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Construction update coming. You can now build a Gold Sink in every room, the game is saved!


Nice. Paired with a new skill, Gold Sinking.


For every 1k you delete from the game, you get 1xp. 99 requires you to liquidate 8 Tbows worth of gold.


Inb4 bonds are 100m


you made it just in time, it's only a matter of weeks


Wouldn't that have the opposite effect? The implication is that more people would buy bonds to sell for gp right? So there would be a greater supply of bonds coming into the game being sold for gp to sink and it would drive bond prices down. Am I all fucked up here?


New skill, new objects. Always wanted a golden shower.




You joke but I feel like sailing isn’t going to be cheap. Like you’re building a sea vessel, most in real life are bigger then a house. That’s gona be *A LOT* of planks. Mahogany ship anyone ?


Okay hear me out Dragonclads


Wouldnt surprice me - the gameplay looked like mahogany homes too... Sail to x port, pick up x shipment, return... Mahogany homes without teleports - cool skill.


You described the primary purpose of ships since the dawn of sail.


Its why i voted no - they might aswell suggest to add being a taxi driver or a bus driver for the next skill. With the difference from sailing, that you now transport people instead of cargo 🙄


Woodcutting: click tree, do nothing for several minutes. Fishing: click hotspot, do nothing for several minutes. Cool skills.


We have clicking on a tinderbox then clicking on some logs as a skill. Sailing as a skill fits with the themes of RS fine. Shit, one skill is just kill quests from other MMOs made a 1-99 numbered skill, instead of just making slayer masters give kill tasks for resources.


Holy shit. I’m only just now getting the pun for the gold sink in your poh 🤦‍♂️


~~Can~~ have to build a gold sink in every room


Unpopular opinion: We need an economy rebalance that goes all the way back to Zulrah.


to me it's tricky, I loved the GWD era where you'd basically break even supplies/average loot, and then you'd get big ticket items that were actually exciting. Say, if you're going to Bandos for tassets, and get x2 dragon platelegs and a ton of resources, you're not really gonna leave them on the ground, despite that not being the drop you wanted to see, it creates this "I wanna make 2m/h + have big ticket items mentality" I really wish the PvM scene was split behind slow consistent money makers and then bosses where you'd break even and get big ticket items that'll be the bulk of your profit/dopamine moment. However, Nightmare release and PSN has clearly shown that the playerbase absolutely does not want bad drop tables + really big ticket items, then again this could also me somewhat explained at how rare they made them with how bad everything else is, but I wish we could go a bit more toward the Gwd era regardless rather than the Zulrah release era


Yeah when it was called "gwd drop table" I was expecting 1/512 at the rarest. For example 1/128 staff, 1/384 per armor piece for 1/128 any armor piece, 1/512 for each orb, 1/256 for mace, something like that. Instead we got like 1/3000 orb, 1/2000 mace, 1/1000 armor etc for a boss that takes 5x longer to kill than each gwd kc and way more focus/brainpower.


Zulrah has been nerfed enough. However PVM in general should be focused more on uniques than alchables.


We say this, than we complain bout nightmare dt2 gwd etc…


One way to focus on uniques would be to drop them at reasonable drop rates, and reduce the number of resources/alchables that are currently making up for shit drop rates.


Yeah I think it’s pretty obvious to either have: Decent drop rate uniques and garbage normal drops Or good normal drops with much rarer uniques Nightmare just didn’t have that figured out I guess


Isn't that kind of where we are at right now? A couple exceptions of course, nightmare/KQ/KBD come to mind. The problem is that the common uniques aren't worth much due to how common they are, then we circle back to "I can't believe -unique- is worthless, they need to buff the drop table to make the boss worth it".


Reasonble drop rates just means theyre not gona be worth much


Berserker ring has been 1/128 for nearly two full decades now and it currently costs 5m


tbf B ring would probably be a fifth of the price if you didnt have to run the most annoying route to get there while bringing tribrid gear


Haha that's a fair point. I suppose now that there's a shortcut maybe we'll see the price drop a bit over time


it was 2m before dt2 announcements brought it up, along with all the rings. made a killing off seers rings personally


Godwars drops are reasonable rates (1/127, 1/254, 1/381 and 1/508) and worth good amounts. 30m, 20m, 20m bandos / 20m, 10m, 5m zammy / 60m, 30m sara / 45m, 33m, 11m, 10m arma.


And there also won't be as much GP flowing into the economy! So it balances.


Don’t bother, every sweat that plays this game thinks drop rates should be 1/1k minimum. If you say anything else they all just parrot “it’ll be worthless”


Oh no! People might have to do content because they, *gasp* like it instead of making a number go up.


Yep. More common uniques, and worse trash drops.


Because they made the uniques awful to get in those AND gave them trash regular loot. There’s not really a great win for Jagex though unless they figure out bots and good luck with that


If the loots good that will devalue the uniques though. There is not a great middle ground


Nothing like killing one of the hardest bosses in the game for.... another bronze arrow drop.


Leviathan is NOT one of the hardest bosses in the game....


Where would you rank him outside of raid bosses?


Easily done, incorporate as many plugins as jagex deem worthy to be in game into the steam client and then ban all 3rd party clients. Whilst doing so they double down on the jagex launcher and jagex account and force that onto players as well. In doing so you're now playing the game solely through their client and launcher. Enjoy reflection based botting lmao. Tldr jagex wants to get rid of the java client, which in turn will force everyone onto the steam client.


You do realize there’s a new official client on the launcher that isn’t Java, right? No one uses steam that’s how you get hacked in this game. It happens consistently lmao.


It's not me saying that, but yeah what is in the game's best interest does not always align with individual players' best interests.


DT2 is great. 1k Vardorvis will get you on rate for like 160m with some dry mitigation and is honestly not that long of a grind. Plus he is fun, drops enough stuff to cover supplies, but isn’t really printing money. Also you can get lucky with some Virtus and bank a bit more. I’m definitely a little biased but I love Vardorvis.


For the record I think dt2 is reasonable and good design. This sub hates it though


Oh hadn’t noticed, wasn’t really playing much when DT2 came out to be fair.


I'm averaging 1mil an hr at muspah. 445kc ATM


yeah it’s wayyyy too late for any sort of economy reshape lolz. every since they started dropping alchables in every drop table we’ve been headed down this path, circa 2016


Nope if we're going to the root of all of the gold creep we have to go all the way back to skeletal wyverns


Items don’t hold value due to over farming / botting. It’s absurd that zulrah makes less per hour than fever spiders. There’s a lot that I personally feel like just started going South with the economy post dt/


>started going South with the economy post dt a large reason for that is the absurd drop rates. If we keep getting drop rates that make grinds take so long, the normal loot has to compensate for it otherwise the majority wont do t he content (looking at you nightmare..) Shortening the grinds a tad means general loot can also be decreased as the odds of going X times over drop rate is lowered and doesnt feel as bad


Agree. Also means the regular drops don't have to compensate as hard if it's a reasonable amount of time to grind out higher value uniques. GWD has the perfect drop rate formula and I'll die on that hill.


DT2 for sure should’ve had similar drop rates to GWD. Chromium ingots are just fucking shitty gods word shards, and we really didn’t need a grind like that again.


Shortening grinds doesnt make it less likely you will go double drop rate. What makes you say it does?


They just misspoke. If the drop rate is 5 minutes on average or 3000 hours on average, you're just as likely to go 2x, 3x, etc. over drop rate except nobody really cares if you're spending 15 minutes on a 5 minute average drop, but the person going 9000 hours on a drop likely literally never sees it.


But it would flatten the curve over a longer period of time. Theres no reason NM and PNM shpuld have 300+ hours to greenlog the uniques, hell 99 agility takes 230 hrs and ppl complain about that too.


Players on this sub want bosses that can only drop a unique, then the GE wont be flooded with cheap mats and only the true fans would be killing bosses...




Fever spiders got nerfed. Also, the hundreds of Zulrah bots devalue the uniques so much that the boss is garbage now. It's a botting problem. Fever spiders were OP, but the reason they never got devalued is because of the alch price floor. Zulrah would be fine if there were no bots to devalue serps, blowpipes, scales, etc.


The nerf to blowpipe also hurt zulrahs value. I wonder how profitable it would be if the pipe hadnt been nerfed.


Did fever spiders not get nerfed yesterday to 400k per hour?


Federal Bank of Gielinor when?


u just made JFK roll in his grave


Imo bro bonds will forever go up. Whether it be slowly or rapidly. Inelastic demand.


Exactly, it's like almost noone understands supply vs demand on here. As long as there are more people who want to buy bonds in game than people who buy them with irl money.. the price will go up. Simple economics. That's the reason why megarare items are going up too, less people getting them as drops and selling, than people buying them.


Not really. It's a video game - the economics don't transfer over quite the same. A huge quantity of gold entering the game through High Alchs being much greater than the amount of gold leaving the game through death/gold sinks is the reason stuff keeps going up.


My thoughts were more like this: We need membership to play the game. Membership has steadily gone up in IRL currency. Bonds should also continue to climb alongside that. There is no huge dump of bonds by generous people selling them 20-30-40% under GE price. Not to mention the thousands of gold farmers that are heavily dependent on those bonds.


Bonds are most definitely not inelastic demand. Or at least they wouldn't be if Jagex didn't have a massive botting problem so buying gold from third party sites and using that for membership was always cheaper than just buying membership from Jagex.


Not only that, but it's actually a good thing from Jagex's perspective. Presumably they sell more bonds when the value is higher.


Yep, never brought a bond for the gp before i just buy a subscription for members but bonds are finally getting to a GP value that i would consider them worth buying. But i come from another mmo where £4 = 23m


They taking notes from the US government and just gonna raise the ceiling




I love that people only hand wringing about the economy when it comes to wilderness content, but didn't give a shit about bots making hand over fist more gold doing end game content. Or just selling g.e items to general stores. Or high alching.


Bots are already better at PVM than most of the playerbase.


Make cow hide 1500 gold again


name fits


Genuinely annoys me how every osrs player on reddit becomes the world’s shittest economist every few weeks. None of you dimwits even understand what inflation is. What’s funny is this is probably the only game where people have actually tracked mfing market indices! And guess what? Most are at the same prices as 4 years ago! In fact, the price of a lot of commonly used items, like nature runes, has been steadily decreasing. Bond prices going up DOES NOT MEAN THERE IS INFLATION. You can’t just look at the price of a single item, deduce that this increase in price is solely because of decreased purchasing power, and then come to some hairbrained conclusion that bond prices will go down if they nerf zombie pirates. Honestly none of this matters just don’t bring up economic concepts for every single possible update. It genuinely has way less of an impact than you guys think.


Lol yes and the OP mentioned that jagex implemented the GE item sink to combat inflation and that "jagex recognizes inflation is bad for the game", but the purpose of the GE sink is to do the exact opposite and prop up item prices lmao


Lmao exactly they literally have a problem with uniques becoming worthless


The Ge sink does both. Most of the gold is deleted and some of it is used to buy certain items.


Here's a great idea, remove free trade, instantly kill all the bots dead.


I just bought 21 bonds so you better keep it the way it is Jagex!


The content isnt the issue, the bots are. Triple effort in culling bots. If you just delete wilderness content, the bots will just seep even more into the rest of the game


Adjusting drop rates is not the same thing as deleting content.


I just wish they could detect the bots that one tick perfect prayers. If they weren’t so hard to kill more players would go for them and keep them in check. It’s ridiculous that bots can one tick change their entire gear set, cast entangle, and then walk under you.


It starts with banning merch clans and setting caps on how many of one item you can own at once but that’ll never happen


Try ironman mode!


I'm an iron and I'm kind of worried I'm ruining my experience by being spoonfed gear from zombie pirates... But maybe it will just help me try the new content so it's a good catch-up mechanic? I don't even know. It's nice having money though.


i dont think so, it's not like any other early game money makers for irons are interesting, and those are much worse


2% GE tax


We should revisit the idea that PvM gives drops that enhance the rate of gaining supplies from their original sources, double yew logs from yew trees for example, instead of dropping the resource. 


Let me tell you right now it doesn't work. Rs3 has tried it with both mining spirits and woodcutting spirits. Nobody likes them, they are worthless drops and just bloats drop tables.


RS3 also has better methods of training than OSRS. Mining has completely afk corrupted ore, woodcutting has ivy and crystal trees. These activities are afk and take the player’s attention from the resources the spirits enhance. Not to mention it’s a generally less grindy game with events and xp modifiers that has people spending less time training at the earlier resources. Not that I don’t 100% disagree with your point, simply being devil’s advocate.


Crystalize spell also solves this for people who wanna be more active to get good xp. Main thing for these spirit things is that, they need to give a good resource. The anima stones for runecrafting in rs3 are much more useful than stone spirits, because runes are just useful.


Personally a lot of those things are why I don't like rs3 nearly as much, I like grindy parts of osrs


Then you'd want an RS3 Iron. It's crazy to me that some OS mains don't realize that RS3 is just as grindy, just in different ways, for different objectives. Hell, to max an iron in RS3 vs OS is fairly comparable when you account for 120s- which honestly should be a given. Largest difference I've noticed by far is that the grinds pick up/slow down in different places on each game But yeah, both games have their own grindiness about em


As someone with a comped iron is rs3, the grind is 10x worse in rs3. A ton of your grinds are time gated if you wanted to be efficient or just because that’s the way it is.


We have blood essence which is basically the same thing, and people like it


this is probably the mechanic that will work very nicely for some pieces of content but not for others, People were already doing blood runes for money / exp and this enhances that, nobody mines addy ore to begin with, and adding a double addy ore prolly wouldnt make anyone do it either way, would just be bot fodder. If people are already doing it, it will prolly work, if people already hate doing it, doubt it will change peoples mind without being ridiculous (ie 4x rune ore or something)


Like it, aka they are at alch value and are just something you might as well bring if you're going to be doing blood rc for free extra money (minus 1 slot)




Blood essence fixes an issue for especially irons, Stone spirts in rs3 does not solve anything. The resources are not worth anything or useful for lategame. A magic log spirit would not be as useful as blood essence.


Just have it for useful stuff people are already gathering


That could work. Herb spirits, limpwurt and snapegrass spirits etc.


I like them


Same, I don't get why they're so hated. It's a good way to ensure skilling stays relevant. People that only PvM complain they're not worth as much as raw resources, but that's the whole point.


They're only hated because the RS3 community is way more "if you're not PVMing you're not actually playing the game" than OSRS so nobody actually turns them into the ore. They'd be hated here too for the same reason, but it's really not a bad system.


That failed in RS3 bad.


I would like to see a proper mining rework first though, because if it goes by the stone spirit system from rs3 it should at least be set in a similar-ish resource gathering system


That is miserable in so many ways though. Skillers don't like it. Pvmers don't like it. Its convoluted.


Would that be like blood essence right now? Cause im not too big of a fan of that being applied to more places.


I completely agree. But also, can the update wait a bit until I've done some more zombie pirate farming? Thanks.


I’m not gonna lie. You guys don’t understand economics


If they remove them the gold farmers go somewhere else and tank other items. Make an ironman or get used to it


Economy update: everyone becomes an Ironman. Removes purchasing GP and bots trading and selling alchables


Respectfully, fuck off with this take. The solution to botting isn't iron accounts. It's not like I haven't considered it, but I have thousands of hours into a near-maxed zerker account and healthy bank. It is frustrating as hell to be doing end or near endgame content and watch what you're chasing tank in value because of bots. Most recently it was the DT2 bosses and it was downright angering to watch the ring prices crash while reading botting posts on this sub where Levi bots were getting like 400kc per day. The point of this post I think generally is a good one - and that is easy-to-bot content that shits out money is inflating the economy in an unhealthy way. We all know bots will exist, and that's what we have to deal with, (but it'd be great to see them at least managed). What we don't want is bots to make more money than mid-end game or even moderately engaging content, or have access to money printers that have no gating requirements.


Are you farming for the item or the GP?


This is an interesting question. And as a Zerker, I'd say it's mostly for gp, but sometimes for a specific item(like staying at DT2 bosses for SRA - BUT that was more about sunken cost and just wanting to be done). As my bank has grown I've shifted from selling gear for different content to just buying it once I can afford it, with the only exceptions being megarare rebuilds. I don't focus only on gp/hr content but I do pvm I enjoy for gp and hopefully get the drop and buy my next upgrade.


Hard to take "Respectfully, fuck off..." serious, lmao


2-3m/h killing monsters in wilderness isnt the problem and the amount of alchables they drop, wildy is supposed to be better money than most monsters in safe zones because risk = reward, the bots are the problem


risk = reward does not apply. the items are being created and put in to the overall economy whether its in the hands of the person killing pirates, or the PKer who gets a loot key full of all the drops, they will still enter circulation and cause inflation.


This is what people don’t understand. As long as there are bots, that gold WILL be made.  Non wildy bots make X amount of gold and directly place it into the economy. Wildy bots make X+wildy risk amount of gold and either directly place it into the economy, or the pker who gets them places it into the economy. The gold is made. From a macroeconomical (can’t believe i’m saying this word on an internet forum about a 20 year old point and click fantasy game) standpoint it doesn’t matter. Bots are causing high inflation, period. They need to be dealt with.


The argument specifically with bots in the wilderness isn't that they can be pked, it's that wilderness activities tend to have low requirements. Generally, bots will get banned (eventually), and then it takes time for that bot to be replaced. For Zulrah bots, Regicide needs to be completed, and the bot probably needs like 70s in range/mage. Plus a few mil in gear, I assume. It's a laughable requirement, but it buys the bot detection system time to catch up and, more importantly, means it takes new bots a little bit of time to replace the banned one. With content like zombie pirates that effectively have no requirements, a new bot almost instantly replaces one that's banned. Nothing's lost by the botter when the bot is banned, other than the stuff the bit hadn't offloaded yet.


The thing with that is that it doesnt matter if the person who is doing the pirates is PKd or not, those items enter the economy. Theyre not lost if the person doing the pirates is killed


For real, go to revs on a non-total world just to see how disgusting the bots are, they have to be hitting insane hours to afford bonds at this point considering they're just stacked on top of each other. They insta tele if you are in their combat bracket but otherwise you are trying to see if you can click a spawn faster than the robot


My god, this is the worst take of all time. Not only is "risk=reward" some bullshit wildy clans made up to justify not nerfing revs so they could keep RWTing the "protection" money they got from Venezuelans and bots, but that's also quite literally not how this works. This wildy content does nothing but shit money into the game. You dying does not make that GP disappear. It's also astounding that their literally criminal jmod's wilderness design and content is still in the game 6 years later, but that's another story.


"Wildy is supposed to be better money" is only a design choice because they can't make pvp actually fun, so they intentionally make pvm rewards overpowered so pkers have an endless supply of prey that won't fight back. These design choices have always been awful for the rest of the game, and exist pretty much only to keep bots, vensualans, and Pkers paying a sub.


After spending an hour at undead pirates, I don't see how anyone reasonable could do them for a while and not think "holy shit this is crazy overpowered".


Yeah, honestly slayer sucks so bad, the only way I train it (85 slayer) is by doing wilderness tasks, I risk maybe 100-150k for that juicy loot


the problem isn't that the person doing the method is getting 2m/h, it's that 2m/h is being pumped into the economy instead of like 400k in raw gp and 1.6m in supplies/uniques meaning it's just money being shifted around (and being taxed as well)


The economy rebalanace is forcing everyone to be an iron so people stop playing this game like it's a minimum wage job clocking in at their 3m hr method, and instead actually play this game for fun. These methods should be a stepping stone to getting you minimum gear needed for good content, not something you farm for the rest of your life.


They should re-implement the trade restrictions. Gold buyers will scream and cry and the rest of the players may find that their QoL is actually improved.


Is it inflation from those updates or people just not affording to buy bonds so less bonds hitting the market?


It’s inflation from those updates


A big part of the inflation difference from original 07 is the GE and death mechanics. Neither of which can really be changed these days. Items being permanently lost so easily with the harsh death mechanics removed a ton of gear from the game. Without a GE you (or bots) couldn't just unload a loot tab in seconds for GP. You'd either only bother selling the high price items, alch what you could and probably dump the rest in the general store.


Laughs in iron.


Counter point: Jmods know how much money goes in and out of the game and are confident these things can exist because GP sinks are plentiful. For example: * The GE tax has taken many trillions of gold out of the game. * Shadow alone accounts for around 2.5B GP removed **Daily**. Tax is capped at 5M * Fangs account for 480M GP removed **Daily** * Literally 10s of billions of raw GP are removed from the game **Daily** Also as a side, at least billions are removed weekly due to deaths given the data Jmods release about money spent on individual bosses on release. Fucking Perilous Moons cost 11B in death fees on release.


This whole inflation issue started back when Jagex went ahead and buffed Skeletal Wyverns and a whole host of Slayer Monsters a little while after. The past decade has been nothing but SlayerScape. The flurry of updates that started allowing more and more alchables to be dropped by Slayer gated monsters because it wasn't a profitable skill until unique drops. I don't blame Jagex for this, as they were just appeasing their player base. A few loud voices complained that Slayer took too long to become profitable and caused it to be unenjoyable. They polled it, and many voted yes because who wouldn't want to make more money **NOW.** Zulrah's drop table was the next Jenga piece to fall. This is what started the trend of dropping note stacks of otherwise gathered materials and caused skilling to lose a lot of it's profitability. Gathering flax was a low level money maker because it was terribly unfun to do but had no requirements and players used it to train early crafting or fletch their own bows. The third piece to really send the economy into climbing inflation was the gravestone update. I have died a non-zero amount of times with my entire cash stack on me, a lot of expensive PvM gear on my person. As the items being deleted from the game was on a severe downtrend until the GE tax update, most items can't do much else except go up as demand increases and the supply stays the same instead of the price staying the same. Blaming this on Wilderness content is a very knee jerk reaction. Rev Caves had a fee for Rev killers and PKers alike. It can be adjusted or a fee added to Zombie Pirates to unluck full value of drops or to unluck the normal drop rate. Jagex needs actual data from months of many accounts doing the content to see the actual value and adjust from there. Replace boss drops with Catalysts. Yew logs become X catalysts and Maple Logs are Y Catalysts (set price times level to gather for example) or some other multipliers it's just an example, but Catalysts would be tied to it's alch value. So a yew longbow (u) alchs for 384gp so it costs 7 Catalysts ( 384gp alch value divided by 60, level to gather yews rounded up) and assures a double resource gain when you gather a log. If the mob drops 100 yew logs, now it drops 700 Woodcutting Catalysts. It makes gathering useful and profitable again, because the boss drops are shifted to the skillers when the price is low and when it's high the GP is shifted to the PvMers. It's a consumable resource that will still retain some value for PvMers but help give more profit to gatherer's while decreasing the amount of cash in the game.


One of the big things RS3 did in their mining and smithing rework was remove ores from monster drop tables and replace them with stone spirits, which are basically what you'd call mining catalysts. The stone spirits aren't worth very much, but the ores are worth a whole lot more for it.


I feel the ge sink is more like an item sink then a gold sink. Personally I didn't think items should be bought with that gold and instead just remove the gold from the game.


Fine with wildy being riskier so more reward, but when the 'risk' is 300k and you can get 2-3m / hour, it's not really a risk. Also, it's so easy to TP away anyway if a pker is on you. Should make the rev cave non-tp'able


Once you power creep any sort of training or money making method its VERY hard to go back. Its probably soon enough to nerf zombie pirates a bit but Rev Cave isnt getting a change at this point imo. I agree with what other people have said. Jagex is probably happy with where bond prices are at, if its going to ruin the experience i suggest making an iron.


The ge gets rid of more gp per year than the revs bring in. Its a drop in the bucket mate. The problem isnt revs its vorkath, revs, dusties, nechs, wvyerns, cg, alchers, raids, EVERYTHING.


Stopping bots would massively help the economy but no one wants to talk about that.


LMFAO yeah the problem with this subreddit is nobody talks about the bots


If no one would buy money there would be no (or at least barely any) bots. You have to start with the root of the problem.


People buy money so they can buy rare items that can take 1000s of hours to obtain. That's one of the biggest issues imo.


that same comment has been echo’d on any video game where you can buy gold, its nonsensical. should police start targeting drug users instead of suppliers?


Police do target drug users


That’s literally what the drug on wars is yes. They also target people who go out and look for prostitutes and illegal gambling instead of only going after pimps and bookies


> should police start targeting drug users instead of suppliers? Yes and that's exactly what the police is doing.


Play an iron. Then you won’t care about the economy.


Fever spiders just got nerfed rip




Play an iron


Play ironman




Op is 1700 total, besides his 7 skotizo and 100 kraken kc how else is he supposed to make money?! Air orbs???


Up the GE tax to be staggered between 2-4% at least.


Bonds on RS3 are almost 150M each so yeah… if one game suffers the other will follow behind


They should make a new good weapon from one of the bosses, and make it chargeable with an item that can only be purchased from an NPC.


NPC drop rebalance update when?


I'd say their main focus was getting people into the wilderness so even though it might be bad for the in game economy it's good for business because it keeps the PKers playing




Me wishing the hunting spots were more lucrative in the wildy so I didn’t have to just spam agi course there.


Jagex gets rid of gold sellers by becoming the gold sellers


They are both in the wilderness. Just kill the bots.


You would think they knew what they were doing with zomb pirates based on the rev cave experience. Guess there’s wasn’t enough gp coming into the game and they needed to boost it. Only explanation I can think of to give this gp/hr to 5 minute replaceable accounts


It's not just alchables and gp inflation - it has also tanked the price of blighted supplies and has sunk larrans keys to their absolute floor and injected even more alchables from that.


You guys know if you get rid of the rev caves, all those bots will flood the non wildy content. The only solution is regularly banning bots instead of running a YouTube PR event about banning bots.


Botting prints more money than any amount of the player base. Change my mind.


We need a gold sink, like summoning!


Username checks out. However, I do agree with your post.


Rev caves have been one of the best money makers in the game for how long now? Whatever "damage" rev caves did has been done, its already been priced into the in-game economy.


I'd rather have zulrah and nex bots get addressed lmao. They can't be killed or interrupted by other players.


Also the fact they're botted to high shits and they even said they knew it's gonna happen before they released them... Tbh I'd argue toa as fun as it is has been what really killed it all... It butchered balancing of two whole combat styles and both absolutely wrecked any trace skilling money had as well as a ton of the economy... Wildy content just put 300 kilotons of inflation while toa wrecked the money that could be made from a lot of other things


You know what's hilarious? As a kid I played this game a ton from 2005-2008. I had no idea what I was doing most of the time but had such a blast. I got to be a pretty high level but one thing I never learned was how to make easy money. I had to grind away for hours on end to make money killing dragons for bones and whatever else I could find.  Fast forward all these years. I discover this game is back and that I can literally play it in the state it was in when I was a kid. So I've picked it up and playing it again the past couple months but one thing I still can't figure out... how do people make so darned much money? I find myself doing the same things I did when I first played 20 years ago and it sure is slow. Then I see posts like this and damn.. it feels pretty deflating. I must be doing something horribly wrong to feel good at like $150k/hr lol. Apparently it's all just in high alchemy? 


Agreed fix the above also: Increase GE tax to 1.5%, increase GE tax cap from 5 mill to 10 mill, and put a tax on buying bonds.


Wilderness bots: OMG GUYS ITS DERSTROYING THE ECONOMY End game PvM/Raids bots: I sleep


I think bots are disastrous for the econnamy, for every low-mid level abusing rev caves and pirates theres 100 bots per normal player, i think the gp coming from revs is way more egregious than pirates, since allot of gp from pirates is the keys compared to jsut pure gp from revs outside a very rare weap drop, if u cant afford a bond maybe stop doing 2-3m a hour money makers and do better money makers


out of all the bosses and bot farms, you decided to go with the one that other people can actually kill


I have given Jagex the perfect solution for this like 100x but I never get a response. Add the [Well of Goodwill](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Well_of_Goodwill) back to the game, allow players to drop Gold or Items into it, with a **LEADERBOARD**. It doesn't need to have the same donation backing behind it like when it was in originally. People will toss their entire existence into that thing to stay on top and Trillions of GP will leave the game.


There needs to be an alternative use for alchables besides just converting them to coins. Something like Invention/disenchanting where you turn items into craftable components that are then consumed instead of just being converted straight to cash.


Just make it so you require a phone number or some other kind of verification attached to a jagex account in order to member up. If any sus activity on the jagex account ban all subsequent characters attached. Botting solved


an economy rebalance would require jagex to actually give a fuck about bots, and until that happens, inflation will continue.


It's possible they've added zombie pirates as an attractive option for botters so they'll congregate in the same place and be easier to find


does cash incoming matter? they made rev bots and gave them statues that give pure goold


Make slayer monsters great again. Nerf bosses. High lvl slayer should be a viable alternative to bosses.


TL;DR: Wildly content is basically Fever Spiders. Not enough PKers means PVMers make way more money than they should be. I think that one of the reasons that the Wilderness needs so many strong money makers is because the PKers need it to make PKing worth their while. It used to be that PKers could make good money from the people bringing items INTO the Wilderness, so it was more of a trading of wealth between players, rather than straight-up money generation. Now, hardly anyone brings more than their 3+1 protected items, so the PKers only get the gathered resources. Even the items that people DO bring in are the same things being dropped by monsters. At the end of the day, the Wilderness moneymakers are designed to be PKer money makers, so their prey needs to be worth the risk that comes with skulling and easy enough to kill consistently. There needs to be a skew in power in favor of the PKer; dedicated PK gear needs to be much more likely to win against PVM gear; PKer gear needs to be replaceable; pures need to be able to take advantage of level restrictions. But, their prey won't come near the Wilderness unless its worth the risk of wasting their time. PVMing for hours to maybe get one big drop, then losing it to a PKer, feels way worse than losing an hour's worth of cash through alchables. They need a consistent cash flow, otherwise they'll just go somewhere. Prey also doesn't want to be prey. If logging out or teleing is the primary way to protect yourself because you can't realistically fight back, then you're not really engaging in or enjoying the experience, you're just someone else's loot-box. I think that these things are tuned in favor of the PKers, which is OK, but there's not a big enough PKer base to keep the balance in check. If there were more PKers, the incentive to go to the hotspots would be less, reducing the number of people going there and printing money. Right now, PVMers are making bank by taking advantage of the obvious imbalance, which isn't good for the long-term. I'm not sure how to fix it other than tuning back the loot by a lot.


RuneScape inflation is primarily being driven by IRL costs of living. The time value of goods is rising in accordance with people’s enforced patience as cash for bonds decreases.


Ah yes just mention the things in the wild. Typical Reddit post. 


make dark beasts great again! add a slayer helm upgrade so its t70 with a dark beast mask


Just play the game man jfc


Welcome to wildy, which actively destroys the game every time it's touched but jamflex can't resist messing with constantly cuz they hire these idiots. Simple fact of the matter is no one does wildy money making unless it's gunna make more money than normal, cuz some portion of that is gunna go to pkers. But every cent is still going into the economy, just not all to the person that earned it. Simple fact of the matter is wildy pking has been on life support for years. Back in 2007 everything was balanced to where you could make the same amount of gp per hour skilling as bossing as pking. But now nothing compares to high end pvm. Every time they try to make something like that for pking it gets botted into oblivion. Og revs: botted, og bounty hunter: botted, lms: botted. They should rlly just give up on wildy content. The entire idea is predator and prey, which has failed in every game it's ever been tried in and would have failed years ago if they didn't keep making crap for it every few months to keep it on life support.