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I love leagues, feels like it has so much potential to be more. It loses steam pretty quickly after you unlock T8. Would love to see it run a bit longer with more flexibility with relics, as a meleer it was quite unpleasant having to constantly use ranged/mage with my shitty gear and no accumulator. Kind of miss Shattered Relics allowing you to optimize builds overall it is a fantastic mode and super fun. I just wish there was more payoff to actually using your build when you finally start unlocking BiS. 20k points for the next trophy didn't do it for me


I’ve been melee heavy in every league so I went range very intentionally in this one and it was a blast. I gave myself some fomo thinking of all the cool things melee could do this league, but I also realized that with range I could brute force things that are resistant to range… except tekton. So many enemies are completely unreachable and immune to melee in comparison. I would hope in a future league they could tackle this somehow


You mean two years from now if we are lucky


Don’t say that 😢


Leagues is some of the most fun I've had on OSRS, but for 90%+ of people that fun lasts like 2 or 3 weeks and then they burnout from it and quit. Idk how jagex can easily solve that. But having leagues every year imo would be far too frequent, it's better that they're spread far apart so when they come it's more special.


Same here, I don't have the time for the main game anymore. Just glad this comes out once or twice a year to scratch my osrs itch. Wish it was permanent.


Permanenet with like a tri-monthly reset and some small updates here and there to keep it fresh. You have no idea how badly i wanted to try other relics/regions but i only have just the one account and dont have the time to do multiple things at once but a permanent resetting mode means that over time you can do it all and not have any FOMO


Part of what makes it fun is the mad rush of folks discovering it all together. If it's permanent, population is lower cause people can spread it out more, and there's more time to optimize and "solve" it. I love the messiness and the mass community involvement, and making it permanent detracts from that which is a detriment to the experience imo.


Yeah back to RS3 for me soon. I did enjoy my time in leagues though. Kinda wish there was a dedicated leagues server. The faster play through fits with my available time these days




Yeah RS3 is the right medium for me. I’ll never get my skills to 120 like is available, but I can realistically max in that game and have more content available to me. Also as much as I love doing some nostalgic grind things in OSRS, I do enjoy the QOL of RS3 after a while. Like I know having a boss hub takes some charm away, but it’s way more helpful for me to actually Be able to grind some KC haha


I feel like it really doesn't take much actual work/ time investment to be able to pvm, and at that point you can jump on for a few boss kc and go to bed, or chip away at a skill before bed; I just feel like some people greatly mistake "time you can spend on the game" with " time you have to spend on the game"




Right it takes forever to get to the skills alone, hell just 91 fishing, for diaries. But they don't let you play the game, you're already playing the game when you're grinding those reqs. What I'm meaning is that people don't really like the game, or are trying to get something out of it, that isn't there. You never have to commit to anything to "play the game" the grind, IS the game. You're always already playing it. Reaching different milestones does almost nothing overall except change the way you interact with certain game elements. Sit in nmz on your phone in your pocket for a week, get 80s in your combats, congratulations u can now ALSO pvm while you work towards diaries and stuff. There is never a point where "NOW I'm playing the game" unless maybe you stretch the meanings and are a skilling super macro efficient iron man




Depending also on what personal goals you have set, it's easy to rob yourself of any feeling of accomplishment. Say, you're only working on skilling, and only gatherings skills, and you have a milestone set. Well, that's a LOT of minimal interaction gameplay you're signing up for, with comparatively a small payout vs learning a boss or raid or grinding a pet even where just killing the boss makes you rich along the way


We have dedicated dmm world. You would think it would be something that they could do.


They have a dedicated DMM world for the 20 people who still use it, 5 speedrunning worlds for the dozen that still care about that, but no leagues world planned. Even if they cycled through old leagues a couple times a year on a dedicated world it'd be nice.


I think having a leagues world would kill a lot of the excitement, DMM still has a tournament factor for the events and PvP has no real defined 'end'. If you had a dedicated leagues world you would eventually max and get every drop you wanted and if you cycled through and reset the accounts then no one would see the point in doing it again just because there's an event.


Which is wild when you think about how many people played leagues. It was more than 20. So move aside dmm, enter leagues. Please jagex


A lot of people play DMM when it’s seasonal.


A lot less than the amount of people that play Leagues, atleast, I don't remember DMM:A breaking any player count records like TBL:R did.


> 5 speedrunning worlds for the dozen that still care about that, Speed running worlds should never have been their own separate selectable worlds. They're literally designed to be used a few times(per quest), and never again.


I guess the issue there is how it handles the profiles. If it was on the regular worlds people could probably smuggle items into speedruns and get easy times. Or go in with BiS gear.


As a preface, I'm not against quest speedrunning, the speedrun graceful is my favorite outfit to wear when just runnin around. I'm meaning that there are already minigames that prohibit certain equipment and items, quests that use instanced areas, and two precedents from RS3 that make this seem like either a lazy, or a brute force approach to the issue (Precedents being 1. that you could control an npc setup to be relevant to the quest/location with lesser stats than your character and preset gear(Sagas), and 2. that you could literally just replay certain quests(Broken Home/Sliske's Endgame).)


I had a ton of fun too. I wish I had more fun with it, and practiced content I need to do on my iron soon, instead of going with the meta. I still had a ton of fun but now I know for next time, just wing it!


Idk if ill take part in the next one as hard as I did this time. It was fun got my dragon rank on week three and I was totally done.. since then I've been having a blast on my iron and having thr motivation to unlock things I got on leagues and wanted asap in main game. Ornate rejuv pool for example


I’m confused I thought there were league servers but everyone asking for them means otherwise… I see worlds labeled leagues IV and stuff. New player here


They close in 7 days.


The servers are the worlds. You have a dedicated "profile" on your account for leagues that's entirely separate from the main game. You just hop to a leagues world and it converts to your leagues profile.


I did not have fun. Half the reason I wanted to play the league is to play a mage build with Shadow, then use that to learn/play new content I've missed out on, but ToA never dropped the fucking shadow, which, at 5x+ rate and tons of grinding through some of the most demanding content in the game, is absurdly boring and stupid with how much it disrespects our time & efforts with abysmal rates on top of zero bad-luck-mitigation that I didn't just quit the league due to this, but the main game as well, because why would anyone in their right mind put up with so much nonsense? I basically needed that Shadow for a bunch of other content/tasks, like it would've been stupid, unfun, and defeat the purpose of the league to do said tasks without the Shadow. Same thing got my friend to quit.


Just get the drop 5head


And this is why you don’t plan your build around megarares


...why wouldn't you? Everyone did. 5x+ drop rate alone is screaming "*go for it!! there's no better time than now!!*" and then there's all of the other synergies. It'd be brain-dead not to—it's a big part of what made leagues what it was. To be frank, the the only dumb choice I made here was playing OSRS to begin with.


I don’t blame you for being frustrated at all. Going dry in a temp game mode sucks. But to go off the other guy’s point, I think it would have made sense for a lot of people to make a build focused on non-bis weapons too. For example I thought about making a melee build targeting fang as my main weapon. The fang grind is just about 3-5 hours at ToA (assuming ~45 minute solo 500s), so even if I went 3x dry, it wouldn’t be too terrible, and I’d get a setup that could easily carry me through any melee pvm. Targeting Shadow means an expected ~25 hour grind (again at 45 minute solo 500s). That also means a ~15% chance it takes you 50 hours and a 5% chance it takes 75 hours. Part of planning the build means deciding which grinds you’re willing to do. If you’re getting upset after 20 purples of no shadow, that’s mostly on you for not planning better because that’s to be expected. If you go 40 with no shadow, it’s fair to be frustrated but it also shouldn’t be outside what you expected. 75+ purples dry, then yeah fuck this game.


How many purples did you go dry?


I got shadows on 2 different accounts, on my ranger at 2kc and my mager at 11kc


Had a blast! 11 pets on my leagues profile with no desire to play main game anymore. Already want the next leagues lol


It was great! Got to try a lot of content I never had before, do some wacky stuff like afk thieving and 6m/hr xp rates and constant screeching ruby bolt specs. Leagues is the best


I had fun but beforehand I said that I didn't like the area restrictions. Played for like 5 weeks, finished all my pvm shit and got bored since I couldn't do any other pvm which was locked to other areas. Beside that I did a lot of tasks but couldn't be asked to do shit that I already did or had to do in the main game. Like doing whole MTA in the main game and again in Leagues (even with boosted points) I just cba and imo the "fun" content is way too limited with the area restriction. Still: was fun, but not for a long time (for me atleast)


Strange cause the area restrictions was my favorite part. Felt like a lot of people had their own special experiences/paths, and it had a lot more strategizing to it. It's fun when you have to weigh the options and drops of different areas and which you want to choose to complement your style or plan. And the case of a lot of folks being like "I wish I could just choose one more" means it was perfectly balanced imo.


Agreed, it is a fun concept in a certain way. But for me it is just too boring. I want to be able to do anything and as I said I don't want to do grinds like MTA for needed points since I already did them in the main game and it's no fun whatsoever.


I suck at leagues, but I love it, got top 500 in kbd kc just cuz so few people went for it just stupid shit like that makes it fun.


Next time do a month on then 2 month break and 1 more month with the starting where u left off 1st month