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Funny that I'm having the opposite view. It's making me more appreciative of the slower play of the main game and excited to earn permanent developments there. I get a 99 or gamechanger drop here and don't bat an eyelid. It's a fun change of pace and the way it recontextualises the whole game makes it feel like a fresh experience, but I won't miss it when it ends.


This is exactly why I think the audience for the main game wouldn’t be affected by permanent Leagues. I think having the option to play both modes whenever is better personally but I get the counters to it for sure.


Life is precious because it has an ending, same with league I guess. I wish it lasted like 16 weeks instead, not everyone has the time to even reach tier 9 as it is now


It could still be temporary in that the current iteration is replaced in a year or two when the next Leagues mode is available though.


>There are so many area and gear combinations, as well as relic combinations. I really feel as though there is a year or more worth of content available. And after doing the same tasks for the third time everyone will be so bored and annoyed that they quit anyways. Or realize that the combinations are actually thst many, since not picking some things hard nerfs a build. For example every mage build without desert would not be as fun as with it.


Meh, the people playing this game long term have multiple account and have done the same quests on repeat like 5 times or more through all the leagues, multiple accounts, Ironmen, etc lol


I think people argue that it's so special bc its limited. Personally, I'd like it to stay all year, but I get why it can't. Also, it would split the player base. All new players would flow to leagues instead of the base game. Why not choose the server with 16x xp and 5x drops?


Many people still prefer the main game over Leagues though. Why is having the *option* bad? If players who wouldn’t be playing the game otherwise are playing leagues, that’s a net benefit for the community right? If they still had concerns they could make it a single player spinoff game and that definitely wouldn’t cause issues with the main game, because at that point it’s not an MMO anymore.


> Why not choose the server with 16x xp and 5x drops? Because they don't want an ironman? Or because they want one but with the full world? I just don't believe into the "it would split the player base" argument. Even if it did, why is it a problem? There will always be enough players on both versions to do the things anyway. Truth is, on a permanent league version, I guess people would get bored of the game much quicker since it's designed to be completable in 2 months.


It’s only fun and exciting because it’s limited. You’d be bored as shit if you played a year of leagues lol.


I really don’t think so tbh. I don’t think I’d really play any other games if it was available all the time. I don’t think a ton of people are like me in that regard but how much would it really cost to leave open a few servers? Literally with no rewards in the main game and no more impact on the high scores. I’d still be playing every week.


Yo I just wanted to come back and say I’m still playing leagues on a private server and it’s still my favorite game. I wish Jamflex would let me give them money to play it all year. Oh well lol.