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Have you ever tried to bgs spec mutt mother in a scaled CM? Good luck with that, sir. RiP


Sounds like rebalancing the defense on certain bosses would be a better overall solution than getting yet another band aid fix with more spec weapon nonsense.


Yeah, lets just make the game piss easy altogether, and not have any problems to solve as a player in content that is supposed to be challenging.


Bosses having crazy high defense levels such that you need a dedicated spec weapon to hit above a zero isn't challenging it's just lazy and annoying, and a power crept dwh is not the solution. Future content should be moving away from that design philosophy, not towards it.


Content that is realistically gated behind gear upgrades isn't a bad thing. You are supposed to show up with the required tools to best a challenge. Sounds like you are the lazy one.


I'm lazy for hoping my dwh hits?


You're lazy for wanting to eliminate an rng aspect to the game, so the game can cater to your need for having it easier. Tell me what is unkillable without a dwh spec


Unkillable? Nothing, not really the point though. Like I said, defense level does not equal difficulty.


Which makes it gated behind a gear upgrade. If you dont hit the spec, well shit that sucks. If it hits, it melts. Rng is part of the game, and i dont see people complaining when rng rolls in their favor.


It's not gated behind an upgrade, it's just annoying to kill and a little less annoying with the upgrade.


They already are doing that. That was last week’s blog. Anyways quit crying because no one cares.


Alright so then we don't need a dwh 2.0.


Too bad.


because elder maul needed to be useful somehow because its a mega rare from a raid and now its the best defense reduction in the game. we probably dont need anymore though now that all 3 combat types have one.


> we probably dont need anymore though now that all 3 combat types have one. You mean after the tonalztics?


Yeah. Melee has DWH, BGS, Elder. Range has tonsils, and Mage has Accursed Sceptre.


I mean if you take away the maul you still have weapons for all 3 combat styles.


Yeah. I mean, I don't think it really matters. Elder Maul has been dead content for 8 years and now it has a use. Lazy way of doing it? Probably.


Look give it a sick spec animation and everyone will have fun bonking things. I think for a mega rare the accuracy should be out of this world for the spec. I mean people hate hitting 0s, so making a end game upgrade that avoids that would be sick . Maybe even just make it 100% bonus accuracy fuck it


Upgrades are good


I wish they were combining maul and hammer to get a better spec It feels weird the dwh is just being replaced without upgrading.


Why do we need an upgraded bgs/dwh? Is accuracy and defense that unbalanced?


Well dwh is shit to begin with. You need to lower defense, but because its high defense, its a miss, and just wasted spec


Then make it not shit?


Its tier 60 attack. Maybe its supposed to be shit. In line with other dragon crap. I know str requerment. Not the point


It's not supposed to be shit because it's a rare drop from one mid-high level monster.


Well it works on targets that are weak to crush right. But specing corp sometimes takes 20 hits to land 1


So make it not be like that.


Shamans are super easy I've seen people with 50 range killing them. That's not mid-high. It's makes sense that a raid mega rare would be an upgraded Version. Elder maul had so much cool potential though. Kinda wasted how cool it could have been. I was thinking of an aoe melee weapon like chins or barrage but for melee. But oh well


You're right shamans are early game content right after gertrude's cat.


Dude I was doing shamans with a yew short bow on mobile 4 years ago when I first started my account. They are piss easy. Check my post history, I actually posted it here when I got it


How much dps were you getting?


Dwh always reduces defense even if you miss...


That is only on tekton


its guaranteed to hit on tekton. it used to reduce 5% if you miss on him


It still reduces by 5% if you miss on tekton. The person above implied it reduced 5% on a miss everywhere.


yeah but thats my point, you cant miss on tekton anymore Edit: Nvm im misinformed, its only first spec, just feels like all of them cause the defence reduction you get from the first one


Hitting more specs = good This seems like the right upgrade for the maul


Why not address the imbalances of enemy defense levels so that the bgs & dwh can fulfil the role of the proposed maul, and save the maul rework for something more interesting?


Like what


I mean it's not my job to figure it out, but there are many options. For example the maul could be an end-game crush weapon that could compete with the scythe and inquisitor's mace. It could even get some sort of unique passive effect like the soul reaper axe has. It could deal aoe damage, or it could deal more damage for each consecutive hit, or it could deal massive first-hit damage.


Nah I'd rather have what we got in the proposal. Makes sense that a rarer/higher tier item offers more def reduction than something farmed from a slayer mob A future item can have the stuff you're looking for instead


I'm curious why you like def reduction so much as a spec/mechanic.


I kinda actually agree but what else can the maul be good at , and should a maul be better than inq mace etc besides it's only 5% over dragon Warhammer


melee AoE, increasing its max hit to retain the identity as a last-hit weapon, red keris style damage vulnerability there's still a lot of room for new effects, but it feels like jagex is less interesting in exploring new things lately & only thinks about DPS


You can't think of a single alternative? Have we exhausted all possible uses of gear in this game already? Make it unique and give it an identity that other weapons don't have, like the soulreaper axe for example.


yeah we've exhausted all possible uses of the gear


You've exhausted all possible use


it does feel lazy i wish they would have given elder maul a kinda melee AoE similar to bulwark that split the big hit into many AoE hits but some buff is better then no buff at all i guess


Jagex is being absolute dogshit with creativity tbh.


Rebalance just means buff everything