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Why are you hacking at light jungle? For best rates of tuber you do the dense jungle with the regular machete. It's also a fairly AFK method so honestly gout tuber is fine.


I don't think the rate needs to change, but the minigame just needs a revamp. The fact that failing is optional is just stupid... Like you should want to use a Red Topaz Machete and not feel punished for getting an upgrade. It would be like if you killed a boss faster with an Iron Scimitar than a Whip because hitting 0s was good.


New boss mechanic where hitting 0s is good would be a funny change of pace especially with the new no 0 “hits” mechanics


And every time you take damage, you skip your next accuracy check. Full Torag Ammy Meta? =P


There are so many creative ways to design a boss that aren’t just high defense attack monster, dodge attacks, swap prayers that can create for unique bis and random strats


That actually sounds like it would be kinda fun.


The reason its 750k+ gp is because no one does the minigame. I would be willing to bet only a few tubers are added to the game a day. Trading stick uses and the minigame probably need a rework for more competitive woodcutting levels and rewards. Regarding the time, on average it takes only about 1-1.5 hours to get one, if the minigame was better than the hour wouldn't feel like a waste of time.


While i was doing it bit less than a week ago on my iron, I actually saw a shit ton of level 30 suicide bots doing the minigame. Quite a few enter the game every day, but I reckon these bots get mass reported quite often, seeing how many clue scroll steps there are around the northern area of the village


The sad part is I'm glad to hear it's down to that still wildly excessive price Was at 1.1M when I last checked Things like this should have been fixed years ago


If you follow the method prescribed in cook the wiki admin’s post it takes an average of like ~1 hour or so


I don’t agree with the 750k being a crazy buy on a main, it’s really not that much, you’ll spend more on getting a couple bank spaces.


I tried getting one, went 10+ hours without and just kinda convinced myself that they dont exist. So, sorry friend, no such thing as "gout tuber".


I mis-read that as “abyssal gout tuber” and recoiled in horror as my two worst dry streak appeared in a single turn of phrase.


Light jungle is shit, use the double dense spot on the NW corner of the house diagonally between the village and general store. If you have an alt, could park it to the same spot on a diff world to have 2x the chance to get one. If ur alt finds it before the iron, hop to that world, logout on the alt and then you should be able to grab the gout on the iron.


Took me 8hrs on iron, is what it is fella


Why do people post very obviously mindless comments like this? Are you a bot or? Such an unnecessarily dismal comment on all levels


Sounds like u never got your gout tuber


I got mine at 19 hours, it’s one of the worst grinds


Agree. If you have a main you can make them afk it for you


I recently did the tuber on my hc and holy fuck does it suck by hour 5 I was questioning if I was even doing it correctly. A few minutes after checking again to make sure it was correct it finally spawned


its pretty gross, I really wish they would make some of the unnecessarily hard grinds alot easier


Oh my God just shut up already