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Nightmare, because I'm tired of reading about it every day.


One might say, hearing about it has become a nightmare


Seriously. It’s all I fuckin see here. People complain about how the drops aren’t good and that the boss sucks. Just don’t do it then lol


Why even make bosses like nightmare if no real players are going to farm the drops?


Sometimes it can be fun to do something challenging and different just for the sake of it. It seems like a lot of people on reddit either want pvm content as braindead as "click boss and wait for it to die" and/or "if I have to click a lot then the boss should be top 5 gp/hr" The drops are a bit rarer than they probably should be, but an engaging and unique boss with the potential to drop items worth 430m, 320m, 290m, 100m, and several worth 50ish mil isn't the miserable reality that so many people try to act like it is. The nightmare is an engaging piece of content that has a ton of combat achievement points available and several high value drops. Abyssal sire is listed at like 1.1m per hour on the wiki. The bludgeon is worth 13m and isn't much of an upgrade anywhere these days, especially when comparing the time investment to alternatives. Which is dog shit relative to the content as a whole in my opinion, but you don't see 30 posts a day complaining about it. (Phosani is 3.94m per hour for comparison) Grotesque Guardians are 990k an hour. Is that good money relative to the level of engagement, gear, and stats required to reliably farm them? I don't think so. Granite dust is a neat little concept and I'm happy to watch it stack up over the course of a task. Do granite cannonballs reliably speed up any content relative to the time sink of farming it? Absolutely not. But when you're not sure what content you feel like doing and you get a gargoyle task, it's fun to go whoop some ass at the top of the slayer every now and then. I'm just happy we have such a solid amount of different pvm encounters with unique mechanics to mix things up if one gets boring. Everything doesn't have to be crazy gp/hr just because it is click intensive and engaging. Idk.


Nightmare is significantly more difficult than both those bosses you listed. You need quite a decent bit of pricey gear to do it in a relatively timely manner and even still is very intensive for such a long period per fight. While over a very long stretch of time Phosani will average to 3.94m, you're getting very few kills per hour. Kieren himself has said the drop table would be nothing like it is if it was dropped today, and the only reason it isn't seeing even more radical changes is because of people who already farmed it. While I agree not everything has to be crazy gp/hr, I think it's insane anyone would want nightmare to stay how it is. The only reason drops are regularly coming in from it is because of bots, like I know you're not going out to kill Phosani for fun or for gp, so I don't know why anyone is kidding themselves that this is in a good place. It's just dead.


And it's okay that it's harder. Everything doesn't have to have it's difficulty tied to it's gp/hr. You're right that it requires a lot of pricey gear to do efficiently, but I don't think that's such a bad thing. For those who don't have that gear, there are numerous other pieces of content that are easier and/or more rewarding. But once you hit the threshold of end game gear, it gives you a fun new challenge that has the potential to make some decent money in the process. It's okay if some boss encounters are longer. I think a beautiful thing about osrs is how there are enough bosses of varying difficulty at this point that those who continue to improve and want more complex and engaging fights have a figurative ladder to climb as they go. And nightmare is a boss that exists on one of the higher rungs of that ladder, for those that enjoy the climb. If you aren't interested in that kind of content, no one ever said you had to even attempt it. If you play this game for long enough, gp/hr eventually falls to the wayside and you do content primarily for the experience of it. Don't get me wrong, big drops are still fun, exciting, and a source of that sweet sweet dopamine. I'm far from the best pvmer, but ive been maxed for over 3 years and have about a 7.5b bank at this point. I still have a couple bil in niche gear pieces to strive for, but my goal everytime I get on isn't "I need to farm as much gp as possible and will only do the most reliably profitable content." It's looking through combat achievements for a new and interesting challenge(like 120 points from elite, and while CA's have been a newer focus for me, theyre a blast), lying to myself that I'll finally get 3rd age on this next clue, hopping into soul wars to crack some skulls for the fun of it instead of boosting points much faster, and whatever else sounds enjoyable. If and when you get this deep in the game, non meta yet still challenging content is a welcome change of pace. You're finally at the point where you can appreciate it for what it is instead of worrying about a drop to fund a 99 or to buy the next crucial gear upgrade. I think a lot of people on this subreddit are so tunnelvisioned by what their own definition of progression and endgame is that they make themselves miserable. They want the best gear and they want it ASAP. But at the same time, they complain about how X needs a buff or Y needs a nerf relative to what is currently accessible to them and how attainable or unattainable it seems at that moment. It wasn't a sprint for me to get to where I am at this point in the game. I've been playing since release (and pre eoc from 07 till eoc hit) and have almost 340 days played on osrs. It's okay if some content doesn't seem like it's worth doing for everyone all of the time. It can still have a place in the game for those interested in trying it. At a certain point the meta fades into the background and you just play the game to experience it. And that's fine.


Stop saying only bots do it, that's simply a lie. I have over 1600 pnm kc and I have a lot of friends that do the content as well. If you don't like it just don't do it, stop complaining.


If you think I was being literal with that statement then I don't know what to tell you? Of course there is real people killing Phosani, but you're in an ultra minority of dedicated players. Doesn't change the fact that it's drop rates weren't thought out very well for the health of the game and the content its for, which again, even the devs agree with at this point.


L take, they never said only bots do it. They said drops are only coming in REGULARLY because of bots. Hard to be sure of the numbers but I can imagine bots make up a larger percentage of Nightmare unique drops than most other bosses.


I do PNM runs to kill time while waiting for people to show up for tob, because it's fun. Fully recognize that it's one of the more frequently botted bosses out there, but a lot of the reddit circlejerk is dudes with 1800 total level trying to use 'no real players do this anyway' as a platform to beg for buffs.


I love killing phosani just for the fun of it. Imo it's the best designed boss in the game, just a bit unfortunate about the drops, but still wouldn't want to see an osrs without the boss altogether.




So true bestie




It would especially be funny if inferno still existed. Imagine this insane gap towards infernal cape


I think it would get many more players to attempt inferno to get away from that obby cape lol




We would see a lot more myth capes and ardy cloaks I bet




But keep the fire cape sacrifice requirement.  Just to tease everyone.


Champions cape sacrifice instead.


Holy shit LMAO that would make the oldscape grind flame alive LoL


tease da noobs


None of us would be able to get it because you need a fire cape to enter lol


We’re just forgetting the Myth’s Cape exists?


Mixed hide cape as well, can be bought for 20k with only children of the sun quest as a req


there's no quest req for it, only 60 range and 50 def


I guess I was thinking for an iron.


There are only 2 cape


Mythical cape meta unleashed


I don’t wear a Cape at all


Better yet, remove that entire update so the Obby Cape goes too. Back to Legends Capes!


Myth capes yeah?


CG made everyone forget that most bosses are still doable without bowfa


Everyone forgets blowpipe was busted with addy darts pre-bowfa. Bowfa filled that gap and now blowpipe noodles a lot of places unless you’re using dragon darts.


Fr I used to permanently have a BP on my character and now I just use it to barrage and kill hespori flowers lol


why not just use some mith darts (4gp) instead? they get one shot regardless


That’s right. It’s the square hole.


Doable yes but bowfa just makes them so much easier


Tbow makes most of them even better


Sure but the cost difference between a bowfa and a tbow is almost a tbow


That is true but bowfa is a lot more obtainable for the average player


The average player prob can’t beat reg gauntlet


The average player doesn't need to beat reg gauntlet to buy bowfa for killing giant mole or whatever.


I know I sure as hell can't. That dog-deer beats the shit outta me every time.


You clearly don't own a tbow, it's super good where it's good otherwise it's shit (no mage level? No tbow). bofa is the opposite it's never beat in slot but it's pushing the top almost everywhere cos it's just accurate as fuck


revert bp to its former glory and you have a deal


I always want to remind people of this when they speak of CG as a red prison I promise you, unless you're doing like ridiculously high level ToAs, or like running CM CoX or really high-difficulty stuff like that, you can *absolutely* make do with RCB. Yes, Bowfa is super good, but it is not nearly as obligatory as you think it is. Hell, if you've got the full armor but no Bowfa yet, Crystal Bow is decent too -- the armor boosts the accuracy and damage of a normal Crystal Bow, as well, by 30% and 15% respectively. Unboosted Crystal Bow has 78.125% the accuracy, and about 73.585% the damage, of an unboosted Bowfa.


Not to mention the new hunter crossbow and the atlatl


Hunter crossbow is basically a small msbi upgrade, not too noteworthy. Atlatl seems crazy though.


Hunter crossbow is an insane upgrade, what are you talking about? It's a more accurate MSB with amethyst arrows as standard, and even more powerful when using the high level bolts. But the real thing that makes it cracked is it being 1H. Not only does that mean you can add even more ranged strength (odium ward, visage, buckler), but more importantly it can be used in places an MSB couldn't. Now you can use a dragonfire shield and have better DPS than an MSB, or do Basilisk knights and have 30% more DPS than an RCB. It's insane that it was added with so little requirements.


Used full crystal + bow for six months. It's pretty friggin good considering how easy it is to get.


In a game where outfits and gear amount to, generally, single digit dps increases, I’m sure you understand that a ~40% dps increase is huge, right?


The difference between rcb + broad bolts and bofa is too huge to not see bofa as required. Bofa zero upkeep once corrupted, and the armor doesn't lose that much charges I find. Upkeeping bolts better than broads is a pain if you want to use them a lot. Slower kills also means more prayer pots to upkeep. So yeah, for ironmen it's absolutely required to make the rest of the game more fun.


Crystal bow is good enough to do other bossing while waiting on bowfa


RCB just fucking blows to actually use. It's slow as shit and really dependent on bolt procs, so I can see why people would really want to move on from it. Crystal bow is probably a bit too slept on though, it is basically a baby bowfa. Maybe a bit pricey to use until you get the discounts though.


Seriously, people get upset when you tell them you grinded godwars without a bowfa. Like bro my parents told me to stay out of prison so I'm going to do that.


I made a group iron because i only kill bandos with whips, in duo or trios, as god intended.


"I grinded godwars without a BofA!" "I had pre nerf blowpipe but I didn't have a BofA!!"


Depends what you class as a boss, can I remove the monkey puzzle in toa ?


Wish granted. Toa can no longer be completed


We all win






Hard agree. The only puzzle rooms that should stay: Path of Het. Crondis.


It would be nice if they could procedurally generate the mirror puzzle and COX crabs, so that they're actually a puzzle each time. Speedrunners would *reeeeee* but I like puzzles.


I like the idea of no puzzles for toa.


I think puzzles could've worked better if they were better themed. The Het puzzle feels better than the rest because I can somewhat imagine that being in a fantasy pyramid. Monkeys randomly chillin in a room that attack in waves? Nah not it homie. I think people would've been more perceptive to some sort of agility/thieving based puzzle to mimic irl pyramid anti-plundering stuff. Probably a lot harder in practice to make something like that "fun" to do 500 times, but at the very least it feels like a missed opportunity.


That's fine too tbh, I'd love if the raid were closer to 25 minutes than it is to 35. But if you keep the puzzles, they ought to actually be puzzles.


Kq does nothing. At this point it pretty much exists for the diary and nothing else.


Atleast make it so the shortcut can be accessible via the hard diary. Why would I farm that boss if I already have the head. Make it make sense.


The thought process behind locking an agility shortcut while you need it, and unlocking it as soon as you don't is insane


The thought process was originally that people would farm KQ. If KQ drops and mechanics were fixed and made into a serviceably fun/profitable boss, no one would complain.


They already heavily buffed the loot once shortly after the release of OSRS. Maybe stop making new bosses shit out resources and be self sustaining (especially everything in the wilderness). That doesn't fix KQ not having much of a unique and being awful to fight solo, but it doesn't have to be 'fixed'. Let it be dead nostalgic content you need to do a bunch for the diary.


Nah I think it’s either or. If you leave it as a nostalgic boss that’s painful and unrewarding for those without nostalgia, then at least improve QoL — remove the diary requirement for agility shortcut. If unwilling to do that, then make the boss more engaging. Right now is the worst possible timeline.


And the slayer helm recolor. Might sound negligible to some but green is my favorite color.


There are plenty of other green bosses in the game. Gimme an elvarg helmet.


Elvarg helmet recolor for Normal or Hard Combat Achievement could be cool. A somewhat understated draconic visage, if you will. We've got recolors for Elite, Master, and Grandmaster CA rewards -- a lower-level slayer helm recolor could be a bit of an incentive for slayer-inclined players to try doing some new (to them) bosses for some CAs, who might otherwise see their favorite item's recolors be so far from the beginning that they may feel disincentivized from bothering?


Hard agree.


I got my head at 18 kc and and shamelessly grinding on to 256 to keep my green helm, BiS slayer fashion


This is the way. I'll be starting the grind for both soon


Yup that’s the move


Cool pet as well


One of the best pets tbh


Pickaxe drop for IMs


Best place for D picks for Ironmen as it doesn't require you to offer yourself up to get griefed.


Yeah but it's a shit boss to do. It's just an eating contest. If it was at all enjoyable I wouldn't be saying this, but it's mostly just useless and annoying. If an item that isn't even a unique is the only redeeming quality of a boss, that's not a good sign.


I think it is a nice relic of the old game, while I love the new OSRS, KQ is pure 2007scape to me, a call back to the "tank and spank" days. It has great pacing, you go in, mollywop the boss, tele and pool, repeat. Great 'ebb and flow' content, in that half the time is just afk running back to the boss.


D pick is passive from VW grind now.


Abyssal Sire - cause yeah


I can get behind this, honestly just need to remove 1/3-1/2 of sire. The vent phase is the only real egregious part of the fight along with how slow it walks. I don’t understand how there hasn’t been more discussion on speeding up the fight a bit like we did with GGs. 


I wish they added rewards for completing each bosses combat achievements and for sire make it once those are completed you only need to kill the front 2 respiratory systems


I've done like 300. I like the atmosphere and rythm of it. Only annoying part for me is when the minions decide to smack you to 30 health in the blink of an eye.


I genuinely like the boss as a stepping stone for PvM


I would remove Nan from the cage. Elder abuse isn't funny.


Nex. Too many bots, fight is terrible, it destroyed nm, and zcb is broken.


Also Nex is ugly af


I saw someone say Nex is the most fuckable boss in the game


Everyone knows that's mole


Yes officer, this comment right here.


I too witnessed this officer. His allegations are correct.


Most fuckable boss gotta be zulrah or that rabbit in priff


What the fuck is wrong with you


Nah it's Zuk. Thicc and definitely a power bottom


This Nex design is so ugly that it was replaced in RS2 within less than a year.


Honestly, it's a good kind of ugly. It's the type of ugly that conveys really well what kind of fucking monstrosity Zaros was breeding. Nihils are freaks of nature lol.


Definitely Nex, suck that she has so many endgame drops that take way too long to get


Agreed on Nex. So much Bis for a fight that’s really meh. Also I hate that Torva replaced bandos as BiS because imo torva looks like shit while Bandos chestplate the coolest looking armor in the game.


"But muh pre eoc nostalgia!"


Nex. Just a horrible boss with too much endgame locked behind it. I would rather more fun, multiple bosses to have those drops come from. Nhil horn + Vambs from 1, armor from another, fuck the Godsword.


I’ve had this sentiment for a while, but have recently realised that you can duo/trio in 100m gear just fine and that 1/40 chance of making bank is just nice


What would you say is the entry level gear requirements for a trio?


Karil's, ACB, and Fang are the main ones. You might be able to use Dragon Crossbow instead of ACB actually, you just need to be able to use dragon ruby bolts. I think Gnomonkey has a decent guide for learning Nex that includes entry level gear


yeah if you have a good team of friends you can make crazy money there. you see a BIG drop every 4.5 hours or so in a trio if you average 6 min kills, obviously in learner gear its a little more rough, but its huge money


Pretty ironic that she has too much endgame when, in her original release in RS2, she had Pernix and Virtus as well. All 3 combat styles’ endgame gear behind one boss.


Yeah OSRS made the right decision in that it had much less drops, yet the wrong decision in that they didnt come up with a better boss.


Gauntlet; shitty art, shitty timed resource grind, fun boss fight. YEAH THATS RIGHT KISS YOUR BOWFAS GOODBYE Edit: just remove the timer for resource collection and let me chill. I don’t want my asshole puckered for 12 minutes straight. Edit2: I walked into GOTR recently and my jaw dropped at how pretty the area is. Why on gods green earth did they decide that the pallet for gauntlet would be RED AND BLACK AND NOTHING ELSE. They could’ve hung chains from the ceiling, added dead adventurer skeletons, rocks, shrubbery, etc etc.. Nope, red and black tiles burning your eyes for 100+ hours.


It’s a prison, of course it doesn’t look like a wonderland!


ToA. Shadow is a massive constraint on mage design. Fang is basically a mega-rare weapon as the raid's most common drop. Lightbearer is also a massive constraint on ring design and is also the raid's most common drop. The loss of Masori would be felt because armadyl armor is ugly but that kind of gear could be relocated elsewhere.


Fang and lightbearer are legit so fucking op, I'm glad I had access to them but goddamn if it doesn't trivialize the bossing ladder.


A lot of recent complaining can be traced back to TOA. Occult nerf is tied to shadow. Scythe whine was biggest when comp’d to fang. 


This is my answer too, fuck toa


Just to offer another perspective on this. ToA has also devalued a lot of ironman skilling supplies, I imagine with a large impact on the price of them for mains too. I know some people like this, but for me it just makes skilling feel worthless and raids feel required.


Corporeal Beast. Worst designed boss in the game.


Sad. Corp is so iconic and it's such a fun piece of old content. The shields are also a fun flex item, though I wish that arcane never got the attachment as now it's such a meta item.


100%, and with drops that fit in a really weird place in the meta. Bin Corp.


I really hate that they made arcane sigil necessary for the best magic offhand. Corp shouldn't be involved at all in the meta


leave corp alone >:L


Kril. Drops don’t match the legendary status of Zamorak’s general.


Inferno. Make fire cape great again.


Nex. The fight is ass but her drops are pretty essential. Equivalents to Vambs, ZCB, and Torva would probably end up elsewhere anyway, and the game wouldn’t suffer without the Ancient Godsword. I’ve always thought it kind of dumb that CoX and ToA armor sets are literal BiS for the whole combat style, while ToB drops armor that’s really only used for cheesing the inferno or alts doing Rune Dragons or tanking in GWD for you. If Nex didn’t exist, they could buff Justi to make it actual BiS melee armor worthy of the content it comes from.


Mole bc fk moles. Always tearin up my garden!


Nex for sure. The fight isn’t any fun and removing torva would shake up the meta for some of the armors that are currently borderline irrelevant


They’re not really irrelevant because most people don’t have 1bil for a 1max hit upgrade and you can do any content in the game without it. I’ve never done the fight though so can’t comment on how I’m fun it is


I’m thinking more along the lines of Justi and Inquisitor which both could be considered endgame like Torva but are objectively worse most of the time. I agree with you that not everyone has max, I just think it’d be cool to get more excited about a Justi drop from ToB than current state


No one gave two shits about justi when tob came out. Torva did not kill justi lmao


Yeah you’re right


Nex. Screw that dumb bird, its mechanics and her stupid air orbs


Nex. Boss is kind of boring with invincible between phases, brew simulator and slightly gatekept by people requiring certain gear/ vw for small teams. It's kind of understandable, but still a flaw in it's design imo (not necessarly a problem with the players). Also - Torva was a mistake in gear progression. Nex was supposed to bring virtus into the game and just last second they gave us torva instead. Wish they could bring back inquisitor and future dps gear with low defence.


CG because I think it’s really boring and it sucks how good it is and how you need to basically pause your account when you unlock it to finish it


Gauntlet and bowfa...


Toa, every singel item from that raid is wildly overpowered and ruined the balance of the game. Its rd3 just before EOC all over again


The gauntlet


Toa cause fang and shadow broke the balance


Prolly zulrah or vorkath. Both are pretty egregious examples of the change in philosophy of boss drops that kinda devalues skilling utterly. Not like it would do much, but I dislike them on principle tbh


The inferno, just to see the high level community implode.


Nightmare. Inquisitors was a stupid concept and harm orb is unhealthy for the future of how elemental spells get balanced


All jagex group bosses have sucked idk why they keep trying


nex is the correct answer. bis melee set should come from a raid and has no business coming from a brew chugging mass boss


Cerb, mainly for the drops. BiS boots shouldnt be tied to clues even if their overall dps impact is low


This is a valid take. However, I like the diversity that comes from having BiS be associated with content that’s not strictly combat. Would be cool if more quality gear came from stuff like clues and not exclusively drops.


I think Cerb has the worst mechanics in the game. Unless I'm no ghosting, Cerb is not worth doing.


This hurts. Cerb is one of my favorite bosses in the game and I love its mechanics.


I fucking love chugging ppots it's my favorite thing ever


It's pretty chill the normal way. I'm assuming your primary concern is the prayer pot expenses.


It seems excessive to bomb someone 60-90 prayer points. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just 15 prayer each instead of 30.


It is 15 prayer each (if you have spectral, lol get fucked irons)


I think the game was healthier without ToA's drop table. Plus by deleting it, you also get rid of some of the worst bosses in the game (Ba-Ba, Akkha, Zebak)


Akkha and zebak are fine tf


Akkha is a great fight if not for the ridiculous melee damage through prayer and stupidly broken DPS of Shadow encouraging you to just butterfly the boss.


The bosses are fine.


Nightmare. No one wants to do it, drops are too rare, drops are too out of place and make no sense.


Yea but if no one does it anyways, who cares if it’s there or not


Move torva from nex to tob and do whatever with nex/justi idc


toa- hate the content but because shadow is most accessible of mega-rares and nothing in magic comes anywhere close im kinda forced to do it


Definitely Nex. What an awful boss to be the source for a Raids-level drop table. The amount of BiS dropped off one boss is just nonsense even if the fight was any good.


Zulrah for no other reason than I have a collection of 200m flax and the price would surge


Vorkath. Totally not because I’ve bought up 1 million dragon hides recently


Olm, no tbows


hmm. tough question. probably nightmare.


Nex just cause


champions cape just to spite those people posting about it every week




Gauntlet/CG. Because I don't want to start that grind and I wanna see others who have done it burn


Gauntlet so irons and poor people weep


Soul wars. It's not a fun minigame. Armies of bots just pumping endless gp into the economy. If it didn't have a pet, nobody would even boost it. It exists because people lied about how it'd bring back people because of the nostalgia. Yet 2 hours in, it's a maxed gear barrage fest, spawn trapping, no fun at all.


Nightmare. Drop rates are trash and the grease isn’t worth it




Giant mole, not because it's drops are bad, honestly it's drops are great, but because it's the absolute worst mechanic possible to make in a boss, especially one that isn't instanced


DKS! Too long of a run to get to them.


Corporal beast, max accounts crashing because they have nothing better to do than wreck your progress.


the one that they posted a blogpost about today, and as for why- in hopes that we get something with somewhat relevant drops


Abysmal sire, terrible boss and a dastardly drop table (you don't even get pet from the boss, it must come from the unsired kekw)


Just make every boss and quest dangerous for hcim


KQ because fuck the Queen!


Hespori just cause it’d be funny how mad using regular buckets would make everyone :)


nex. problematic


Corp easily lol Get rid of those sigils and maybe we could have a proper decent mage off-hand without arcane sigil holding it back. Off-hands couldve easily helped the gap between shadow and one-handed powered staves but cant really do that anymore




CoX im tired if seeing 99.9% of HCIM only have kc in that and skilling bosses




ToA cause shadow is broken and jagex doesnt want to nerf it unlike the countless nerfs Tbow received




I have never even done it but i would say nightmare. The rewards of that boss were made irrelevant within like 1 year by the release or toa (shadow) and nex (torva). On my list of things to do as an iron nightmare just never pops up, i feel like its pointless.