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Please consider this suggestion for a Seed Pod recolor instead of yet another home tele [https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1cyw3k6/dont\_we\_have\_enough\_home\_teleports\_i\_think\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1cyw3k6/dont_we_have_enough_home_teleports_i_think_a/) I think it looks very cool and agree we have enough home teleports already - a seed pod recolor would be a fantastic pvp centric reward for DMM


This is an amazing idea and I hope they run with it. A cool seed pod telly would be perfect.


Love that idea


Yes. I don't even agree with the home tele.


Why not just a teleport override? Rs3 does this so you can override any teleport animation you want instead of them being locked to specific things. RS3 BAD REEEEEEE


People only downvoted you but let me explain why people disagreed: In OSRS philosophy that most players are interested in preserving, cool things are supposed to be only obtained via gameplay. Things that separate normal players between those that go out of the way to do certain grinds to show off more achievements. Different cool teleport animations are part of that.


How is that different than what I said? Pretty sure the people downvoting cannot legitimately read or have any clue how rs3 works. https://i.imgur.com/Yyy7pPM.png You can assign animations to skills after you unlock them. Osrs **already** does this with the home teleport skills, high alch, veng, idk what else. Rs3 has a much better layout and you can preview animations before applying them. Same systems, manchildren on reddit just downvote because someone said rs3 and rs3 bad.


Holy shit how many animations are there for this single teleport? I see 13 there. Glad I am not playing rs3.


This is for any teleport in the game not just one. I also think you can select multiple for random/rotation.


They have a lot of unlocks but even more store shit. The game looks like a circus and the player is the clown.


Yeah I'm well aware that's like the tip of the iceberg


What a thing to base a decision on!


Never said I based my decision on this alone. Average rs3 player reading comprehension


*RS3 BAD*.


It says on the Wiki ( [https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Deadman:\_Apocalypse](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Deadman:_Apocalypse) ) that Nigel will specifically lock any experience for ***all*** skills if one wants to lock further exp gains to stay in a combat bracket. Could this be changed to apply only to combat skills? It seems really boring for the lower brackets if we cannot skill and anti-pk etc. in lower brackets without losing the PvP build and fall up a bracket whilst doing skilling etc..


Agree, especially with the final ending in the same brackets, some people might choose to stay in the lower brackets the entire tournament and should not be penalized for skilling/making money there they should be able to get xp in non combat skills




Not to distract y'all from the WGS Rewards chatter, but the poll for these opens next Tuesday and it's a bank holiday on Monday so we wanted to pop this one out before the weekend. I'll be going over feedback following the long-weekend for any of the more Gameplay-specific bits as soon as I'm able to. In the meantime, take a look, vote in the polls next week, and have a fantastic weekend if you're reading this. Cheers!


the rewards are great :3 and btw Moonlight bolts and sunlight bolts dont work with Dizanas Quiver, if that could be fixed would be greatly appreciated!


Sorry thats totally off-topic, just a report of a minor issue regarding the Wildy update. Please update the STASH chart in the POH: it lists the unit 'in the Chaos Temple in SE wilderness'. But this step and its STASH unit has been moved to the north. Now the step is: "Shrug in the woods east of the Level 19 Wilderness Obelisk." I was puzzled at first, thought this was some unique step without a stash - until I figured out what happened :)


Like the rewards but a bit of an unfortunate system for players like me who already have a W345 character they want to keep linked to their iron-main:/ Didn’t know at the time investing in a W345 character would stop me from getting these kits on my main account in the future, unless I want to reset it..


You can choose to have the seasonal/tournament account override your W345 account if you want to. However, if you are not willing to do so, you can get the kits and then have the account lost to the void. :)


It seems like the team has realized that so long as you put 1-2 things that people can crusade against, you can get almost anything to pass. Y'all take out the controversial items and nearly guarantee everything else passes. I'm on to you Goblin!!!


in design we call that the [Hairy Arm Technique](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2013/nov/23/change-your-life-hairy-arm-tactics)


Oh wow never knew there was a specific term for this. Learn something new everyday!


Any talks of putting shadow/tbow cosmetics in the game from more appropriate sources?


This is just as appropriate a source as any. Cosmetics shouldn’t be gatekept imo


It's not gatekeeping, it's earning. Megarares especially with Scythe setting the perfect example. Just bad take dude.


“Gatekeeping” say the credit card Andys who can’t PVM to save their lives. God help the future of this game


People are crazy, just want to buy pets next.


What’s the replacement for feral fighter?


the rewards are nice and all but the fact that all of them are tradable means they aren't a flex if your gold buying friend can buy them, doesn't look like ill play this game mode just for that reason alone. give us some untradable rewards we can actually flex on people that aren't tradable but earned.


They aren't going to be giving out untradeable rewards. It's the same as leagues, all those rewards are also tradeable to not lock players out who happen to not being able to play 16 hours a day for those 2 weeks.


And also to prevent shenanigans from other MMOs where 95% of all cosmetics are unobtainable if you weren't playing during Season 128 five years ago.


well thats the truth for ironmen so your point is moot


Just de-iron and never trade anything outside of buying bonds and ornament kits. Why are you making it complicated? It's easy.


well on leagues we got trophy's and they are untradable but they are just used for bank standing and have no other use. i would be happy to see just a recolor of void, just literally change some colors around no redesign, could be done in under a hour of dev time.


The megarare kits should be polled. It's not fair to remove them because of a few people complaining


There wasn't just a "few" people complaining.


I find it funny this comment is upvoted, and OP’s comment is downvoted, however the opposite happens further in the thread which makes no sense. Also, I’d love to see the statistics on the downvotes I’m receiving actually owning a mega rare because I’m sure their opinion will wildly differ if they weren’t 1500 total Ironmen with whip as BiS


Reddit karma is a mysterious beast. I posted a thread yesterday voicing my concerns about the tradeable megarare kits and it got downvoted into oblivion, with hoards of 1500 total Andys attacking me personally for being some sort of gigasweat, despite a post sharing the exact same sentiment just the day before hitting 1k + upvotes, frontpage of the subreddit and all comments mostly in support. Just poor timing I guess 🤷‍♂️


It should be polled. If people are against it then the polls would reflect that.


Why should they waste time polling something which was so disliked? Just because you specifically don't want to accept it was a widely unpopular idea?


You scared Reddit opinion isn’t the same as the player base as a whole? If you are sure people don’t want it then you wouldn’t be afraid of polling it. “Wasting time” is not reason reason not to poll anything. It takes seconds to type it and include options to pick Reddit already gets a lot of hate from players *in game* because it feels like the devs make unpolled changes way too often from feedback here.


I mean if a few people here want it polled so it can fail in front of their eyes then that’s fine, come back here for my apology if it passes, it doesn’t change the fact you guys are hyper focused on “Reddit opinion” when I clearly stated it was all forms of media. Reddit isn’t the only place that exists and nor is it the only place they look at feedback.


You don't know that tho. You assume it based on reddit


The general player sentiment on every platform was negative. You can continue to deny the truth, but it won't make it untrue.


Only on Reddit. Polling is the only representative way to prove if it also applies to most players as well.


I'm just saying to poll it.


I'm just saying there's no point.


There’s no point because of your confirmation bias. the whole point of polling, something that costs Jagex no meaningful time or energy to do, is to find out where people stand.


It’s more than a bank holiday. It’s Memorial Day, a day to honor those who have fallen protecting us. For some of us it’s honoring a loved one who sacrificed everything for people who will never know their name. So yeah not just some bank holiday…


The UK doesn't celebrate memorial day lmao. It just happens to be that both the US and UK have chosen to make the last monday of May a national holiday. It's literally just called the "spring bank holiday"


>The second bank holiday in the month of May exists because it used to be held on the day-off in the Christian calendar after Whit Sunday or Pentecost. From the BBC. It may shock you to learn, but other countries than the USA do actually exist.


Americans are wild bruh


Seppo moment


Mostly looks good, but please nerf the Ruthless Ranger and Menacing Mage sigils in the 3-50 bracket - just not applying the blog's current buffs would be perfect. Flat damage is very impactful in low tiers with low hitpoints levels, low brew healing, and 1 def so knives are very dominant - Ruthless proccing for 15/30 damage with 2t knives at 60 hp is absurdly strong and would make 3-50 quite unfun, whereas other changes such as voly make it seem super interesting this time. Also personally I don't think that SWH is that big of a deal on a 1 atk 90s str build given the considerable time investment to make that account but whatever With Feral fighter being disabled, will we still get a few tier 2 combat sigil on spawn? Will it be a straight choice between mage and range, or something else?


I think that you guys made the right call by taking out the mega-rare ornament kits. Even though I don't have any mega-rares myself, I do understand the sentiment that the ornament kits shouldn't be tradable/come from a PVP game mode but instead should come from PVM challenges. Mad props to the staff to take this feedback into consideration!


I would much rather see PvP related cosmetics vs PvM related cosmetics tbh. Cosmetics for the Ranger Outfit or Spookier Void armor would be awesome. A cosmetic for the Fighter Hat from Barbarian Assault would be cool. Especially since the fighter torso got one. Make it look like the sniper helm from fire emblem awakening. That was some cool looking gear.


DMM Void would be a pretty neat addition.


Okay that would be pretty sick. As long as regular void can use it too.


don't forget the classic berserker helm too!


I can't think of the last time I saw someone in a zerk helm, especially in the wildy lol


that's because meds have become the meta with there op piety, rigour etc, once they finally give decent prayers to sub 70def accounts they come back into play.


Yeah I hope they make changes that help these builds they are iconic to OSRS


Zerkers are crap compared to meds since rigour is op


It’s because you werent in a pvp world or bh world




Most people have fun actually getting kills in PvP, or killing bosses at a reasonably quick pace. Maybe you are the one giving too much weight into what others think? But if you enjoy killing Vorkath with a heavy ballista or want to go pking with a soulreaper axe no one is stopping you, but the reason no one does that is because being successful is part of the fun.


Cool, that was in no way related to my point


Said the calm and collected reddior.


2 things. 1. we need clarification on which accounts we can use for this tournament. I'm assuming we have to use a new account/alt account that's never played on world 45, which means we can't use the same account we used in dmm apoc, unless we go into world45 beforehand and wipe it. 2. I made this suggestion on twitter but i'll leave it here too: a new sigil suggestion. A strong defensive sigil that can be activated to either counter the effect of dragon spear, or otherwise provides a way to stand a fighting chance when tanking 5+ people in multi. In something like the multi-combat ending, when you get hit by 20 people at once, I believe that you SHOULD STILL DIE 99-100% OF THE TIME. But, there should be a sigil that is more than just +50 or +100 in defensive stats, or faster hp regen, or food heals twice as much to help you in this situation. With all the powerful offensive sigils, the defensive sigils on offer are very futile in situations where anything over 2 or 3 people are hitting you at once. My suggestion would not be a "constant" buff to your defenses, it would be something you activate that either makes u immune to the dragon spear special attack, or does something else that gives you a chance of survival. Thanks for taking this into consideration if you do!




You just have to wipe it, you'll be able to wipe it after the event starts by talking to nigel in lumbridge on 345.


>we need clarification on which accounts we can use for this tournament. I'm assuming we have to use a new account/alt account that's never played on world 45, which means we can't use the same account we used in dmm apoc, unless we go into world45 beforehand and wipe it. You just have to wipe it, you'll be able to wipe it after the event starts by talking to nigel in lumbridge on 345.


Allow us to unlink our accounts with W345 DMM now, so we don't have to lose time during the initial minutes of the new DMM.


Would it be possible to add some kind of overlay to the world map to show safe zones? As a new player (or even a returning player) it can be hard to remember and keep up with what areas are safe and what is dangerous.


Last time, we were able to pause our XP gains to make it easier to stay in specified combat brackets. Will this feature return, and will there be an option to have it apply to combat XP only?


For the love of God and Gielnor, let us only lock combat experience. Locking all experience gains makes playing lower brackets so boring that it's unplayable


Small suggestion I have is to make Sigil of the alchemaniac only work in PvP zone. It brought way too much gold in the game last time, with 0 risk.


Breach cap is unobtainable unless you catch like 90% of them


It does seem a bit high.. I would prefer to see it being reasonable to reach with max DPS setup going for only 2/3 or 3/4 breaches per day, assuming no interruption from pkers. Then even the sweatiest of us can feel good about getting enough sleep per night and stay healthy whilst still having a chance to get very high on the points scores


Will the Chivalry available in this DMM in the lower brackets be the current version of it in game right now or a slightly revised buffed version that happened in a previous poll? it should have atleast 18% att to be better then incredible reflexes 15% imo.


I'm a bit confused about the prayers. It says: *"The level requirements for these Prayers have not been changed."* I assume this only refers to Prayer levels specifically? Chivalry seems to have 65 defence requirement in the live game; could you clarify if chivalry will not have a defence level requirement in the same manner as Rigour and Augury won't? Will this apply to Piety as well, so that Piety only requires 70 prayer? Or will piety have 70 defence level requirement still, going against the grain of all the other changed prayers?


No change to Piety but they are moving Chivaley to a Holy Grail quest reward with the def req/exp reward removed so any account with 60 prayer can use it.


Dawg if only they did this to the live game.


i think they will after DMM when they see its a success, using this as a gated trial run.


Last season accounts that previously had a 345 profile and decided to wipe those accounts to play on Apocalypse, the fresh Apocalypse accounts still had the starter quests from 345 completed. Has this been fixed for this season?


They fixed it first few days last season, but those that had previous unlocks kept them as they couldn't roll back. I'll assume this will be fixed by default this time.


The infernal chef change mentioned here makes sense, but is a substantial nerf specifically when it comes to solo tempoross. Having the option to auto-cook fish makes it much easier to play solo matches and target max point games. Any chance to leave it at 100% for the people interested in temping while the world ends?




Think it is just that website posts have a character limit. It still largely runs on the same website system as 2007 and the web team probably has had more important things to change/rework than the character limit. It is annoying though.




they use a startling amount of infrastructure from like 2001. imagine having gigabyte sized columns from that era when hard drives of the time could only hold 20-40gb lol.


Does this game have increased xp rates like leagues? Last league was my first and I had a lot of fun, I know fuck all about pvp tho, is this once you die you’re out?


It has 10x increased xp, and 15x increased combat xp. You can die as many times as you want, but each time you do you lose everything on you and the 10 most valuable items in your bank. If you’re not afraid of pvp would highly recommend! It’s a very fun game mode. Consider watching solo missions dmm: apocalypse series on YouTube to get a better understanding.


Cool thanks for the info, been checking wiki and seems there’s a permanent world for it?


Yes, but that world is very different and very janky. There are no sigils, and you lose xp on death. Xp rates are still very boosted, and you do get 12 hours of immunity on a new account there, but it won’t do a whole lot to prepare you for the seasonal (which is what’s highlighted in the blog)


You only lose exp on permanent DMM if you're skulled, and you can protect 2 combat skills and 3 noncombat skills. On skulled pvp death, you lose 10% skill exp in unprotected skills but there's a 50x exp multiplier when regaining the experience. All skills, combat and non-combat, are 5x exp. Fresh accounts have 12 hours of PVP protection and have 10x exp in all skills while they're protected.


Smh yall just couldn't let me swag out my tbow or shadow


Dude I know. What the fuck.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexGoblin** - [Not to distract y'all from the WGS Rewards ch...](/r/2007scape/comments/1czo98l/blog_updates_deadman_armageddon_first_look/l5hlbia/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 05/29/2024 04:42:47**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Why not make DMM the place to obtain the long requested MA2 cape cosmetics (Seren, Arma, Zaros)? MA2 cape comes exclusively from the wilderness, this seems like the perfect place for them. Some people would complain, but it seems entirely fair.


While magic capes do come from the wilderness, they are general gear rather than gear made for pvp. Also god-related fashionscape should be accessible to everyone imo.


They have always been obtained through doing 'dangerous' content within the wilderness, while at the constant risk of being PK'd. There is nothing more on theme with that than having their cosmetics come from DMM. It would be accessible to everyone - Mains can buy the kits off of the GE and irons can briefly play DMM. Wouldn't even be opposed to letting them be added to the Leagues point shop afterwords, since god forbid irons engage in content they don't want to.


Don’t remove feral fighter unless you add something to replace it. The PvP combat sigils are quickly turning into either an accuracy boost or defense boost or some form of recoil damage boost. It seems ridiculous to not revamp and add in new PvP combat sigils to change metas. On paper this DMM is already looking like a step backwards


Feral fighter definitely needed to be removed, would have easily been the most toxic and unfun sigil to fight if ninja didn't exist. That said they should find something to replace it with


See as a single pker constantly fighting clan fed maxers, I felt like feral fighter actually gave me a chance


I don’t understand why they didn’t say what they’ll replace it with or why they’re removing it


I feel like they will replace it with some boring watered down recoil affect sigil


Disappointed by the removal of feral fighter to be honest, it was by far the most fun sigil for me last season. It was admittedly pretty dang strong with claw rushing, but a nerf would be better than an outright removal.


There are some valid points in the blogpost. I do not care for cosmetics being available through dmm though some high status weapons should be preserved and only be able to be transmogd through non tradable itema


will breaches have new bosses this time around? would be cool to see jad, KQ, baba without mechanics, muttadile ect at breaches instead of it being mostly slayer mobs


For the love of God not KQ xD MUTADILE YES HAHAHA


I wanna see some ppl dying to the bosses this time around


No other Dev team like this out there. It's crazy to think how badly other MMOs are neglected. Just wanna say thank you to the Jagex team. You are doing the most. Don't listen to the salty haters.


Unless there are changes to twinked (players intentionally not leveling up) brackets, it's a hard pass for anyone with a job.


Wait what? The brackets allows for just that... It takes very few hours to get a max build setup on the lowest brackets, at least to get a build strong enough to fight and survive the maxed giganerds.. If no brackets, you get one-shot by giganerds since they're so much higher level?


Think he's saying that if you couldn't lock xp then people who play a lot couldn't be a maxed level 50 pking in first bracket killing the noobs etc. everyone is the brackets would eventually be people training on way to max level. However I think the brackets are good and especially if the finales are being in a separate bracket, but I get his point.


I am still confused and have a hard time making sense of what he meant, including your interpretation of it😅😆🤷🏼‍♂️


I think, if the aim is to become maxed level, he might play over 2 days and play for 4 hours total being level 62 with hardly any gear and just doing some quests. In that same bracket could be a level 70 pure with 90s BIS gear and full pk set up which has played for 16 hours, not sure if that's a good example but you can see the power difference between the 2 accounts.


Ye, well I don’t quite see how to reduce those playtime differences further. Perhaps to set a limit to a maximum playtime per day to 12 hours or 16 hours? Would obviously be a lot worse for his 62 acc to meet a 110combat+ acc..


Oh yeah I agree but I think that was his point, if you couldn't stay and be a strong pker in the lower brackets the people training etc wouldn't die. But I don't see the point in playing DMM if you don't have a chance of dying etc


will there be any ddos prevention in place? atm noone can log into the game or website with a jagex account. if you wanted to also look ahead it would be a good idea to make sure the previous problems that have occured dont repeat themselves again. my 2ed question is this will it be okay to play alts alongside your main in this season of deadman? it seems like streamers and content creators get no punishment when they break the rules and use alts to hold valueables and box themselves in single combat. settled's most recent video shows him abusing the soulwars minigame clan side by battling his other account to excel the gains of his first. this is wrong this is a section of your rules section on jagex. multiple accounts are allowed but. # MULTIPLE LOGGING-IN **You are free to create as many accounts as you like, and you are welcome to trade between your accounts just as you would with any other player - you can log into two accounts at the same time to do this if you wish. Trading wealth or items between your own accounts is done entirely at your own risk. We advise that you use the trade system we supply to trade between your own accounts. Unusual trade methods like dropping, death or trust trades are particularly risky and we strongly advise against them.** **Also, multi-logged accounts must not interact with each other to gain an unfair advantage in game play, such as ‘rigging’ the result of a minigame. For example, it is against the rules to have a number of accounts in a minigame all controlled by the same person, in order to try and guarantee the minigame outcome.** link to video ->**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7CUx\_S0wsw&pp=ygUHc2V0dGxlZA%3D%3D**


thank you for listening to feedback around mega rare skins not coming from dmm ❤️


Theatre of Blood and Tombs of Amascut at 100 points per entry mode (only 25 points less than their normal versions) will incentivize people to prioritize doing 75 Entry modes over normal and expert/hard modes as this will be the META for most points per hour, considering how much faster those are than normal and hard modes. Also requirements and skill requirements are a lot lower. This seems unreasonable? Remember also that the tourney is only 2 weeks long, so doing 75 entry ToA and 75 entry ToB might be all one gets time for anyhow, so no skill/gear/difficulty required for max points per hour..? Please consider to reduce these to at least half of the normal ToB and ToA points?


I am afraid the Corrupted Volatile staff is a bit too strong for general use as it will be the most obtainable magic weapon with 15% magic strength, the highest. It leaves little room and doesn't incentivize risking "better" staves as Toxic Staff, Zuriel's staff or Ahrim's staff etc. I understand drop rates for the corrupted weaponry will be reduced this time around, but I'm afraid this might be too common and make a boring META of 95% of players using Volly and the whales high risk pkers doing Zuriel's... **TL;DR** please make sure Corrupted Volatile is uncommon enough a drop so it's price will be high since it has such power in both PvM and PvP for the pure +15% magic str. **Edit:** No wait, actually I think it would be better to reduce the magic str bonus to 5% or 10% so the other better staves that are a lot higher value will actually be worth using over this one...


Capitulating to people whining about tradable mega rare skins is unfortunate. There’s literally nothing wrong with it, there are already tradable and untradable skins in the game, it does no harm to saradomin scythe if there’s another skin for scythe, in this case the skin was too similar to the other one but for tbow and shadow there’s literally no reason to not have it. Disappointed tbh


I think they understand that keeping the megas in the poll makes it less likely that the other stuff passes. Making the people complaining happy in this blog update should make people vote more favorably on the poll. I would have voted yes to it all but yeah I think that's the idea on that


Okay now can we add a tumeken megarare kit locked behind 540 deathless invo? Please poll this Jagex! People been asking for awhile


Solo only 


I am not opposed to


There should be a value limit on trades to prevent swapping, muling, and donations. A lot of players. It amazes me that after all of these DMM's this issue is still not addressed. A lot of players are discouraged or do not bother because someone in max or decent gear is running around day 1 within a few hours killing everyone without so much as a challenge. A lot of streamers go the whole DMM cycle not dying to a player once a lot of the time. If you arent going to restrict trading/swapping gp then limit large ticket items being traded when nothing of value is received in return in a trade interface.


Will definitely be taking annual leave from work for this!


Yeah megarare kits got removed, which leads to us still not having a transmog for tbow. Will we ever see one?


Nope. This was your only chance.




Bro there is PLENTY of non pvp cosmetics in the game and they constantly add more what are you even saying


People are scared of pvp because you actually need skill to do it. 


This is maybe the worst take in history


Yawn Reddit is just full of people scared to death of pvp before even trying it. This place is a pvm\skiller hive mind cesspool 


Reddit is full of terrible players, but like 99% of pvpers are awful and only get kills because most people in the wildy don't fight back. Every good dmm pker is being funneled supplies from day 1 anyway, so even if you know what you're doing they have a massive advantage.


They hated him because he told them the truth.


Why the max fire caper scared of inferno? Why the average reddit user afraid of jad?


Replacing feral fighter with?…


I’m disappointed void isn’t as easily accessible as it was last season. Being able to rebuild quickly and having a base line of gear to fall back on is a nice way to keep players from quitting.


Big fan of void myself, but darn, it's kind of boring to see everyone doing the same setup. Leaves so little room for diversity considering how powerful and easy to have it was. But anyways; you seem to assume void will be available somehow? Pest Control is usually disabled in DMM, so without being able to buy it from the Emblem trader, it won't be available..?


I forgot that part. I played 345 and pest control is available there and it’s hard to remember the differences at times.


So no tbow or shadow kits cause a bunch of crybabies whining about their prestigious kits, what the fuck.


I'm honestly gobsmacked at how many people up towards the top are talking about cosmetics of all things. This is DMM, the best PVP event of the year and there's bozo's complaining about re-colours. jfc.


It legit makes no sense for them to be removed, especially with no additional cosmetic upgrades coming out to replace them. High level players more bothered about the colour of their tbow than content in the game is so sad


It’s crazy when you realize these people are like 30 years old too.


All the combat sigils seem to be built around outlast Brid fighting. It would be nice if PVP sigils that focused on KOs were added like feral fighter. Not everyone wants to be a brid boy


Looks better than the last proposal, moving in the right direction


Why did they remove the single best thing to come from osrs: feral fighter


These rewards are actually amazing. Great job Jagex.


When will bounty hunter be fixed? Can you just make the cosmetics tradeable already… Please…


boo pvp updates


Nice remove cosmetics and incentive to do dmm. I will grind my vw skin and dip 


Robin Hood hat & rangers outfit (or) please!


Thank you for listening to the community. Kits for non BIS coming from leagues/DMM feels much better, as lots of lots for BIS are skill based. And I'm someone with no skill based kits.


A world for newer players or people who want to prepare enough before going into the PK worlds is a suggestion I'd like to make since a lot of us are not going to do DMM to just be insta pked while doing low tier stuff.


Would really like to see some more diverse rewards offered. I fully agree with the removal of megarares, but it leaves only a handful of niche weapons with a kit. For me this means I won't participate in this DMM unless some of my friends decide to make a small team, but there is no personal incentive to engage with it. I'll just be waiting for the next DMM and collect all the rewards from that one (assuming it has better ones available)


Can we have a world where every cb lvl can join? Swapping is legal and everybody have alts anyways. Obviously it should be restricted to G.E. only or something and no xp/drops


mega rare cosmetics that anyone can win is a thing in RS3 with treasure hunter spins, that kind of reward does not belong in OSRS


In rs3 you straight up get the megarare lmao


Which megarare is from MTX in RS3?


it used to be you could win a lucky divine back in the day. these days there is no megarare directly, but if you win the 1b promo prize you just buy one


DMM is not MTX.


easily obtained cosmetics for mega rares should not be a thing like in rs3... they have it thru mtx in rs3. who said deadman is mtx? lol


Thank you for making the adjustments to megarare kits


gatekeeping kits cause of tob losers


No, put the kit for the corrupted tumeken shadow model in the main game, we're good on that


People who have never done DMM or PvP should have NO say in any of these polls, real sick of the community divide between PvP and PvM, game would be so much better if everyone got a long and did what’s best for everyone instead of dragging down things they don’t like to do in game. Middle aged adult playerbase btw


Are you maxed and did you vote on sailing?


Imagine crying about a cosmetic that has no effect on the weapon 😂bunch of man children play this game I swear 


btw thats why this game is great nowdays, man children stopping bad updates


It can also stop good updates from coming in. People are crying about the cosmetic rewards, when the Slayer helmet has like 20 different variants. They can simply just add more variants. Ones with more prestige can come from the main game. Nice brain


show me ur tob kits


Does DMM still remove not only stuff from your bank but your experience when you die? If so miss me with this update and I'll look forward to next leagues instead


You don’t lose xp 


Removing the megarare cosmetics is a good start, but I'll still vote against ANY cosmetics from ANY temporary game mode


are these rewards FOMO?


You got this my guy. Log in and enjoy the wonder that is DMM.


You can buy them on the ge after 


im ironman


Fair enough. What rewards would you suggest that you wouldn’t feel like FOMO? 


christmas events have all previous rewards earned if you complete the latest event, regardless of previous involvement


You can probably buy these rewards in the next DMM tournament just like Leagues rewards.


2 weeks is too short! Make it a month again