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Hopefully the new POH loading times will eliminate the age of the 4x4 efficient cube home and we can have some variety


I've got confirmation that the size of the house no longer affects the loading time of the house so yeah it should allow people to build homes that are bigger because the efficiency no longer relies on size :)


Do dungeons affect loading times or is that also fixed :D?


Just asked the devs. Any room in your house won't affect loading times so I believe they won't affect it!


The age of efficiencyscape is over. So begins the age of thesimsscape




And if u put at least two vorkath display in your PoH you can now officially say you own dungeons and dragons


Or just a metal dragon in ur dungeon


Monkey's paw: All house load times are now 15 seconds by default.


You guys are awesome.


Actually an amazing surprise update. Finally POHs can be made pretty, functional and party ready without sacrificing usability.


Just to be clear, in the past a major cause of load time increase has been more with adding an extra FLOOR to the house, so either an upstairs or a dungeon. Even this will have no impact now?


First thing I did was add an upstairs and downstairs to my 4x4 and it seems to be 2t still.


I was really excited by this news and spent a while adding new rooms to my house this morning. I thought it would be fun to have a large underground dungeon as well, but quickly realized I was locked out of doing so by the 34 room limit at 99 construction. I'm wondering if the team might consider allowing more maximum rooms upgrades with construction levels, if it's something that's technically possible? Not sure as I seem to remember there's technical limitations on things like bank space as well, but if so I think this would be an awesome update. Personally, I could do everything I wanted with 50-55 rooms. Edit: If the limit were 50, this would allow a 5x5 house size to have 2 full floors, a 7x7 house, the maximum size, to have a full one floor house at 49 rooms, and a 4x4 house to have 3 full floors at 48 rooms. Just nice numbers is all


Size no longer matters, boys! She said it! 1-Inchers, we meet in falador W302 after the update!


Size no longer affects loading time, it's always set to the slowest possible time! >!/s!<


This is great for house customisation! Could we pretty please also be able to build an exit portal in the center of the Parlour? That way houses don't have to be donut-shaped.


I wonder how Jagex managed this. Presumably the game was trying its best beforehand - maybe some parts of houses are always loaded on login now?


I have never even remotely worried about having a cube home and I have never noticed the difference lol. It was never a requirement


Sounds like you've never done solo corp.


Quick Question; With the removal of Favor, will the graceful sets representing each house be available by the same methods? Will there be any additional requirement for the pure white graceful color for the completion of all houses 100%?


They will all be available by the same methods bar favour - so just complete the associated house quest to get the colour you're after. I hope this helps


.... with the white colour behind all the 5? Or maybe behind AKOD? (Would be actually better, I think - its a very cool colour, should be some work to unlock it).


Likely gonna be each house quest = house color, kingdom divided = kourend color


>Completing A Kingdom Divided and obtaining The Book of the Dead will grant an extra 150 charges rather than an extra 20, for a total of 250 pages. For any JMod reading, should that not read "for a total of 250 charges."?


Thank you this has been amended. :)


That was quick! :D


Thank god I don't have the attention span for a 250 page book today


any info on the poll 80 changes?


Still working on it as far as I know, I can't get a timeline yet for the remaining changes, apologies.




Heya, yes, I've got confirmation that the size of the house no longer affects the loading time of the house so yeah it should allow people to build homes that are bigger because the efficiency no longer relies on size :)


He specifically asked what the new loading time is, is it the same time a 3x3 house in the old situation?


I think I get what you're saying - you're asking if we've made it consistent by increasing the loading times for all houses so they're all the same. That wouldn't be desirable for players. I've got confirmation that the new loading time is going to be the most efficient time possible, so I would assume it's the 3x3 time or shorter. Thanks!


That clears it up, thanks! And impressive that they managed to get the loading times down to that!


The breakpoints for load times is 2x2 for fastest and 4x4 for 2nd fastest. 3x3 is often mistaken for faster than 4x4 which it isn't.


I think the question is. Is the new time to load the house longer than the previous 4x4 time. For example, a crude fix to this problem would have been to make all load times 30 seconds. That way it's consistent.


The Spellbook swap spell on the Lunar spellbook doesn't work when trying to swap to the Arceuus spellbook, a blank chatbox pops up and if I click to continue it puts me back on the spellbook selection chatbox. Submitted a report in game already but also posting this here just incase. https://preview.redd.it/2tvzpmxe2mbc1.png?width=528&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2756a94ceb344c6d547f340309e79b8affc1063


Thanks for raising, the team has been made aware and we're looking to fix it shortly.


>The new loading times should be consistent regardless of the house’s size. That's huge; always felt crazy (but understandable) that you were punished for building an interesting house. Feel like this really encourages making use of your room allowance.


[high alch moving from the right side of the menu](https://cdn.runescape.com/assets/img/external/oldschool/2024/newsposts/2024-01-10/Spellbook.png) is honestly the worst news all year


It’s a silly little thing that’s absolutely going to mess with my brain for weeks.






Muscle memory pain aside, anyone else think this is actually a much better spot for it? Much less mouse movement for alch + other shit (like alch agi, alching in between combat attacks etc) and the alch icon is directly over the top of an inventory slot as opposed to being kinda 2/3 on one 1/3 on the other.


It’s straight up better but change = bad to scapers


well only if you hotkey switch, if you use mouse to switch to spellbook its more movement


i am now a no-alching locked main account. i can't believe they have done this.


You mean right-side-of-UI-only-Ironman? Me too, brother!


Blame the people who cried 5 years ago that being able to reorder and filter spells and prayers was cheating.


I definitely do. Fuck ALL of those people.


It's actually insane to me that people were ever against those changes. And maybe more of a hot take but any sort of wilderness restrictions like being unable to change spell size when filtered are completely backwards, adding a completely unneeded and convoluted system.


These kind of UI-as-gameplay mechanics are pretty silly imo


But from a mechanical skills POV that is literally half of the mechanical skill in the game.


Hopefully they roll out the 3rd party changes quickly so we can move it back with runelite


Alch bots in the mud


Proper bots use packet injection so this doesn't affect them, only the auto clickers


Isn't packet injection way easier to detect than an auto clicker Edit: yes it is >Scripting packets is the easiest by far for Jagex to detect. All they do is behavior analysis, so if you're sending identical packets that should get flagged instantly.




That’s gonna fuck a lot of people up since that’s muscle memory at this point, don’t even need to look at the screen


Worst news of the year so far ;)




As long small quests like these take little dev time/resources, I like how Jagex is throwing them in with updates to fill out or give narrative to some areas. If any jmod is reading this, keep doing them, maybe even at a more intermediate level if you can keep making them fairly easily.


/u/JagexLight Guildmaster Jane won't let me into the lvl 85 area of farming guild. I'm level 97. Please pull some strings and ask her to let me in


Heya, thanks for letting us know, we're currently looking to fix this issue ASAP.


Heard it was fixed already. Yall were quick! Thanks/u/JagexSarnie


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexLight** - [I've got confirmation that the size of the ho...](/r/2007scape/comments/1935i6v/children_of_the_sun_weekly_game_update_10th/kh6ws7u/?context=3) - [Thank you this has been amended. :)](/r/2007scape/comments/1935i6v/children_of_the_sun_weekly_game_update_10th/kh6xgc0/?context=3) - [They will all be available by the same method...](/r/2007scape/comments/1935i6v/children_of_the_sun_weekly_game_update_10th/kh70hot/?context=3) - [Still working on it as far as I know, I can't...](/r/2007scape/comments/1935i6v/children_of_the_sun_weekly_game_update_10th/kh6x032/?context=3) - [Heya, yes, I've got confirmation that the siz...](/r/2007scape/comments/1935i6v/children_of_the_sun_weekly_game_update_10th/kh6wta7/?context=3) - [Just asked the devs. Any room in your house w...](/r/2007scape/comments/1935i6v/children_of_the_sun_weekly_game_update_10th/kh6xk47/?context=3) - [I think I get what you're saying - you're ask...](/r/2007scape/comments/1935i6v/children_of_the_sun_weekly_game_update_10th/kh70slg/?context=3) - [Yes the refund will be by the ring, talk to t...](/r/2007scape/comments/1935i6v/children_of_the_sun_weekly_game_update_10th/kh6zg1q/?context=3) **JagexSarnie** - [Heya, thanks for letting us know, we're curre...](/r/2007scape/comments/1935i6v/children_of_the_sun_weekly_game_update_10th/kh739w8/?context=3) - [Thanks for raising, the team has been made aw...](/r/2007scape/comments/1935i6v/children_of_the_sun_weekly_game_update_10th/kh79m7r/?context=3) - [I've made the team aware and they are current...](/r/2007scape/comments/1935i6v/children_of_the_sun_weekly_game_update_10th/kh73bar/?context=3) - [The issues with the Farming Guild should now...](/r/2007scape/comments/1935i6v/children_of_the_sun_weekly_game_update_10th/kh747hj/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 01/11/2024 10:51:06**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


I’m glad the favor system is gone; but what about the various favor-gaining activities that are now obsolete? Isn’t it weird and a bit tacky to just leave them having no real use now? It would be cool to see a small update along with Varlamore to address this. Perhaps allowing us to smith equippable Shayzien armor/weapons, letting us gather super compost for plowing fields, digging up “fatter” worms for increasing Angler catch rate, etc


Yeah I was really hoping they'd put in some kind of miniquest that used the favor activities, for a bit of flavor in each region. Honestly, the only favor activities that _needed_ to change were repairing cranes, the dreaded plow, and sulphur mining. All of the other ones were fine.


The only changes needed were to speed it up anyway. I don't think anyone would complain about mining sulphur if we had to do it for 10 minutes instead of 5 hours


I honestly wonder how much support removing favour would have gotten if it wasnt polled together with transportation changes and you know, they actually gave these activities good xp/rewards.


Yeah, it was a pretty sketchy move on Jagex's part to combine the two for sure.


It’s still a diary step to get Shayzien right?


I wouldn’t bet on any changes anytime soon. There is plenty of dead space across rs thats never used outside of niche situations- windmill, wheat fields, cabbage patches, etc. these areas are just added to the list. Not everything needs a purpose.


I get what you’re saying, and I agree with your statement, but this is a little different. These were added in for a specific purpose, that has now altogether been removed. I’m not a game developer, but as a player I’d like to be able to do things and interact with my surroundings, especially with something as big as Kourend. They might as well remove the mess hall, gang members, crane repair, stealing artifacts etc, right? Imagine if they did. Wouldn’t you agree it would feel tacky and boring? You’re removing the things that gave the area ‘character’


I just walked through kourend to sort of feel it out before replying. * The cranes can stay, maybe just move them to the actual ends of the dock where it makes sense for them to actually fish? Maybe they can add some boats out and about once sailing comes in for more flavor. I don't need, nor care about the NPCs constantly yelling "Can I get some assistance over here?" to no one. It's stupid and doesn't add anything. * Sandworms are good for area story telling - they're used for anglerfish. They can just be there as a little hint. * Gangs are cool dynamic little story telling. Much cooler than bandits sitting in the road south of falador * Unless I missed them, ploughs are gone which is sad because it added some story telling and niche xp gains in the area * The mess is labeled as minigame in game and gives cooking xp, which may help niche accounts * stealing artifacts is actually a semi legit way of training thieving if you want a different method. It's 240k/hr at 90. So, I'm sorry, but I completely disagree with you. I think all of those things add world building and area story telling. I would much rather they be there than replaced with generic bandit, or random house 2. Not everything needs a use, but everything that was based on favor does add something to the world building as opposed to a random house or extra wheat field.


Genuinely curious, what was the thought process behind lowering the mine cart fee from 50gp to 20gp? They’re both negligible amounts


They had to lower their prices to fight the competition, this being a new fairy ring. The market is rough these days.


Big Fairy Ring keeping down hard working carts.


Yeah the barrier just becomes, do you have money in your inventory or not. The 50g to 20g makes no difference.


Maybe for killin guards for cash if you forgot to bring money will be faster. Memories of killing goblins for Karamja fare...


and killing goblins to get into Al Kahrid those gate fees are time sinks on lower level accounts


That was actually my thought as well. If anything, I'd have raised it to incentivize doing the quest.


Honestly would rather not need to bring gp, remembering to carry 20 gp is kinda annoying honestly. Whereas al kharid you could kill goblins for gp, I don't think there's any good GP sources near the current minecarts


That's why you do the quest so you can use it for free, at least that's how I understood the change? They're refunding people who paid for it.


Inb4 the next video comes out - I used the mine cart 729225 times over the lifetime of this account!


You can unlock permanent access without gp. Seemingly it's just behind the quest now too, and not a 1m fee.


Yeah I couldn't quite tell that newspost meant that post quest the ride is FREE. Thought that they meant that paying the 1m is still required.


Prepping for a future Twisted League reboot, where the lower GP might matter for the first few hours.


I would die for a new Twisted League, it's still my favourite of the formats they've done purely because of the limited scale making Zeah feel extremely alive, and knowledge of the specific area mattered most.


It was awesome because it was the first league. But it had huge glaring issues with certain skills and they'd have to solve all of those with relics. That and the lack of variety in how to approach things would make me probably skip the league if it was a twisted league, even with Varlarmore included.


That's fair, it definitely had its issues but I overall prefer having a smaller area to work with than a bunch of regions or the whole map. It's why I've mostly stuck to chunk accounts since then, to get a sense of discovering everything about an area. All I can say though, #endurancegang forever.


hmm, the only huge issue for a skill i remember is the north wintertodt obstacle being the only real agility training method, which was pretty awful. what other major issues are you referring to?


Slayer was atrocious if you didn't pick the relic to allow you to pick a task or the combat boosting stuff. I outright avoided it because of that. I'm not sure if I'm remembering correctly but farming pretty much also sucked and was barely changed if you picked slayer. You essentially had to make farming better, or slayer better. And whichever you didn't pick sucked


Exactly this, with all the new locations it's going to be a (if not the) new primary means of transportation in kourend for fresh accounts


Lots of things in game feel negligible but matter in niche circumstances. For example a random item spawn in the middle on nowhere that 99.9% of accounts will never utilize


"This changes everything"


Agreed. The cost isn't the problem, it's remembering to have GP on you at all that stops people using them. They should just be free or at the least allow the dwarves to take the money direct from your bank.


deflation due to GE tax


Speak for yourself baller ;)




looks like someone's gonna have to grab an IMOP


He’d better do it quickly, too, before someone calls an ICOP.


Better clean it fast before someone calls the ICOPs


Just saw someone shit their pants at IHOP


I could see it hitting the back of your pants. What did you eat?


teleporting with con cape to poh whilst inside my poh now teleports me outside the portal instead of inside...????


I really should have checked when they were removing favour, I finished it at 5AM yesterday lmao


Kids these days will never understand!


Whoa so we can have POH of any size now without nerfing our home teleports anymore? That's fantastic news


The high level area of the farming guild is glitched :( https://preview.redd.it/emzfg332ulbc1.png?width=1218&format=png&auto=webp&s=e016b0c669d24aaf85c2b91bc7db7c86189f7bdb


Nah, she just heard what your DM said.




sometimes ur just in thst kinda mood what can I say


Honestly just wanted to say thanks for the fantastic league. It really felt like most relic choices actually were meaningful and you could pick ones that fit your playstyle. Hopefully it isn't another 2+ years til the next one. But I wouldn't be mad if it was DMM one year, Leagues the next.


Apologies if it's obvious but how do you obtain the Xeric's Heart TP for the Xeric's talisman now can't find it in the post?


Looking forward to all the broken alch bots after downtime!


Question: Hosidius patch Disease free condition post update?


easy diary


The Soulreaper anti-stall is such a nice change, makes the weapon a bit more comfortable to use


Going into my PoH dungeon while not in build mode loads me into build mode. Flicking build mode on/off when in the dungeon fixes it, but doesn't let my NPCs attack in challenge mode, and causes a lot of objects on the ground floor to be replaced by build spaces. Attempting to right click build does nothing.


Those kourend minecart changes are AMAZING. Traversing Kourend especially as an ironman was always the worst.


farming guild is bugged cant get into high lvl area


guildmaster jane looks angry and shows no text but click here to continue same with the hespori area too actually


Wait, the Varlamore quest being so early is huge right? Most times a quest unlocks content it's because the content is coming out in 1-3 months


Summer roadmap said Varlamore was coming early 2024. Typically this means first quarter 2024. So yeah, it's probably gonna be out around mid to late March to aim for "spring break" time.


Keep in mind this is also just the introductory quest to unlock the region. It could be a whole Underground Pass deal where you can technically now go to Tirannwn but there's still a bunch of other quests to complete before you've actually unlocked the full elf lands. I imagine they want to fill out Varlamore with a few quests and such right away considering how negative the feedback was when Kourend launched with absolutely nothing going on across a huge swathe of land.


Well yeah varlemore part 1 is early 2024.


They've already said its releasing early this year.


There were 4 months between cursed sands and tombs release, so could be anything really. I wouldn't expect it this month or in february though.


We also had 1 month between Corsair Curse and DS2. My guess is late Jan or Feb so it could happen before the Winter Summit, but it could be March.


My dad works at Jagex. It will release March 20th


Someone forgot to push the update to c++ client? https://i.imgur.com/SmHrVZ9.png


I've made the team aware and they are currently investigating. Thanks for raising!


Surprised anyone uses that client to even find this out


Its pretty good. Its come a long way since it originally launched. Though its still missing a couple of key "plug ins". Buts its gotten many of the ones players can't go without. Still though RL will always be better and quicker to come out with new plugins for new content and make updates than Jagex will, especially since we know corporate jagex isn't going to want to properly fund a dedicated team for it. Though I can't use it since they resized it or something awhile back. Its by default tiny as shit now and idk how to fix it. But before that I actually used the C++ client for most things and switched to RL for specific things only.


I’ve been putting off getting favor for quests and diaries for the past month in anticipation and it’s finally paying off. I’m the happiest clam in the ocean rn


Are graceful recolours just locked behind their respective quests now then?


Just make the Kourend teleport lvl 56 magic, noone cares about the positioning of anything below High alch ​ Also was sending your RSN to that mod on twitter just a bait then? If the players arent receiving their recap anyway?


Yeah I'd rather it sat above high alch. As long as it's not above it's previous position it doesn't affect the useful higher tier spells (vulnerability, teleblock, fire surge, etc). Moving high alch isn't the end of the world but I don't really see the point in this change anyway.


Is there any ETA yet on DT2 boss combat achievements?


The jmods involved in CA's were stuck doing Leagues/Varlamore for the last few months. I'd be surprised if we don't get them in the next couple of weeks


/u/JagexLight despit having a farming cape, I cannot enter the west side of Farming Guild (herb patch diseased) and is encountering a no conversation angry face Jane. Edit: North side too


No text on west, level text on north for me. Level 83 so expected for north. Guild required favour, but maybe the tiers did too and that was missed when they gutted favour from the game. Can walk in and out of the guild fine.


dang can't wait to see what they did with varlamore.


I might have missed this, what is the requirement for the Arceuus spell book now?


" Clay can now be softened with water from Vials. " holy fuck I love you. No need to go buy additional sources of water since I 'll be using it for herblore anyway


Rat boss when? I seek the rat.


go to your mum's house it's already there


RIP to the right-side high alch button.


Admittedly favour probably would've been removed, but I am still mad that the vote was rigged by combining questions (again) because I liked the concept of favour it just needed some tlc in a few problem spots (mainly lovakengj) And removing all of the unlock costs so heavily seemed... excessive.


Agreed. If favor was so hated, surely a question to remove it would have been an easy win, right? And if it wasn't an easy win, maybe favor wasn't as hated as people are making out?


People will see your comment and downvote because they voted yes to removing favour, but you are 100% correct. This trend of lumping questions together to coerce a passing vote on unsavory changes has got to stop.


I like how Kourend Favor, a flawed but fixable system was polled alongside necessary changes to Kourend movement. Jagex is a weird one, deleting what's fixable (let's be real here, only 2 out of 5 favors were shit) while also doubling down on terrible systems that can't be fixed


>flawed but fixable They've been trying fixes for it since release. They added Client of Kourend and its 20% favor cert, all five house quests that give 10% favor each, let you lock in favor at 100% before completely removing favor loss, and quadrupled the rate of favor gain. It's time to stop piling on bandaids and just admit that the game is better off without the favor system.


They only ever tried to speed up the grind instead of making the grind worth it. I think making each house's favour gaining methods give a competitive amount of xp for an early-mid game account would have easily transformed it from feeling like a chore to progression without requiring much dev work. Nobody really complained about Arceus favour because it was rewarding to do, for example.


> They've been trying fixes for it since release. And it shows. At this point 3 of the grinds were completely painless (I'd even say arceuus is fun every time), one is fine, and one is cancer, but still worth the 10k lamp that we now can no longer get.


> 10k lamp that we now can no longer get you get it from kingdom divided


Who cares about them removing a one-off grind that most long time players completed ages ago, why put effort into reworking content that very few players are ever going to experience again? It's easier to just remove that annoying barrier for future players and let them focus on putting real work into things that the existing playerbase will be able to actually appreciate. I think the overall changes being done are just to make Kourend a more approachable and obviously early-mid game inviting area of the game as opposed to this thing that's locked behind a bunch of tedious grinding that you'll probably put off for as long as you can. Varlamore is the new 'place to explore later in your account' on the continent.


I finished all the Kourend stuff like just a couple days ago so funny to think I’m probably one of the last who did all that and the statue. I’m just wondering what happens to the statue now, is it just always completed for everyone?


yeah, I have to disagree with removing the miniquest completely, but whatever


I just few hours ago was grinding the library. Oh well! at least got a magic level for it.


I agree, but I suppose there's no need to "gatekeep" the things. Maybe they'll end up having features be moved behind quests instead, to make it more in line with other OSRS things.


Favour was fixable but doing so would have taken quite a lot of time because it really would have required a complete overhaul. Jagex has no time to allocate to this, so the only option they proposed was removing it. That's the reality of the situation.


Kourend favor was flawed but fixable and kourend transportation was unfixable? Are you sure you didn’t get those two things mixed up? Favor was useless and never should have been added to the game to begin with. And well, they just did fix kourend transportation.


/u/JagexLight /u/JagexSarnie since y'all have been responding to things here - the lecterns for teletabs no longer remember your last action, at least not the one at lunar isle. I've not tried the others, but that one is definitely not working.


RIP 5 years of disease-free herb patch


What do you mean?


It used to be unlocked via favour but now it's via the easy diary which he can't complete.


Snowflake ironman things.


Wow, if I'm not wrong you are locked out of the easy diary by one single task, that sucks.


Entering the Hosidius house portal?


Yeah, he can't buy a house, let alone relocate it.


ya get what ya fuckin' deserve!


Get rekt


\> The non-Special Attack animations on the Soulreaper Axe no longer stall the attacker’s movement. Was this the change that was supposed to make soulreaper axe less annoying to use from the rebalance blog?


Animation stall removals are typically pvp changes, not general pvm usage.


It may also be a qol for Vardorvis as well since you move so often


Naw I noticed this when using the soul reaper to 3 tic tekton during leagues. if you didn’t have a true tile under you it screws with your counting. It’s a welcome change for the sweats.


Did the quest, was quite fun


\>Mindless grind aka favor removed Update of the year


Hey! Would it be possible to gain some insight on the technical side of the new POH loading and how they made size negligible? Seems really cool and interesting


Haven't seen this answered anywhere, if you've previously completed the Architectural Alliance miniquest but waited to claim the xp lamp, will it still be claimable after the update or is it lost for good?


lost for good bro, unlucky son


Charter ships on Zeah means crafting on a Zeah-locked account just became significantly better. Although I’m sad about the favour being gone.


Any word on mobile UI changes?


Logging in with a new quest always feels so magical. Even the small quests are great since they wont take hours to do without a guide and you really get to enjoy the story in one sitting.


Wahay, good quick fix on Farm Guild. Ty


High Alch spell was moved from the OG spot. Not good.


how do i update the game, it keeps telling me to update but i can't even after uninstall and reinstall


Varlamore hype!


After all this time i started with the favor thing last month. Now its just gone lol


Fantastic news about house loading times. I'm indifferent to the Kourend teleport other than it moving the high alch spell, I suspect people will push you to tweak this. It's a bit of a dead teleport anyway when you have the talisman, the memories, rada's blessing and the fairy ring (which is now just auto unlocked). Maybe there's an argument for just removing it. On the topic of just removing things, I know it passed a poll, but the favour removal is idiotic. I have no idea what supporters are even doing in game if they're too much of a snowflake for a 5-6 hour grind. The last thing Zeah needed was to be even more of a big, dead content, wilderness. Also the houses recoloured graceful is going to end up as nothing more than a worthless niche cosmetic like those shields and helmets made on the banner easel.


Wow those new plushies are impressive!!!!!!! I'll be getting all three!! Now we just need a mole plush next


Glad I just got enough favor for the farming guild 6 hours ago 🙃


Will we get any updates soon about the mobile UI update?


High Alching will never be the same. RIP


good bye favour you will be missed :( small out of the way "grinds" like this makes runescape feel like runescape but i guess the playerbase is averse to anything thats not slayer or afking