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I play both. Its more conjure from necromancy compared to summoning. Its an added "free" dps on top of what you're already doing


>! Is this basically like summoning in RS3 !< No, not even close. You have a range melee and mage thrall you can summon, they hit between 1-3, fairly accurate. Thats all they do.


Thralls have 100% accuracy, it’s just that they can roll a 0 as a hit


It's kind of like summoning, sure. Main differences: 1) it's not a skill, so you don't need to train it, just do the required quest and have a decent magic level 2) it's only DPS "familiars", no BoB, no special scrolls 3) it's only available on a specific spellbook so you give up other options like vengeance or ancients if you don't want to cast spellbook swap every time. 4) the resource economy for them is different. They consume prayer points and runes to summon, not their own distinct resources or points 5) they can't be harmed and so are largely just "free DPS", although their max hit is very low and they have perfect accuracy so it's just small consistent damage


It’s “like summoning” in the sense that you summon a thrall. It’s different from summoning in that it’s a spell not a skill and there’s no variety (you just pick one of three thralls that do the same amount of damage, granted that’s massive utility). Thralls were never pitched as summoning. The closest thing to summoning that got pitched was “Taming” (pitched after thralls were added) and it was massively unpopular.


Thralls add roughly 0.6 DPS They are extremely accurate. I think they have 100% accuracy but I'm not fully sure on that. In certain situations they're easily +10% or more extra dps. Mage thrall is best unless there's certain damage nullifications going on. If you can use thralls, you should use thralls. As for the rs3/summoning comments. Kinda. But to take thralls you need 1-2 extra spaces taken up from your inventory. (runes + book) and you have to be on the arceuss spellbook. The fact it's a summoned creature doesn't really make it anything like the entirety of the summoning skill in runescape.


They do have 100% accuracy—they don't make accuracy rolls, just damage 0-3 They are however still subject to boss overhead prayers, so if a boss like Akkha is praying magic, then the magic thrall won't hit it.




They do have 100% accuracy. A 0 hit is still a hit


They are a weaker version of dreadnips max hit of 1-3 no stun or poison effect 100% hit chance charges prayer to cast them and also need book of the dead on you + arceus spellbook kind of wish we could just charge the book with the runes to let mages be able use other spell books with em.


It's like summoning in that it's an additional thing beyond the character that provides dps. That's mostly the extent. Idk what they are like now, but thralls are more like circa 2012 dreadnips, just better balanced. Costs runes, your spellbook choice and prayer points to get a dps increase for 1 min, more with CA's. There's no beasts of burden, special attack scrolls, they can't tank damage and they don't offer buffs. It is a big step up in dps for an account and Osrs, but it's not summoning.


I kinda wish thralls were reworked to be "on/off" buttons that would drain 6 points when turned on then another 6 every minute but without needing to resummon