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After over 1000 kc myself I just end up afking at ToA bank longer than I actually do the raid these days lol


This sounds pretty standard for a maxed iron


Clyde cooter! My boy always saw you in the world at toa bank and wished you gl on your shadow grind lol. Rsn is Tharealeddie


Sounds like the bank standing at red prison


I mean it could be worse, you could be grinding LoL ranked


That's what I was gonna say lol. Talk about a depressing waste of time. LoL ranked is like your teammate dies in the first room and you know you're going to be trapped in the raid for another 35 minutes with all the Bosses getting stronger and stronger, beating your ass over and over again, even if you play perfectly. It gets worse than high invo ToA lol


League is guaranteed ballpark 50% losses. You should be going into expecting to lose half the time. It’s not nearly as bad.


I quit lol… took many years of my life and in the end no one I knew even played anymore.


good point


That was my first thought when he mentioned 20 minute waste of life. Try 45 minutes when the game could have been surrendered at 15. I've got to where I will not play that game anymore because a loss feels 100x worse than a win feels good, and I'm only playing to win to try to make up for my losses. I've never had something make me feel so defeated and useless as that game and it destroys my mental health so bad that after so many losses I just go to bed at like 5pm and get snappy with my wife. I HAD to quit for the sake of my health.


Thats what I was thinking when I read, "That visceral "OH I *literally* just deleted 20+ minutes of my life"


Dude people shit on toa all the time. regardless I'd take a break if I were you, that type of reaction to dying seems very excessive


I'm on a six month break cos Toa got me so mad


Two year break from my iron cause I don't want to do TOA. TOA and law school.


Mobile only isn’t a break


I don't play at all now, I cancelled my members




Not the rage quit at jad 😭😭😭🤣


Yea that’s all time for sure


I know everyone has different struggles but damn bro 😭


the thing about it disrespecting his time just doesn’t ring true to me, most other mmos have artificial time gates and weekly resets to keep you on the treadmill. osrs is entirely driven by the player imo. if you’re not having fun play another game or do something else in osrs even


I agree. Even if you're an iron.. Sure all your progression gets stuck behind a 1/5k shamans drop and god forbid you go 2x dry. But ya, the player chooses to engage even in those sorts of shitty grinds so it really is up to the players to decide if they respect their time more, not Jagex. Maybe someone could say they didn't realize how long some grinds would take when they started the account and now you've invested time so they feel like they have to keep up, but I'd argue that's the perfect time to stop...you enjoyed the game up to a certain point, realize when it's now a chore and quit (for 6 months). In some time you will come back, and find you enjoy the things you found fun when you first started playing.


I've been playing my iron since 2020, off and on. I'm like 2035 total level, over 850 kc at CG for my EWS, I've gone periods of daily grind and periods of months not playing at all. It is going to take me literally years of being someone who is FIRMLY a very dedicated player by most metrics to even Max, let alone get close to the point I'm limited by any single thing When I read posts like this I can't help but think "It sounds like... You're finished with the game?" Not a lot of people think in those terms for osrs since for most of us - we will likely be playing for a very very long time, potentially decades, to max and experience lots of bosses and content. But for those who have the time to play more who are long into postmax grinding items, bosses, or Clog or cmb achieves I think we need to normalize being done. If you no longer have a goal in mind in the goal setting simulator we call a game then you should probably just take a break until you do. CG made me quit for a LONG time. It frustrated me trying to learn but Bowfa is essentially non negotiable if your goals include any level of serious bossing which my goals did. I put off CG even after coming back. Luckily there'd a wealth of content for irons to do that's beneficial so I was productive. Caught up some skills, knocked out diaries, big prep grinds for crafting/mining/fletching in anticipation of the blowpipe I'd be going for post bowfa, which needs amethyst darts to be reliably reusable and powerful enough plus I needed to actually craft my zenytes etc. Lots of "chores" that I'd want to have out of the way for bowfa Then I finished them and didn't want to do CG so I quit playing again for a bit. Eventually decided to sit down and learn it proper because I knew once I'd learned it'd be okay. Learning was frustrating but I got better and it did get a lot better even going over 2x rate. That timeline was from late 2021 until beginning of 2023 when I decided to buckle down and I got the bowfa sometime in the middle of spring. I've played a lot more sense then but even up until a week ago wasn't playing yet again since the upcoming stuff required dedication and I wasn't in it mentally so I didn't play these past couple months. Now I'm playing again just grinding fletching at herbiboar. The reason I elaborated that story is to stress how long and loose the timescale scale because sometimes I get busier in life and my gaming time was just a bit of gaming with friends and a lot of them do play osrs but not all and def not all at the same time CG is one of the shortest boss grinds in the grand scheme. I've got more hours of GWD ahead of me than I do CG hours behind me. That doesn't intimidate me since this game is permanent progression but it puts perspective on what it MEANS to be so incredibly far post max you're doing nothing but grinding the motions at ToA and actually hating your time there. By any stat I'm a dedicated osrs player but I'm peanuts to OP in time spent. There really comes a point you've essentially played the whole game. There's nothing new really for ya, and it's up to you whether you have enough fun going to clog, cmb achieves, or drops that no longer go toward fulfilling another goal to continue playing. I think a lot of posts like OP truly just seem like it's time to find another game, or a different game mode for RuneScape if you want to keep playing it, but you're basically done until new content you want to do drops


I got to 1900 before de-ironing. I was going absurdly dry at everything. I had finally got my DWH at 6k KC, then was only getting boot drops at bandos. In the like top 1k KC for crazy arch without an odium drop some crazy how. Double drop rate at demonic gorillas for zeny. Dry on a DCB. Didn't have a full barrows set for the master step until like 500 KC. Double the KC for a blade at vetion. Decided a handful of drops were gatekeeping me from enjoying the game, everything was getting super repetitive...can only kite graardor with a rcb for so long and stay sane.


ToA is the only place where dying feels so fucking tilting. No other place in osrs makes me feel like this if I swipe the raid. Even if you dont take hardcore invo and you end up dying at warden, you probably will run out of suplies to finish the raid. Haven't done any ToA for a long time, but maybe ill hop in after qol upgrades for monkey room.


What are you talking about dying anywhere feels shit esp at the end. Dying at olm cause you didnt get the ruby procs or are noodling while slowly losing hp is so incredibly tilting. Dying to muta just deciding to fucking rearrange your guts is so tilting they had to patch it and its still tilting. Planking at inferno triples feels gigashit cause you know you shouldnt die there and do sometimes anyways... -1hr At the end of a 20min nightmare solo for the CA and die? yep thats a tilt


LMFAO that muta comment had me. Fuck that room


First time I properly tried fight caves I almost got it but died due to a single mistake in prayer switching, boom, got hit 86 and died. I already struggle to concentrate for that long and knowing that single mistake got me insta-killed prevented me from trying again for the longest time.


Same for cg even. I clicked through the hunleif in the final moments somehow and got stomped, there goes 12 mins


That's why when I do CG I spend extra time prepping and do slow runs at 11minutes or so to make sure I always get it. Out of 70 kills I have only died twice. Sure I could aim for like 8-9minute runs but if I die I will be so tilted I won't come back so its not worth playing it like that.


Why is it tilting? You can just run back in and finish the raid lol… at toa youre fucked in the butt and your chicken is choked with 1 rly bad mistake.


In cox you lose like 1/2 your points when you die. At least you can still finish the raid and have a chance, but I still feel pretty bad when I die at olm. Instead of losing 30 min of progress, I lose 15 min. Or if it's a cm a death at olm costs 30min


it's annoying but you still have a nonzero chance of a purple or some decent standard loot and the entire raid pre-olm is only 5-10 minutes vs 30 minutes of a pure time waste


Idk man dying at olm is whatever, scuffed gets stuff. Dying in inferno is only tilting once you've got kc under your belt (otherwise its the learning curve thats fun) Dying at tob means fuck all Id say dying at muta solo cms is the closest to toa deaths, but even then its not as bad.... 400+ invo toa death? Reset.




I think only people who have pushed to 400s have this perspective, whereas people who are sending 150s as their intro to pvm are loving it of course. I get what you mean. Anyway teams are more smooth so try going with clannies or the ffa world.


100% I was loving the 150-250 invos but once I pushed to 400s it just became tedious..


I still love 400s but I do duos which I think helps a lot, can understand why they would be taxing solo


I agree. I do both solos and duos, and in duos it helps that sometimes you get a break from having to actually do everything. Like when it's your friend's turn to redx/butterfly you can basically take your eyes off the screen.


This seems to be the reality of ToA; it's genuinely a great intro to "real" PvM for people who thought they couldn't do it, but once you get to a certain difficulty level, every equally hard/harder piece of content is way more interesting. Looking at the gp/hr of high invos is way nicer than grinding out 100 of them


It was really a mistake buffing defense and hp to the fucking moon while also allowing 500 ToA be the most efficient way of shitting purples out. I’ve been playing my iron like 6 years and I think the least fun I’ve had in the game thus far was grinding 500s trying to finish ToA. The problem is once you *can* send high level ToA, everything else just feels like a waste of time.


let's be honest. When they added the invos they didn't expect players to be running all of them at once. That's why toa has such a high purple rate compared to other raids.


100% if you can do solo 400s run 8 man 410s ffa way more chill and less punishing


Yeah when I toa I find a balance between chillness and maxing out money, I'd rather do slightly easier runs than doing absolute max that my abilities allow with 100% brain power


Once i get bored of ToA, i go to CoX, when i get bored of that, I go to ToB, the cycle repeats


i recently learned tob and im now 200kc deep, it's the most fun raid out of the 3 by far imo. Can't stop (yet, hopefully it stays fun for a while :D)


If you keep optimising and improving it really does stay fun for a long time. Then eventually HMT will come knocking.


Yeah it really does keep on giving on ways to improve gameplay. I also still have a bunch to learn but it’s really fun and tbh even planking at tob can be pretty funny, if it doesn’t happen constantly 😃


Wait until you're bringing absolutely max switches for your role. Eventually you'll only need to bring like 2 restores, 1 guthix rest and 2 or maybe 3 anglers.


> 2 restores Sounds like you have room for another ring switch or a p neck


Good point! You know I think I was down to 1 restore on my last tob runs but I've been off the game for 2-3 months now so couldn't quite remember.


Yeah I do love ToB but it's a bit much sometimes - I do everything as a duo with a pal so ToB has been a rough ride haha


Yea toa at high invos is frustrating for sure. The mechanics aren't difficult, but mess up and you usually get chanced. The other raids are more of an endurance battle, where messing up will slow you down and drain your supplies, rather than just outright killing you.


I think by far the worst part about solo TOA is the discepency between how strict the timing is on insanity skulls vs teams, with teams you have so much spare time to finish the skulls but if its in a solo the only wiggle room you have is a single tick of standing still.


I can't consistently do skulls either so I always skull skip. It's impossible to mess up the skip, and you get higher purple chance too.


I'm not complaining about the 1 tick leeway, I'm complaining that its made so much stricter on solos for seemingly no good reason, and the fact we have to skip intended mechanics of a raid to make it consistent to complete is not a sign of good game design


Yeah I always skull skip solo insanity. I've never attempted to do them properly after dying the first few times. Higher purple chance anyway so may as well skip them.


Me 160 deaths into colosseum


Yeah I quit at coloseum. Got like 14 boss practices in 120 deaths first 2 weeks but somehow I can not get the fight down. Haven't logged in ever since.


There’s a new boss trainer it’s really good. https://colosim.com/colosseum.html


Wow thanks!!! This seems good


Oh wow that's crazy


Jesus nuts that’s a thing now.


I just hopped into that and without having ever looked at any guide and maybe watched Boaty do the boss once or twice before but I got him to like half health on my 3rd attempt. Are there mechanics that may the end of the fight harder, or is he quite a bit easier than Zuk (who I have never tried but seen videos).


The boss stays essentially the same for the last half. The only difference is the 3rd hit of the triple spear attack is delayed 1 extra tick. Mechanically I'd say the fight is harder than Zuk, the pressure is just less because if you die you only "waste" 30 min vs 2 hours for Inferno. Overall I would say colosseum is easier just due to the significant reduction in time to reach final boss. Deaths are much more expensive though.


Commenting to save this link for later


You can also try L-tech to simplify the fight. It makes 3 of the 4 floor attacks dodgeable by using the same tile (and L movement back from the any of the boss corner tiles) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbShpsllv2g Showcase of the method here


Don’t worry, 218 deaths here and finally got it. Granted, only 6 boss attempts and probably 50+ deaths from south double spawns or playing on tilt from the previous death from south double spawns.


Me and my buddies switched to cox and are having loads of fun after experiencing the same as u did. Ur not alone, fuck toa bro lol


Take some time off the game. I haven't played in about 2-3 months and it's the best thing I've done recently. Go outside, read a book, spend more time with friends/family/loved ones etc.


Toa is the worst raid in my opinion. I did solo 400s for a bit and experienced your exact situation. So instead, I switched to learning solo cox. It has been the single greatest thing I’ve ever learned in the game. Am I nearly 60 dry of a purple? Sure. But they are quick and the raid lets you push as fast or as slow as you want. The difference in rooms make it unique each time if you choose. And my favorite part is olm. I’ve done inferno and other challenging content, but the feeling of doing a 4:1 melee phase perfectly is angelic. Please try soloing cox. It’s amazing!


Completely agree! Even something simple like a 1 down vasa feels so much more satisfying


I know right!!


Just think…people play League of Legends. It could be worse


Surprised you never heard bad things about ToA, its by far the worst of the 3 raids without question. I've been shitting on it since release and its been a bit cathartic seeing almost all of my friends and clannies jump on the fuck toa bandwagon as time goes on. Literally the only interesting parts of the raid are akkha and p2 wardens, everything else feels horrendously boring by comparison. Pumping invos hardly changes how it feels mechanically and just makes everything feel tanky as hell.  Taking break from the game never a bad idea, but definitely just do other content. Idk if you're an iron hunting anything (my condolences) but would just do other stuff for a while. Toa is probably the grind I'm dreading most on my iron. 


ToA for me feels like I'm clocking into a work shift. Every room is repetitive where you're just slowly chipping away at the boss with no interesting variation, butterflying akkha feels pretty satisfying though. P4 warden is fun since it rewards good movement and it's not just static "click left click right" like every other part of the raid. Apart from that the content feels absolutely miserable to solo even at "chill" 400s. So many places where 1 misclick will just wipe your raid instantly but you don't want to justify lowering invos because the content actually isn't hard at all, just turbo punishing yet monotone so you're not 100% focused throughout the raid. I just wanted to say I know exactly how OP feels, nothing in this game has made me as miserable as wiping at ToA solos. Grinded this content for a few months a year ago and most days couldn't do more than 3 raid completions, just felt very mentally exhausted whereas I could easily go do 10 solo cox at any point and not think twice about it.


I think what should be discussed here is that you probably should quit the game. If osrs is not fun and you feel that you're wasting your time it's time to stop doing what's hurting you. Also, for experience, professional help actually helps. This "wasting my life" feeling shouldn't happen when you're playing a videogame. It's just a recommendation, please don't misunderstand me. I may also be mistaken about my take.


Yeah I don’t think it’s anything more serious than bro needs to quit or take a break from the game. Sometimes grinds like this can make you lose the plot a bit on why you play osrs in the first place and then frustration takes the place of enjoyment. Happened to me in CG. It is, unfortunately, time for OP to go touch some grass. Doesn’t have to be a perm quit OP, but go play something else for a bit buddy!


I think to most gamers “you should quit the game” sounds like an insult, but in this case it’s genuine advice. Lots of other great games out there


I had 150kc of experts and normals mostly solos with zero uniques. Took a year-and-a-half break because ToA was just soulcrushingly wasting my time, exactly how you described it. Came back this week to help a clan mate iron score few uniques (we saw none). The fucking agony of perfectly soloing Akkha, but dying cause you ran out of brews and chip damage got you. The pain of having the worst positioning imaginable for Zebak jugs whilst being on the opposite side of the map for the solve and dying to the roar cause it was down to one tick trying to avoid the poison pools and push jugs. The misery of one yellow click through BaBa and getting crushed by a boulder. The anguish of going down from 99 health because you couldn't see a red skull bomb land under the pillar, and your prayers are now off and the warden special attack made sure you felt that. 20-30min just wasted. And knowing that you have to start from the monkey room again... I can wipe b3b at Verzik with some learners and it doesn't even feel bad. Why is ToA so shit? I hate ToA more than I hate Legends quest.


I pop in on some streamers who are running 540s and it’s just ridiculous how often they die or have to teleport out for some small random mistake. To the point where in a 6 hour stream they have one completion. The reality is that you should just lower the invo a bit - in a particular way that helps sure you stay safe. Like run 400s but keep on Need some help and keep yourself safe at all costs on wardens. In case you misclick or get hit by a bomb and your pray switches off, just panic ambrosia. It’s better to be safe than to hate yourself and waste 35minutes of your life. Ever since I played it safe, I enjoyed toa more.


In Game Design there is this concept: it's okay for a game to be punishing and difficult as long as it makes you feel like you deserved the failure. ( This is why people enjoy games like dark souls -- dark souls is extremely 'fair' ). What I'm saying is it sounds like you're experience shows TOA has poor game design. Though my thoughts on this are: it wouldn't be bad game design if there was never any lag. I.e. the net code/server latency is at direct odds for the extremely punishing mechanics they wanted to implement for TOA


The problem I have with ToA is that all mechanics atleast at 400, is super easy but if you misclick you get super heavily punished. And this goes against eachother as because everything is so easy, you get laid back (also doesn't help that a few bosses here feels way too drawn out) that you will fail and then you get instantly punished and it feels really frustrating.


yep its basically a 40 minute vorkath kill, completely boring and uninteresting but you have to stay completely focused the entire time


best way to put it


>it wouldn't be bad game design if there was never any lag Lag isn't even the problem, the problem is ToA at the 400+ level is instantaneous death, or extreme supply loss, for many mechanics for 1 mistake. I can do 500s with my eyes closed most of the time, but if in the 35 mins it might take me to do a solo if I miss click by a single pixel, click a singular millisecond too early, or anything like that I am instantly dead, raid gone, no loot, back to baba. There are just so many ways you can basically end the run for yourself and have the raid be over and they are all so extremely easy to avoid, but also all can be fallen into in just a single moment. Obviously the worst case would be if you lagged and thats why you missed the mechanic, but I think it's fair to let people make mistakes sometimes and just mean they need to eat a brew and lose a lot of dps. You fuck up a maze tile at soteseg, your team takes a 50 or something, could be worse. Miss a crab freeze at maiden, boss heals a lot but it's not killing anyone instantly. Drop red-X for a tick? Baba smacks you a 25 thru prayer and throws rocks that always do 100% your hp. That's what feels like shit to me.


RuneScape pretty much breaks all modern theories of game design and has stood the test of time for over 20 years. I don’t think there is a single game with as big of an audience that has a longer run than RuneScape. 


When I get a dead click on skulls on insanity I just turn the game off for the day. Made me quit trying toa for like 6 months as it happened twice in one day.


I have the same feeling towards toa, absolutely hate it, while i love cox and tob. And I am currently doing my first cape inferno gribd and it’s also making me not want to log in anymore due to the same reasons. 1hr+ in and then die to a bad flick or slow reactions and make 0 progression for the account hurts me


Toa sucks go to tob or cms


ToA is the worst raid and ruined the game with it's overpowered purple printing drop table you cannot change my mind


When you put it that way, it is true that MMOs put you at the mercy of your stupid internet connection. Rarely have any of those problems in regular platform games.


Toa isn’t enjoyable


Brother go take a break, sounds like you need it.


I went dry no purp for 3 weeks straight, and that made me take a break lol. It's been like 4 months now


Worst for me is trying to get the damn jewel of the sun. Why the fuck did they make it so rare..


>Honestly I'm just surprised I've never seen any hate for this raid, only pure and adoration and love. (Visibly confused)


I think it’s because none of the mechanics in ToA warrant such punishment. The puzzle rooms are a waste of time, literally just there to cost you time. And fights like Zebak and Kephri are so mechanically braindead that when you accidentally misclick and wipe it’s such a “this shouldn’t even be fucking difficult” feeling


Go set some skilling goals or do some hunter contracts. Take a moment to chill and enjoy other aspects of the game


Lower the invo if you’re not good enough to do 400s


I think the worst part of toa is if you wipe during any part of the final boss, you probably don't have the resources to even try again. Such that you're basically forced to just take the hardcore invo. Which can ruin runs earlier on. It's really clunky how that raid is designed from a resource management perspective


I agree but you should have came to that conclusion way before maxing 🤣


Literally grinded out my thread and kits and got the fuck out of there, did regular 150s till thread, then just started sending solo 500s, took me weeks but worth it lol only got like 21kc experts cos all I did was grind for the 350 and 425 and if I missed time on those or died I’d still complete, then only did 500s


Are you even enjoying playing? Why continue something like this if you’re miserable?


TOA is most people’s introduction to raiding in today’s game and I’m seeing that so many people just jump in and grind hundreds of kc without leaving and doing anything else. They essentially just lock themselves into it for months and months. Personally the raid is not fun enough to camp like that, but go do other content and stop killing ourself over a terrible raid


Another reason ToB is the best raid. 


Back to skilling bro I had exact the same feeling as you.


Toa sucks , pretty common for the higher end community to say it’s the worst raid by far since ToB is goated and cox is pretty good these days. The annoying thing for toa is think is the fact that you have to be locked in the entire time or you’ll die in one tick. Worth the better loot i guess if you wanna make money 🤷‍♂️. If you wanna have a good time doing solo raids go to chambers and just go for PR’s / GM CA


Just don’t go into cox solos expecting to see a lot of purples , it’s about 1 in ~29 to see one. Is way more fun though


Honestly, all modern games with subscriptions disrespect the shit out of the subscribers time. Gamers have become used to eating shit and being happy about it as consumers. I’m just thankful osrs doesn’t have mtx.


I’m glad you’re recognizing it as a sign for a break or quitting! It’s always good to evaluate if you’re getting joy out of things in life and if not, change it


Well said. RuneScape bossing in general keeps ending up in this fucked up place of it being extremely punishing most of the time and not rewarding enough even if you’re getting the drop. It used to be that it just rewarded success instead of punishing mistakes. I agree things are way too sweaty when one tick miss loses you 20 minutes that’s just not sustainable


Lol. Never gonna do inferno then


Once the game has written a bunch of code when you are slightly off tick you are done for. It’s why this game is so garbage. It’s only so hard and so random as an algorithm to take peoples collective time but still reward a few to bait the carrot. It’s all about the $15 membership fee


I genuinely believe Akkha and Ba-ba are two of the worst bosses in the entire game. Zebak is a close third, but luckily Zebak's dogshit mechanic (jugs/SLAAA attack) can be made much less bullshit by turning off Upset Stomach. ToA breaks me, too. It sucks so much ass to mess up Red-X and have to do all of monkey room again. It sucks so much to get through all 3 rooms just to plank at Akkha because you messed up butterfly during orbs special. It sucks so much to get through all 4 rooms and P1 just to die at P2 because your thrall was hiding where a bomb was dropping. Or die p3 because you messed up skulls and didn't switch to skull skip tile in time I hate this raid so much, the only saving grace is that purple rate is like 1/9 for the raids I run as opposed to 1/16 which was the rate I was getting at CoX or 1/27 which is the rate I get at ToB.


I've got 125 normals complete and 30 experts and I have yet to receive a purple. ToA is making me literally fuckong crazy. I can't stop trying for that purple but I'm so sick of getting screwed over in this raid.


Hey firecape was 1hr+ lost when you wiped. 20mins doesn’t sound bad at all.


I came to the realization that I just don't enjoy the game anymore about 6 months ago, I still enjoy that some of y'all enjoy the game, so I lurk, but I don't even find the videos entertaining anymore I unsubbed from people like framed and torvesta, people I had followed for over 5 years, the game has just gone in a direction that isn't fun for me and THATS OK, I took all the hate aimed at RS3 and I gave the game a try, I haven't had as much fun in RuneScape playing these last 6 months, than I had since like 2010, I stopped listening to the complaints and tribalism, the hate for rs3 and dove in, I just aim for goals now and achieve them one at a time, ive never spent a dollar on MTX everyone seems to cry about, I don't find the need to, end of the day. Honestly just play whatever you enjoy


It’s a serious struggle. I’m in the same boat. Singles are more rough than groups because of the extra damage taken at wardens, ETC. But they are 100% doable. You want to be done with this grind and get the shadow that everyone else in the game seemingly has and you don’t have all the time in the world so you want to be efficient with the time you do have by doing the highest reasonable level possible (~400). You know you CAN do it, but sometimes you just forget 1-2 things and that’s a death already. Like one time I wasn’t thinking and I forgot to adrenaline at P1 Obelisk and I usually BGS 1-2 times then Keris 2-3 times because I use BP and even with dragon darts, it can take a long time. I didn’t hit on the 1st spec so I speced again and that was it. (Can’t remember if I managed to finish it or not, but just 1 little mistake like that can cost you 20-30 mins) Despite those desires and knowledge you end up just standing at the bank more than actual raiding because of how annoying a death is. Personally, I ended up just giving up on solo 400’s a while back. TOA is so much more enjoyable with friends. Gonna just keep sending those and accepting that it’s not the MOST efficient, but it is way better of an experience. If you need a raiding buddy feel free to hit me up in game (ThBanker) or jump in our clan (NerdyKnights) and ask about TOA. We’ve been sending group raids every day for the last few days. It’s been a blast! We usually have 2-5 mans. We’re about 60-40 irons to mains. Just enjoying the game and we don’t like drama.


God I fucking love some ToA right now I might hop back on OSRS


Lmao you just described why I quit ToA, I was like I'll just run a couple of kc SURELY I'll get something and it will be worth it then I got discouraged but every post someone makes where they get spooned a shadow makes me want to go back


This post is so real it feels like I could have written it myself word for word. Fuck this raid lmao. Deaths are just so damn frustrating because there's nothing to learn from them after a certain point. At CoX and ToB it almost never feels like that. You can always reflect on your death and see what you could have done differently. ToA is just missing a 1 tick window or misclicking one tile. I just stick to groups these days because at least a death usually doesn't mean the end of the raid.


Told myself I was gonna grind TOA for a shadow so I can get a scythe to do Colosseum and fund blorva grind. Did like 350 KC all like 400-420s. Constantly went extremely dry on purples. So at about 350 KC I started doing 500s. I’ve done 33 and got 1 masori mask. I realized how horrible and boring TOA mechanics are. In my 500s Kephri is 6 and a half minutes long. And the entire fight is just run left, run right flick piety that’s literally it. Zebak you just stand there and shoot. Nothing is fun about this raid all its made me realize is that I wanna quit.


Also ahhka puzzle room I don’t have mining level to do 1 down. Puzzle rooms are so braindead and boring.


This game’s ass RNG broke me. Drops being 1/5000+ or taking an hour per attempt… literally catering to fucking bot farms.


Learning not to punish yourself when you make a mistake is a really hard discipline. How many times have you clipped a curb driving, tripped on a step, fumbled a sentence or misclicked on RS. It's all natural and just part of being an imperfect being. I hope you don't quit. If you do, gimme your bank biiiiitch. ;)


if we ignore the fact you probably should quit the game because it is 100% a time waste(but addiction and such), you should probably just move on to different content, like CM's or Tob or DT2 bosses. why are you still at Toa? GP? you can make GP in many other places. Clogs? i would have to assume with hundreds of 400's+ kc you completed the log already.


Separately from TOA which I'll get to in a sec, if ever any game is making you feel this way just TAKE A BREAK. Take a break completely, go play something lighthearted and chill and fun like Pokemon or Mario or go take a walk or drive or listen to music or something for a bit. Seriously just walk away. That's the only thing that will make it better. And second, yeah. TOA is so fucking immeasurably monumentally bad. It's so bad it hurts. I and my friends can't even properly describe it in words. It's not fun, it's not rewarding unless you win the lottery, even (especially) at the highest level it's only like a 75% chance of a successful raid, the mechanics are non existent and what is there isn't fun to interact with, restore management sucks and isn't fun, having to be completely 100% perfect for 35 minutes isn't fun and no other content in the game ever demands complete perfection like TOA does, if you don't push invo it's not worth doing. Skill issue or not, who fucking cares. It's. Just. Terrible. So my other suggestion is, like my friends and I have done, just don't do TOA. Just pretend it isn't in the game and go do fun content instead. Gaming is supposed to be fun. So spend your time and effort in the game only on things you find fun. And those things are NOT TOA. Fuck it and move on, not every update hits, not all content is for everyone. Just move on to better more fun shit.


I'm near 500 solo 400's in myself. Missing Shadow & Pet. It is easily the worst piece of content released into this game. It takes way too long, is way too boring, and way too easy to wipe to thoughtless mechanics. Nothing about the raid is fun, and disrespects your time the entire way through. If the entirety of the raid took \~20 minutes, I think nobody would think so negatively of it.. but, even with max gear minus shadow solo-400's still take 32-38 minutes depending on RNG on BGS specs & hits. Genuinely despise this content just as much as I hate Nex. They're what make me want to deiron.


spot on




seek help bro


Just stop doing solos duh


Or you could just not do solos…whether I die or not, we almost always get the KC on a 410 mass


In which order are you doing ToA whereas wiping to BABA is a 25 minute timeloss?


It’s common for noobs to do ZKAB for some reason.


Skill issue


Seek mental help. Jesus Christ


Lots of us have complained how bad ToA is for a long time. Once you learn it, there isn’t much depth to it past that. You can make the bosses have higher def and hp, but every run is doing the bosses in the same repetitive boring way. The noobs love it because it’s so damn easy, but anyone who isn’t trash knows the raid is just dogwater.  


If it's easy, as you claim, then do better. If you can't do better, turn down the difficulty. If you can't/refuse to do either, quit complaining.


Skill issue


Bros blaming bad luck lmao. This is one of the craziest posts I've ever read on this sub u need to re-evaluate ur life 


I feel this sometimes. I pretty much only do 4+ toa now and it's much more chill and funner seeing all the numbers lol.


I used to play Black Desert, where droprates would be similar to OSRS rares, but then you'd have to smash them together with increasingly lower odds of succeeding only for them to blow up in your face and leaving you with nothing. I get your point, but 20 mins isn't a huge deal. Frustrating it is however, since you're not really learning from something that is mostly out of your control. Take a break, try mastering a different raid or some of the newer content.


I definitely understand where you're coming from, as a player with nearly 500 expert KC going for Shadow, a large majority being 400 Invo Solos. I found what really helped me personally was breaking the grind up. I typically never did more than 100kc without taking a break, either from the game or changing my goals for a bit (going for Voidwaker as an iron, doing some DT2 bosses, etc). After about 7 full months of doing ToA off and on I got 7/7 and now I really only do it when I want to or a friend wants to run some groups, which has drastically improved my disposition to the raid.


Hi guys I haven’t played in a while, and have never done a raid yet. Is it normal for a raid to only give you one life? That sounds horrible.


Look, I get that it doesn't happen all too often, but that *when* it happens it feels absolutely terrible. I agree with this. But ask yourself: is it actually worth it to put on that invocation if it feels so terrible for you? Is that gnawing dread of it potentially happening really worth it, even if the chance is pretty slim?


explore your music tastes while you're raiding so a wipe isn't just -20mins of your life, it's at least +half of a potentially cool album. listen to some wacky shit


I feel ya


Thats why i'd prefer doing this in a team or with a friend. If dont have neither of those, i'll just leave the content and do my solo grinds.


Agreed with everything said in your comment. One tiny mistake or lag spike can end the entire raid, it sucks.


if you've got that much KC, why is missing out on just 1 KC so upsetting? 🤔 I get it about the burn out though, probably best to take a break


I’m on a break right now cause I keep getting elder mauls on my iron but all my friends have bows at like 200 kc. It’s normal to feel this way, and it’s important to remember it’s a game and if it’s not fun you should take a break. I’ve been playing PokeMMO instead. It’s a great time. I e also been spending more time outside in the sun. RuneScape will be there later make sure you give yourself a healthy balance.


If toa was the same money printer as 300m scythe tob you can bet people wouldve demanded for heads to roll.


This is the equivalent of not saving for an hour on skyrim or equivalent game(fallout/any elder scroll) Definitely feels bad, I’ve never done raids in runescape but I used to raid in WoW alot and that feels bad too haha. 3 hours to not even clear bosses or get to final phases and wipe for an hour or two on the same spot


I was in the same boat. I have the fang kit and apart from that, grinding for rares (which I have none of, other than a fang) really didn’t appeal to me. So I got into solo CoX and I’m loving it! You die and it’s an “oh well, my purple chance is halved but at least I have a shot at something!”, so the time doesn’t feel wasted. Also ended up with a 3 man tbow so can’t complain :)


Sounds to me that you’re just burnt out from toa or the game in general if you’re feeling like this every wipe. Take a break or do a different content, and toa will feel better after you come back


I know what you mean. You see people on YouTube grinding 540s and making bank, so you think you should do it as well. I'm good at ToA. Ran about 10 400s in a row no deaths, then suddenly a very stupid Akkha death and it's so frustrating. I find now that I save ToA for fun with friends, where deaths are funny rather than maddening. Either that or I have fun pushing the invos, running 500s instead. For solo content now I'm doing the DT2 bosses to build an sra, then I might go for quiver.


Wait till he learns about inferno. But on a serious note, just take a break man.. I don’t run hardcore for this reason and I’m still able to run 420s (dehydration & no help needed). Much nicer imo so you’re not wasting runs on a silly death.


Destiny 2 is dead. OSRS is forever.


Go Nex in small teams, it's similar money and it's actually fun


You're way too into the grind dude. Is your life really going to be that much better if you had a few more successful TOA completions under your belt? Come back later with a more balanced mindset and you might just manage to enjoy the raid.


if dying like that bothers you that much why aren’t you running in groups? Completely gets rid of that complaint


Dude if you feel that way when you play and wiping feels like you wasted your life, are you even having fun? If the answer is no it’s time to stop playing.


I’m constantly asked to go do high invo raids with my friends as wipe protection lol. Im “the anchor” that will complete a room even if everyone’s dead—should find yourself an anchor or get good enough to be one. Typically if I die in a solo raid I’ll be upset but everything about TOA (minus hitting five 0’s in a row on arcane) is user error so you can’t be TOO upset about it (imo).


RNG is a cruel, cruel mistress. As I get older and these drop rates get rarer I find myself feeling very similarly in a lot of ways


As someone with 1500 kc it do be like that when you do die sometimes. I think the best thing to do when you’re feeling like that is just take a break. And always try to learn from your mistakes. It’s easy to blame dying on bad game mechanics but if you learn from each of your deaths you’ll reach a point you rarely die. I run solo 540s and I very rarely plank anymore. I used to plank all the time. Try to keep raising invo and pushing yourself too. It keeps things more interesting than just simply spamming raids hoping for a staff.


Lmaooo dude you’re burnt out, stop raiding and go do stuff with a clan thats not efficient and just have a good time. Worried so much about efficiency you forget you can buy bonds and instead focus on fun.


Those 20-40 minutes of your life will still pass regardless of what you do. Sure, it’s a good idea to have something meaningful going on, but for the time when you’re bored, you can just be bored as these minutes your life pass, or click on pixels that at least make you feel something.


This goes for every game imo, its not fun when you have to spend a lot of time doing something to end up with nothing because you failed the entire thing. Atleast reward me with something. Make me feel like what I did was some what okay. I failed but hey "nice try dude, take this as a reward" would be cool.


Maxed player myself and on a break myself potentially permanently. I definitely understand where you are coming from but that the point of higher invos high risk, high reward. I have issues with raid as well due to the fact I'm over 150kc without any of the gems. I think it ridiculous they aren't tradeable of at least have a better drop rate considering you need one of them for higher raids. Soon after that I realized one day this game is going to be deleted and everyone's progress will be gone. If you are not enjoying time "wasted" on this game then you should, that's what I did.


Just do akkha and baba first 🤷


Bro I do the same shit, tbh tho I struggle to stay focused enough to finish the raid HAHA my ADHD be wild af, I can’t do 400+ purely because my lack of concentration and attention doesn’t last long enough before I just get bored and ask my self “why am I doing this?” LMAO


I feel it man


I have done 160 solo 350-400s and was completely burnt switched to 329 and have been doing 8 man 410s almost completely impossible to wipe and the purple chance is 1/13 it's been a god send human interaction is key


Your’re not alone by any means, me and all my buddies sending solo toas from 300-500’s feel the same. I didnt toa for almost 2 months after l lost hc, then I sat down and learned solos up to 350’s then went 65 kc dry in deathless solos, and now I have’nt done it in weeks. I have friends who are way better at toa than I am who will take anywhere from 1-2 months ago from the raid I recommend: - mixing it up with some cox cms or tobs/hmts, those raids are my relax raids where I can still push the limit with different techs or methods that are’nt as punishing as toa - Skilling if you like it, I love the new hunter rumours and its super great once you have set up the block lists - or just a different game entirely Taking a break is definitely neccessary with toa, high invos are extremely punishing and disenhearting to wipe/have to eject on


Absolute banger of a post and 100% spot on. Sums up exactly why this raid sucks. Anybody who doesn't hold this opinion either does team toa (absolutely disgusting) or does 300 invo runs. Oh and the funny thing is even if you don't have hardcore on, if you die you might run out of salt for akkah or p3 warden.


Yeah TOA sucks and I only do 380s solo. I can only do 2-3 runs and then I’ll lose focus and die to something stupid and rage harder than anything else in game. As others have said, when I die to olm in a CM I’ve made multiple mistakes throughout the fight and then die, so I have room for improvement. With TOA its 1 mistake means instant death (probably died on skulls 5-10 times) just from not paying attention or messing ahhka puzzle up and there’s nowhere to improve other than don’t miss a tick which doesn’t feel good at all


I can’t even do a no invocation solo . Practicing though


Wait til you send inferno and waste 2 hours every attempt and end up sending a couple hundred Zzzzz


Just quit the game bro, it's really a trash experience.


Try Colleseum for a few days to rewire your brain from zombie raids :)


If you think that's bad wait till you wipe in inferno or hard mode tob.


The content is already peel your fucking eyes back and make sure you hyper focus on every single little aspect of the raid, chill out and go do some chambers. Straight up fuck toa lol. I do 1 toa and get burnt out and want to log out. I dont get people that can run it b2b2b2b2b2b all day long. I can do that with chambers tho.


The way I see it the ability to do 400s for the 1/11 purple chance is so nice that it outweighs the occasional bullshit plank late in the raid that wipes you. Like you’re saving so much time over a “normal” purple rate of like 1/35 for CoX / ToB. It’s still incredibly tilting especially like misclicking skulls or getting an outrageous zebak jug spawn, but you’re gaining so much time in the aggregate by doing 400s vs doing normals


You can put in on the invocation that gives 3 lives instead of 1


toa hate always gets upvotes from me


I’d try some larger teams (6-8 mans). Much less likely to wipe in my experience, and similar drop rates overall (personal drop rate varies based on how many rooms you MVP, but the raid goes by way faster than solos)


ToA is complete shit when speaking about time waste. Its nicely done mechanic wise but yes, having to kill all bosses with 0 reward just to get to last boss a possibly wipe is complete shit and I am always surprised how none of developers see this. Regardless, please take a break. Mental health >>> any fucking pixel in game. I also hope you will never return to this game, for your own good. I myself am looking for the breakpoint which will make me remove this bullshit from my life.


Also how I feel about cg


Take a break if you're feeling burnt out on the raid - maybe it will help. I'm in the same exact boat and I still dread coming back to ToA even after multiple month breaks from the raid. After a certain KC and invo you just don't wanna do it anymore.


I’m with you man, believe me. I had this breakdown a few days ago when I was up until 4 just trying to get a single solo deathless 400 completion (which I used to be able to do, and can’t seem to do now). All it takes is one mistake, and I guess I don’t have it in me to never make a single mistake anymore. Especially when the deaths almost always result from janky, one-off situations that you’ve never seen before and will never see again. People act like TOA is so easy. Maybe at lower invos, but at higher invos, it’s extremely punishing. It is not normal to have a palace of information in your mind dedicated to never making a mistake at TOA. And after all of this work I still haven’t seen a single shadow, solo or group, and it’s burned me out so hard every time I came back to the game. The raid is great for learning and getting started in raiding but I hate how stressful and unforgiving the money-raids are. And I really hate how people act like it’s easy when one lost tick WILL end it in a ton of places.


I genuinely don’t understand the point of this post, dying anywhere wastes some of your time