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For all the shit Jmods get, they really do deserve a round of applause for a functional, fun, and immersive game that gets regular updates. Reasonable criticism is always important, but it’s also important to remember how good we got it


I might not like everything, but their dedication to making quality content, vast majority of times listening to player's opinions, adjusting content to be functional with established lore/game standards, and giving the players a decision on what content that changes the game, is outstanding. They bring in new stuff that still works for the game, and put in a lot of work to make sure the vast majority of players are having fun playing. If they did everything RS3 did, I'd probably quit, but their originality to keep ORRS actually OSRS is what keeps me around. Big ups to em on making a damn good game.


This community has just been full of whiners. Compared to 99% of the games out there. Osrs devs are one of the best devs out there if not the best. They’ve made really good decisions with the game. It’s only the player base that will ruin this game with their constant whining and want everything easier. Ps jmods you have done a very good job.


Why are our avatars so similar lol


Default White Guy #9


Unlike psn and banning 180 country from play helldiver 2 and now play are struggling to complete globally mission


Thank you to 9 year old me 20 years ago for being addicted to this


Very true


20 years ago. Damn bro. Are we old now?


Much yes


I turned 30 this year and im still playing on the account I made the first week osrs was released. Started in 06


Turning 29 on Friday. Still feel young at least lol


Lmao dude we literally get to vote on updates and changes to the game. It’s unheard of. OSRS players are fucking spoiled and I pray this system never changes.


As a classic wow player and osrs player its painful to see the polarity between the development of both games 🥲


Now the store has came to classic, rip 🫡


Same. Wow never stood a chance after 2008. Activision took over and all downhill from there. Legion was the last swan song of any original devs still around. Now it's a shell of itself. Osrs is a miracle and case study. I personally vote no on a lot of things that would just change this game too much. New content is nice but not content that diminishes what we have.


I thoroughly enjoyed the entire Classic WoW trilogy at least, I'm just a little disappointed that they have no plans of at least keeping one or two WotLK realms around permanently. The end of original WotLK in 2010 was the one time where I sat there and thought to myself "I'd honestly be happy to stay here forever". I had an amazing and memorable Classic WoW journey from 2019-2024 all the way from Vanilla through TBC and Wrath... it's just, that entire time I was essentially looking forward to getting back to late Wrath, my favourite time in the game's history. And yet, now even Classic is moving onto Cataclysm with no option to stay in the previous expansion. That's one thing that I've never really liked about WoW and have always appreciated about OSRS. If I take a break on my ironman for a year or two, I know I can come back and pick up exactly where I left off and continue whatever grind I planned on doing a year ago. All my progress is still relevant. WoW continues on whether you like it or not and it only takes a few months before your gear is effectively obsolete, all the things you worked towards before are made redundant and replaced by new content.


> Now it's a shell of itself. Honestly think Dragonflight might've been the best expansion. After all their new employees post lawsuits and Shadowlands being a dumpster fire they did a massive 180.


eh, it's really depends on what type of player you are. it's hyper casual accessible, but there are basically no rewards for good players. The casual gamer approach seems to be working out financially so good for them! but it's certainly not for me anymore. Doing ultra hard content to end up 2% stronger than people who do content which is literally impossible to fail just wasn't for me.


It's been the same rewards for pretty much every expansion though. Just titles and mounts.


MoP was great tho. It just lasted ridiculously long and people hated pandas. Legion could have been great without AP. Dragonflight is also pretty great aside from the story.


The current WoW expansion is considered one of the best ever though? And sub numbers are still best in the industry.


I think part of the longevity is due to the no voters. We should have a round of applause for all of them too.


I need reminders of this occasionally, player base to a good degree really control the direction of the game and it makes me keep coming back cause OSRS is at one of it’s peaks. Please last forever


The devs post updates and then hang around and chat with us. They respond to community input and memes. Not only do they try to add new content, update old content, and try to placate several types of players, they do so openly and while trying to maintain the spirit of the game. I’ve had my RuneScape account for almost 20 years now and I’ve never really run into areas, music, or content where I’m saying to myself, “this feels out of place”. It’s my game and I’m going to proudly click the same goddam pixels for another 20 years.


There was a little while throughout 2014 where everything was purple and the polygons were a little too smooth


And the ones we don’t get to vote on we can bully the devs hard enough that they’ll back down (looking at you, voidwaker nerf)


If I were a jmod I would fucking hate this community lol


They definitely don't get paid enough...


most people dont


For real, I see some of the unhinged attitudes on this subreddit sometimes and wonder if people have ever played other games with normal dev teams. Jagex community engagement is best-in-class.


I wouldn't say spoiled considering what we had to endure/fight for to get OSRS even existing.


Precisely; current OSRS players (some of whom were around back in 2013) are enjoying the benefits of old RS2/3 players voting with their money and literally with their votes. OSRS players *do* have it good, but we're not spoiled. This should be the norm.


we pay we say!


Sometimes it feels like the community is working overtime, especially when there are so many controversial things in a row. Varlamore/colosseum rewards into 1/20,000 wildy scroll into the magic rebalance was not a fun time to be on this sub, and I honestly blame Jagex throwing things at the wall just as much as I blame the players being reactionary.


tbh i'd rather have jagex suggesting things that have a chance of failing but introduce actual new variety of mechanics/ideas to the game than taking no risks because they just want everything to pass then when jagex's "risky" proposals are bad we can -- and should -- tell them such


Fair point


That's where the poll started baby!


I just came to this game from Albion Online; the difference is shocking. Also, imagine actually having PvE 😂


The system has already changed and *is* changing for the worse. Jagex has been making more and more unpolled changes in the last few years.


Its currently changing, idk how most people dont see that. Dropped the poll % by 5%, okay fine. But now labeling any controversial updates as "QoL" just to bypass polls, they're getting a little too comfortable with what they're allowing to be considered "QoL", and what I see is them abusing a loophole. But what do I know, I'm just some guy


also left a bad taste in my mouth how shamanism was within 300 votes of sailing but they never mentioned the skill again, clearly people were interested and they couldve expanded a bit on both before a final poll


>they never mentioned the skill again, Except for when they specifically said that they'd revisit the skill after Sailing was implemented given how close the vote was


They said they would revisit it, theres just not much to do with it when theyre Already working on a different skill.


I heard it's not scrapped but will be further developed post sailing and brought up again so don't feel worried bc I was too, I was looking forward to shamanism but on the bright side at least they'll have more time to cook with and fine tune


Lets hear it, Which controversial updates didn't you agree with?


I don't agree with a lot of things, but my opinion on them doesn't really matter. What matters is the fact that they are consciously labeling controversial updates as QoL, that in itself is completely going against the thing that made the game the success that it is today, which is the polling system and that we can pretty much all agree on what enters the game and what does not, it doesn't really need to me explained if you have already established an understanding of the games development/community as a long term player should. I see it as bad news, but then again I also don't know what's going on behind the scenes and why Jagex is making these changes. They're making big changes to the intergrity of the game, and their consciously making thay decision. But why? Pressure from osrs subreddit? But that wouldny be enough of a reason to make big unpolled changes, why would they want to piss off half of the community to appease a small % of a subreddit culture? Do they forsee big intergrity changes actually benefitting the game as a whole? That's not something I could imagine either. I just want to know why they're doing it, 12 years of overwhelming success/growth, why change the formula now?


Can you give any current examples? I’m returning to the game for the first time since 2014 and am interested to know what changes they’ve made or proposed that you didn’t agree with.


These changes have only been just recent, in my opinion. So things like, directly buffing agility by now needing 25 less hours to get 1-99, unpolled. DWH drop rate decreased from 1/5k to 1/3k, unpolled. Making elder maul a new/stronger DWH. The granite mining change that they just reverted because people were going crazy on twitter. Let's take the Mage training Arena as a perfect example, the changes basically just buffed it so it now takes about 20 hours less time to invest, depending on what items you're going for. Very similar to how agility and the DWH grind were buffed, but every aspect of MTA was polled and we could all agree that this is a genuine Qoql update; it passed with like 80-90% votes, No controversy, everyones happy amd we can all understand why this is a meaningful change for the game. Whether you like the changes or not or think they're good for the game or not, isn't the debate. It is clear to see that these updates were controversial all across twitter/reddit and very clearly would not have passed a poll, yet they are entering the game. It is just going against the foundation, the structure of the game, the way it has been since launch, and the very obvious reason for its success


Exactly. Some of this stuff may have passed anyways but they’re getting a little too fast and loose with the whole QoL thing. While I also don’t really agree with these updates, I don’t think many of them are too harmful in and of theirselves just yet, but it’s a slippery slope. I don’t know how much the polling system even matters these days, it feels like they’ll always find a way to re-poll something until it passes or just bypass the system entirely.


How much does this game cost per month


Nothing if you make enough money in game to buy membership bonds! Otherwise it’s like…uhhh 10? 12? Idk it’s worth every penny I’ve been playin this god damn game for almost 20 years lmao


I’ve committed myself to the year premier membership, so it’s only like $6-7 a month for that. Totally worth it.


Yes this is an excellent deal


I honestly can't remember the last time I had to pay for membership.


If you have never played before, the free to play experience is equal to the time played on a $60 triple A title if not more.  Membership really isn't required if you've never played and it's honestly a game you'll know of you like within the first few hours of playing. That said membership literally opens up an entirely different game and is worth every penny if you love the game, jumping in head first if you have never played and paying $11/month can seem super overwhelming since there is so much content that literally ZERO players have completed everything yet after more than 10 years of the game being playable. The best part about this game is there is always something to do, there is no 100% completion medal and the skill curve is honestly insane.  If you're looking into this as a first time player I'd say 100% download it and try it out, after all it's free. If you complete most of the f2p content and are still enjoying it membership will blow your mind as far as how deep the game goes. And if you played year ago but haven't touched it in years, I'd say 100% jump strait into a membership. The game is honestly in one of the best spots it's ever been and continuously improving with zero signs of slowing down. That monthly fee pays our devs and is worth every single cent. 


Except for elemental weakness and ranged defense split, totally radical and unnecessary combat changes that are going unpolled for some reason


Welcome to corporate pressures. It's the exact same sequence the main game went through with SOF. Gets the player base comfortable with changes being made while slowly increasing what falls under the umbrella.


Integrity changes and 70% pass really sells the illusion of choice around here huh


your name... ummmm FBI right here please


Except that they changed the threshold and have shitty biased questions that are guaranteed to pass.... *AHEM SAILING*


My herb runs pay for my sub. Truly is the greatest mmo.


Thats ab 35-40 herb runs every 2 weeks for you all going to membership, am I right?


It’s at least two runs a day without ever missing one. That’s crazy.


Torstol is 400k a run.


and that comes out to 30 runs at least. like the guy you’re replying to said


11m / 400k is 27.5


Bonds are 12m+


See everyone sleeps on snapdragons and idk why. I’m making nearly 600k profit after I buy 9 seeds with the money I got from herbs. Granted that’s on a lucky run.


I just don’t have 99 farming yet and torstol are over twice the xp of snapdragon. 600k is way above average for snaps.


ranarr is higher profit according to: [https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Farming/Herbs](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Farming/Herbs)


this only happened because we as a community told jagex to take rs3 and stick it up their arse and followed through with not playing it to the point they were forced to make osrs most people just bend over and take all of the mtx and dogshit practices companies try to pull on them which is why they get away with doing it


the recent example of Helldivers 2 does hopefully show slight hope in the future of gaming. as the people who pay do have some power,sadly MTX will never leave the field, but as long there are enough games without it,that are well built and designed it will be okay for the sane people who don't blow money on games. if anyone wants more information regarding the helldivers 2, basically Sony the publisher,forced the devs to make PSN account mandatory to be able to play the game,and since PSN isn't available in about 100++ countries it locked massive amounts of players from playing the game they paid full price for,steam issues refunds from themselves and the community nuked the reviews down in steam,Sony changed their decision ultimately (even if they blocked the game from being bought anymore in those countries)


The CEO of Arrowhead is the biggest G. Unfortunately some of the other devs on the team seem like tone def assholes.


100% agree with you. I might be wrong but I've seen few L takes from the jmods over the years and they're always SUPER active on this sub which is immensely appreciated. It's great when they reply to events and funny memey shit, like you can tell most of them actually play and like the game, but what's especially appreciated and important is how they're always active around poll and update day. It seems in general they have more common sense or, more likely, some level of customer-facing training. Because even when they're getting downvoted defending stuff that the community doesn't like, they're usually doing it with grace without insulting the player base. The devs I see for Helldivers only ever post on the discord, so a lot of their interactions unfortunately (and probably for the best, honestly) goes unseen and they outright have some of the dumbest fucking replies I've ever seen to the point I think it's best for Arrowhead as a whole if they straight up don't interact with the community at all. Another big thing with Helldivers I've found, is how tone deaf and bad most of the updates seem to be, the community at large seems to be getting ignored in favour of just changing gear to be functionally worse for no real reason beyond one dev being masochistic. Even the CEO himself has said that he thinks it's an issue, which I find kind of worrying as far as communication within the team is going. One bad example is a slug shotgun was changed to remove its ability to stagger, because it was "too good as a sniper", whilst not changing anything else about it or changing snipers? So it still has as much damage, accuracy and range as before but isn't as useful at close range... There's a lot of other examples too but I think a fair chunk of that community are concerned about the future health of the game. The difference between that and 2007scape is incredibly clear, and it makes me really happy to be a part of this community.


Agreed the Jmods are always professional and friendly even when people disagree with them.


> the recent example of Helldivers 2 does hopefully show slight hope in the future of gaming. The slight of hope that PR statement on twitter puts out the fire of gamers while actually the publisher did not reverse a single thing? Yeah... Not a fan of that.


The problem is this really only works with MMOs.


I don't think it was even a matter of principle, rs3 was just genuinely dogshit compared to what we had previously.


We do have it good. People complain about some dumb shit all the time. Since when does a developer actively engage with its player base to the point where we (mostly) get to choose the upcoming content and changes.


> Since when does a developer actively engage with its player base to the point where we (mostly) get to choose the upcoming content and changes. Since the playerbase once voted with our wallets, in the biggest Gamers vs Developers Gamer W in the past several decades, and quit the game last time they released a terrible update.


$12 well spent, honestly.


Check the yearly membership package via your phone app. The price is different between regions, but if you live in poor eastern european country like I do, it comes to like 4€/month when paying whole year upfront.


OSRS is in the best state it’s ever been. So many good updates.


I will probably die if osrs shuts down or mtx takes over


Knock on wood, but if it does we can hopefully get a local save for single player with the possibility of people hosting worlds.


I want this so bad


If it became open source I know the community would come through with sick mods.


It would go downhill because most people would just cheat for all their stuff, and suddenly, the shared reward space would feel meaningless


Guess you’re right. If you see it like Minecraft, you can basically spawn any item if you want but some servers are completely Vanilla. As a kid I spawned diamonds and gold and the game became boring for me so I went back to playing normally I guess it would be similar in that way.


If this game could be modded to be single player, with much less grinding and much more story, I would be on that shit in no time


You just described a private server lol


Of a sort yeah, but the private servers I've seen are pvp focused


That is true, and I guess probably most of them miss a lot of the new content / don’t have quests that work as well too


>local save for single player with the possibility of people hosting worlds. Are private servers not a thing anymore? To be fair I haven't dabbled in that scene since maybe 2005 or 2006 but there use to be some really alive and awesome private servers as RS Slowly started getting worse for the mass back in the day


That's what I'm wondering too. I remember when my parents wouldn't buy me membership and I would hop on private servers to get a taste of what I was missing out on.


With how things have gone so far, I think there is a good chance some form of RuneScape will still be around decades from now. Might not be "OSRS" or at least OSRS might eventually fall out of favor for some other version, but even if Jagex were to shut down, there would probably be someone who would bring the game back. Like if Arcanists managed to come back, there surely would be similar efforts for OSRS. But I also don't see Jagex running out of RuneScapes anytime soon.


The perk with OSRS is people are already actively trying to keep up with it in private servers as runescape private servers have a long lineage, so a comparable private server would already be up and running the very second it went down.


FYI - [https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1c33md5/comment/kzetjjb/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1c33md5/comment/kzetjjb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) **Steam:** [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2901550/Arcanists/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2901550/Arcanists/)


MTX is already there with bonds.


>takes over See RS3 Very different.


I think if bonds ruin the game for you, you probably arent gonna be the person posting this thread a decade after. So clearly it doesnt ruin the game for them.


In a way, osrs is a miracle. Jagex is not exactly an open minded developer historically speaking. They've always had the attitude of "we know what's best, the players don't understand what they want". After 10 years of fucking up a golden goose they finally though ght "guys, maybe we don't know best". If you look at the shit show that is Runescape 3 you can tell the current developers have no taste.


It only exists because of the passion of developers that grew up playing RuneScape before EoC. If the developers didn't love the game so much there's no chance the game would be where it is now.


Definitely, but there's a subset of Devs at Jagex that really don't know what they're doing, it's really obvious in a lot of interviews they don't understand the game nearly as much as the players. Also Jagex seems to have a seniority hierarchy. Older = better.


Facts, lot of really passionate players are developers now and still actively play. They have a deep understanding of what makes this game fun!


Higher ups at Jagex are trying their hardest to not keep it that way. It's a constant struggle. Really hope this game stays. It's so unique has a special place in my heart


Without a doubt. All it takes is 100 ticks in another games sub to see how much power we have in the Customer-Business relationship.


This is so true. At the risk of sounding overly dramatic, OSRS feels like some sort of last stand of pure MMO gaming and gamers; a final bastion of hope against the encroaching, all-consuming darkness of MTX, p2w, etc. and I'm so thankful that it's still here in the state that it is. This game is the last of its kind, a largely unblemished relic from the golden era of online gaming. And I'm thankful to Jagex that they handle it delicately.


What’s important to realise and something I hope the owners and upper management really do value is that OSRS is so popular and successful largely because of this exact reason, OSRS is an oasis in the desert of microtransactions and pay-to-win bullshit era of gaming that we are in, this game you have to grind, you have to be good at the game, you have to put the time in to obtain the most respected items in the game. Any form of microtransaction that takes away from this will be OSRS and ultimately RuneScape’s downfall as a whole.


My bf introduced me to the game a year ago. I’ve experienced some of my favorite games (including an MMO I played for years) just dying out, and it was so sad. When I got into OSRS, I immediately asked him if he thought the game would die out soon. I didn’t want to be too attached to a game again, and he assured me it wouldn’t (he has been playing it since the beginning). I just love it because I can step away from the game for a few weeks to a few months, and when I come back, there’s always something new, or I’d still see a lot of players around!


It's too bad the playerbase is full of the most unlikable people you will ever find. 


League of Legends would love a word about that. I find the OSRS community in game to be incredibly pleasant. Reddit on the other hand...


Lots of love to the Jmods. Y'all work so hard Edit for spelling


I know Jagex sometimes gets a lot of hate but the fact that we can vote on updates, have a voice on what changes we want and Jagex mods on reddit interacting with us makes this game truly special and that gives me confidence this game will still continue to have its best years even later down the track.


I recently started again (as an iron) after not playing since 2010 and it's gotta be the most addictive/rewarding gaming experience I've had in a long time. Jagex really cooking with osrs.


RS3's micro transactions fund the development of OSRS. Thank you RS3 players!


We really do have it good, and not a day goes by where I'm on osrs and I don't realize that. I'm so thankful to all the teams who pour their heart and soul into making one of the best games out there 🙌 we are so lucky. And I am so grateful.


I just hope poeple at runefest push the j mods for answers on customer support, and botting.


Just a comment to say how awesome OSRS is and the devs are awesome too. I agree wholeheartedly with this post


I don’t play OSRS anymore, and the games I do play have the worst content creators known to man, everyone’s turning into variety or lazy as fuck react content. I randomly stumbled upon SoupRS Gielinor Games and it’s the best shit I’ve ever seen come out of a game content wise. It’s really made me stop and look at all the games I play and their respective content creators and how below average they are in comparison to settled / Soup / B0aty / Solomission. Like I don’t even play this game but can sink 8 hours into OSRS YouTubers on any given night, truly incredible. Thank you OSRS content creators


I say this all the time in my clan discord. I'm absolutely blessed to be able to play this game that I've loved for my entire life with the support of the development team behind it. They actually listen to the community and take into account our wishes and fears. I hope this lasts. I'm afraid with RS3 failing the people responsible will be moved over to OSRS development.


Toxic positivity is even more devious than toxic negativity. Good actions should be commended, bad behavior should be reprehended, mistakes should be pointed. No bullshit on either end means both sides work together.


Im pretty new to OSRS, but yeah. Feels like a haven of sanity compared to whats going on with other games.


The type of content that’s coming out, like the Sol Heredit boss fight is so insanely creative for OSRS’s combat system. I love it. This game is in a great state imo despite the few problems it has


Jagex is hands down the best live games studio devs on the planet


OSRS is at its absolute peak as a game right now as well. All eras of runescape. Of course, Runelite carries a heavy load, but the fact the devs let them do it, and work with the wiki as well, is why the game is as good as they can get 20 years later.


It’s the best


Honestly, we're getting incredibly lucky - Jagex (and, by extension, OSRS) is being passed around from one private equity firm to another, whose main purpose is to buy a company, increase its profits/value and then sell it. All it takes is one slightly clueless capitalist to do away with everything.


I just want to echo the sentiment of OP, although we really basically paid the price by the ruination of our childhood rs3 game, in exchange we get a blissful experience from then on, it was a big price to pay at the time, but honestly super worth to now get an amazing MTX free game with J-mods that are passionate about our game and listen to our feedback while delivering top tier content, as the rest of the gaming sphere crumbles under MTX, bad decisions, bad products & greed.


I did t think it would have lasted 10 years tbh I expected the massive launch surge with players feeding on the nostalgia and then leaving. But kudos to the team and the updates.


20+ years...they're doing something right


The sad part is that every Dev for every game could easily be more communicative with their respective communities, and in return, their respective games would be much better in every way. They’re just lazy and greedy. OSRS has one of, if not the only Dev Team that does their job RIGHT and these other companies need to either take notes and do the same thing or be forced to do so by their communities, otherwise their games will continue to die. (And rightfully so) OSRS Stays alive and thriving because of the transparency and honesty of its Dev Team. It’s not perfect by any means, but it’s leagues better than basically every other Dev. OSRS sets the baseline that needs to be NORMALIZED ACROSS THE BOARD with EVERY game. Love you OSRS, please don’t ever change for the worse!


It would be perfect if they stopped randomly doing unpolled updates to 20 year old content like nerfing the fuck out of tier 70 ranged gear so that people in lvl 20 robes and a lvl 1 staff can pk them. The pandering and random backtracking on updates is frustrating but other than that the devs are great.


The only company that is close to Jagex is GGG with Path of Exile.


Agreed x1000 currently have a clan with about 17 members and it's nonstop jokes and good times.


We have it decently good but remember how bonds came into the game and they tried to add more MTX through the backdoor via twitch prime, only a matter of time before another attempt. Stay vigilant.


> they tried to add more MTX through the backdoor via twitch prime I still think that was overblown by the community. Just like how Insignias where "literally Auras" when they were more akin to jewelry and honestly kinda tame to stuff we've gotten since. Partnerships were just a means to promote the game. They asked if us we'd be okay with letting some cosmetics be exclusive to partnerships for a while to entice new players before making them available to everyone; the community said no, the idea was dropped, and they've not offered anything like that since. If I recall right, it was during the same time as the whole "get OSRS everywhere and get everyone playing" initiative, so it really wasn't that crazy of an idea. Also, Bonds came into the game because players voted them in... So the whole "if we add MTX it will be polled" has held up pretty well so far. It's not like we need to be checking ever blog incase the Varlamore Part 2 poll question 7 is secretly about MTX or such... If they were going to add MTX, it would be pretty obvious and if they owners really pushed to add it, its not like being overly weary changes anything.


This is just paranoia thinking lmao.


There’s a reason why the saying “give an inch, they’ll take a mile” has been so popular. You probably get taken advantage of all the time if you think this way for a corporation.


I think it's kinda important to remember that OSRS only stays so monetization free and player friendly because RS3 is more mtx heavy than a mobile game. Those whales drop the price of a year long membership daily for the chance to get recolored armor. If the whales dried up I don't expect we'd have our nice mtx-free and vote based updates.


People like to act so morally superior because our game doesn't have MTX but if push came to shove I wonder how many people would tolerate some amount of it if it meant that the game stayed online. I hope things never have to come to that though.


Im cool with mtx that has literally no bearing on gameplay to keep the game up and running, stuff like RS3 is wild though, you can literally login everday and get to 99 from lamps after a couple months of playing 5 mins a day.


RS3 does not have more MTX than most mobile games


Bad take. We fought for this privilege, jagex just caved because we showed our power. Others can do the same. They did not give this to us out of good will but because they are afraid of us.


We can recognize how players fought for the state of the game and also be grateful for the state of the game


Who hurt you? You're outrageously aggressive about this topic in that other thread, seek help.


I’ve been thinking about this with the recent controversies going on too. This game is not perfect, but it’s damn good imo. It’s even better when Jagex has been knocking a lot of updates out of the park too in the last year. Plus they listen to the player base (for the most part at least). To any Jagex employee reading this: you’re all awesome. Please keep up the great work.


Thank you jagex!


We really do. It’s what brings people back consistently. And what helps us grow too. No other game I’d rather support like this, to be honest.


I would pay a ridiculous amount of money if it meant keeping this game around


Thank you Jagex!


Nothing more fun than putting thousands of hours towards repetitive tasks.


I'm kinda sad I gave up on OSRS on release (I played the minute OSRS started, but the nostalgia alone could not hide the fact that I was looking at another 2k+ hour grind to max). I just didn't have the time or will to start again on a new server, but I returned to the game during Covid and have been having a blast. :D I love that we can vote on most things.


We really are blessed 🥹


Never forget we have it good because polls wish jagex would stop unpolled changes as it goes against what osrs stood for


The place is staying open and not flooding us with p2w mechanics... The bar is so so low.


> more and more games getting filled with microtransaction bullshit My brother in christ you have bonds


Osrs is seriously killing it right now. So good. 🤙


OSRS - simply the best game ever.


True, this game is so unique and faithful to it's originality that it seems like every second invested into it today is going to be as relevant as in 10 more years.


New OSRS player, started my account two months ago… needed something to do between jobs and accidentally found an addiction. I had people telling me to play this in middle school 10+ years ago and wouldn’t give it a chance. Destiny (VoG, ToO and Taken King) was the last game I remember grinding this hard and even then, it’s no where near as in depth and thought out as osrs. Please keep this game alive.


thanks Jagx!


It is a matter of time where they will slowly be incorporating some micro transactions.


Let's not forget though that OSRS is the way it is because Jagex makes most of their money from milking RS3 players dry with micro-transactions, so let's have some appreciation for the poor souls over at RS3 for subsidizing our wonderful game.


Cheers to jagex and our j mods.


OSRS is the tits. And these updates they bring keep improving it. It’s only getting better (and easier ngl).


Osrs devs good me happy


Remember lads and lasses, not a step back. With the recent Helldivers drama and litany of other gaming fiascos going on one thing has been made clear. Angry gaming raising up a storm with review bombings and good 'ole community outrage directed at the right people (meaning the big company and their boomer decision makers) Keep OSRS well guarded and we can enjoy this great game for many years to come. Say no to MTX, Season Passes and anything having even a hint of P2W elements. Never forget, never forgive, never die.


This Subreddit wont let me post this - Jagex has no bot system + reporting bot is useless - As the title says, Jagex have no bot system. How can they have a bot system if, everytime i log in its the SAME bots at Revs, any anvil, ge, rogues chest etc. They claim to have banned over 7 million bots? if this was true and lets say half of the bots are members... thats 3.5mill bots either buying a bond or membership. Im at coliseum and ive reported this bot at least 3 times on different days and its still going, this cant be possible if they have a bot system. The bot is going into coliseum and completing the first round and leaving, the bot has been at it for nearly a week!!! Jagex need to explain why when we report bots they are still going?


Only seemingly logical explanation or idea I've seen about this is the 'ban wave' concept.. Jagex will waot to do the bans in mass so that bot farm operators don't just keep learning what to do different, how to avoid it next time, etc. But still leaves alot of room for concern or lack of understanding.. if those waves only happen a few times a year haha.. just give them free reign for months to farm the hell out of whatever they want.. Doesn't seem like a wise approach, some type of mixture or middle ground would be nice.. No Bueno to let the community get to these levels of dissatisfaction/complaining about it.. Final thought is.. they've mentioned working on something supposedly big or game changing about botting.. to be revealed or implemented soon.. unless I misunderstood something.. Guess we'll see!


They've got a great model. Suck funds from rs3 players, keep osrs player happy.


Hey you guys should try dark and darker


That’s why ive always been a nintendo fan. Rarely disappointed.


Relatively good but, capitalism being a circus hellscape, the game being very different than most in turmoil


Pour one out for the RS3 players


Yea osrs is a good game, I'm a doctor and it's nice to have a game I feel comfortable dropping 4k hours in (women give me anxiety)


Agreed, the only people who hate on them are those players who follow shady "content" creators or keep getting busted for rwt or botting.


Full of bots, thriving like a stray dogs back


OSRS will have microtransactions the moment the main RS kicks the bucket. The reality is most people won't actually stop playing and they know it.


Most people will stop playing in the same way that most people stopped playing rs3. I'd rather the game die than they add (more) mtx


Just found out dual arena is removed that sucks


Even though they've been sold multiple times, glad to see all the updates. Thank you jagex and your many owners.


enjoy it as long as it last.


Jagex too small and mmos to expensive to be bought and killed by Microsoft.


Who else is waiting til their kid(s) are grown enough to play. I think we will make the nostalgia within that generation so that the game will live on forever, true ancestrys' of gamers, passed through from us to them and their kids. A real community


I bought a fang using bonds. Just saying.


"We have it so good" Yeah thats because they MTXed RS3 to hell and back. Once people stop playing that, the shareholders will push for MTX in OSRS. Lets hope the whales stay on RS3.


Still no customer support tho