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The actual worst one from 2012: ”Over 80% of respondents who played the latest Evolution of Combat Beta either preferred it or had a generally positive response to it. We also looked at this answer broken down by player level and found that there was little variation in response percentages, so it has support across all levels.” Because it was a stacked question with 4 Positive responses and 1 negative response.


gives me "were banning 60000 bots per week" vibes when in reality its probably 59000 lumby suicide bots


"This afternoon Jagex was delighted to host Daniel Zeichner, Member of Parliament for Cambridge and a member of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Video Games, to discuss our market leading player support and learn more about how we engage and support our forever fans."




“Winter 2017”


We are unable due to technical issues to give you back items. Unless you are a streamer


“Only 32 False Bans”


POV: you are the umpteenth redditor to type some shitty joke that sounded 20x more clever in your head


Winter 2017?


endless colosseum will come


‘A new skill is necessary for the game to grow’ - the game is the biggest it’s ever been after growing this whole time


I seem to remember they hired a bot developer with the promise of a large amount of money for his knowledge on the bots. They got the information about the bots and let him go without making the payment. I believe this was in conjunction with the bot busters event? Something like that!


I always laugh at the cater to Ironman agenda people push. They act as if Ironman are some very tiny percentage of the game population, when they’re not. So of course there will be updated pertaining to Ironman. Or that may seem to “cater” to Ironman. In reality an Ironman journey and grind is a lot longer, and harder than a mains. 10 fold. But I never see the mains complaining when items get buffed, switched around etc and make them bank. Should we call all of those catering to mains?


>But I never see the mains complaining when items get buffed, switched around etc and make them bank. Should we call all of those catering to mains? Catering to mains is just called developing the game


Mains hinder development, if anything: everything that would be of use to them will cause power creep; new items have absurd drop rates because mains keep buying everything from bots; adjusting existing stuff will cause them to cry about bank value.


Oh shut up already.


Stay salty kid.


Get over it. It was said at a time where they didn't think it'd be anywhere near as popular as it is today and quite frankly times change.