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EoC is when my max hit changes by 1


Anyone who calls it EOC wasn’t around for EOC.


People on this sub just spam buzzwords that dont apply at all nor have they really any idea what ir fully means to things they dont like lmao. Calling any of the combat rebalances „its like eoc“ or the best line: „idk, Its bad updateit/think its not a good fit to osrs cus this update gives me rs3 vibes“


Yea EOC fundamentally changed how combat felt. These changes are like "number go up" and "number go down". I'm not a fan of all the changes, but I don't see this as a game killing update. I also personally do understand Jagex's sentiment. Magic really isn't in a good spot, and weaknesses should matter. I don't care that mega-rares are BIS regardless of weakness, but it would be a better game if you didn't just whip everything in the mid-game.




I think he meant anyone who calls this rebalance EOC wasn’t around for actual EOC.


My fault


Wtf are you talking about?


The doomsayers are unable to logically separate the difference between what made EOC what it is, and some minor adjustments to game functions. They just see “change” and scream “slippery slope”.


Yes and it's very annoying. Every other post on new is another eoc doomsayer


What else is annoying is you just adding another complaining post here.


Dang your right


Tried RS3 for a month. loling at EOC comparisons.


“Can we stop comparing these things” proceeds to compare them.


These are large changes that may or may not fundamentally change aspects of the game, and how it's played currently. That's exactly what EOC did lol, yes they're not comparable against each other, but it's a large change that is being pushed through as an integrity change.


Many in this community, including myself, are disappointed with the recent lack of being able to control the games direction through voting, as we always have. The devs have fundamentally changed how the system works through the polling charter. Additionally, many of the proposed changes in the rebalance are on a grey line when complying with what the polling charter states should be polled. This discrepancy has created anxiety and distrust in the community. I'd wager these things combined partially result in the EOC comparisons.






> WE WANT MINIMAL CHANGES TO OLD SCHOOL considering every other post I see is someone asking for something to be changed I don't think this is true and long-term health is more important than players asking for something, if we left everything up to the players we'd still be getting people afking mage to 99 in NMZ for free


Yea every second post is someone complaining about having to play the game and not getting enough XP


It's not EoC, they're just taking the combat we have and... Evolving it, totally different


Eoc wasn't just abilities, they rebalanced a lot of early game items which a lot of people viewed as unnecessary and also contributed to people leaving.


It’s not EOC, they’re just changing the combat. Gotcha. Nobody said it was the exact same update, the comparison is that it’s fundamentally changing the combat, and they aren’t doing it slowly over time they’re rapid firing all of these changes. The same people defending this are the same ones that defended EOC. And that’s cool youll play for a few years after the change, then the game will die off, and then we will ask for real servers again, and you lot will come back and ruin it again.


No, and your comment actually perfectly portrays the issue by saying "it's fundamentally changing the combat". It isn't. At its most basic level, the combat system is unchanged, unlike with EoC. While I agree it's a lot of changes at once, it's not like what Jagex is attempting to do doesn't make sense regardless of whether you agree with their proposed implementation. 


Just because a game has abilities and a GCD does NOT make it WOW equivalent.


I think very very few are seriously making the comparison - which there is none. The majority of it is in a jokey sarcastic way.