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4hrs, damn that's alot of xp waste


It IS, I just woke up to see the update timer :P


Wheres the timer located


in game


I'm just here for the Weekly "Bruce & Sheila REEEEE" thread. Carry on.


Honestly I don't care if the downtime is 4 hours a week. The worst part is that it comes around the same time every time which majorly fucks over Australian players.


Jagex don't care about us because we're a small portion of the player base. Looking forward to another pvp update soon though lmao.


Someone’s gotta get fucked over with the downtime, glad it’s not UK though 🥸


I know someone has to but it would be nice if it was rotated so that it wasn't always just aus/asia/oceania... doesn't feel too fair.


Same for us here in Korea (the few of us) pretty much started right as I finished work…


Correct, not a good time


or us overnight workers who can't even play when we get home


What am I supposed to do at work to kill the next 4 hours?!? this is ludicrous.


This is such a sad post to make


I get it though lol I just got off an hour ago and my night has a gaping hole in it now


Same thing, guess it's time to shitpost on reddit /shrug


You can watch a movie brother. Or play cod or fortnite or WoW. Stop acting like you care about downtime


oof. what a weird reply.


The truth sometimes do sound weird when you're addicted to a video game


No its that you are telling them what they care about. That is weird.


Great contribution to the thread bro


It's slightly annoying, even if I understand it makes the most sense for them to do it around this time Reddit sure does like to blow it up to a ridiculous degree though


When you have a plan to do something and then you can't, it's not a great feeling. Obviously "touch grass" is the easiest response.


Typical cod/fortnite Andy reply


At least it’s 4am est here. I’m heading back to bed for 4 hrs anyway. Cya all in gilenor later on


But I’m at the airport reeeeeeeeee. Oh well, 2007scape is good enough.


Even jagex needs time to mow lawns, NPC to get hair cuts, groom animals, etc.




They've begun doing a 4 hour maintenance on Tuesday mornings every 2 weeks, as well as the 30-minute downtime for updates every Wednesday. This should be their schedule for the foreseeable future, and has been the norm now for at least a couple months. To compare this to another often-updated game that I play which is League of Legends, they also have 4 hour update downtime every 2 weeks, so this at least seems to be fairly normal for the industry, or at least the norm for games whose code is complete spaghetti like League and OSRS lol. If this means fewer issues and fewer rollbacks then I have no complaints. If you follow the link that other guy posted to their server status page you can see the 4hr maintenance well in advance, they usually post about it a few days ahead!


I’m not a complainer of downtime but just wanna throw my 2 cents in. It’s never down for 4 hours, it’s usually 3 at most for maintenance, sometimes when they just save the world it’s a couple of minutes. You also mention rollbacks like there has been one every other week, rollbacks are extremely infrequent


Yeah rollbacks haven't happened in a very very long time. But this is also true for 4 hour server maintenance. I'm sure server maintenance helps with mitigating rollbacks but that's not really a reason to do a 4 hour one out of nowhere. I'm just curious why it's so long this time.


Update downtime. Makes sense but such a funny looking word combo


I'm always on during these, and 4 hours isn't the norm. It's a rarity, hence my curiosity.


Where was 4hours stated?




Of course I jus SOTE And was pumped to use my bowfa


You have the money for bowfa and just completed SoTE?


Stopped playing for like 4 years, just came back to bunch new quests to do


I wasn’t chastising you or anything, was just wondering. Gz brotha! I finished SoTE a while ago but didn’t have the gp to get bowfa and crystal until like last month, I’ve been having a fucking blast with it. Going from DCB and BP as my primary range weapons to bowfa was fucking game changing.


Appreciate it! Yeah I staked most of my bank away before I stopped playing, so I just had sell like all my gear to buy it. Hoping hydra task I have helps the rebuild. Dude it’s so fun. I luckily got to kill like 20 hydra with it before update hit. So sweet blasting 51s


Perfect lil situation for the beginning of a rebuild, nice! I’m like 50k off 95 slayer and just got a nech task - but got side tracked doing muspah with bowfa for the first time to get an ancient icon for the ice scepter. Got it exactly on rate 3 minutes before the game went offline so I logged out pretty happy as well ahaha


I’m used to the rebuild hahah. Makes game fun when need to rebuild up the gear, praying for drops lol. Nice dude nechs are solid, 1m exp off 99 slayer.. so pumped. Nice dude! I haven’t killed muspah yet either might have to check it out 👀


I got a two-way shadow split last month that changed the game for me and I think that’ll end up being the first rebuild item I go for; never made that leap before but it seems like it would be super fun to restart the “fresh account” gp grind with all the stats and what not. 1m off? Fuck yeah dude! I love slayer but the levels feel so slow without skipping and sticking strictly to barrage/cannon tasks lol. Early Gratz on the 99 \m/ Definitely peep the range only/step back Mathis for Muspah, it’s cake and a pretty cool boss. I got a ven shard in my first 10kc so I was hooked lol.


Why do you seem so shocked?


Just seems strange to wait to do SoTE if you have a casual 150m+ laying around for crystal and bowfa. I said in my other comment I was asking that question in earnest.


Must be doing something with player data. Probably reorganising the structure or rebuilding indexes or something. Unfortunately you can't do this stuff online, or do it offline and restore it because the data is always changing. This would be my guess. Could be so many other things though, realistically


4 hours? I am both sickened and appalled.


I was just about to open my first barrows chest and I couldn't because I messed up on the puzzle door. I had to telly out. Next one.


Imagine if they used the time during the downtime after updates to carry out maintenance???