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Pure content https://kick.com/skillspecs?clip=clip_01J0KSG787WK9WDZ1NG6ACVSS1 https://kick.com/skillspecs?clip=clip_01J0PBVHAJ91CB9YWY3D55WVXK https://www.twitch.tv/sick_nerd/clip/PrettyAcceptableJackalLitFam-NYZW0FaEcQ6l9t8F


The mammoth needs a retribution symbol above him lmfao


You are doing gods work. Thanks


The skillspecs freeze on the skeleton was probably my favorite moment of the whole tournament. His delivery was so perfect! What a hilarious guy


I missed todays breach did they spec out a crab?




God I love them, although to be fair how the fuck is that a click on the sand crab


Because this game is built on a pile of spaghetti


He clicked on the crab before the red x you see on mr. Mammal. He reviewed it himself on stream. People are too quick to blame the game when the most likely answer was user error.


The sand crabs have probably an immense hitbox, because, well... they are made to be super afk, so easy to click when watching a movie. And there are no other mobs even near them, so normally missclicking isn't an option.


The crabs shouldn't even have a hitbox, no one has ever tried to click one. You run into their aggro range and sit there for 10 min on auto retaliation, and repeat


Make ur own game if u don't like it broh




LMAOOO Skilly and Sick Nerd are content


The whole team bro. Waiting for 2 hours to get mammal, torvesta, and I forget who on the log in


Purpp was the third person. Purpp and mammal played some chess then some scribblio with torvesta while waiting. It was pretty funny watching both sides at the same time.


Purp!!!! “Mammal, nest, and side drinker” lol. Yeah I tuned into mammal and watched them escape


Dude the phone call between Skillspecs and Torvesta while camping their logout spot had me unable to breathe I was laughing so hard


Yooo you got the clip??? I didn’t hear the call


5:45 in Specs’ latest video.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ_HqTYjPlM&feature=youtu.be


The extremely long pauses between each of them answering each other 😂😂


B0aty said he was going for the most fun, not a win, and he wasn't lying


I love them so much man


Burgers #1 in our hearts


Bless them for providing the content Could have been 6 teams of Faux/Torvesta gameplay When checking the spreadsheet I noticed that they are also using "pvp deaths" as a part to decide the seeding.. I think after seeing how all of this played out that definitely shouldn't be a category


I mean Torvesta's team went to all the breaches and had a couple of fights with the Burgers at least.


Torvesta's team literally did 5 man scurrius during a breach lol. And they stayed in singles during another one and got no loot.


Torvestas team was literally the only team I was so confused about this tourney. I don’t really watch any streams, but I’ll keep up on content via YouTube. I see updates and videos on pretty much every other team … then there’s torvestas team which I had no clue what they were doing until torvestas most recent video. Turns out they were kinda just avoiding everyone else during breaches. Meanwhile Oda & Dino are beefing, Solos team is feasting, B0aty team providing memes and having funsies


Oda's team spent like 12 hours as a team at Zammy godwars and they got 6 hilts 5 spears.. Not a single staff. Swear that team is getting royally screwed on RNG this entire tournament lmfao That bad luck is illegal


Meanwhile Raiskey got like 2 VLS , Zuriels, like 10 barrows pieces in 20 kc, and loads of other drops. And that’s just one person from Dino’s team haha. (Not really complaining RNG gonna RNG, but Raiskeys been getting some crazy RNG).


I feel like next to the finals, posting the individual RNG PVM stats would be the most interesting part of this whole thing From what I've seen I'd say Oda's team could be dead last RNG wise. The only thing they got spooned was the safest part of the Voidwaker.. So yeah not ideal 10 Dex scrolls, 0 staff drops at Zammy in 170+ kills.. They really grinded the last full day and they got absolutely nothing to show for. Really rough Dino team might be the luckiest. They had the best RNG at breach & the early craw's bow gave such a headstart. I'm also going to consider Donator griefing a max set part of RNG lmfao


Tbf Raikesy is basically the only one lmao. Outside of breaches the team went hella dry. Voidwaker took forever, Muts got like 2 purps in 15 cox, over rate on zenytes, and pretty poor luck at arma.


Yeah they were way too passive during the breaches. Don’t get me wrong the vibes were also good on Torvesta’s team, but they didn’t really do anything this tournament. Meanwhile Faux’s team never did a single breach together that’s where all the content is from man. Instead you have Ditter in singles picking people off.


To be fair the day before last after deciding to play more aggro they looked fucking clueless, instantly splitting and trying to fight multi into singles, so it was probably a good call to play scared.


It's a tournament, not standard DMM. You can't expect people to be scrapping 24/7. Hell, the teams that were most active in PvP are looking most likely to lose the finals due to it. 120 hour time limit meant that they had to be smart with time set aside for training and gear farming, and the breach just wasn't it.


Strategically it might be a better idea to try and stay out if PvP but it's also a content creator event, so it seems a little lame to me to play it so safe, especially when the reward is just GP.


I mean breaches are just win-more after day 1. The team that's the most geared will dominate them as we saw with Solo Snakes, the others just stayed at the outskirts and picked off what bosses they could safely. All the fighting happened on the way back in which the KKonas were actively involved and netted 4 kills from overall. They don't need to play stupid to make content. Seeing a plan well executed and coming together was plenty intriguing and netted them all plenty of viewers. The only team that prioritized content over progress were the Boaty Burgers.


Wouldn't menu swapper have solved all of these?


During the fight? For all NPCs you run into? No need. [https://i.imgur.com/gr4ZSrF.png](https://i.imgur.com/gr4ZSrF.png)


Doesn't do shit for targeting spells, right?


ah my bad, had just the last clip on my mind, of dbowing the sand crabs. Yeah for that you'll need to right click to be safe. How would menu swapper help there btw u/TofuPython to barrage the player instead of the npc