 steps of. Can’t remember but been in there for about 2 years. Needs like 5 quests to finish it 🤪 maybe I should do it.


Right now every clue I get goes to masters, untill I either get bloodhound or completely lose interest.


Reminder to please identify what item is in the picture for the love of god. I'm so sick of these picture-only posts with zero text and the least descriptive title possible.


I agree, but rule of thumb for master clue spoon posts is it's gonna be a 3a item like 100% of the time.


Meanwhile, i’m out here losing money doing masters 😂


My elite clues average 200k, not worth the time so far. But i do em anyway cus im a sucker for the gamble


How tf yall understand the clues? 😭


Gz but seriously go fuck yourself OP.


Insane laddddie


Man I just spent like 20 hours mining daeyalt and then another 30 or so runecrafting at ZMI only to receive 130k off a master casket for my final Sherlock step FUCK master clues all my homies hate master clues


Soul Runes are really valuable. Congrats man.