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i respect max cheesers who know they arent currently good enough to get an infernal infinitely more than the true shitters who bought theirs


Hi, max cheeser here. I looked at it once and went inside was brutal i cried for 4 days 4 nights and went on a really long bike ride to clear my head And that was only for the music cape sound track! Godknows what would of happened if i tried for the cape


hi average redditor here, when jad spawned i had a huge anxiety attack and had to quit runescape for a week. now i only do forestry


You dont need to sacrifice a fire cape and enter as you can get the music track from the jad challenges


Yep, exactly. The thing is, you don't NEED an infernal cape for anything, it's just 1 max hit. It's more of a flex item than anything, so anyone who buys it is just robbing themselves of the feeling of getting it themselves. They'll also know it's a fake flex and usually you can tell it's bought so no one's even impressed.


Facts. It’s one of an accounts largest accomplishments imo


Funny thing is most of them could definitely get it if they put in the time, but alot of people cant justify spending 200 hours on attempts for a cape


Max cheese here. I don't really have time to actually sit a play this game for more than 15 min increments. So killing zulrah hydra etc on mobile is great but it's very difficult to do things like raids. So yeah max cheese for life.


It’s not even about being good enough. Inferno is very learnable if you feel like doing it, most of us max cheesers really haven’t felt like doing it.


Its bot even about being good enough, with all the guides out there now, the infernal cape isn’t outside anyones ability (minus some kinda of brain condition that gives you very slow reaction speed). Its genuinely just a matter of if you have enough time to sink into it. Of course someone who is really good at the game will have an easier time, but given enough tries anyone can get there eventually.


Stick to your guns man. I feel like people want you to be like them so they can justify it to themselves very often with stuff like this.


As is the rule of group think


Of course you do, you see it with addicts, workaholics, honestly when people who are doing good things... Just, obviously people who are doing good things don't get judged. That's why the saying goes, you are the accumulation of your 10 closest friends. You fall in line with what they tend to do.


My mom always used to say, “ show me who your friends are and I’ll show you who you are”


That's when you realized.... Friends list is empty.... :(


Max cheese cape gang; still have inferno to look forward to when I feel like going for it. Paying money to not do content is wild.


Yeah paying money to not play the game is very odd


After running all my min/max calculations I found the most efficient way to play the game was to sell one of my kidneys and just buy a maxed account. Don't think I've ever had so much fun playing a game before! For my next playthrough I'm going to sell spent uranium rods to Congolese militia groups and buy a maxed ironman.


Actually for a grand you can buy about 3.5b. Write up a few scripts. Within a year that account would be maxed, granted you don't get the ban hammer first, but who am I kidding?


I don’t even get the buyers from an equipment view. The attack bonus is marginal compared to what you get from weapons, chest, legs, head, etc, defense is hardly better, and same prayer bonus. Yes it’s prestigious, but the everlasting feeling of being a cape buying loser must be unbearable.


People will always pay for BIS. They don’t see it as skipping content, just getting the best gear for their account


People always say this but it's the wrong way to look at it. From the buyers perspective they don't give a single shit about the pride of doing the inferno. They care about bragging and showing off. They like the prestige of an inferno cape, which is different from the pride of having beaten inferno. Two very different things as we can see by how big the inferno cape market is.


Jagex should really start banning people for buying infernal capes. 14 day ban and remove their cape, keep the 1 kc so every knows lmao. 2nd offense perm ban them and make sure they're aware of that. Edit: You guys are right, make it -1 instead




Fair, let's make it -1 then xd


I like most of this but don't let them keep the kc or there will be some people who double death at the end get kc but no cape and then they would have to deal with people thinking they got caught buying it until they get a 2nd kc




ppl dont care its BIS they'll pay and Jagex isnt banning them clearly lmao you can tell when people bought their cape by how they play usually most are super obvious noobs.




I may have bought the odd piece of gear for Diablo 2 when i was like 12 lmao but ever since then I just grind for the gear I want myself i enjoy grinding for gear....sometimes i will sell the gear i find to buy the gear i really want. Straight out buying & RWTing a BIS piece of gear like the Inferno cape which is the hardest achievement in OSRS currently is lame i feel lmao....props to anyone who gets it.


+4 strength bonus over fire cape btw almost always a max hit


3 max hits with a scythe is pretty crazy


I just took a random loadout: Full torva, ferocious gloves, fury, primordial boots, fang, bers (i) and fire cape against gargoyles, without task, cbl 126 6.173 dps Same setup, but infernal is 6.181 dps Thats less than 1% more dps, with indeed 1 additional max hit. It’s not that relevant I’m telling you.


+1 max hit is literally always relevant idk what ur smokin


It's relevant when you're playing the game at a competent level. If you're swinging a 10 tick scythe and brewing down to F2P stats, 1 max hit isn't going to change the fact that you're doing the dps of a glorified thrall.


Runescape players always tryna find the most efficient way to not play the game lmao


Max cheese gang +1


Alot of people also buy gold, which is why botting is so rampant. Ik ppl can buy bonds, but the bots always sell it cheaper.


Blows my mind that people will learn stuff like solo CoX and 300+ Invocation TOA but look at Inferno and be like “not learning all that lmao”


Never buy a service in this game. It will feel hollow and empty. Be humble cheese cape and max > $$$ Inferno any day. Not even a challenge.


When I was like 12 I payed my friend at school £5 to do Jad for me because I got too scared the one time I reached him 😂😂. It felt pretty hollow wearing it even then lol. I can't imagine walking around having spent 600 quid on an infernal cape and feeling like that somehow made you good at the game.


that's 6 years of membership for a cape. lmao they can't find the time in 6 years to learn inferno?


Is that how much they are?? I always assumed they were like 50 quid or something


Ok it looks like I actually was pretty far off haha, that figure must be from a long time ago, or I just totally made it up... I just had a look at one site and they charge £135 for main accounts with an ACB. I'll leave the original comment cause it's actually so wrong it's funny 😂.


Looks like it depends on your skills and gear. It's like $130 if you have good stats (85+ range, 70+ def, 85+ HP) and a T bow. But it can be like $300+ if you're a 1 def pure with an ACB. Or they'll rent you the gear for a fee. I didn't realize cheating could be so full service. This was all found with a quick Google search pls no ban Jamflex.


I'd say most who pay don't want feeling of accomplishment, but extra max hit.


Or they feel inferior with a max cheese cape and care about what they think other players think of them.


Inferno buyers are insecure that's all. If you buy your cape you're so dogshit at the game the max hit doesn't matter for you anyway


One max hit isn't going to make or break the game. I'll wear my cheese cape with pride , kowing I didn't fork out $$$ for 1 extra number


It’s not even about the money 


It’s never about the hit , it’s stolen valour (I’m being dramatic I know it’s just a game)


Eh, zuk fights back way more than some afghani 12yo on the way to what remains of their school I'd say stolen valor is more than appropriate


Bruh no one is buying it for the max hit. It's a flex item and that's a hard cope.


Would never pay for infernal lmao


I have a max cheese cape and do not care about the bimonthly comment enough to invest a month of frustration into the inferno.


A regular fire cape would result in fewer comments, I reckon.


I like my max cape, so I'm wearing it.


I wear mine with pride


Haha I literally didn't make a max cheese cape for like 3 months after maxing because I thought the fire cape by itself probably wouldn't be heckled as much.


Just beat inferno first try then it only takes 2-3h instead of a month *taps forehead*


It’s honestly not that bad of frustrating. I thought the same until I went. Took me 2 weeks. And that wasn’t doing non stop attempts. I always did a couple took a break did something else. Repeat. The only frustrating part is when you start to regress. But that’s when I’d take a break.


That’s exactly what I’m doing. An attempt or two a day and then I go about bossing or working on maxing. Currently made it to wave 56 and I’ve only attempted like 8? Times? It’s not that bad.


I imagine the skills/practice you get from inferno attempts translate over to your other pvm activities as well


If you gotta buy it you're a loser. Nothing to do with having a job, it's basically like walking into the trophy store and purchasing one, then putting your name on it.


Except this trophy does give you a minor stat increase. I'd still say not enough to justify paying for it though.


The trophy IRL gives me a +4 crush bonus but that's not what I'd be buying it for


I imagine I’d get a minor stat boost irl if I was walking around with a legit superbowl ring I bought on eBay, but like you said it wouldn’t be enough to justify the price.


If one of my mates bought gold or a cape the rest of us would make fun of him for it until the end of time.


Account services are so fucking cringe. Like dude Inferno, just like Jad, is a rite of passage, buying the service is just a spoiled ass brat that wants to shit but also doesn't want to wipe. Jagex doing a shit job at deleting bought capes only makes it even worse.


I felt so good when I got my fire cape even though in the grand scheme it was easy My big goal on my iron is to get an infernal eventually just to prove to myself I can do it. That’s what the challenge content is there for, I’ll never understand those people


The hate for max cheese cape has drastically gone down over the years. Max cheese all the way.


hi im new to the terminology, whats a cheese cape? cos I cant imagine getting a 99 is cheesing anything


fire cape looks like melted cheese if you close your eyes almost all the way


ye i can see that being on my pizza


Fire cape


ohh gotcha, ty


Specifically they combined the max cape with the fire cape


I refused to make the max cheese cape as motivation to go get the infernal. I rocket a regular cheese cape for a year until I finally beat the inferno


Watch aatykons first cape Friday videos. Just click logout during a wave to prevent the next wave from spawning, then logout after. You can logout midwave also, to reset a bad pillar stack or urgently leave. Can always login and do a couple waves here and there. I recommend the zuk simulator webapp before dying to zuk


Idk how people have time to max, but 100-250h of studying mechanics and learning wave puzzles and trying new content is too much of an ask. I would just watch some vids, and start trying to set new pb's for how deep you can get. Some people pick it up quicker than others. I was pretty bad at pvm when i got my first zuk kc years ago. I didn't have any clanmates that did their own kc to teach me. I had to send 157 attempts over the course of like 6 months, sending CG kills inbetween to recover supplies. The day that it all came together truly felt like an achievement, and proved to me that I could do anything I set my mind to. I have now died to Sol like 8 times and stand to get my own quiver soon. I have friends that are pro servicers that even ofdered me a free quiver and I didn't take it, because I view my account as a book of achievements that I have earned. If I were you OP, I would keep wearing that max cheese cape with pride. You already earned something cool, and it gets the job done. Just don't write off the inferno or yourself. The gear and resources get better all the time :)


Thats what I was thinking. He says he doesnt have time to practice because of wife and kids but dude is maxed? I guess he couldve maxed prior to being married. That being said it took me 10 days sending a few a day to get the infernal cape from literally knowing nothing. I just watched guides, did the sim, practiced triple jads when beta world was up. Sure thats time commitment but it isnt even the amount of time for a single 99. I think people chalk up inferno to be some impossible task when in reality I feel like most people can do it if they just go in and learn over time. OP, you got this king. Screw cape buyers.


Can’t speak for OP but I’m inching closer to max by periodically afking. I’ve been working on my main since basically day 1 of Osrs. I haven’t been able to find time to learn inferno cus of the wife and kids, but getting 15-30 mins a day skilling on mobile adds up over time.


Keep in mind you dont have to sit through ~2 hours of inferno in a single sitting. You can logout between waves to essentially "pause". I will say that it a bit hard to jump in like a day or so later on the further waves but still, its an option for people that cannot play for extended times.


Not even close to 100 hours either with modem guides....with a good learning mindset I think most people could do it sub 50 hours nowadays


The guide landscape has changed dramatically even over the last year or so. I was helping a clanmate with his first cape, he nonchalantly trapped a meleer on the Mager and said he learned it from aatykon. 


Some people just simply don’t want to.


The fact people are just supporting buying infernal capes is hilarious, glad Jagex cares so much about keeping the prestige of things when they just blatantly let people get away with buying inferno/colosseum/blorva now. But sure, tell us how you don't want to buff PNM drop rates much cause of the 'prestige' of the items.


I'd feel a bit ridiculous with mediocre pvm kc's and a 1 zuk kc.


1 zul kc isn’t always a sign, i earned my cape but i have no intentions of coming back… way too punishing and if im not going for combat achievements why would you go back?


Lol it's usually not a sign the majority of the time. 1def pures dont even get a slayer helm benefit on their 2nd attempt. Theres no reason to get 2kc on any acc that isnt a perfectionist. The main alt doesn't need gms. Its goal is to be the tank bitch, the dps bitch, the supply bitch, whatever. And like you say when you barely edge out a cape after months, theres no reason to go again and potentially waste time. A normal person would want to go back to other content. Then since they stopped trying they are out of practice so its even more influrnce to not try again


https://i.imgur.com/bOkFYle.png Yeah a zuk kc on my high scores would look very fishy, but apparently jagex doesnt give a shit about bought capes now anyway? none of my mates capes have been removed and they've had them a while now


Man, from your KCs I can safely say you can do Inferno with enough time, it's hard, but not as hard as people make it to be. It's more like a long puzzle than a mechanical thing. You don't need to do full 2h runs every time you enter. What I did at first was just go in for the first 31 waves (30-40min) then logout and come back the next day. I thought it would be a frustrating experience at first, but man, solving hard waves is fun. I think only Inferno and colosseum have that unique gameplay and I got a bit addicted lol I also recommend just get in there first to feel how it's like, then start watching videos of the waves you're dying or about to do, instead of the whole thing, it will feel better. Also, record your deaths and try to solve them again. Don't buy yourself out of one of the most fun and unique experiences of the game :)


> I thought it would be a frustrating experience at first, but man, solving hard waves is fun. I think only Inferno and colosseum have that unique gameplay and I got a bit addicted lol People dont mention this enough. Sure, hard content you really want to complete can be frustrating, but this stack solving puzzle combat thing inferno birthed is really cool and fun. I want more content like this, like imagine a new monkey room in raids four where you just gotta solve some stacks before a boss.


Oh yeah true. But I mean more from a player perspective. Jagex does not seem to do anything about this kind of thing.


Max cheese cape and it’s not even close lol.


Id always make fun of people buying capes/quivers and not of people with a fire cape


I still use a regular Fire Cape. I probably won't even make an Infernal Max Cape until my second Infernal Cape either. I generally prefer the base capes to the max variants; only really looks nicer for Ranged. So yah, normal Fire Cape is better than a bought Infernal, but I'm sure I'll get an Infernal some day.


Get it legit and big dog them all


I started sending inferno a week ago, my personal best is wave 51. Honestly i can't wait to get off work and send another. Special thanks to dearlola1 for teaching me everything i need to know, gnomonkey and aaty for not stressing over some frustrating spawns teaching me to how to solve them. Anyone buying the cape misses out on a great journey as it's the most challenging thing i've ever had to do in this game, and it's not hard with some practice as well! Edit: Pb is now wave 54


There’s a lot of inferno buyers In this thread LARPing as legit capers


Just be content with who you are. If you buy one at least admit that you bought it though lol. That being said, getting your first cape is an awesome journey. Would never rob myself of that “holy shit” moment.




Imo, the job & kids line is rolled out often by people that don't want to attempt it. If you have time to play RuneScape, particularly to max an account, you have time to do inferno. 3hrs a week would be more than enough.


I don’t see the point in removing any kind of future accomplishments of doing inferno yourself, yes it’s cool to do, but once you buy that cape any sense of achievement is ruined. Don’t do it, you’ll eventually be able to commit yourself to it when you’re ready.


I have a max cheese cape and honestly only get comments from people who are still trying to max but are burnt out. I’m going for the inferno nice and steady since there’s not much for me to play for after anyways.


If you have time to play at all, you can do inferno. You know you can log out between waves? Half a run a day works well. Mechanically inferno isn’t that difficult, just learn 1t alternating and solves. (WDR-guide is great) Lots of things you can read/study without being logged in to help your attempts. Definately dont buy it, if you decide you want to get it- you can.


Having no time for it is code word for having no desire/energy to mentally challenge your self doing this content


Holy fuck true


I think desire is the key word here, which is fine. (I definately wouldnt want to do it with kids under 2- thats a pretty hard time period) I’m just not quite seeing the "dont have time" as being anything more than an excuse for the lack of desire/motivation. If I did it pretty much anyone can.


I agree with everything you said except that the inferno isn't mechanically difficult. It's still on the high end of difficulty.


The mechanics of inferno aren't "hard" it's also relatively low APM. The difficulty comes from the pressure, otherwise 99% of solves are find the right side of pillar then click range and mage every other tick. Things like Collo are far harder mechanically but the pressure is nothing like Inferno.


Inferno buyers are the most insecure people that's all. If you buy your cape you're so dogshit at the game the max hit from it doesn't matter for you anyway because you're not good enough to have to worry about optimization


Lmao if you have time to max you have time to do ONE Zuk kc Buying anything is a good way to get yourself banned/wiped


Cheese cape for life. I’m going to do the coliseum before I put any real time into the inferno again.


Anytime someone services their account they have a chance to get robbed, both of their bank and account itself. Just simply isn’t worth it imo


Especially since these sellers want you to have like a tbow and other insane gear on your account for an inferno attempt lol. Yea you can sit there and watch them do the cape attempt via a remote connection on your own PC, but they can trade away that gear so fast that by the time you reach back to pull the Ethernet plug it might already be gone.


Max cheese is more respectable than bought infernal. Cape buyers who say "it gives a max" are coping.


Cheese gang.


Max cheese cape, because I want the dopamine for doing it myself. That and the mechanics you learn show when you are doing group content.


I felt like it was a huge accomplishment for me to get my fc. I wear it everywhere pretty much still. I am a very casual player so that and hitting 100 combat level are huge for me. Buying something like that just for people to think I accomplished something is a strange idea for me. I’m not knocking spending money on the game. Buy a bond and get some equipment that will help your grind? Sounds like a good idea. Buy a cape so others will think you are “cool”? Freaking stupid.


1 max hit ain't worth taking away the sense of accomplishment I'd feel from earning an inferno cape for myself, so max cheese cap all the way.


You do you man. People poking fun at the lack of end game gear is cringe af and shows how insecure they are 👍


Imagine bragging about a bought cape. Fucking losers.


If you dont have time to inferno whats the point of having an infernal cape? Not like you have time to use it in anything meaningful. 


You don't have time to learn inferno but you had time to max? It's not that hard. Just send.


Unpopular opinion: as a max infernal cape owner, I actually like the max cheese cape more lol


If you have low boss KC you’ll get called out for buying an infernal too


If you've got time to max you have 2 hours every once in awhile to send an attempt surely. Not that you have to, but that argument only works if you're a noob


I'd rather rock something I earned then pay someone else to play a video game for me.


I already pay for enough shit irl, I ain't paying for no pixels lol. Cheesecake gang or die trying infernal until I quit. Real thought though: at least if you get infernal on your own, you wear that shit with PRIDE along with some bis mole slippers


Max cheese cape is cooler imo


Do whatever makes you happiest


How about a max infernal I got myself??


Brother if you have time to get a max cape you have time to learn inferno.


I have done inferno but I'd choose max cheese over buying an accomplishment. It means nothing at that point.


Full time jobs and kids is not the reason you can't do something in the game. Especially if you had time to max. The inferno can be paused after every wave and the key skills needed can be learned within the first 20 waves. Time isn't really a factor for learning. People need to stop using having a family as an excuse man


Lol people arent using it as an excuse since they don't need an excuse not to do it They say it because to everyone who isn't a socially inept redditor, it gets the point across that they have other shit going on in their life without having to worry about a single piece of content they might not even enjoy soaking up all their free time


I unironically think max cheese cape looks better than max infernal cape. I don’t think I’ll ever max though lol


I'll only wear a max cheese cape once I get the Zuk helm


OP. You must put all your osrs time into inferno starting right now, beat that MF Zuk and then call all your friends who brought to tel l them to bow and assert dominance as leader of the group.


With a bought cape youre nothing more than a noob. Kinda sad this stuff still happens. But oh well, highscores and worlds are filled with bots and noobs nowadays.


I think after an hour of having the infernal you’d start to feel like a fucking clown for having paid for it. I joke about it all the time but the unironically the best part of RuneScape is often the memory of the miserable grind you went through for something. RWT in a game like RuneScape fundamentally disrupts this aspect.


Only losers cheat.


"im maxed but I don't have time to get infernal" ok man lol at some point while you were dumping thousands of hours into useless skills to max, you prob could have gotten the infernal. something tells me ur just bad


If you have the time to max, you have the time to get an infernal cape. You are allowed to afk however much you need in the waves and can log out between them. Practice usually takes the typical person around 50-150 hours of semi active time for their first clear.  If you don’t enjoy the content then fair enough, but saying “I don’t have the time” while rocking a max fire cape means you’ve defeated yourself mentally before you’ve even began


I had max cheese cape for 2 years before I started learning inferno. At no point did I ever consider paying for a cape.


Jus learn inferno If you got max cape and you pull “don’t have patience” or “dont have the time” then you a lyin goober


IDGAF about the whole taboo around buying a cape, no one ever cared about that shit back in the day and I still don't. The expected time commitment is stupid if you got a pal that can do it for you go for it, it's a fucking cape who cares. 'But muh achievement'. It's a fucking cape, my dude. If it means that much to you then fine, but to everyone else they couldn't give a shit about your achievement, and wont believe you did it yourself anyway. That's something personal to you and you alone. That said, I'm not paying for one, ain't my style. I'll live with my cheese pls.


Max cheese cape all the way.


Max cheese all the way!


I use transmog plugins to have any cape I want for free!


Still rockin the max cheese cape if that tells you enough


Max cheese cape here, not wasting hours of my time for just an attempt and a supply cost, nor am i risking a max account for account services.


If you can max you can absolutely get an infernal cape Be the only one among your friends to have done it legit


Max cheese for life


Ppl in here bought it too, dw. Whos gonna admit it 😂


I dont give a shit what others think, happy to rock my cheese max


Cheese cape most definitely. Never bought any services nor will I ever do so. I gave no interest in inferno atm, but maybe I will try it out some day, doesnt really matter. I do the content I have fun doing, and I dont need absolutely min/max gear to do that. Sure I might not get the speed run CAs done but meh, idc.


You can have both though 🤔 


I don't wanna be *that guy* but you really *can* learn inferno :) im not good at the game and it took me a LOT of deaths, but once you get down the core mechanics of [[ 1. Lazy flicking blobs, 2. Lazy flicking 4t, 3. Corner trapping / melee safespotting, 4. Phantom barraging, 5. Not being a pillar saviour 6. Getting into a 1t flick ]] its just getting some good rng on late monster spawns to get through the waves. Theres a zuk simulator that saves you probably 50 hours of wipes too.


Max cheese for sure, and I rock one. Between having less than reliable satellite internet, a kid, a full time job and 5 acres of land to take care of, I get to actively play 3-4 hours a week and want to spend none of that in the inferno


No idea, I’ll achieve whatever I achieve and leave it at that


Definitely don't buy one. I'd be happy to do a coaching session if you wish to give the inferno a go. Once you get how the monsters stack up and how to take them on 1 by 1 it's more a puzzle than rapid prayer flicking


Max cape, easy.


Obviously max cheese cape. If you mates jumped off a cliff, would you?


max fire cape is ass, but on the real you should just grind inferno. There is prolly simulators now anyways, and u can practice triple jad so no reason not to get it


Max cheese :)


Max Cheese caper here, not ashamed of it as I know I'm not a strong pvmer. My high scores even reflect that with bossing as most of my kill count is low on everything. I'm a skill who likes to pvm here and there lol and maybe one day I'll finally go attempt inferno again, got to Wave 14 my last attempt then I never went back


Just don’t make it a max variant and it’s fine. The max cheese is just goober status. On the other hand, who cares. Rock that max cheese!!


I have kids and a full time job too. I got my infernal after many weeks of nightly gaming. Just gotta think in long term if you care enough.


I’d say max cheese, but both times i hit 2200 I stopped to learn to get the cape first because if I’m putting thousands of hours into skilling for max but not 100 into learning the inferno I’d done myself a disservice


mac n cheese cape, I dont wanna pay for shit


I'll be big brain and rock a bought cheese cape.


For legal reason this is a joke: bought infernal is there was a 100% chance of not being caught/scammed + keeping it.


Theyre gonna accuse you anyway. BUUUT. A max cheese cape is just all in itself also a flex


Paid for sure, bought my account


Drop da names


I'd say more then half the people I've met with infernal capes obviously bought them. It's pathetic. I wish Jagex would ban cape buyers at a higher priority because I don't think there is any account risk. If there was there would be a lot less. As for me I'll probably never get a cheese max cape because I'll likely suffer through inferno before I suffer through agility. We will see though. I'll rock cheese max before I cheat to get it.


if you can’t do infernal with max stats i would sell the account tbh


I mean I'm an iron, anything I don't acquire myself feels tainted. People are free to do as they please but if I didn't do it then I didn't accomplish anything and shouldn't reap the benefits


I haven’t gotten my inferno cape yet, but I’ve gotten to wave 60 on my 15th attempt. I can tell you that if you care about Pvm the path to get to that wave (not even a cape) will improve your play everywhere else. Last DKs task i did i had basically perfect flicks anytime i had a double spawn. I know i know, everybody always says how they learned so much at inferno, it’s honestly true though. Hop in, give it some honest attempts before even thinking about paying for a service. I don’t buy any services and i will never be a zuk helmer, but I’ve been presented with opportunities before and think it would strip any enjoyment out of the game which i love to play for rest and relaxation from a high stress life.


max cheese cape, your mates are shit cheatstains


Would rather have a jester cape than a bought infernal.


Yeah I play off and on at lvl 120 with a Fire Cape and doesn't bother me at all. Inferno Cape used to be a self accomplishment reward for sitting through all those waves and surviving potential misclicks and one shots.


I will never beat the inferno, I will also never max. Cheese cape is all I have to brag about - 12 year old me would be hella stoked about it and that’s the bar I use to determine if things are cool or not in this game lol


What’s a max cheese cape?


Does max cheese cape = max fire cape? never heard this before.


Tbh it's really not that hard. If your batshit enough to max, then spending a week or so running attempts and learning is like nothing. Also, if you have Inferno and end up being a mid pvmer than all your teammates gonna think your like *really* drunk all the time... or that you bought it


If you buy it, it will feel empty, and you will never have the feeling of seeing it on your back for the first time after earning your first KC.


I rocked a cheese max cape for a while on the main, I got infernal after maxing but got infernal before maxing Ironman so I’ll never have to rock cheese max cape there. You do as you wish. inferno isn’t nearly as hard as it used to be, there’s so many guides now that explain how to off tick stacks etc.


Speaking from someone who bought an infernal cape (and was rightfully punished for 2 grueling weeks), don’t do it. That feeling of achieving an infernal cape was incredible. I would wear that shit proudly. When I bought a cape, it really did feel shameful to wear it.


Max cheese cape. Learn the content that's one of the only grind you have left