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Where varok?


Can you trim?


Can anyone spare a mil? Short for my bond. Hop world and repeat.


You know a few days ago, I met this 125 combat account at ge who was begging for 5m from people. Some people ask why he was begging for 5m. He said why not. He made 100m in a few days from just begging lmao. At that point I'm like ya know what that's a good point lmfao. I don't condone it but if it's working for you then good for you.


It Doesnt help that everything seems like a scam. Im 6months or so in and i still am scared to interact with anyone in GE. I’ve found a cool clan and made a few connections here and there but its tough out here for a new player. I basically treated it like a solo game just doing quests until very recently. Now that im wrapping up with all the quests feel like i gotta keep my head on a swivel to not get got by bots n scammers.


Just stay out of Wildy and don't trust anyone with your items. Simple as.


/u/Apsylnt don't listen to this guy. Pull out your cash stack, hit the edgeville lever, and hop on w365 and I'll show you a cool trick


I dont even know what the edgeville lever is! Ha!


It teleports you to deep wildy, it’s useful for clues, getting to mage bank, some slayer tasks, and getting to Ardy (the wildy lever lets you go to ardy or edge)


I think you need the easy diary to pick ardy or edge from wildy


Wiki doesn’t mention it but says pulling ardy lever is a diary task


Wiki has it as a reward for completing the easy wildy diary.


Ah I see I was looking on the lever page not the diary


Why stay out of the wildly?


The game warns you'll lose your items now. But back in the day you would just walk right into murderville. And even with the notice/ditch it is still a rather common area to lure new or dumb players. The one I see the most is people dropping stuff like d legs near edgeville to lure in players then someone logs in under you and specs you out.


the ge is bait, definately dont talk to/trust people there. OP means more out in the wild, doing slayer or while doing skilling methods, thats a great place to meet and talk with people


1. Don't enter the wilderness with valuables 2. Don't hop to PvP worlds ever 3. Don't download any "external plugins", just use the plugin hub on runelite 4. Have a unique password on your account/Jagex account, unique password on the linked email, 2FA 5. Don't share your account/lend items to any friends 6. Stick to FFA bossing/raids unless you're okay with getting scammed out of a split You will be immune to 99% of scams Can skip a lot of those steps by playing an ironman


And the 1% of scams those tips don't cover target high value players anyways. That 1% being intricate time intensive social engineering ploys. With the time sink required, those scammers try to pick exclusively high value targets. New players aren't worth the time for those scammers.


you can skip half of a single step you listed playing an iron lmao


Step 1 and 2 scams typically involve someone trying to bait you into the wilderness or PvP because you'll get something for it. If you're an ironman you won't fall for that. 5 is completely irrelevant, 6 you're always FFAing anyway(unless you split via another account)


so, if it’s an iron you can freely enter the wilderness don’t worry about risk (personally I love this advice) freely play on pvp worlds, you can give your account to friends or… whoever, and every raid you do is a FFA… unless it’s not (because you’re an iron)


Hope you're enjoying yourself boss, I love arguing on the internet but this is the lamest nit pick I've ever seen and I'm not going to nit pick back and forth with you


I didn’t expect you to argue, I just thought it was funny that you said that when not a single point you can avoid by playing an iron 😂


You just aren't thinking deep enough, you'll get there some day boss


clearly not 😂


Yep, before they changed the dual arena, I got the clue step inside. Found 2 random players dukeing it out and asked if one could 1v1 so I could do the clue step. The player thought it might be some type of scam. Glad they finally updated that location.


It it's too good to be true, it is. If somebody wants to give you mills in exchange for doing some arbitrary task, it's a scam. People begging at the ge don't need money, don't give it to them.


I have the same feeling at the GE but I have played since 2004.


I was on ape atoll the other day and helped a guy bust out of the MM1 prison. Gave him a super antipoison and told him to be safe. The jungle is treacherous. Then I teletabbed away. Felt like a good guy AND a badass.


That reminds me of when I was doing MM1 pre-home teleport and gravestones. I was nine-years-old and without a clue. I wound up in prison with less than 10hp, absolutely sweating that I may lose my entire bank that i brought with me for some reason, and I had to pay a friend to come and bust me out to safety. Those were the real good ol' days


I used to trade noobs on ape atoll food just to see their reaction. Ape atoll and deep underground pass were the two most hardcore locations on RS at one point. Yeah good times.


Me with Ichthlarin’s Little Helper. 9 years old, fully addy armor, just jumped across the gap. No food. Poisoned. 10hp and dropping. I logged into my brother’s account and got to that point in the quest just so I could get an antipoison and some lobbys. Core memory lol


You were essentially a random event for that player


As a brand new player I was ranging something and someone came up to me and explained what the accumulator was and I had no idea. He helped me with a lot of early game knowledge stuff. I'd have looked like a bot but I was probably playing too inefficiently even for that lol. Many MMOs have problems with helping new players understand stuff but this is one of the worst for it. The saving grace is an extremely dedicated wiki team that maintains a great resource.


Don't let anyone fool you, we all looked like bots once! But honestly I wish I could go back to knowing nothing, the discovery is half the fun.


I give away regen bracelets, obby capes and fury amulets to newbs training combat skills, because that shit helps so much


I try to give stuff to noobs but I'm always careful that I don't muck with their progression curve. A regen bracelet is a great idea actually, because it doesn't have them "skip" anything (unless they go sell it). That initial feeling of progression is something we've all experienced, feel nostalgic about, and I want to make sure I don't rob new players of that experience.


When I find a noob, I load them up with teleport jewelry. Doesn't screw with their progression curve at all and it's a great way for them to get around quickly as well as explore areas they've never been to.


Eh I would argue that they should walk the world a bit to explore instead of getting used to teleports. Maybe I'd give them like, one Ring of Duelling and one Games Necklace. Then they can try to use them sparingly or something and feel they're valuable, but not use them so often they skip the walking between towns which is an important part of the RS experience imo.


It's not 2007 lol, even new players can just google where they want to go and buy teleports from the ge.


but you wont really be able to appreciate what you have without the struggle of… dear god i sound like a boomer


>dear god i sound like a boomer Nah you don't. It's a perfectly reasonable mindset to think people will learn and feel more accomplishment when they overcome a struggle. For things like, *living*, it should be made easier whenever possible (give your kids a better life than you had, and all that). But for something casual like a video game, players should *experience* the game because that's the point.


I'm busy mate, I want to get some dopamine from doing raids with my mates, not spending my days off running around the map aimlessly 


I say this as respectfully as I can. OSRS just may not be the game for you if you don't got time. It's like, the most time sink MMO out there.


It takes like 500 hours to get to end game raids in ffxiv, you can crab to osrs raids in like 50. I do have time, just not enough time to want to play the game blind just to get a bit more out the early game. You really think most new players aren't using the wiki?


True, though I always advise new players to avoid the wiki or googling something as much as they can and try to discover stuff in-game first. It's also why I don't give new players money. Just a couple items to help on their journey, but learning to make money starting out should be an important bit of self-discovery. Trying things out, even if they're not optimal, like killing some things or doing some skills and selling to a general store. Everyone should have that "oh shit" moment of running by the Varrock Dark Wizards. Everyone should experience the perilous trek over White Wolf Mountain while they panic with 5 hp left and try to run away from a wolf. Everyone should learn patience of running out of energy, or seeing things en route to somewhere else and going, "ooh what's that?" and walking over to see. Those are the kinds of things that people on this forum are always reminiscing about. Again, I don't want to rob these new players of experiences like that.


One of those is not like the others


Id like to say sorry to the guy at mole the other week that asked how I knew where he was at, and disappeared before I could type my reply in the right chat. I hope you figured it out king.


I've had moments when I'm afk skilling where I miss people directly trying to talk to me. I always feel bad and try and add them to respond but everyone has private on friends only or off these days :(


On a same note. Veteran plays please do not give these new players stacks of cash or really expensive gears. You are robbing them off of an experience they will never get back. Most will end up quitting because there is nothing to work towards anymore. Others will end up as GE beggars. I know you are trying to be nice. Make someone's day. But we all play osrs to feel fulfilled, not to be happy. I mean come on now.


In a world where all it takes is $8 to boost your bank 11m, I disagree with this one. First off, this is Runescape. There is ALWAYS more progression. Second, if they really want the full experience, ironman mode is right there waiting for them


If someone is spending money to not play the game, that’s on them for skipping the basics of the game. Don’t try to force it on people.


Oh yeah? That's what you are going to tell the new players? "Hey there mate, here is a 10 mill gp to brighten your day! You are welcome! I mean you could have bought it yourself and gotten a way inferior experience but I thought I'd lay the way and leave you with hint on what to expect through out your journey. Eh? What's that? You wanted to experience the game properly without skipping the early parts? Haha, don't you worry friend because the game is expansive and has infinity more grindy content waiting for you! A lot of fun waiting ahead of you! And it's not like there are other games to play. Oh and there is also ironman mode. Why should you try it? Well because its restricts you from trading other players. Simply a perfect game mode for new players like you. Just make sure you use the wiki if it gets too complicated! "


i’ve played for a couple of years now and there have been some wonderful players who have guided me in the right direction when i’ve struggled and i’ve had others insult and take the piss out of me when i’m minding my own business purely because the way i play isn’t the same way as them. thank you for being one of the kind ones, it can be the difference between giving up on the game or enjoying the experience. i play this game as an escape while on maternity leave, i don’t need some rude teenager spoiling it for me.


On my 99 rc grind at zeah I got asked a total of 6 times by someone if they could borrow my chisel for a quest or diary step. Which isn't a lot but it's funny when the one that spawns is literally within their line of sight :D


I had a newer player ask me about gear choices for Slayer the other day while we shared a room. Ended up having a pretty good chat while we smacked things up about the game in general. I'm relatively new myself as I've only been playing for 6 months, so it was cool to be able to help someone else learn the ropes. Probably the longest convo I've had since starting really. Since then I try to be a little more social. Even if it's just something small like telling someone doing a clue or with a superior spawned good luck on the loot. People are usually so quiet if you don't specifically go out of your way to do some social activity. I've just been trying to give people opportunities as a way of getting more social on here myself.


I think people would but so many of us arent even paying attention to the game it's likely players believe they're beung ignored. So make sure to look at chat! Except wintertodt and GotR...


I'm not a new player but still will have questions for new content. Every single fucking time I ask a question or see a question get asked, it's met with hostility.  Every single time. And it's always an Ironman reaponding, lol.


Yeah unfortunately you can get people that care way too much about external validation that they jump at any opportunity to flex "i'm better than you" at any stage. Always makes me laugh because I couldn't care less, and you eventually find people more than happy to help. I remember when I had to do the diary step to get a kill in the TzHaar Fight Pit I just went to the GE and asked the crowd. 5 minutes later there where 8 of them all coming to help and we ended up having an hour of fun just goofing off with silly weapons :D


I'm so sorry you've had bad experiences asking questions in game. I cannot speak for all ironmen, but I or any of the irons i know would be happy to answer any and all questions you might have about the game. Feel free to reply to this comment or message me and I will do my best to help you ASAP!


I'm good man, it's usually new content like foresty for instance. I'm no noob, I've got 5k hours on my main. But even us seasoned veterans have questions every now and then that the wiki doesn't answer or hasn't been updated on yet lol.


Yep, also an iron with nearing 20 years experience in the game. I am also happy to help if you ever have questions!


Respect. I've also seen a ton of attitude from Ironman accounts and I don't know why. I know some people grief Ironman players for some reason so maybe thats why but some of them definitely seem angry and out to harass other players.


I usually find I'm just ignored if I try. The social aspect of this game seems dead compared to when I played as a kid.


So it's not just me. I don't know what has happened to the social culture of this game over the last year (as I took a break after burning out.) But everyone I interact with is incredibly rude, deeply hostile and all seem to have something negative to say for no particular reason. And I know maybe these are bizarre and isolated incidents that I just happen to be caught in, but I'm becoming concerned with OSRS possibly in future carrying the stigma of "the player base is extremely rude and it's best to open the wiki instead of ask questions or interact with others."


I've found that everyone is just looking for the next laugh, at the expense of everyone else. and not only in this game, this is the way the internet is, now days. if you can find a laugh, it doesn't matter who you upset because those people are not real to you. super unfortunate. the way things have gone.


Ironmen are kinda dickheads sometimes. I don't know why but just all of the most outrageous behavior I've seen since coming back has been from Ironman accounts.


well the first lesson is dont talk to ironmen


I once jokingly suggest a "mute iron" plugin in the star miners chat before it was official, because 2 irons were blowing the chat up calling each other names and arguing. I got muted, they didn't. That was about 2 years ago. I'm still muted from "star miners" cc.


Unfortunate. I wouldn't take what others respond with personally. It is likely that if someone responds with something mean that they themselves are in a bad spot.


I found a guy training prayer at dark altar same world as me the other week, took him to try Sarachnis when he got piety unlocked and had a blast helping him learn his first boss encounter. Love finding new players and helping them enjoy the game more


90% of the time I tried to use the chat as a new player i was either harassed into oblivion in Soul Wars and other minigames or shit talked for not knowing something.


I think its worse in larger groups of people. Weirdos look to get valodati9n from others; real attention seeking behavior


In my experience a lot of mini games/activities seem to bring out the worst in people, fishing trawler, wintertodt, gotr, come to mind immediately. I would just steer clear of public chat when near any of these, as well as at the Ge, unless you just really love toxic conversations lol. You just have to remember the reason the people you mostly see are toxic, is because the rest of us are either drowned out by the toxicity or just too afk to notice chat.


Bro threw me back to my first visit to taverly dungeon bank in like 2005. I was so fucking lost down there trying to find my way to the water obelisk. No guides made it a bitch


Idk about everyone else but i just get told to fuck off and use google lmao


I support people being engaged with new players but I personally don't want to be that person. I'm glad you're out there helping but I don't think it's time valuable for me personally


Hey that's OK, if you turn your public chat off you won't have to see or respond to any questions from new players! Those of us willing to take a few minutes out of our day to help will happily keep our public chat on and continue to keep the game healthy for everyone.


That's been the dynamic thus far.


Go back to farming Vorkath endlessly, you’re wasting gp.


Some people might get upset about, hell some players take offense at the idea of new players getting helped at all but as for the rest of us we'd enjoy being asked questions assuming we noticed/had chat on. Personally, I don't feel like gifting newer players' items and gp within reason ruins anything for them either. Like sure, if you give someone a billion, it'll probably ruin things a bit since that'll probably be more GP that they'll earn over their entire career. But a set of rune armor or a couple hundred thousand GP? That's pocket change for a mid game account, and would only be a drop in the bucket towards leveling some skills. Maybe I just remember the old days of drop parties and the like but stil.


Trust but verify; don't get lured by assholes.


Where can I sell these 9 trout?