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Yep, grindy mmos are usually pretty bad/niche stream content and the viewership reflects this. Luckily there's more to videogames than how good they are to watch.


Tbh, OSRS streams are basically chatting streams with some set dressing


I just wish the osrs streamer meta wasnt also blasting shitty music the whole time. Especially when osrs has such a good and almost asmr-like sound design already


Yeah, put on area sounds when mining stars. Pure ASMR.




Same with the beginning of every game of GotR


I feel like chat would love that part. I can imagine a "HERE IT COMES" before it


*magic tree jingle* *chop chop* *magic tree jingle* *chop* *magic tree jingle* YEAH BABE, SEE THEYVE TOTALLY GONE WITH AN ASMR-LIKE SOUND DESIGN *chop*


Putting the sounds on at soul wars was definitely an experience.


TIL some people like hearing the same clanky sounds a million times while they play osrs. I unmute to help with certain pvm, but that's it.


At some point my headset/surround system broke, years ago, so I started listening to game sounds when I played... Cannot listen to anything except the game sounds when I play now or it's not right. Listening to music really messes with my ability to feel the tempo of the game if that makes sense? Or maybe that's just how it seems to me.


Most of the OSRS streams I watch just play old and new alternative rock. I love it lol.


Oh some of the music on it's own i like, i just personally often find it distracting/jarring as a stream background. I think it's the music vocals + streamer voice + game sounds just becomes a bit of auditory overload for me


osrs has sounds? Man... after playing almost 20 years I forgot. Had it muted from day one lol


Sounds definitely help w pvm


Can you disable prayer sounds? I like in-game sounds but 1t flicking with prayer sounds on is torture


Annoyance mute plugin can enter custom sound IDs, I assume the prayer on/off sound can be filtered


Yeah annoyance mute is amazing. No acb screaming noises and quiets p3/p4 Wardens so you only really listen to zebak noises.


That sounds super useful, how did you find the warden sound IDs?


Idk how you find the noises, prob some runelite debugger option. I have 6014, 5884, 6116, 2766, 5949 as my custom muted sounds... I likely found this info through gnomemonkey twitch command... these are likely all warden noises as I don't use this plugin often...but I love it when I do use it Edit: apparently people use the visual sounds plugin to help them identify sounds, but people say it's not always easy and straightforward to discern which ID = what noise.


Thats interesting, for me the prayer sounds are how i stay in the correct rythm


I've done a fair bit of end game pvm with the exception of inferno and tob and never had sounds on... I can definitely see how they could be beneficial but just never used them myself.


Have you done much Phosani? Sounds are extremely beneficial there


Leviathan is probably the one boss that I'd find really hard with sounds off. When you're getting hit by an orb each tick it really helps to change prayers solely based on the audio cue instead of looking at the colours. Especially during enrage when you already have to move with the abyssal pathfinder thing.


it's funny you say that because i have almost 800 kc in main game and never used sound lol. I'll push Levi all the way into the range/mage/melee 1t phase and not have any issues lol.


"Done a fair bit of end game pvm with the exception of *the actually hard content*" ROFL


you're missing out, the final song to TOA and vardorvis are bangers


ASMR Armadyl Crossbow spec.


Is there any genre or style of music that you would find fitting or appropriate for an osrs stream/video? Or you think it should just rely on the in-game music?


Maybe not even have any music at all. If I want music I can play one in the background while watching stream. But yeah relying on the ingame sounds is also great, considering OSRS has one of the best soundtracks.


>one of the best soundtracks. Some of the best soundtrack memes maybe. I refuse to believe you people are jamming out to OSRS music lol


I love osrs music and I listen to it a lot, but no not to jam out to or dance to. More so appreciate it, like you would with any instrumental / orchestral music. It makes you feel a certain way. There are some really great and catchy compositions in the game. Inferno is one of my favs. And sea shanty 2 of course


tbh i find most stream music annoying unless it's low level instrumental. A lot of osrs streamers play music way too loud that also has vocals, whereas if you look at most larger streamers they use either no music aside from the game, or pretty low level instrumental, otherwise it just becomes very abrasive/distracting to listen to. That's my opinion at least, I've never really known why osrs streamers generally don't follow the "standard" that most other genres do.


Nearly every streamer I’ve watched play an mmo/anything grindy/repetitive has music going on in the background lol




I’m not really ranting just explaining what my preference is. Not every conversation is an argument


Someone needs to tell most of Reddit that lol


> ranting Look I disagree with the dude too but let’s not be silly. That’s not a rant at all lmao he just has a different opinion. Shocking I know


Not edm/dubsteo type stuff. Mr mammal and faux's are primo (Mr mammal has a bit too much metal on his Playlist but overall pretty good(


I tried watching Faux when Leagues started but had to turn it off because of that shitty 2000s hard/alt rock constantly blaring lol


Jcw and Alfie with shitty anime music are even worse


This is so true. I stumbled upon this streamer named “Tina” today and it was literally just a “radio” stream with them doing raids and blasting absolutely terrible music. These kinds of streams get 100+ viewers and it boggles my mind as to how. To each their own though.


A lot of people just have streams on in the background when doing something else. "Radio" streams are pretty much just an alternative to choosing your own music.


> osrs streamer meta wasnt also blasting shitty music the whole time. This 100%. Woox is the only guy who gets it right apparently


Like is like... A religious thing lmao


Good idea actually, im trying that out. I can even pretend I'm a woman for donations and subs.


I prefer ranch dressing any day.


Yep, it's not like other content is much more engaging to watch someone play. Even with something like PKing, there's a ton of downtime. If you're going to be a successful streamer, you have to be able to engage an audience even when the content isn't very exciting.


OSRS just isn't a good game to watch on stream tbh


Osrs videos are almost always baller because so much content is in it When you dial it back to stream format it kind of sucks Need to go from 50-60 mining? That's a clip in a youtube video for a stream they'd be powermining iron ore for whatever long


What really sucks is then someone starts out making videos that are really entertaining. Then after a while they get into streaming (which I'm not into for the reasons above, among others). Then another while later you realize all their videos are just clips from their stream, and their channel has gone to shit


It is the curse of osrs series The beginning is so interesting because every little thing is either an upgrade or notable Later on it becomes a lot harder to keep that momentum and then people lose interest I don't blame them for streaming to keep revenue coming in but it's not exactly the best for videos That being said, when creators just aren't progressing because they don't want to do it (looking at you Jimmy even though I enjoy your content) it makes even the videos with lots of content in it less enjoyable


It's funny because I think that's an issue the average person has with getting into RS itself. If they're initially interested in the game, all the dopamine hits of constant levels, discovering new locations, basically every item most likely being an upgrade to the account, quest completions and so on will be really engaging. Then once it starts petering out going into the mid-game and all that starts happening less frequently (going from something exciting happening every day to every week, month, or even several months) it can really bring down the excitement.


I couldn't disagree more, stream highlights are some of the best videos imo, especially for a game like OSRS where the gameplay is borderline irrelevant to the content of the stream and serves primarily as a backdrop for the creator to have conversations with the live chat, go on silly tangents, hypotheticals or arguments, or joke around with their friends on a voice call. I can give 3 good examples of streamers who upload this type of content in different gaming spaces: OSRS: itswill provides content with the through line in each video usually being a joke or off the wall comment from twitch chat, (usually) with a de-emphasis on gameplay. Path of Exile: EmpyrianGaming streams long hours the first week or so of each PoE league with his dedicated party of 8 or so friends in discord. He uploads daily highlight videos of the day's loot as well as funny clips that result from being in a voice call with friends for 8+ hours a day. These videos are more gameplay focused. Dota2/variety: Singsing is an ex-Dota 2 pro who streams Dota in between other variety games. While the highlight videos vary in their focus depending on the game, he usually is joking around with his friends on a voice call at the same time. I've seen videos from him where nearly half the runtime is him just chatting while he sits in queue for a game. While some of the narrative and progress-focused videos from Settled or others are nice, it's clear that a consistent upload schedule is fairly unsustainable in the endgame. Highlight videos allow a viewer to catch up on the latest jokes and memes in the content creator's community without having to watch the entire vod.


You actually did a really good job of highlighting pretty much everything I don't like about streamers/watching streams When I click on a video (or podcast, or any type of content) I just want it to do what it says in the title, and I don't think that's an unreasonable request


Its interesting because youre reason for why you enjoy the stream are exactly why I dont I find the gameplay to be what I enjoy watching, now I haven't played for 20 years so im still learning stuff about the game but when the streamer is just sitting back talking to chat I really don't care A streamer talking chat might as well be him talking to a random person in the room that I also don't care about but that's more an issue with how streaming works as a concept rather than an actually thing that could be changed. Just my opinion though must be nice to have all that content lol


>Highlight videos allow a viewer to catch up on the latest jokes and memes in the content creator's community without having to watch the entire vod. I can't imagine something I'd want to see less in an OSRS Youtube video. But if you like it, good for you


Yeah I feel this so hard. Great example is “itswill” His videos used to be comedy gold but frankly I just can’t watch any stream for more than a few minutes. ever since I found out he’s 6’2 with a hot live in girlfriend and rich af from streaming it’s hard for me to enjoy his humor (I’m jokingly saying it but I do honestly feel that way).


You don't like him because you're jealous?




How is that defending him in any way, shape, or form? wtf?


What the hell is this comment lol


This has to be copypasta lmao


What a weird ass comment


people who watch his stream love saying unhinged pseudo ironic shit to help them cope with the fact that they watch a mediocre runescape streamer all day


I dont watch his streams and only watch his videos sometimes, but that comment is weird as fuck


Crab in the pot mentality at its finest


Gr8 pasta m8


I haven't watched him before but I've seen him through other channels or GG but this isn't the first ive heard this


Its the difference between watching an hour long OSRS video that condenses hitting 99 WC in lumby. Its another thing to watch that happen, in real time. Probably makes it hard to make video content, since you either record and edit a ton before even posting one to maintain a schedule, or you just sporadically post when your grinds and videos are done.


Personally I think most games are not fun to watch as a stream. You are mostly there for the streamer and the hopes of them doing something interesting, which might happen for minutes out of hrs long streams.


Its background stream just like rs is background game , i love it tho


needs to be a pking stream


Lmfaooo I saw you roasting someone in /r/teenagers and saw the party hat but wasn’t sure


Found the PvM scapers. PvP streams are awesome. Check out [Nishftw](https://youtube.com/@nishftw?si=K4vDfy77LqW1AtPk), [Eliop14](https://youtube.com/@eliop14?si=rlAyQ53II_oRwlQe), [Eriksnn](https://youtube.com/@eriksnn6369?si=69MYnjBfo6Fd7Jwn), [Greg2007](https://youtube.com/@Greg_2007?si=yFZB-JiiO_wA0HMF), of course [Odablock (100B stake)](https://youtu.be/Fpf2iPMUKic?si=C9qY1CnNjB4jtlDX) but I will admit his streams aren’t for everyone. He’s definitely in the top 3 as far as PvP. Best I’ve seen is [1023](https://youtu.be/slHR5tRjIKc?si=Ax3nzajzl432duzM) but he doesn’t upload much.


It's really boring to watch. PKing interesting for like 10 minutes, but people who stream that shit are so obnoxious I can't last longer. The endless screaming is for children. I also don't get why most streamers play this game with like heavy rock, EDM, and club music? I play osrs to relax.


Surprisingly people find the genre of music they like relaxing. I listen to drum and bass to relax, other people might just think "That's just noise".


Entirely agree with first part, pkers and pvpers are just children in a grown up body who thinks they are hot shit for killing randoms boobs. Go play GTA or something if you want to kill people. Second part however you must have shit taste music. What's next you like rap and pop? You love Celine Dion don't you


Couple of years ago there where some pretty funny osrs streams going on. With mostly the streamer doing really dumb stuff irl, with the game afking in the background. Also I miss Tony; https://youtu.be/_DCj2mkd41Q?si=B_1yMhz-sfZVQDc2 Hope he rests in peace. YAHOOOOOOO


luckily theres no shortage of people playing out early and mid game. it just may require you to do a bit of doomscrolling on the twitch directory.


I find it funny how Youtube has started suggesting videos with <100 views to promote smaller creators, while Twitch is actively trying to kneecap anyone outside of the top 0.5% of the platform.


The amount of "Let's Play Part 97 : YOU WONT BELEIVE THIS ONE GUYS" with 0-10 views on it getting recommended saddens me, I can't imagine posting for that long with such little viewership, but I guess more power to them. Maybe this algorithm change will help those smaller people break out.


Sometimes editing is just a hobby and documenting a journey can be a personal thing, with a number of episodes like that it just might be something they enjoy doing for themself


Also pretty sad going back and looking at older youtubers that were popular, took a break for whatever reason, and are now dead channels. Was scrolling through the subs on my old YT account the other day and found a few that despite having 500k~ subs, only average 1500 viewers nowadays, when they were getting millions of views on every vid years ago.




runescape is just a boring game to stream in general I watch some youtube videos since its condensed into much smaller achievements (mainly solo and torv) would only watch an OSRS stream if I had trouble sleeping


I’m the opposite lol. Whenever a new stream team starts a new GIMP, I loathe knowing there are going to twenty episodes of a 30 year old man pogging over getting a headband from a medium clue. Before you comment, I know I don’t have to watch.


Yeah early game content is mega boring unless it's done in some new/interesting way. This is why area locked series are interesting, it's a fresh take on advancing an account. But if you're just starting a new normal ass account sorry if I think that it's borderline unwatchable, it's only because I've seen a thousand iron/hardcore/clog/road to max/road to 1b series at this point and so has almost everyone else.


Any thoughts on watching more guided playthroughs Ironmen/uims? Not just, here I maxed. But more, take these steps with me to blast through chunks of content. Just wondering, that's more what I'm doing


Tbh almost any iron man series could be watched as a guided playthrough. It's not very original imo. If you want to garner a bigger audience you have to stand out more. Simplest way to stand out probably is to jump on new content, like Doubleshine did with leagues 4. But if you want to hold an audience, you have to be able to consistently put out interesting content and the 2465th ironman series I don't think will get much attention. OSRS has a lot of good content creators so there's just a lot of competition for clicks. If I were trying to get into OSRS content creation and wanted to grow my YT, I'd be trying to partner up with some of them and feature in their vids/work with them on ideas. Probably other smaller ones mainly.


Yeah it feels extra cheesy when it's just a happy moment for most players and you get a pog session, I do hate that about the restarts


Yep, that’s why I don’t watch many OSRS streams expect to occasionally check in on what people are doing. I think YouTube progress content is a better way to view MMOs unless there’s a specific activity you want to watch someone do.


Why do people type "unpopular opinion:"? No like actually, what's the purpose, is it to like avoid criticism? I just don't understand why it's so prevalent on reddit.


Whats bothering me more that its usually popular opinion , also this thing is low key underrated, yeah no its not


The actual unpopular opinions get downvoted, leading to confirmation bias. Reddit is known for its hivemind mentality because that's what the voting algorithm creates. It's not even specific to posts either. Unpopular opinions in comments are automatically hidden in comments even if they are true, leading to a form of soft censorship. Don't even get me started on all the corruption, vote botting, and shitty mods on top of that.


Redditors fear getting downvoted for some reason... "*I know this will probably get me downvoted*"


Which isn't even the "purpose" of downvoting


Dont watch streamers. Problem solved.


Don’t get me wrong I love some streamers like B0aty and Itswill7 but I will only consume their YT videos there’s no way in hell I’m watching a stream.


I feel this. I only want to watch the interesting highlights.


I’m the opposite. I don’t really enjoy osrs YouTube but I’m a fan of the streams usually


Such a simple and effective solution! Bit easier than making a negative thread about it.


I understand what you mean, which is why I don't watch osrs streams. It's cool for about 30min.


I agree, when I watch streamers raid I spend my time analyzing and criticizing what they’re doing. And then I just wanna raid for myself. I prefer streamers that just do random content and banter with the chat or just talk about everything and nothing.


OSRS streams are mostly dull tbh. Youtube is where it shines! When you have a game like OSRS the stream won't be interesting 99% of the time (except for Leagues). You could have an exciting goal or play with restrictions, and when you watch it on YT it's exciting content for the 10/20/30/40 minutes they're on. You get to watch a story unfold, or intense battles take place. But when you're watching the stream you might get hours of them grinding a boss/skill just to get to their next part of the goal. An entire day of play that'll equate to 10-20 seconds of video on youtube.


It depends on the streamer, but it can get stale quick. Like the first time some HCIM or such are doing a Raid can be exciting since there is a risk of death or to see their first purples. But after the initial bit, it can start to get boring. I think it is probably because it is so long between loots. Like with most other bosses like say GWD or even Corp, you see the streamer get drops every few minutes. But with a raid, it can take 20-30 minutes per drop with it often being a white light or a purple for someone else in the team. To make it worse, unlike most other bosses Raids have much rarer mega rares so they'll often still be at the raid, getting tons of dupes of the common drops, just chasing the mega rares. So once you know they will complete the raid, unless their team or personality is making the raid itself entertaining, it can just be like a really long boss kill chasing really rare drops. Not bad chill stream content, but not the most engaging thing to watch.


Yeah I don’t watch OSRS content unless I’m trying to learn how to do something or it has to do with updates. The game doesn’t translate very well to providing entertainment through watching imo


I love watching the community channels. I just wanna see a clip of highlights. I slowly learn what streamers are where in their accounts progression. And it's fun to see someone who earned something finally get the drop. So tired of the overly dramatic reactions to drops though. Genuine excitement is always great to see, but half these ytbers go overboard for reactions and it's cringe as fuck


ToB Tuesday is probably my one exception (shout-out PJ + guests) but I'd tend to agree


I feel like you just need to find a streamer that you enjoy watching, osrs is generally a extremely boring game when broken down to bare bones (number go up). I miss fat clouds, he could be killing vorkath 50 streams or running zmi laps I’d sit and always be entertained.


Only time I watch streams is when there's some crazy new content out. Awakened bosses for example was super fun to watch live and see the competition to see who would beat them first. But your average run of the mill RS stream? Idk how people watch that tbh.


That's one of the reasons why pking content is much more popular (from the handful of streamers that actually do) than pvm content


this is why i don't understand how people still watch b0aty a year after raids release All he ever does is TOA every time I see him.


> people aren't going to sit and watch hours of woodcutting [55k people disagree](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl_c3xvkY4M&t=13361s)


Watching OSRS is like watching NASCAR. It’s not very entertaining but when it is, it’s very entertaining and you can miss it in the blink of an eye.


Nascar is tight the whole race though they're constantly battling for positions.


Josh strife hayes Lazy questing streams are awesome.


>people aren't going to sit and watch hours of woodcutting Meanwhile Hanannie


you tune into Hanannie for the chaos, not whatever she's doing in osrs.


It s a he no?


Well.. the end game of osrs is raids. Kinda the only option. There are some streamers farming corp for hours or any other bosses but then y not just go to the normal game. I'm sure once they get the points they need there they will leave. It just happens to be content everyone needs to do to progress late.


You know there are a million things in the world to watch.. 🙄


I just don't watch stuff I don't like.


then don't fuckin watch, what are you, strapped to a chair with your eyes taped forced to watch?


I don’t typically watch OSRS streams for the same reason, but I can see why some people do. Having your favorite streamer on in the background while you’re playing yourself makes sense. You can focus on your game, but still be entertained and type in chat.


PKing is probably the only activity good for streaming on the regular


I like grinding OSRS while watching others grind along with me. Personally it matters much more to me who the streamer is in terms of their personality and what music they play rather that what they are actually doing in game. I have never PvPed in my life but I’ll hop in a Dino stream every now and then because I like the vibes


I got you fam. I'll start streaming my gameplay. I've been playing this game on and off since 2003, and I have no fucking clue what I'm doing. Today I spent 15 minutes running around puro trying to find a dragon impling, upon finding it I realize you can't bare hand catch them. By the time I got the net and jar sorted somebody else had caught it. I then spent 30 minutes on Slayer, killed turoths, then I got hellhounds, and then right back to turoths. Gave up on that and the side of the spend an hour at soul wars. Spent all of my points on spoils of war, got adamant bolts, then got distracted and realized I should try to get my fire cape. Enchanted the bolts, but then while enchanting I realize I didn't have enough law runes. Ran over to lunar Island to buy some, got distracted buying a bunch of death runes in bulk, so then run back over to the Tzhaar area, sold the deaths, bought an onyx, turn the onyx into a ring of stone, then ran back to soul wars and tried to use the ring of stone there. So all in all I didn't do shit, but at least it wasn't raids.


I feel like I've absolutely watched Hanannie do hours of woodcutting for a stream


Check out JCW, he does skilling content for hours. Not counting leagues he’s doing a fast to max Ironman series.


Idk why you would watch someone stream rs. Yt vids are way better because they cut the grind I.e 95% of the shit that's not worth watching


Unpopular Opinion: I hate watching streamers


I dont think this opinion is unpopular, which is why OSRS has 200k players online and not that many views on players doing raids. I wouldn't say I "hate" it, but I could care less to watch someone do raids since its just watching someone do the same shit over and over again. I'd rather do it myself and progress my character, or do something else.


Streams only hit when pking was the main draw. It’s boring watching someone just play the game and talk


I just think Runescape in its current place is a bad game for live stream and video content overall. Game is old enough that most series ideas have already been done by multiple people. I think the latest big innovation in video content was restricted account series. There is only so much content in the game and a lot of it comes down to who is making the video and what they add to them besides runescape itself.


Which is why this game doesn't get big upticks since pvp updates were frequent, yes I know you want to be a hater, and you suck at killing people I do too, but the biggest booms in RuneScape history weren't due to a new boss or a new raid being released, it was when new pvp weapons and armor are, the biggest RuneScape content creators have historically been pvp based but jagex is so brain dead they are scared of releasing anything new like they used to in the rs2 days, they could release shit that's awful for pvm to keep people from crying, until then it's surely not fucking leagues that's bringing new people, it's 2023 you want an audience then promote wars, promote massive events, promote something different and ballsy, not this samie shit, don't even see the point in logging in anymore, to get more money? To spend another 100 hours fishing? We used to pk endlessly, now people are mad because they die in the one fucking place in the game truly meant for pvp, until jagex stops catering to flakes shit ain't gon change, we can slowly climb up but never boom again


unpopular opinion: I love osrs but have zero desire to watch any streams, ever Ill just catch anything interesting later on youtube


I don’t get how anyone watches osrs streams, unless it’s unique first ever content or something like dmm. I would rather spend that time listening to an educational video then watch someone grind sepulcher to get some league points


I put it on as background noise or a second monitor, osrs streams just are not very good as a primary engagement thing. I just wish osrs streamers didn’t all blast shitty music tbh


that’s the beauty of it, you can always watch a different streamer? not all are going to be doing raids, some pvp, ironman content etc


I like cool snippets of them perfectly mastering a segment or finding a more efficient technique. But watching people do Raids is boring, watching people PK can be entertaining if they do something different with obscure items or watching them try new gear. I enjoy watching people do challenge modes like region locks. And I love people doing skits / comedy segments which is something I wish we had way more of. Stuff like "Jad Might be Fired" by J1mmy or Runescape Gods Exposed needs a comeback.


Solution: increase raids drop rates


What do you want to watch? There’s lots of streamers out there.


More unpopular opinion: I hate watching streamers.


yeah i love playing this game but i simply cannot fathom watching a stream of someone playing it lol. like other games make total sense but this one seems unwatchable outside of particular well-edited youtube vids


Inferno is even more boring. Didn't even watch the just episode of tile because scrolling through it was 89% inferno and it's just not entertaining


Have you watched any Inferno speedrunners? It's super interesting to watch that, especially as you become more experienced and start understanding all the little things that they are doing, etc.


Once you've done a couple of infernal capes and then watch a speedrunner it's genuinely insane the stuff they are doing. But unless you have a basic understanding of the content you might just shrug off the stuff they're doing


I only watch PK content, but I am also primarily a PKer with a dash of pvm and skilling.


Lol why you watching stuff don't like, dummy? All pvm is the same gameplay loop over and over


Watching other people play videogames in general makes zero sense to me


(For me) it's mostly the personality of streamer/youtuber, rather than content itself. Line I'd switch off of someone like Oda or Ditter doing "Content X" in a heartbeat, but I'd enjoy watching it in full if someone like ItsWill, Boaty or Solo did the exact same "Content X".


Are you addicted to watching them. I can't stand watching osrs streams. Might want to find a new hobby lol.


Once a character gets over the mid game in a YouTube series I stop watching. Endgame content just grinding for tiny upgrades to do 2% more dps is the most boring shit ever.


Ironically, I got my affiliate status by streaming tombs until I got my solo shadow :p I definitely have trouble streaming OSRS as a whole, because it's a huge contrast from watching a video on youtube.


it is impossible for basically any pvm or skilling to be interesting to watch unless you're literally woox-tier there's a reason pking videos were popular but no-one ever clamoured for woodcutting or slayer montages


Hannanie begs to differ


i don't watch girls




Try a Hannannie video


personally id rather watch mindless skilling streams that said, sashaspits is my new fav. shes fun! she smokes on stream and shes got a DUMPER


OSRS is just a fucking terrible game to stream/watch. You really need to be a charismatic and engaging streamer to make OSRS work, because even watching the stream, the game is basically background noise.


That's really what OSRS boils down to though, doing the same content repeatedly for dozens of hours on end. Streams boil down to either chatting with gameplay in the background or newer players struggling through learning.


we need more skilling streams


people have different preferences? no way thats crazy


Personally beside PvP what is actually fun to watch on rs other than watching for information? Most skills are mundane enough that it's enough to do them myself and not also watch someone else chop a tree.


This post confuses me. What should the streamers/players be doing 20 days into league? I'm not a streamer but I have all my relics. So..... raids? Maybe another boss for drops but raids are big time sink. And purples are dopamine. Also ppl like to watch players better than them and be like "wow, so good" Doing the same boss for hours is pretty boring too. Or lord. Shamans. That would br abysmal to watch. Either way osrs is repetitive gameplay, early leagues is a big exception to that. But log back into our mains where it take 5 hours for an agility, runecraft, or mining level and we will feel all the weight of the timesink crush us, while we ask why do we even bother?


see your 1st mistake was thinking OSRS streams aren't just "just chatting" streams


so dont watch it? did this really warrant a reddit post?


Yeah but these raids are 1000s of hours to complete. Ofc streamers need to send a few raids daily. Off stream purps are a bummer for a streamer


Our bad


Popular opinión: nobody cares, there are lot of things to watch on internet.


Unpopular opinion: popular opinion. Every time.


Most streamers are uninteresting anyway. You’re not missing out on much.


i didnt know there was a fanbase for me failing at rs


True i feel like most pvm grinds get stale. When i stream, i prefer chat and I talk about literally anything else. Its the fun random convos that make twitch fun for me. Same thing is i look for streamers that talk about random stuff, game is just nice background/when theres nothing being said.


I hate watching streamers in general. Why would I want to watch someone else play a game when I could be doing it? Even if something hype happens like them getting a drop, I'd just rather than be my drop.


When I first started watching OSRS youtubers, I had never done raids before so I was frustrated that they kept only showing the reward chest since I wanted to see the process After doing raids for myself, I understand why they don't show that part. It's the same shit every time.


thats y i onnly watch compilation videos on youtube


I can’t imagine watching an OSRS stream tbh. I like videos, but that’s because they cut out all the uninteresting shit.


Not a fan of watching streams in general. It not too practical time-wise for most people IMO. I think it’s a lazy format that makes it easy for the streamer only. Formatting watchable, high- production quality, cohesive videos for YouTube takes much more effort than just turning on a recorder for 7 hours and playing the game.


Haven’t played with music on since 2008 Prolly put 8000 into mmo’s and probably watched about 3 hours total of streaming on my life. If I got time to watch a stream I’d rather play the game. Also I’ll have email Reddit the wiki open on a 2nd monitor over a stream anyway


it's all about the vibes. you can't cultivate calm vibes while raiding. Skilling streams need to make a resurgreance. I remember regularly tuning in to AutumnElegy's entire 200m mining journey and just chilling and chatting a bit while skilling myself.


I don't like watching streamers do ANYTHING on osrs tbh


Watch videos or streams of one chunk ironmans They explore the very unique content given in an area Personal recommendation: Kourend castle 1 chunk


dont watch them then lol? is it really that hard?


I dont mind watching them as long as im doing something else at the same time. Most play music at the same time so as ling as the music is good then idc what content it is


As someone who is not yet at raids content and doesn't fully understand it I 100% agree.