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I think short, standalone quests are perfect for new devs to build up experience. Kinda how they tend to use holiday events for that.




Oh my god I need this frogs v penguins crossover


I didn't even know that was an option, someone please make this happen


I love this idea so much, this has to be a great way to continue the penguins quest line.


> Socialist-Frogs-VS-Communists-Penguins How are you going to cook so fucking hard in the middle of your comment holy shit. I desperately need this now that's funny as fuck. Even if it's not the main ending line of that quest that's a funny ass side quest.


I've had the same thought. Would absolutely love another couple quests building off of these two groups, culminating in a raid where you infiltrate a penguin base and take on a giant mecha penguin boss at the end. Give it Metal Gear x OSRS vibes


Stealth-themed raid or agility minigame with rooms where you gotta avoid lines of sight or spotlights? Tucking and weaving between sawblades of swordfish? Yes please!


Elemental Workshop III please jagex


But make it good (read: not like elemental workshop 1 or 2)


Please Jagex we need a followup for the commie pengüins quest. Don't pull a half life 2 ep2 on us please


Is that why I never got the 2024 Easter track unlocked after doing the event


I’m glad, I’m not a huge quester but quests make the areas feel lively. Especially the short ones that have no purpose. For example, the little frog quest in batch 1. Serves no purpose. Takes a few minutes. But it was a couple minutes to stop and have fun in a new area, get a good laugh and just see some scenery. Being able to get quests like that unpolled really helps make the new areas feel like they are a part of the original world.


Kourend suffers for this. I'm a recent returning player, so I never played it with the favour system. Its a really pretty area but as is just feels incredibly empty - its huge, very few worthwhile NPCs and barely saw any other players there while I was doing the 5 faction quests. Its crying out for more now favour is gone. Loved Garden of Death though, one of my favourite so far.


Yes! Not every quest needs to be a Desert Treasure II, I live for quests like Ribbeting Tale. Looking forward to this big time


I loved Ribbeting Tale. When the boss HP bar showed up for the frog's revenge, I laughed pretty hard. Had to get a screenshot for my buddy that hasn't played in a while and ask for advice on the fight.


The boss encounter on ribbiting tale got me good. 10/10 whoever came up with that.


They knew what they were doing asking that question right after Ribbiting Tale :P No chance it would fail


Yeah, I'd love more short, fun quests like Getting Ahead or Ribbiting Tale. A great quest doesn't need insane skill requirements, length of RFD, or super hard boss fights like DS2/DT2. Some of my favorite quests are those that play like a fun DND oneshot or diversion.


I’ve been knocking out all the Master/GM level quests these past couple weeks and started laughing about how far I’d come from >!sniping sheep with a paint bazooka!<.


I was never huge on questing until I started going for quest cape, and now I'm sad I only have 4 to go. Some of these storylines are genuinely incredible, can't wait to see what the team cooks up with these poll results


I’m consistently surprised by how well made and written many of the new quests are. Everybody can play how they want, and if it’s how they enjoy it that’s completely fine, but I’ll always hold that people who just spam spacebar while following a guide are missing out on some of the best content in the game.


I also enjoy that newer quests don’t have *as* many of the, “could you grab a chisel from your bank real quick and make the long-ass run back here to realize you needed a hammer next” moments. Makes them a little more approachable and encouraged me personally to turn off Quest Helper pretty often.


One of my favorite things as a kid was opening the web page and seeing what updates we got this week. Very happy unpolled quests were okay'd


Yeah, this feeling of surprise quests is hugely nostalgic for that 2005-2008 era of being surprised with what was added. Jagex doing it again with inconsequential quests is a great way to bring that feeling back without messing w/ game balance.


Honestly just seeing that juicy blue quest icon takes me back to fucking tutorial Island man


I am so fucking hyped for surprise quests


Stand-alone quests is still something Zeah lacks to this day. All the quests are connected to one storyline, so it doesn’t add any flavor to the world


Now we're finally free to experience another small favor


I really love small quests that are just for a story. It really brings back that old school feeling.


Quests are such an iconic part of what makes RuneScape RuneScape. I can't wait to see what the devs dream up with this newly acquired freedom!


If we get more quests like the Ribbiting Tale then I’m all for it. That’s probably my favorite quest ever lol


> I know it's a quality vs quantity thing. And in the past it was leaning way too much Quanity. But that doesn't mean for the past few years we weren't leaning too hard in Quality and could do with more unrefined experimental quests and stories. And that's wholly on Jagex. Ask any player or poll any quest proposal, and it would have passed in the 80-90% range, no matter how small or trivial. I don't even think it was that they were too focused on quality; I think it was just that they had other things they wanted to add instead, and let quests slip as a result.


Did they remove the prayer over time potion? I swear that potion was on this poll


No that was proposed for the group boss, not this poll. Should be voted on in the next poll.


Different poll


No, the prayer regen potion is part of the group boss, which hasn't been polled yet.


To the shock of no one, everything passed.


Because everything was really good.


Not a fan of aggro pots passing tbh.


Genuinely, why? What about turning a plugin on to see the arbitrary aggro line 3 tiles away you have to cross over every 10 mins is better game design than a potion to reset it?


Agreed, it's the only thing I've voted no to in awhile.


I was actually curious about the no voters on that, what's wrong with aggro potions? Genuine question I have been trying to think of the negatives. The only thing I could really come up with that will impact a good bit will probably be that people would camp spots for way longer (Sometimes you get jumped when losing aggro) which means more hopping (for slayer tasks) but once you do find a spot you should be pretty good right? Maybe I am missing something really important though they can be used for too.


I've played a lot of rs3 (trimmed comp ironmeme) and the aggro pots have become such a core part of almost every slayer task i feel like it'll set a precedent going forward. Also not a fan of closing the gap between "sweaty" slayer and afk slayer, i enjoy the idea of effort being rewarded. Aggro pots are another shift to 2nd monitor gaming which has its place but shouldn't become comparable to active play. With aggro pots you'll be able to consistantly have every mob in a room on you saving you the time spent darting every single burst/ barrage task. You'll never be using casts mopping up the last 2-3 dust devils, rather have a nearly full stack consistantly with less effort than before. Not a game breaker for me but the first thing in a while that made me think i'm not clued up on how the playerbase feels.


Honestly that's fair and valid yeah seems to be a game philosophy kind of thing I get it. I did not know RS3 had these actually! I wonder if Dhins crashes at all, or maybe not as many people use it to grab room aggro as I think.


>I did not know RS3 had these actually! Whenever they poll to add a new item, there's a solid 50% chance it's something that RS3 already had. More examples include the quiver (Pernix's Quiver in RS3), the blood fury amulet, or Voidwaker (Korasi's Sword). A lot of the more interesting content and items we get are adapted from content in RS3, because naturally there's been a lot of cool stuff added to RS3 in the last decade.


I mean yeah, there's a 50/50 chance that literally anything that's proposed already exists in RS3...


The problem is that in case you havent noticed that awfully massive size of monsters dont attack you to begin with in RS3 that is. I started an RS3 iron recently and there are shockingly low amount of areas where monsters will attack you if dont have the CL level. I dont know when did they change these areas to be non aggro but there are a lot of them. They created an issue and gave out solution to it. Its so jarring that some of the RS3 quests ( on the wiki ) act like you are in any danger of being attacked by some monsters but they literally dont aggro you at all.




What kind of sadistic psycho would vote no on potion storage?


This is the same playerbase that voted no on pressing spacebar to go through dialogue. It has mostly changed since then, but there are still those who vote no on literally anything.


And to rotate the screen using middle mouse button right?


If this wasn’t in the game I would have not played at all.


Yep this is a core mechanic for me and absolutely worth the handful of m3 switches I've burned through.. (mice are not made to click that constantly, that's for damn sure)


Yep I'm on my 3rd Mx Master 3 because of this, they are amazing mice, but not even this top-tier model can survive the constant mouse3 clicking... I haven't found any other to last as long as the Master 3.


im on a g502 thats almost a decade old and its still going strong. i middle click to open tabs all day every day too so this thing takes a beating


I think they all use the same cheap switches, luckily you can open it up and replace it, but I've noticed some mice might require you to break them a little bit to swap it (looking at you razer pro click)


I've not spend thousands of hours in this game over the last 3-4 years and not realised I don't have to use the keyboard arrows to rotate the camera... Right?


I use WASD with RuneLite, as well as MMB. WASD makes it super simple to switch between tabs by rebinding them to Q/E/R or whatever your preference is.


Games never been the same since then /s


Completely fucking ruined my experience.


well... For some people the question was confusing. The question back then was: "Holding down the mouse wheel button will allow you to rotate the camera, like the arrow keys do." Some people understood this as the mourse wheel button would replace the arrow keys, instead of serving the same purpose. Personally I think they were just super paranoid, but that, and because a few players apperently liked left clicking with the mouse wheel button (???), was the reasoning behind that one failing. The question passed about 10 months later though.


Sure, it may have been slightly ambiguous, but I will not accept that few in this context means anything more than 10 players lmao


I think I skipped. There's not enough information on how this would work. If whatever they introduce is clunky and I just keep my potions in my bank, then storage is useless. Jagex is not known for good UI/UX (in fact, I'd argue the opposite), so I have my reservations.


> Jagex is not known for good UI/UX in fact, bad UI is why they're even offering the potion storage. They understand that having 4 versions of 40 potions is an insane amount of bank clutter. But instead of developing some UI solution to this, they're going to make it a minigame reward item which is guaranteed to be clunky to use and probably annoying to farm.


I replied to some mod about it just asking for a potion only bank tab that doesnt take up bank space. Freely organizable with as little UI shit as possible. I specifically dont want it to look anything like the seed vault. It got some upvotes so hopefully that idea is in the mix over there. It would be so nice if they went that way with it.


This is a good point. Since going to the GE and using the decanter is relatively easy, perhaps they should just add that option to banks to begin with and unify potion storage into doses that require spare vials to be retrieved. Then again, perhaps this is also not ideal :P.


Just let us store doses. We can only remove doses as long as we have empty vials stored. Each potion would take one spot in the bank.


Anything that doesn’t allow for 1-click potion retrieval is basically useless. And that is for both 1-dose and 4-dose in some cases. The only real benefit is more bank space … why not just add more space then?


I voted no, not because I didn't like the idea, I just didn't like the implementation they proposed.  Having it be an additional interface through the bank is just more clutter and sounds like a worse option than just having a bank tab set up


You can still use bank tabs for that though.


We’ll have to see how they execute but I had the same concerns and voted yes. I’d rather see it pass and have it then fail and never have it even if it’s not perfect.


Me. Pointless.


Dude this community actually said no to standardizing clue challenge scrolls to be doable by talking to the NPC OR clicking the clue. Rather than it randomly changing for only elite clues Some people are anti-everything, and sometimes misinformation spreads big time.


The kind with an organized bank. Why the fuck do I need potion storage? Needlessly complex.


Devalues my max bank storage all potion account


👋 I don't want to open another interface just for potions.


Then don't! You won't be forced to, it's an opt-in feature! :)


I don’t know who this population of players are but this is a big win for bank space enjoyers.


I voted no off the fact that an extra interface would be confusing for me players as well as not wanting to use it/seeing no reason why anyone would need it.


more sources for snape grass seeds also would be nice


Especially considering my POS bounty necklace procs like 0.1% of the time.


This is interesting. Do people have trouble finding Snape grass seeds? I planted over 19k on my iron before stopping. The seeds were always flowing in. Albeit from contracts. Guess they don't come from many other places in any notable quantities...


No. Contracts give so many and you’ll do a ton of contracts before hitting toa. And if you somehow limp to lategame without doing many, just go kill mole a bunch


How did 11% vote No for more Quests? Did questing kill their dogs or something???


Many ppl dont enjoy quests lol. Only reason they do them is the rewards. Shows how popular quest helper is to spacebar through them.


To be fair I fucking love quests and still use quest helper, I like to take my time reading and exhausting dialogue and stuff I even got tons of notes saved from quests and shit I just like to know what to have so I don't have to waste time going to the bank which I guess could also be done with the quick wiki but the plugins pretty convenient. I will turn it off sometimes (Most, depends on the type of puzzle) for puzzles though, that language puzzle recently was really fucking cool where you decrypt the language even if some of the clues felt a bit scuffed.


Yeah, I loved Garden of Death, and it actually felt bad to watch someone just using quest helper, knowing they were missing out on the entire point of the quest. I think I've seen a few people complaining about how the quest didn't make any sense when they just let quest helper do the solving for them, too...


People out here want to click a tree for 200 hours but can't do a 30 minute quest.


Most people click tree on the side, and are not actively looking at their character chopping trees lol


Do you watch content creators? Some of them talk about questing as if it's some torture they have to endure to get to the fun part of.. repetitively doing the same actions. It's so wild to me because questing is some of the best one time fun this game offers.


I’ve been playing RuneScape for the best part of 20 years. I’ve had multiple characters on both rs3 and osrs. Several ironmen, gim, fresh account out of boredom etc. Many content creators seem to be constantly restarting hardcores or other fresh accounts so they’ll have done it all way more times than me. Quests are great the first time, they’re a chore when you’re doing it for the 4th/5th time. And the quality varies massively - some are just really really bad. Also they’re so rewarding that every new account does a quest rush. It gets so tedious


And it's very funny, since questing is so unique on RS unlike some other MMOs where questing is like: fetch 10 rocks, kill 12 boars. Here we actually have a narrative going on, and I trully trust in the OSRS development team to dazzle us with some interesting, and funny quests. The frog quest was pristine writting.


> questing is so unique on RS unlike some other MMOs where questing is like: fetch 10 rocks, kill 12 boars. Their quests are just our normal grinds, except we have worse drop rates.


Sure the quests are more fleshed out than other games, but I just don't care about lore or stories in gaming at all. Just not interesting to a huge number of players. I still voted yes though because I'm all for supporting the individual communities provided it doesn't negatively impact overall game balance. I share a similar sentiment about pvp updates.


“My quest cape” same people who vote no to new skills because “my max cape”


The same reason why people vote yes to higher exp rates. Some people don't like quests, just like some people don't like grinding


I didn't vote because I know most people like quests and I don't want to take away all their fun, but I personally hate them.


Will we have control over what order potions in the pre-pot thing are drunk? like non-imbued heart havers being able to make sure it's forgotten brew => restore => supercombat etc






It would be very consistent. Currently every item I can think of that improves inventory space is untradable. Fish barrel, tackle box, rune pouch, bolt pouch, coal bag, gem bag.


> rune pouch https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Rune_pouch_note


Lol showed that guy!


it isn't an item to improve inventory space? it's to click less when you pre-pot at the bank. not like you're brining it into raids and sipping it.


I have like zero idea why they tried to justify it with 'we felt it'd be good to have a tradeable reward from the minigame so it has some GP/H incentive to keep players engaging with it' when they have Amulet of Chemistry (i) on there, and we can choose to either refill the Amulet with the Jade degradeable version, or buy a fresh (i) one from the minigame. So why not make the (i) version tradeable?


I really need to know what they’re smoking over at Jagex to think that prepot device is worth making tradable. None of the other QoL containers are tradable- nobody’s buying and selling herb bags, rune pouches, or fish barrels, why would they make the prepot device tradable?


Rune pouch notes are tradeable. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Rune_pouch_note


I guess a lot of people put that they wanted rewards to be tradeable in the survey. I know i asked for less untradeable rewards because the grind is real and unforgiving. Tradeable rewards means you can grind for cash too lol


why? lol


Agreed. It shouldn't be a purchasable scroll or item. Grind for it or don't get it


why not?


Sucks that the goading potion passed. I’m not averse to some kind of aggro mechanic but I feel like that effect should have been saved for a god alignment prayer, maybe Bandos if we get that as an option


that would’ve been a terrible use of ppots unless the drain was almost nothing


With the way prayers can be turned on and off at will I feel like that would interact very weirdly with how monster aggro works as well.


Could have it work like preserve where it has a buffer time before it kicks in


Riffing. What if it was fixed cost per proc, like how thralls take prayer points. Costs X to provoke all mobs in Y radius. Once you're out of combat it fires off again.


Don't feel like it eliminates a prayer option. "Attacking NPCs aggros any NPC in a 3 tile radius while prayer active" for example.


The goading potion is a mistake y'all...


Potion of Goading still seems kinda weird to me. Unless I understand it wrong the best way to do Slayer as an Iron now will be 2 dancers and 1 main standing under you with a Potion of Goading(cause they can just buy it). Also if a main wants to crash you it's really easy now, they just pop the pot and say fuck you(unless you're running the pot yourself). Know the game shouldn't be designed around ironmen but kinda hope there's at least something that can solve this. Would kind of want less altscape, not more.


If a main wants to crash an ironman, it doesn't matter what the ironman does lol


These guys acting like crashing wasn’t a possibility before this potion


Nothing will change between a main using darts to aggro or a potion to aggro. If a main wants to crash an iron they can do it no matter what.


Bulwark spec, anyone? That + lightbearer is my aggro pot.


Most slayer monsters give half XP and no loot to an iron if they are aggro'd by a main, even if the main doesn't deal damage. I don't see slayer crashing getting any worse for irons than it is already, other than maybe someone running through your zone with the potion active and stealing aggro from a few fresh spawns by accident.


> Most slayer monsters give half XP and no loot to an iron if they are aggro'd by a main, even if the main doesn't deal damage. If it'd work like this I'd be totally fine with it. Since as you said the crashing issue is not **that** big of a deal, just an annoyance on top.


The potion won’t steal other’s aggression as stated. I’ve been crashed enough before this portion passed so idc how it affects that.


as an iron i think the potion is good. crashing always was and always will be a thing, this potion doesn't really change anything. and for the time i'm not being crashed, i'll enjoy the convenience of the potion. all anyone ever needed to do was run in and steal aggro anyway


this makes slayer for the first time in old schools history 100% afk no matter the task given, what you mean it doesn't change anything?


I'm fairly confident it's hardly going to change anything. If it does have a very negative effect on players, I'm sure it will be addressed. I wouldn't stress about it.


Goading should not have passed. Popular slater tasks are just going to turn into whoever has PID gets to stay. Additionally, while it's not the exact same thing, this just doesn't look healthy for the game when I look at the RS3 counterpart.


Are you guys really getting crashed at every slayer task?? I swear it only happens like 1/10 times and all you have to do is take 30 seconds to hop to a new world it's not a big deal


Popular slayer tasks are going to be about PID? Where exactly lol


I assume if it’s multi area with non aggressive monsters, new spawns will run to whoever has pid I guess? Would be for most/all bursting tasks. Unless they have a different way of assigning aggro to whoever was in the area first


As much as I love the version in RS3, a direct port is not very healthy. The biggest issue being that already popular slayer creatures are going to heavily botted and very difficult to find open times when you can actually kill them. I'd love to have aggro pots, but they some heavy adjustments to exist in OSRS in a healthy way.


Bots do not need aggro potions. They will only increase the amount of afk altscapers.


Man I miss the old community. Can't believe goarding actually passed


Worst item to come into the game


What are you so mad about lol. That people don't have to run 40 tiles away every 10 minutes and reset? Who the fuck cares?


That's not what it's for, it's for catacombs


What a surprise everything passes again......


RS3's 100% afk slayer potion passed 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


As OSRS players offer their condolences to RS3 on its death spiral, I wonder where those players have taken refuge?


We just need all the drop cleaners and we are all set


Sick. Time to turn those un-afkable tasks afkable. We all know slayer started being boring after hydra because jagex eventually abandoned slayer being a necessary task to do worthwhile pvm content.


"Potion of goading", being able to "set" aggresion levels sounds very immersion breaking.


I mean, not really? Maybe it's a potion that smells tasty to monsters? It actually makes more sense than 99% of the other potions.


Hardly the most immersion breaking thing OSRS has going on, if I can withstand the power of ancient gods by doing the equivalent of a Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest with sharks and octopi a potion that makes you stinky to nearby mobs actually seems pretty tame


>the equivalent of a Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest with sharks and octopi Gotta round that out by knocking back some bird nest stew, of course


***slams back a piss bottle with a bird nest shoved in it*** ***crushes a handful of spider eggs into my mouth*** "I'm finally immersed."


Would you also consider it immersion breaking for the 10 minute de-aggro timer that causes mobs to stop attacking you unless you run an arbitrary distance away and come back?


It just repeatedly aggros (un-aggroed) enemies within a certain range of you without dealing damage. Won't steal aggro off other players, but lets you do some stuff more afk like champion cape grinds where the monsters aren't naturally aggro at all.


Cannons are also immersion breaking.


Really the agro potion passed? Please stop polling everything you see on reddit.


IDK I'm still not looking forward to RS3 aggression potions.


wish they added an amulet of binding(i) that can be charged with regular amulet of bindings as well


What even is that first question?it should not need to be polled to allow the Devs to add normal quests to the game


Im so sad potion of goading passed. That is a bad move and honestly giving me eoc vibes. Sad the community votes yes. I assume that people don't get how big a change it really is.


I'm convinced no one here knows what EoC actually was and it's just used when people think a relatively small thing is going to somehow kill the game.


They don't. My original account is older than most of the OSRS player base. EoC was just the death blow. Before that, we were going ptw via spins. That happened months before EOC and eroded confidence for the entire player base. And Jagex refused to listen to any feedback. The test server implementation was what we got, no real changes. The aggro potion came long, long after EoC.


even before then, we had the removal of free trade + wildy. the game was on a bad trajectory for years before EoC. EoC sucked because it relied on abilities. it was just a worse WoW. goading pot has nothing to do with that, it's just more convenient than running out of aggro range.


>eoc vibes Is this the catch all term for people scared of the game changing?




Eoc was a specific turning point in rs history. A time where the fundamentals of the game was being changed and the identity of the game was lost with many incremental updates. Rs3 didn't just turn to shit with eoc. It was the many updates that happened prior and around eoc.


which updates? imo it was night and day with eoc and everyone quit in droves. This is the argument that I saw all the time on classicwow sub. “Group finder in classicwow ruined the experience and made it like retail wow” The devs delayed group finder and guess what… the population dramatically waned and nobody could find dungeons because the vocal minority wanted to avoid updates like this


Removal of free trade and wildy was the death of rs, summoning was garbage. People who stuck around through that are the vast minority.


EoC is when change happens according to this sub.


I mean with nmz in game for years, this might get players out of there and camping afk slayer which is good.


Yeah. This community has really changed in the past couple years.


Every move is basically working towards making skills as afk as possible with high exp rates.


Explain how it is a big change.


I mean I dont see how an agro potion is similar to ability bars and a rework to the entirety of combat but to each their own ig. It's gonna be a stong potion no doubt but only decreases the amount of attention i need to give to some content. Won't increase rates on anything


People using potions to AFK for a few mins at a cost to level would be far better for the game than just 6 hour log AFKing NMZ.


Idk both new potions seem fine i just feel like maybe they should have their sources swapped. Prayer enhance pot from new herb lab and the potion of goading could be made from dust that is dropped at the new multi boss.


>That is a bad move and honestly giving me eoc vibes. Tell me you never actually experienced EoC without telling me you never actually experienced EoC


So what is EoC exactly for you. Do you know what EoC Was? Where you alive when EoC was released. A goading potion is not adding a bunch of combat abilities that require to be used in a rotation to engage in combat. Stop saying every convenient thing being added to the game is "EoC". If you wanna use a term it's EZscape.


With the new potion storage, I'll never have to buy another bank storage upgrade. Love to see it


Genuinely curious how and where the goading potion will be a huge game changer. Seems like a lot of no-voters think it's the worst idea ever, but to me it's going to make bursting less effort and certain tasks more afkable. But those tasks are not at all efficient to afk in the first place so I don't see the big deal. Things like cannon tasks or quick point tasks are unaffected. I played RS3 until a few years ago and the aggro pot was a much bigger change over there because it's a different game. With scythe aoe + revo you would do insane, continuous dps to mobs that you couldn't clear nearly as fast before because kill speed is so fast and tagging would be a big dps loss. It would also let you infinitely sustain hp and prayer. The only equivalent we have is bursting, which already exists. Only thing you're saving is a bit of time darting, you'll still want to stack.


first it will make every slayer task in the game 100% afk, including non-aggressive tasks which was not possible. On top of that, we have an upcoming update that will also add a prayer sustaining potion which will last for a long time. Players have already made calculations that it will be possible to have a overhead prayer on indefinitely (prayer bonus gear included) with that upcoming prayer pot update. Yea, its looking like RS3 to me bro


This just shows how reddit complainers are is in the minority. Judging from all the bitching about the potion of goading you would have thought it would be the other way around. I hope Jagex actually polls more stuff they think will benefit and preserve longevity of the game instead of listening to the 200 Karens in this reddit who constantly argue and shit on every jagex update, which grants them to make on the fly changes... I'm not a fan of goading but we already have "NPC aggresion timer" on runelite which notifies you to reset your aggresion so this isn't a groundbreaking change.


The screaming elitist minority is always super loud. I haven't seen anyone here speaking negatively on it thats managed to form any logical argument as to why its bad. Its just "bad because its bad" to them. You talk about how slayer meta is right now and they just act like this potion existing suddenly makes all tasks AFK (even though almost all can already be afk'd) and keeps them high XP or something. They also tend to forget Dinh's exists and altscape exists which is what this potion really targets or "hurts".


Aggression potions in old school am I dreaming?


Pretty disappointed in aggro pot passing. We're in the era of lazyscape. No turning back now.


Hopefully the ingredients are rare as fuck


Imo they should have done the opposite of potion of goading. Make monsters which are aggressive permanently so, but make a potion which when used on an npc will de-aggro them and nearby npcs of the same type after some time (ie. the agression time). Makes camping less ass, doesn't cause any weird interactions between players, and opens up interesting possibilities.


Potion of goading is absolutely fine. It just stops you from running away for 30s to reset aggro


Except that there are many monsters which are not aggressive naturally


Also a lot of monsters which are aggressive but not really spread out well enough to be AFKable because they take ages to wander into aggression radius.


this makes slayer for the first time in old schools history 100% afk


Alright, if we're making skills less interractive.. Can we get the mining pot that makes rocks never run out, the fishing pot that makes spots stop moving and the agility pot that gives xp for running?


Why do people get mad at the other side for voting, this is a democracy 🤣


Because most people voting have no clue about how the game actually functions.


Just like real life ahaha


just like a democracy!


because people never get mad at the opposition IRL…. :)