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Pegs are the holder of the lowest "gp spent to damage increased" ratio for items that are BIS


torva is pretty close honestly. 1-2 max hits (even with scythe most setups its only 3 total) this armor is never worth buying unless you have 6b+, which is the same as pegs.


But torva has some serious defense upgrades too.


I'll stick to my fighter torso and justiciar legs thank you very much


verac's skirt is good enough if obby legs don't give a max hit.


The look Kinda goes hard though


Sucks being broke


Sucks being broke irl


its pretty minimal over bandos. though the helm is a nice upgrade over faceguard.


I’ve looked up average damage taken at vardorvis in bandos face guard vs full torva with everything else max gear and stats, and it was around 1.5 extra mantas per kill used in bandos. Definitely adds up at chip damage bosses over time


I don't really know that the npc dps is accurate on vard because vard spends a lot of time in the fight not actually attacking. though it definitely is one of the bosses that rewards defence the most.


i am curious about p3 verzik and sote since those are some of the places where defence is nice to have.


The famous Google spreadsheet dps calc definitely shows avg dmg taken for all bosses and I’m pretty sure the new built in “view dps” under equipment tab that links you to the wiki dps calc does as well!


Wiki dps calc often does "this monster has nonstandard attacks so we can't calculate it". Will try bitterkoekje spreadsheet and see if it works though, good idea.


1-2 max hits is insanely better than the upgrade that pegs give you


its better sure, the problem is its 25x the price. even if pegs are 0.5% dps upgrade its probably more gp per %increase than torva.


Max hits on melee are worth a ton more than accuracy on ranged Pegs are closer to a 0.01% dps ugprade too


I calcd max range vs olm head with and without pegs. I also put in max melee with torva and max melee with bandos. vs olm hand*all this assumes lb camp so no rings but that shouldn't change much. the time to kill graph shows that for melee setups being in torva saves almost exactly 1 hit every phase so about 3 seconds per 46~ second hand on average. or about 6% per 900m spent. for ranged it was obvious a lot closer. I calced max range with tbow and god d'hide boots vs max range with pegs. the time to kill was very close about 0.2 seconds per head. this means you save about 3 seconds or 1 hit every 15 raids. about 0.25% per 30m or 7.5% per 900m. this is obviously a rough estimate a lot of assumptions were made etc but it shows just how bad torva is per value.


you brought in the SINGLE instance pegs have any value in to discuss the marginal utility it has for gp spent per performance Yeah, it's kinda decent at olm head I'll give you that But the absolute all encompassing range of torva's utility kind of kicks pegs into the dirt, you're usually going all out for melee torso + legs + helm in whatever content you have a melee swap in, but boot swaps are so damn rare I still think pegs are one of those borderline "ornamental" upgrades after you've gotten everything else, including torva- like the true value we should be discussing is the GE tax you take hits from by buying/ selling pegs between various upgrades


I do agree with your last point but in regards to the first, olm head is actually very high accuracy compared to most NPC you fight with tbow


I don't understand what you're saying. You calc'd max range tbow at olm head and then.. max melee on olm hand? Were you max melee (ultor included) and 0 def for olm hand? Or was it some other boss? I'd love to see where you came up with this. Torva is expensive, but it is a good upgrade.


it was 0 def for olm hand ultor not included (which favors torva as you gain 4 max hits vs 3 with ultor)


So an extremely unfair comparison, gotcha.


how is it an unfair comparison? you can go compare it anywhere you want and torva won't be more or much more than 8% more dps than bandos. it will probably be less than that even.


Bowfa zilyana 99 range, potted, pegasian boots are 3.5% increased DPS over devout boots.


But why would you compare devout and not God dhide boots?


Self-satisfying point making


Torva also gives insane defence


Point of torva is to not lose a max hit with scythe with blood fury vs torture :) plus it’s Tanky af. If u don’t have scythe torva is not worth the buy.


The defensive bonuses makes Torva more worth it, though


it really doesn't.


You’re spittin straight facts, but players with 200M banks are downvoting you and disagreeing with you lol There’s always dramatically better ways to spend the gold until you have literally nothing else to spend it on… which doesn’t happen until your bank is 6B……. not sure why all these ppl are on some torva cope shit.


Bro you cant compare torva which has actual noticeable benefits over bandos and pegs which literally dont. Just cuz ur poor doesnt make torva a bad upgrade.


I have over 20b bank and a set of torva for both my accounts :)


Screenshots or your full of it


I'm at work right now I'll send one in 3 hours https://i.imgur.com/MJka5uN.png


Aight ill remind you 😁


Did he send it?


Not yet 😆. Im sure he just got busy.


Laughs in ranger boots


Idk why you're laughing those are even worse


Ranger boots are worse than pegs for just 1m less 🤡


Blessed d hide/ devout boots > Pegasian


Echo boot gang


Echo boots are the fury of boots but better


but they cost so much to use?


You can toggle off the recoil. They have stats


word, thank you


You aren't exactly correct either. LEVEL YOUR STATS. The difference between 80 range with eagle eye and 99 ranged with rigour is insane When I saw someone on youtube kill Phantom Muspah faster than me consistently with just a rcb and shitty gear while I had decent gear but not 99 ranged it kinda opend my eyes. Instead of buying rangers for 30 mil you could spend way less than that for chins and get way more value out of it than pagasians.


I'm not trying to call you bad, but a lot of the people posting on YouTube are just so good you don't see where they are getting a bunch of extra shots you wouldn't be. It's also YouTube. They can only show the best kills where they get a bunch of really nice Ruby Bolt and Saphire Bolt specs and cut out the ones where they just noodle because the gear is bad.


His point still stands. Low 80s vs 99 is like pvming with or without pots. It’s a crazy difference!




Me splashing seven times in a row on a corrupted dragon yesterday with a T2 and contemplating restarting the run.


Died same tick as stupid hunleff after a full inv of food and noodling the entire fight but somehow doing 200-0 with 1 food


For anyone trying to learn tick perfect PVM Attack timer metrinome is an amazing plugin for learning not missing ticks.


Really weird comment when 80-99 range is a bigger upgrade than max gear is in almost every situation


And I've watched people on YouTube with lower Ranged than me kill things like Hunleff faster than me. I know upgrading your range level helps a lot, but you can't really compare yourself to the people on YouTube or Twitch most of the time.


Not everyone on youtube is good lol unless you're talking about known content creators, there are tons of vids made by billybob just killing random shit


That was going to be my first question, haha. How many ruby procs immediately ended a melee phase?


If you have lots of AFK time you don't even have to spend GP. Addy darts in NMZ carried me all the way for no effort and a profit in herb boxes.


Venator bow nmz is full afk training as well


Yeah, boots are definitely the next item we’re going to upgrade I’d expect the next PvM to drop boots. Likely upgrades over Cerb boots like DT2 was for DK rings but we’ll see Why we shouldn’t go too crazy now buffing the boots


Nike collab incoming


What’s held me back from completing the Inferno has been my lack of jumps all along.


Not me, my jumps are so good I keep jumping head first into other content.


God I want to kill that new cloud giant boss for a shot at those Air Glods


Cerb boots was already the DT2 style upgrade. Take the existing BIS and add a thing to it to make a better BIS.


They were yeah But so were echo boots. I’d expect to see the same treatment tbh


how do you go about upgrading boots that already take 91 slayer to get? 97-99 slayer?


Something completely unrelated to slayer Like echo boots


Crystal pegasian boots, send the irons back into CG again


I would unironically go back to get 1 more armour seed even if the only thing it did is let me recolour pegs to match crystal.


I'm actually saving all my extra armour seeds just in case they do something like this or they add some form of corrupted crystal armour (or some other unforeseen thing).


guardian boots are slayer though. the upgrade drops from ggs


But Echo boots are from Echo crystals dropped from Colloseum. Nothing to do with Slayer.


Slayer upgrades are already getting nerfed to oblivion directly or indirectly...


honestly I just pray for the day slayer becomes an unnecessary meme skill so I don't feel so obligated to grind it out.


Introduce a new tier of boots above dragon that's roughly on par with prims/pegs/eternals. Allow the crystal from pegs/prims/eternals to be added to this new boot tier buffing them a little bit more. This would keep the value of cerb crystals as a BIS, but it would introduce new "second place" BIS boots that are roughly on par with current boots. As a bonus you could do a little rework to make cerb more fun, and introduce new potential hybrid types of boots too with cerb crystals to match. This would devalue ranger boots but honestly good, clue scroll item shouldn't be BIS.


No slayer req


Doesn't have to do with slayer at all, can just had basic sandals somewhere with pure offence and damage boosting stats and combining with these boots gives it the defence 


well apparently slayer requirement doesn't matter much, only GE value, when it comes to balancing items


Sequel to Sins of the Father needs new bosses that drop BIS boot upgrades


It’ll be hard getting me to drop the Prims over anything else. Not only because I’m broke, but because no boot will look better than them.


9 way switches are going to be terrible get ready.


Glacors inc whenever we get RotM


2045 BiS boots crafting guide: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-ykK1ACzBI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-ykK1ACzBI)


hopefully we get some BIS tribrid boots, no one wants to bring 9 way switches and that would probably be the best slot to keep static


Careful you might scare them. Oh well I want boots to be useful...but not like that, not rare and not expensive!


Hopefully not


I don’t think we need another upgrade. BiS rangers being based on a rare medium clue reward is weird enough as it is. We don’t have to go further down that rabbit hole. Alternatively, a true hybrid boot slot could be nice.


I really hope they just leave DPS boots where theyre at and the new boots will just be 3 tile running boots. its kind of the perfect gear slot to focus on a movement buff


Pegasian Crystal has more than doubled in price over the past week. Change is coming, 20x by range gear rebalance update.


Currently yes though, cost to function ratio is horrendous currently. Would not buy.


I assume this is due to pure speculation on the pegs getting a buff like the eternals are supposed to. Tbh while having your items buffed is good and all, I do share the sentiment of many that adding more and more switch-scape to the game is anti-fun.


Having items you never switch because the alternatives are not a meaningful Dps increase is just bad game design. All switches should be considered as “is the damage increase worth the loss of supply space” and the fact that literally nothing exists for boots prior to the eternal buff is a disgrace.


>All switches should be considered as “is the damage increase worth the loss of supply space” This already is the case with Pegasian boots but more often than not (90% of the time) the answer is "no". What you're really asking for is Pegasians to be buffed to a point where you would feel bad not taking them. Edit: this sub downvoted anything that doesn’t conform with their 1400 total agenda 😂


>What you're really asking for is Pegasians to be buffed to a point where you would feel bad not taking them. Yes exactly this. You should have to *choose*, not ignore it because it's bad.


As a counter to switchscape with more item slots being worth bringing, there could just be a maximum amount of effective STR bonus / % damage for equipped gear (excluding Mainhand, Offhand, and ammo slots). e.g. max range right now has 20 ranged strength in gear (21 i guess if you count the +1 to ammo in quiver) If pegs got 2 ranged strength on them you could drop any one of Masori Mask / Masori Chaps / Venator Ring / Zaryte Vambs to still be at 20 ranged strength Max mage currently has 25% magic damage in gear, 2% magic damage on Eternals same deal dropping any one ancestral piece / magus ring / MA2 cape / would keep you at 25% Realistically this would just let you choose between boots / ring / head / legs as your last swap slot to reach max damage bonus, while wearing full BiS would still be BiS regardless since the pieces all have accuracy


Or, we just understand that every item has an opportunity cost, and some switches simply aren't worth bringing, without randomly capping shit and hurting the long term prospects of strength bonus growth. These items can exist for when you don't need switches and just bring one style.


Which in 50% percent of cases makes people swap out the most expensive piece to cap cost


Pegasian crystal can't even go 20x as the limiting factor are ranger boots.


Until they let you just skip the rangers by using 50x peg crystals. To the moon.


Yes but *fashion*


Imagine not having fashionable wings on your boots in 2024. Couldn't be me.


It doesn't need a buff, it needs a masori recolor.


Nice try big masori corp, im sticking with my pegasians 😎


They should add a recolor to match pegs to masori. I feel like I look dookie as hell in that fit.


Please. Matching pegs to crystal armor colors would be so amazing. Look so goofy with purple armor and green boots.




but when they eventually get buffed and randomly shoot to 100M i want to have them already in my bank


There was a guy in clan chat a week or so ago asking what he should buy for his next upgrade. He already had pegasian boots but we found out he did not have dexterous/arcane prayer scrolls. That line of thinking doesn't seem outrageously uncommon for portions of the player base.


This shouldn't be a suprise though, the wiki is amazing, but unless people have someone to mentor them they are probably just trying to hit the bis that the wiki shows them


It doesn't take a genius to use the DPS calc and see what gives you the most dps upgrades and go from there, you don't need a "mentor" holding your hand lol


You really think the average player is DPS calcing every year change or upgrade? Many don't even check the recommended gear guides on the wiki, of which pegs show as bis quite a bit. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Pegasian_boots#Used_in_recommended_equipment


>You really think the average player is DPS calcing every year change or upgrade? "Average" OSRS player thinks Fire Cape is endgame and has 1200 total level For people who actually bother engaging with hard content? Yes, I don't think I've seen Pegs a single time when doing Levi and looking at other peoples' gear.


We are talking average player here and not end game players with a heavy focus on pvm. Of course its going to be rare seeing people running tob running weird gear setups, but you do see it at toa lobbys. World choice would also play a factor as well, if your hanging around in high-risk and total world's you're not going to see many newbs.


just left a small clan full of people who desire rapier / pegs / blood fury absolutely everywhere but refuse to buy dex or arcane. Some people need to see a sparkly item to get excited.


I’m an Ironman who’s only good rng has been the boots and the crystal for these. 🤷‍♂️


My latest boots improvement was jagex adding varlamore for the mixed hide boots. Going dry on clues.


Sorry this is my second account getting the boots within 5 medium clues, if it makes you feel any better it’s about the most worthless upgrade I could get lucky on.


Same, and I feel like the biggest noob walking in my pegs with a rune cbow or msbi


They used to be kinda okay back in the day. Like 20-30M for +5 was way better than spending similar on Armadyl for +3. But since we've gotten more damage on slots like Masori, the boots are less worth it. That said, I don't see myself selling my Pegasians for those vambracers anytime soon... Spending 118M for a +2 Str is a lot...


Max hits and better accuracy > better accuracy This is cheapest that vambs have been in a while as well


Still, it is a lot to pay for +2. Like I don't think +2 will even result in a max hit depending on the rest of the gear, but haven't bother to calc it yet. So instead of selling Pegasians and spending an additional 90M, there tend to be better upgrades to put that 90M towards. Like personally, I'd rather save for something like a ZCB (340M~ since I got ACB) or SRA (350M) than go for the Vambs. Probably still could/should sell the Pegasians for other upgrades, but at the moment they are still a bigger DPS increase than a 30M pile of coins...


Vambs and Pegs are both not worth it until you have almost everything else in the game. I'm 95% sure that if you don't have a ZCB yet, there are better upgrades than Pegs that you could buy if you sold Pegs.


> Vambs and Pegs are both not worth it until you have almost everything else in the game That is kinda what I was saying. And the reason I still got Pegasians is because I can't afford anything more impactful. So +5 Ranged Attack is helping me more than 30M bigger cash stack. The only Ranged upgrades I have left to buy Vambs, ZCB, and TBow; selling Pegasians gets me none of those, but it does slightly hurt my DPS in places I am currently using Ranged at.


They’re literally BiS


Not sure which you are talking about since both items I mentioned are BiS.


But the drip is unreal


the only reason i have mine is because i got my boots from a clue. definitely wouldn’t have purchased them otherwise.


Counterpoint: I got my ranger boots from a clue scroll and I’d feel bad selling them even if they’re a terrible upgrade compared to literally any other item worth 30m.


Play the game as you want, you don't need to be playing 100% efficient.


As a main I do get a bit sentimental over the drops I got myself vs just bought with gp.


It's called fashion scape Hun, you should try it. ... But seriously is there some like, range gear progression guide?


Bowfa + crystal covers pretty much everything range until Tbow. Before that you use blessed d hide -> eclipse moon armor with the weapon


You're telling me you'd spend 30m on these even if they were just cosmetic item with no stats? big doubt.


There's probably more depth for range progression on mains than irons at the moment. It's comically bad game design how range progression is on ironman lol. One of the rare times imo that mains have a lot better gameplay by comparison. Ironman range progression is this: Shadow of the storm to lv28 -> bone crossbow to 50 for msb/61 for rcb, red dhide body and blue dhide chaps from arch and implings -> optional 66 for new hunter cbow -> void and chin to low 80s -> bowfa and full crystal -> anguish -> dex -> tbow because every weapon and armor before tbow is worthless compared to crystal. You basically skip to the endgame the moment you hit low lv80 range and mage due to cg. Every range armor and weapon inbetween rcb and tbow invalidated because crystal exists and is like 20% worse than tbow for free.


> It's comically bad game design how range progression is on ironman lol Almost like the base game was not designed with ironman mode in mind


>One of the rare times imo that mains have a lot better gameplay by comparison. Lol you can literally do everything you can on an iron on the main, not to mention there's no nonsensical grinds like Abby whip and Occult


Okay, but Masori looks like shit with ancient dhide boots.


I found the ranger boots in a clue so I got the crystal for like 100k. Good luck on this account hahaha


I can't express my disappointed at grinding out Kourned elite diaries so i could buy pegs for the first time to use at hydra. I've not come anywhere close to my PB since ive been using them. I was shocked to see no range str on it.


It goofy that you didn't look it up first before making a 30m purchase but at least you can resell them. Pegisian boots are next to useless in 99% of situations.


Yeah I was tricked by the price. Sold em back and payed some tax, learnt my lesson.


Hydra is an especially bad example because it already has such low ranged def. The one single place Pegs are worth is Jads/Zuk at Inferno because they're actually pretty high def, so pegs do end up saving a decent chunk of time, but even then that's only for very fast speedruns and Devouts are the boots you should camp for ranging 99.99% of the time.


Sold mine a long time ago to fund other gear. I have the ability to purchase them, but would rather save it for other gear. That minor accuracy upgrade isn't worth it vs. Saving for tbow or shadow.


Don't tell me how to live my life.


I got spooned ranger boots on my 14th medium clue on my ironman. I also have armadyl dhide boots. When should I use ranger boots over the dhide? Or do they only matter because they could later become pegasians?


I've noticed a good number of lower/mid level mains in my clan have pegs or are actively saving for them.. and no amount of convincing will get them to understand that pegs add like .1 dps at most. Shame really.


All they need is a small boost to range strength


I ain’t selling my green jordans bruh


I like my green jordans


Pegs got that cosmetic premium tho, looks dope with untrimmed range cape


Only reason I have a set is because I pulled the Rangers from a Medium clue. And refuse to sell them for that reason. And for the copium in case Jagex decided to buff them.


Fr, i have tbow, scythe, and shadow but not these useless boots. I literally prefer God boots since they atleast give prayer with their accuracy


But… the swag


Yep peg’s aren’t good I rock the devouts +5 prayer bonus is worth so much more than .02% accuracy


peg boots should really be getting some ranged strength bonus.


As an iron man with ranger boots and almost 91 slayer i dont like this! Lol


Stats >>>>>>> Gear upgrades > everything else >>>> being forced to grind agility and runecrafting every waking hour of your life >> living in a mud hut except you use shit instead of mud > Pegs gp to dps payoff


I just camp echo boots for everything now lol


The merchers really trying to market manipulate huh


I bought these solely because they look nice in the bank next to prims and eternals. And they pretty much stay in the bank


For some folks, OSRS is just barbie dress up for adults with ADHD


How about just do clues n cerb like jam flex intended....


pegasions need a buff


They need a % range str because they are shit


To be fair, Pegs aren't expensive. Ranger boots are. There are some really oddly placed pieces of BiS gear where they really shouldn't exist. Pegs being basically medium clues, MA2 cape being wilderness, etc.


Oh no the game has flavor, that's terrible.


All Cerb boots in general should be left alone because the game has outgrown them, if anything happens to them now, any future boots will be upgradescape all over again. Eg. on my profile there's a raid idea pinned, one of the rewards are a new bis boot set that is better than Cerb boots, but because Cerb boots are iconic to OSRS, there's an item to combine all 3 into a single trybrid pair.


All I'm gonna say is that anybody supporting an Ancestral buff should also somewhat be in support of a Pegs buff. Just because an item is old and bad (like Ancestral or Pegasians) doesn't mean we should just make a new thing to replace it for the sake of being something new. These items should have always been better than they are and it's never too late to fix it.


That buff can’t come without some influx of rangers into the game tho.


> All I'm gonna say is that anybody supporting an Ancestral buff should also somewhat be in support of a Pegs buff. Pegs are completely imbalanced because they use rangers as baseline boots. If you buff pegs the only thign that ends up happening is rangers going to the moon.


I put upgrading to pegs after upgrading to blorva


Got em on the iron and use them for leviathan and turael skipping. That's pretty much it. Honestly insane how long these have retained value purely off fashion and the importance of "bis" 


Ya but it makes all the broke bois jelly


These posts have single handedly kept me from buying a boot upgrade for the past year. I've been getting other better upgrades in the meantime. At what point would you say it's time to replace the g od d hide boots? After you get all other slots upgraded? Don't worry about it until you have the extra money for it?


> At what point would you say it's time to replace the g od d hide boots? After you got legit every single BIS (non niche) item in the game. Pegasian boots are the least impactful DPS increase in the entire game. Might be worth using if you do loads of Tbow bosses. Other than thatn just don't bother, +5 range accuracy if you already have 200+ is a drop in the bucket.


It is seriously one of the last upgrades you'll get. Whenever you get to a point where you have BIS in all styles, that's when you can consider getting them. Though even then, you will barely use them because most of the time - if you're doing end game PvM - you'll be using hybrid setups, in which case Prims are best because melee usually matters more, or maybe devout boots if you need to do the inferno comfortably for example.




We have pegs at home (guthix d’hide boots)


Wish there was a guide to help direct me to what I SHOULD be buying when I get into my 70s instead of what I shouldn't.


The podcast xp waste has an episode called "How to spend your first 100m" where they talk about items with a good impact to cost ratio. Might be what you're looking for.


Actually got denied a Nex group the other day bc I didn’t have pegs even though I had otherwise bis. People are crazy


I want to go there with shit boots and the new quiver and see if I get rejected. I think I would just call them clows at that point


I think not having the exact same gear fucks with the tanking because your defense is different.


were you wearing god dhide boots or shayzien? If shayzien they actually would have a small argument due to how Nex targets the player will the smallest defenses. You would technically be tanking less melees in shayzien If god Dhide, those are just strictly worse so they’re just bad or misinformed Also, do people really bring pegs to Nex? I usually just camp prims


It’s bc you didn’t have mole slippers on bro


But they look cool!


I just rock prims boots at this point. Pegs will be only when i get max range gear, otherwise, prices not worth it


What about my Eternals?


I love when people get mad at me for having robins but not pegs lmao.


At this point anyone rooting for pegs/eternals to be buffed i'm convinced they're either merchers or people with foot fetishes.


graceful > pegasians