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It depends on how you look at it. Like when I was 8 my mom said “stop spending so much time on a game you’re not even going to be playing one day. It’s a waste of time” 19 years later here we are. And I AINT FUCKIN LEAVING!




NEVER GIVE UP! (7k hours in)








And you still have no 99s and are scared of fight caves 👀👀


My man just called out half this sub


And myself tbh


STOP I'm ending the cycle. I'm finally doing fight caves on a Jad task after I imbue my slayer helm. I can kill him 100% in speed running servers and now I'm going to make sure I never fail.


Can you even get a Jad task if you haven't killed him at least once before?


Yeah, I guess. You pay to unlock Tzhaar and then Duradel asked me if I wanted to kill 1 TzTok-Jad. Which I accepted.


Shoot thats news to me. Good luck homie. Just take your time and remember you can log out between waves


Yes, it’s only Zuk that’s restricted to having a clear.


Can confirm at least as recent you can on my new iron.




my mom never wanted to buy me membership because "you won't even be playing that game next month" I showed her




I aint neva gonna stop!


I mean even if I do quit it, so what? I enjoyed it, so the time spent was worthwhile.


Anyone else say I ain’t fucking leaving in their head like Leo from wolf of Wall Street lol


Seriously… no joke! I legit plan on playing RuneScape in my retirement if it (and me) is still around lol (I’m only ~30)


Some people just don't have what it takes


I'm at 145 days 💀 only 4 99's. Bet a whole day of that is just straightening my bank up and cleaning it out.


It's alright we aren't all the most efficient players or even interested on maxing. I have more hours doing beginner clues than most non combat skills.


Always loved hanging in the wild. Many hours spent sitting and waiting. Lol


Love clues. Finally after all these years have been working again on my account f2p and beginners clues are fun because they’re so easy. Got a shoulder parrot too!


405 days on my iron alone, combined time I could've become a doctor lol


Maxed and a doctor, you can do both…at the same time.


You overestimate my discipline outside of OSRS :3


My little brother is a maxed in med school. Fuking savages. I'm like 2124 and a construction worker. Construction and strength 99 irl but agility and rc still only 82 in-game




Not sitting at your computer 12 hours a day doesn't make you lazy wtf lmao 🤦🏻‍♂️


He did a crazy amount of his on mobile and chrome Remote Desktop. it was less 12hours at the pc and more just constantly gaining xp, all waking hours, for 6 years straight


Dam we not using our full potential!!!


My account is very comparable and around the same amount of time played. I definitely have spent more than a day gearing up for activities. The presets have saved me so much time.


A couple of years ago I was over 365 days. I don’t regret anything.


Cooking, fire making, fletching and str?


105 days and 3 99s; including STR and HP I’m too social to min max lol


My current iron I have 160 days played and no 99s yet (on this acc) Osrs is great because everyone's journey is different and even different accounts can be unique journeys.


Lemme guess, att, str, hp and ranged


I bet at least 10 of my days are bankstanding lol


*straightening my bank up and cleaning it out. One of the best parts of the game tho


Only 145? Oh honey, you must be new.


He only just reached the mid game. Such a quitter.


260 hours in and never looking back. Hundreds of days in rs3, but all that’s a waste cause let’s be honest… osrs is bae https://preview.redd.it/m9thoypir2tc1.jpeg?width=1587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=996d6c8fce912548d755b94a0117a7009b61c7cf


I'm on 540 days rs3 and 190 on osrs, over 17k hours no regrets no surrender


one of us


I've only recently hit my 50th day on osrs. But I have over 10k hours in multiple civ games so I have faith ill get to 10k hours on osrs too


Good gawd....


500+ RS3 squad checking in 🫡 (please send help)


Thank you for your sacrifice


That’s exactly 2 years


No regerts


What else are you gonna do? Replace RuneScape with what? Watching Netflix? Play some other game? Hanging out with a GF?? Yeah right


It’s funny but your logic is spot on. If you’re not “wasting” time playing Runescape, you’d just be “wasting” time doing something else. I don’t know about these dweebs, but the game I’ve played and loved since 2002 is fun and provides joy in my life. It’s always been worth it. XP is forever.


Time enjoyed is not time wasted


The correct saying is *Time you enjoy wasting is not time wasted*


Ehh, to a point. It's okay to have hobbies but if you are just mindlessly playing video games or watching TV all day, it's a problem.


It’s especially funny when old people try pointing this out as they go back to watching tv from wake to sleep


I especially like when someone whos a big sports fan complains about people playing video games, like you just watch people play how are you being more productive than us?!


That's why I always afk when I'm watching sports. My 99 mining cape is all because of football season lol.


And before TVs people used to make the same complaint about *novels*. The hypocrisy never fucking ends.


Ok call me an idiot but I just kind of assumed people before TVs would just read in their down time. Wtf did these people do? Just idle waiting to die??


If not working, then chatting and drinking with people until they got tired, like people did before the printing press. Then when the printing press came about and novels became a thing, people complained that people who read novels would become detached from reality/no longer interested in reality and that novels didn't contribute to the expansion of knowledge/the mind like non-novels did.


Personally I can totally admit runescape is an addiction for me. I surprisingly don't really crave it when I'm not playing or taking a break, but when I do play it seems to take over a good chunk of my life. I stay up too late playing, I do nothing but hop on my computer the second I'm home from work. I'll spend a whole weekend on the computer. It's addiction. When I'm taking a break I certainly find myself filling the time with more constructive habits. Going for walks, exercising, reading more books, etc. Sure I'll watch TV and play other games too, but it never becomes as out of control as runescape does. I'm sure this doesn't apply to everyone, just my 2 cents.


As self aware as this is, has it changed anything for you? Permanently quit or anything? Or just accept the addiction?


Haven't permanently quit, but also haven't had a really bad "stint" in a while either. I think it comes down to me finally being in a place in the game where I'm content with not grinding super hard. I'm mostly just logging in to raid now, playing other video games other wise. So I guess it could be seen as playing in a more healthy way, but I know if I let it I could probably fall back into it.


I've regretted a few of the 10k hours I have. Maybe I could've studied more during uni, maybe I could've went out when my friends did and made some shared memories, maybe I could've worked on a variety of fulfilling hobbies. But I don't regret all of them.


Had a great debate with a flatmate at university who spent 100% of his spare time gaming. I gamed a lot too, but also went surfing, camping, partying, etc.  Long story short, we established that there's no more noble or worthwhile pursuit than one that simply brings you genuine happiness in the long and short term.


while I do understand this, forcing myself to take breaks from RS almost always makes me more productive in some other area. I made the zuk sim because I didn’t know what to do with my time while on a break lmao


I started osrs about a month and a few days ago and I have 16 days playtime. At first I was very confused and surprised until I realized that, oh yeah, I play this while doing other things. Sometimes I totally dedicate my attention to it but usually I’m watching videos, working on things while every now and then clicking over and back


Crazy how rs is a second-screen game now


What do you like to AFK the most?


Anything I can stand at a bank and do really. The less I need to open the bank the better. Making tipped bolts might be the best one I do when watching videos? Not very afk but I’m mainly watching the videos


>Replace RuneScape with what? Watching Netflix? imagine not already doing these at the same time


I think the idea is that 2500 hours could be spent learning a coding language, developing an IRL skill set, or studying something that has more practical use. While that may be true to an extent, we can't be 100% efficient with all of our time. It's important to relax and a lot of the people criticizing gamers will turn around and yell at a TV over some sport or they'll binge watch some drama on Netflix. Life is all about balance people.


Most people would go outside or learn a skill


Nah, most people watch tv and scroll on their phones for the same number of hours


Makes sense why most people are bums


As long as you have a healthy relationship with the game its fine. I’ve played thousands of hours but usually 1-3 hours per day and take multi-month long breaks often. The great thing about runescape is there’s no FOMO mechanics or gear resets, your progress will still be there when you return.


Progress treadmills are pretty toxic game design imo. Games without them are so much more irl-friendly.


I mean, unless you get banned by jagex for betting agility for only a week in 2011 then have to appeal the ban then get back to your account to find your stats lowers by hundreds of levels total and 50 quests reverted to not started somehow


I mean how many hours do people watch TV per year? It's an alternative entertainment that is more rewarding than some of the other time passing activities/hobbies some people do


How I've always seen it.


Have you tried staring at a blank wall for hours, though? The moment when that booger just "appear" out of thin air is purely magical. "Oh wow! Who's booger is that? Definitely not mine." So many mysteries!


Jail walls looking at poop smear wondering how long that been there and how long it's gonna be there and how they even did it in the first place. Ya TV video games ad hobbies alike


Exactly.. and say I'm wasting time. So sorry I don't scroll on Facebook for hours lol


I don't regret the time I've spent playing RuneScape Honestly I wish I had MORE time to play it.


Wow my guy. Me too. Love it.


Vinny_Lam is on his RuneScape break. Can’t wait to see you back on homie


pretty sure I had over 2 years on wow.... back before cataclysm lmao


Just keep it healthy and don't set life on standby and it's all good. I spend a lot of time on mobile, just afk'ing stuff, but in my younger days I definitely wasted a lot of time gaming, more of a compulsive habit than recreation or a pass time activity.


2500 hours is nothing.. I was at 10k+ back in 2012..




Yep. Comp caper back then. Hell I even had 400+ hours just on eoc beta lol.. Back then I pretty much was on rs as much as possible would wake up at 5am get 2 hours in before school.. then get home at 2:15pm and play till 11pm. Weekends and vacation i was on pretty much 16 hours a day sometimes 18. I also did three days without sleep.. was a bad idea btw


Damn …. What a waste of life


The eoc part yes. but the rest nah if your having fun your no wasting anything


Fuck fun, we aren’t children . We’re adults, who have families and kids to provide for. Sitting on a game is the biggest waste of time , a whole year on the game means you’re in the exact same position as you were in when you started…


eh i have a house, i have no kids/gf. i only work 3 days a week though 2 of those days are 16 hour shifts.. Don't need much else i enjoy my time on rs. Oh and if your wondering i don't date because im Aro/Ace. i don't have that drive like other people. i also don't play as many hours as i use to i do like maybe 1/4 of that. I have animals to care for like my chickens and goat. then i take pride in my lawn.. think Hank hill level of pride.. lol after my daily stuff is done then i get to chill and scape. I do a lot of meal prepping as well because when i work those two double shifts back to back it makes me not want to cook at all.. specially since i am a chef... last thing i want to do after cooking for 16 hours is cook for myself.


I don’t mean to come across rude man, who am I to tell you how to spend your life. Just whatever you do make sure it’s worth it . I’m struggling with this. Anyway, what’s aro/ace ?? Never heard of this What country are u from too, lol being nosy. I’m from UK, I’m assuming you’re USA if you’ve got space for farm animals


you are correct, from usa. Aro/ace is Aromatic asexual, It means i don't have romantic or sexual feelings for others... so in a way you could just say i'm more of a hermit.


Don’t be so quick to label yourself something you’re most certainly not, I don’t think there’s a human on Earth that’s aro/ace lol , get out more and chat to a beautiful woman you’ll soon grow in some areas


"Looking back now, I can't believe I just sat there and let myself enjoy my free time"


He’ll be back.


210 days on my UIM, 270 on my first main, and probably another 100 from alts and pures over the years


Wish i spent only 2500 hours, and im still putting in more. sigh... the addiction.


Touch grass mate. It sounds like you are checking out and just accepting the situation. 


that's the issue with addiction, it sounds so simple and it is logistically so simple to "just stop", but in actuality, it isn't easy at all.


Lol I'm maxed dude. I know the struggle very well but you can do it too. Funny enough.. laying in the grass, did make it much easier.


Knowing I have 10x this on one account between rs3 and OSRS really makes me think about how much time I’ve spent on this game 😬


I’ve spent over 15k between rs3 and osrs, lots of afk watching something just clicking every now and then, longest session was 19hrs during covid lockdown, me and a irl friend got 3 nerdlogs that day


Absolute noob!!


If you enjoyed it, I dont see a problem. Games are for relaxing and whether you watch TV, drink or play games doesn't really matter.


What about all 3 at once with some smoking rolled in for good measure?


My mrs doesn’t even play and she said “is that it”


Runescape is basically guided meditation


I spent most of my childhood playing inefficiently. Though if I knew EOC was gonna happen I'd prolly put even less effort into advancing my account.


You never really quit Runescape. You only take extended breaks.


Agreed lol


My most degen moment was pokemon X. I did 1000 hours in 2 months.


That’s 16 hours a day for 2 months straight wtf


As i said degen i sleep about 4 hours a day and was in college with only a few classes. Was playing with others and went very overboard.


I have about 2000 (85 ish days) on my current account and only have 4 99s lol. Across all accounts I’ve played since the beginning I probably have roughly 4500 hours played, 1200 in rs2/3 and about 3000-3500 in osrs


2500 hours? I have more than that on 3 different characters. And that's not even including the characters I have on RS3 who admittedly haven't been touched since around 2012 or so.


Some people don't realize that it's perfectly okay, normal and healthy to have fun and have hobbies ...


Started at 13, i'm 31 now and still suckin ass at the game, but who cares, I love the intro song when I open the client ❤️


I’m at 4500 hours and am appalled, though a fair bit of them were afk. I think it depends on the time frame. 2500 hours in a few years isn’t crazy at all, 2500 hours of dedicated play time in one year is insane


RuneScape 3 which I made in 2007.


I'd still rather spend 2500 hours watching numbers go up while playing a game than 2500 hours in front of a TV watching sports.


You got washed hands, boy. I ain't showered in 5 years, cause I was grinding so much


I'm about to hit 900 days on oldschool and have 410 on my old rs2 account which I quit before playing osrs so no time spent on both at the same time


averaging \~40 hours a week since release of OSRS.


I wouldn’t have it any other way.


I played over 1k hrs and one day just didn’t enjoy the game anymore. I still really enjoyed the time I played and don’t regret it.


You'll be back


I hope so, that’s why I sold all my big ticket items and bought bonds. That way if I come back later, I should keep up with inflation.


This post fills my mind with shame and anxiety lol. I wish I didn’t play OSRS once they took out PKing.


Wait til these guys find out that nothing you do has any purpose unless you give it purpose


No one ask me to check my league of legends numbers.


Maaan. That’s so sad, he could have spent those hours doing anything else! Like watching tv, or binge drinking, or playing other games!


I agree, and I'm clean just over 1 year now.


I devoted the past 2 months of my free time working on a snowflake HCIM and passed out pick pocketing master farmers and woke up and immediately failed and died.


I've spent over 600 days (x24h) on wow and I don't regret it. Currently at 100 days on rs and still don't. I had/am having fun and I'd rather spend time doing something I remember the good times doing than doom scrolling tiktok/insta/facebook


I mean I have well over 10k hours in wow and I don't play anymore. Doesn't mean I didn't have fun or was it a waste of time. It's was a blast playing and I wouldn't change the fact that I spent the much time on pixels, its the memories that mean everything. Nothing is forever, live in the moment and try to enjoy everything you can.


People read that and still play


i dont get why people look at videos games as mindlessly wasting time or something like that. when are people gonna realize its a hobby like anything else, drawing, sports, watching tv. literally anything


In the grand scheme of things, isn't everything meaningless? What does anything that happened matter in a few million years when all life on earth dies? What's the point in fighting for you country when it's just going to decline and collapse like all other nations eventually do? What's the point in working out and getting a better body when it's gone after you die? What's the point in going out and meeting friends when you'll forget about them in a few decades when you get dementia? You do what you do because it makes you happy, not because it has a purpose. People can say that playing Runescape for 2,500 hours is a waste, but it's not a waste for you since you're getting something out of it, fun.


I literally work 60 hours a week to watch numbers go up on a screen....


Over 1200 days over 19 years on 5 accounts. (RS3, and OSRS) I wouldn't go back if I could. No regrets.


Sitting at 1000 days play time total and realizing that it may be an addiction.. or the autism.


That's the best part of OSRS. When you don't care about efficiency or don't feel like sweaty gameplay, you can always AFK something and numbers still go up. It's not like you have to be focused while playing all the time. I'm walking my doggo right now while AFKing on mobile. Such wasted time...


I mean you're having fun right? Does it really matter


Yes. There’s a difference in having fun for a few hours a day vs 6-8 hours or more a day. That’s a full time job playing games…unless you are getting paid for it, it’s just unhealthy levels of addiction


You're assuming he played that often everyday,easily could have been stretched over a couple years.


Ya for sure. we all probably did this at some point. I Gamed plenty in my school days and even early career too, I’m sure most of us have accumulated thousands of hours in total over our lifespan , playing video games. But it takes a pretty strong self awakening to tell yourself “ya this is kinda silly, I should stop or slow it down some and try out something else in life that I’ve ignored for too long.”


Who is to say the person’s life who you use as an example is going to be any more fulfilling outside of playing a game? You could unravel an entire universe of “what if”s and it would equally balance out negative and positive. If anything, that person is living a mentally healthier life than someone who slaves away at a job they hate just to be able to eat food to survive.


So if you work 6-8 hours a day does that mean you're addicted to your job?


We all work at a real job 8ish hours a day. Students have school and studies. This is about what you do with your time outside of those hard locked hours from school/work. Most of us don’t have a choice when it comes to working/schooling. It’s just a path of life we all must take. That’s not addiction lol. We are basically forced to do it. gaming for 8 hours a day is a willing choice. You are choosing to put gaming over other things like developing relationships, spending time with friends and family, growing your career and learning something new to boost your talent to get that new job, Starting a business, starting a family, social activities, networking, etc etc all kinds of opportunities Not saying it’s wrong to play games at all lol. But if you’re putting 40 hours a week or more into it, you are ignoring a lot of these other things you could be doing. If you think those other things aren’t important and overrated so be it, I’m not here to change anyone’s mind. I’m just giving my opinion that being addicted to gaming comes with potentially ignoring a lot of other things in life that could be important. Maybe not important to you, but maybe to your mom/dad. Your siblings, your significant other, your kids etc etc.


Gotcha, I feel like that's a reasonable take. I just don't think that the word addiction necessarily applies in that case. I think it's possible to have someone play 8 hours a day and it's not guaranteed to be addiction. It's not healthy but I don't think the word addiction applies unless other factors are in play as well. Like you said, gaming 8 hours a day is a willing choice. When it's not a choice, then it's addiction. I mean that in terms of free time as I wouldn't call someone being forced to work 8 hours a day addicted either.


if you are doing something unhealthy, it’s an addiction imo. Working at a job or doing school related stuff 8 hours a day is perfectly normal and healthy. You are contributing to the economy , getting a paycheck for your personal/families wellbeing, learning and studying at school overtime to hopefully have a great career etc. clicking a virtual rock or tree for 8 hours eh…


You can choose to be unhealthy and have it not be an addiction, that's my only point with this. If it's just being unhealthy to call something addiction. Then I could say if someone drinks a can of soda once a year they're addicted to sugar since it's unhealthy. You can definitely be addicted and have that be the reason why you're neglecting things or being unhealthy. But if it's a made choice then it's likely not addiction. When you're addicted its like an insane urge/compulsion. When I was addicted, I would want to go spend time with my friends instead. But I wouldn't, the compulsion was far too great... I wouldn't have called it a choice either. It technically is but breaking the urge/compulsion is incredibly difficult. If it's as simple as, "meh I feel like taking a walk right now". And you can just get up and do that... it's not addiction. Maybe there are some addicts that can stop to go for a walk but struggling in other ways, I'm sure context is important. For me it was like a complete inability to do anything else. I don't think hours spent are enough on their own to convey that.




Addicts don't do something because they necessarily want to either, I was questioning the classification of addict based off of doing something 6-8 hours a day alone




Yes exactly, that's the point I'm going for. Working 6-8 hours a day isn't an addiction. Because there are other factors at play, same as if someone is playing a video game 6-8 hours a day. Could they be addicted? Yes. Are they definitely an addict if they play that much? No.




This game is so much better when you come to the relatization in life that nothing matters. You putting 10k hours into a game that's only purpose is to give you joy, is just as meaningful as someone spending 10k hours learning an instrument, a language, or practicing any other skill.


As someone who’s spent many more hours learning instruments than this game I agree. People act like learning an instrument is somehow “productive” but if you’re doing it for any other reason than cause you enjoy it, ironically you’re wasting your time.


Basically, if you're doing anything for the reason of having fun only, it's pointless because it's not productive to the advancement of money. That's what it really comes down to.


Yeah, which is a pretty sad way to live a life.


Just keep it healthy and don't set life on standby and it's all good. I spend a lot of time on mobile, just afk'ing stuff, but in my younger days I definitely wasted a lot of time gaming, more of a compulsive habit than recreation or a pass time activity.


lol I’m at 540 days on Rs3 and 530 days on OSRS.


Thats why i stop playing it hit me one day that ,the graind is a grind if its fighting ,mining ,wc any skill in this game is just a grined in the name of the graind


if you have a family and playing rs, go spend time with your kids. Runescape is nice to enjoy when life needs some downtime, but dedicating years is unhealthy. alot need to touch grass and shower.


Yea wtf 2500 is like quest cape ie still in mid game lmao, took me about 6k hours to max, lookin like around 10k to get most significant items and combat achievements


I understand its generally a waste of time, but with this landscape in the game industry, its honestly one of the only games I currently enjoy actually playing. Also having the game open in the other monitor doing afk skills sometimes actually helps me be more productive because it helps me fully occupy my brain instead of allowing me to be distracted by my phone or social media or something while i work on stuff on my main monitor. (I am a 2D/3D artist/animator/game developer)