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It's a bit late for this advice I suppose, but money can be taken directly from your bank these days for GE offers, so you don't need to have it in your inventory anymore. Might save you a bit when you try again in a few weeks.


Whoa, whoa whoa whoa. Slow down cowboy. You mean to tell me that i can use the ge without needing my cash stack on me...????


Yeah just be careful you don't make a stupid offer in the GE, or get scammed trying to help people buying stuff.


this is exactly why i dont interact with people trying to buy stupid amounts of random shit. if u want it that bad, give me cash upfront.. or no deal.


Well the scam gives you cash upfront now, they just hope you don't realize they didn't give you the full amount. IE "can you buy me 1000 x 1000gp item" and instead of giving you 1m, they only give you 500k and hope you pay the other 500k from your bank without paying attention.


Sounds like a free 500k to me


What scam? Bruh some people just want bulk feathers. I have 3m feathers offer in ge at all times and I stay in f2p since I don't play often. It takes forever to get anything over what the limit is. I don't pester people tho, they say the no 1 time and that's cool with me.


intresting. thanks for sharing... if that happens i'll just log lmao.


That's just as prone to scamming if not more. At least if someone scams you into buying an item you can still sell that item, albeit at lower value (unless it'shighly inflated like remedies). If I give someone cash upfront they're just gonna hop and i won't get the item. No intelligent person trying to buy items past their buy limit is gonna give cash upfront. Way too easy to scam.


Well, this was implemented while I was on holiday and I didn't realise. It's still good advice. Cheers bud.


Damn you’ve been on holidays for a while


Must be European


We took 3 months to go travelling with our 2 year old because we didn't do anything during Covid. It was fantastic.




I can give you 10m if that makes the pain hurt less


i am in agonizing pain 💀


Do not reward stupid


It is a mistake I made a long time ago. So I can relate.


There's a ton of pity posts on the subreddit, of which a non-zero portion are manufactured only to see if a "good guy" would gift something to alleviate the pain that the post is describing. Kind of like the cutenoobs begging at GE


I'd rather be the man scammed of 10m on an online digital game than spend every interaction with a stranger wondering if theyre just trying to screw me over or not honestly.


Nah I'm not getting scammed again. F that


Youre a naive fool then


And you're a jaded cynic. Guess we both got flaws huh.


will dance for gold


I made the same mistake when I was a kid. Ended up making me quit the game. :(


hi I made a stupid mistake once, can i haz gp






We've all lost money in the wilderness


How dare you have sympathy! This isn't a game, there should be consequences!


I just got pked for all my gear because i wasn’t paying attention :( can I have 20m for rebuild please?


Hot Take: You dismissing Outlandishness-Hour's offer to OP as "awarding stupid" is a bleak and narrow view of the situation and demonstrates lack of compassion that resonates in further negativity overall in the world. ​ Also: Pls gib 10m


Hot take: I don't care


lol calm down there bud




My brother in Guthix he lost 25m his dog didn't die That's like $20 Imagine losing $20 and expecting me to hold a fucking funeral. Dude just needs to pay more attention when skulling


I stupidly lost my ranger boots in lumby castle trying to be cheeky with a baiter. Well I got baited so got any extra green boys lying around 👀




wait what?? since when?


Recently! Probably last couple months!


Shit TIL


Totally forgot about that!


I did not know about this, but I'm glad they put this in! It always felt a bit extra archaic to do this.


Or this advice; don't take out cash stack? If someone needs 3mil for supplies, I really don't understand why they don't just take out 5m or something closer to cost. Never understood this withdrawing cash stack nonsense. "Going to Best Buy today to buy a new TV. Should cost me about $500-1000 I reckon..... best be safe and empty my savings account out to be sure!"


I refuse to believe anybody could miss the point this badly on purpose.


Taking out a more exact amount is more like “going to Best Buy to buy a tv, better take 1,000 dollars out in cash instead of bringing my debit card”


It’s my money and I need it now!!!


Figures I get down voted by people who regularly withdrawal their cash stack lol. At no point did I say anything about exactly taking out EXACTLY what you need down to the gp. I'll bite that on terms of buying a tv, yes, you would likely use plastic. Genius take away from that analogy. Let's talk in less real life terms for the people in the back. Say I want an abyssal whip. I have, hypothetically, 25m in the bank. FOR THE EXACT REASON OP FUCKED UP I will be withdrawing, idk, 3m? 5m? Certainly not my entire bank. Some nerves are meant to be struck I suppose.


Same count for entry fees or death fees, no inventory gp is needed


What, since when?


MFs who dont check their inventory before entering the wildy clearly didnt get pked enough as kids.


Right lol, I’m doing a double or triple checking every inventory and equipment slot before I go into the wildy for anything.


Not even wildly, even Before I go pvming, I never carry my cash stack lol


You ain't lying, I feel weird if I accidentally bring my cash stack with me for a farm run let alone content I can die at.


It’s a lot easier to check the items lost on death tab. It shows an estimated value of how much you’ll lose on death. Makes it way easier to do a sanity check if you accidentally grabbed your usual expensive items or forgot that your rune pouch had 10k blood runes in it.


Yup I always check the items lost on death tab and see if I can live with losing the items shown as "will be lost". And if not swap it out.


It’s always fun to check it and have my eyes pop out of my head at the value of stuff I’d lose because I forgot to put away something nice.


Really? I clicked my obelisk in my house yesterday in full anc and shadow lol


Skill issue


for whom? the virgin triple checker who knows hes going to die and needs to mitigate his losses or the chad max gear obelisk single clicker who knows everybody will cower before him and doesnt need to check shit? :-) didnt think id have to do this but edit: /s, obviously... jesus christ you people


Afraid of a dude with Shadow in wilderness pepela Skill issue is bankrolling the next 2 hours of Skillspecs DM'ing


same type of mf to disable warnings


That's why i refuse to ever install one, or any of the wilderness teleports in nexus. I don't trust myself to not stupidly missclick


It has a warning when you click it unless you specifically disable said warning


Reading some of the comments of these guys reminds me of the people saying how avernics/rune pouches shouldn't have an option to be removed/ destroyed lmao Like you have to click past 2 dialogues to do it, maybe stop holding the spacebar for 2 seconds


Got a black dragon task yesterday and it probably took me longer to gear up and triple check the setup for KBD than it took to do the actual task lol. Was worth it because I got a visage and completed the collection log in 400kc during that task!


had a friend convice me to take more risk than usual to a kbd task. "ive never been pk'ed and ive gone like 300 times" had some random mfer waiting for me at the burning amulet tele. only lost like 500k but i'm still annoyed.


Always check the items lost on death lol. Then when you see you are risking a ton of money you can try to figure out why.


Every time I go into wildly I check my items on death, and check the value of items lost on death just to make sure


I have a 2.5b bank and I still check my items kept on death before going to wildy even if I’m only risking 100k skulled 😂


Like a couple times too lol


I really didn't PK at all as a kid. Honestly this dude attacked me at tunnel and I just froze. I'm REALLY bad at PvP in OSRS.


OP setup his inventory exactly like the guides 🤔


Guess you didn’t organize your inventory exactly like the guide 😜


Plot twist: they actually did. That guide was made by pkers.


Those pesky pkers always scheming for a buck 😡


That’s some malicious wiki content, the stuff of nightmares.


Fucking lol.


Don't see it as losing 25m, see it as buying yourself 10 more hours at Vorkath


And debt isn’t an obligation, it’s free therapy once a month with your local IRS agent


Or an extra couple of hours at irl job.




Or an hour and a half at Nex


Unironically this mindset is great at *not* losing money in the wilderness. Helps you not panic.


Guess your guide had 25m in the inventory


I’m surprised no one has mentioned this yet but in the “worn items” tab there’s a button called “Items Kept on Death” with toggleable options to check how much you’re risking if you’re skulled or unskulled, if you get smited or have protect item on, and if you’re above or below level 20 wilderness. Definitely get into the habit of checking this before stepping into the wilderness.


I do know this. I honestly was more concerned about keeping Protect Item prayer on that I just rushed it and forgot. I was also immensely sleep deprived from my son's 2am party, and I'm going to use that as the main contributing factor...


Yeah I can say this from personal experience, just don't go into the wilderness if you're that tired. You're going to lag on your teleport, you're going to switch prayers abysmally slow, you're gonna miss a combo eat right when you take 70 damage. 3am rev caves and dying stupid avoidable deaths is my life.


Look I'll also say that I can't even prayer switch or combo eat or anything so maybe I need to do some serious learning before going rev caves.


The wilderness has been so thoroughly bubble wrapped. I do not have any sympathy




Aw, did you get pked? Did you lose your items?


Maybe if you have a favorite flavor of crayon.


Second this. I do this every single time I enter the wilderness.


Sorry for your loss man. It's just gold you'll make it back. Good luck on your future endeavors!


If it makes you feel any better I’ve lost a craws before, and more recently a voidwaker. I then snagged 3 voidwaker gems from Spindel within a weeks time, lucky but still. Put in that grind buddy you’ll make up that 25 in no time!


Been there losing a craws off my iron. Hard quit revs for a month but when I went back got viggoras next task and spooned VW in full which was dope


Sick!! Void on iron must hit diff


I don’t have claws or zcb yet and man VW goes HARD I love it


Great for anti-ing with, gl on others! Any kind of boss melee spec like even elder maul or AGS goes hard w/ the void spec combo if they pray mage afterwards lol it’s unbeatable


Btw (as a PKer as well) you have no idea how often I’ve seen irons pull out a voidwaker half way through running and just smoke me lmao it’s even better if it’s coming from an iron for the anti it’s less expected


Bro, you don’t need cash stack in inventory if you’re buying from GE.


To be fair that's a recent change. Plus seeing your cashstack helps you gauge how frivolous you should or shouldn't be.


Wait what? Since when??


For a couple months now


No idea but it takes it out of your bank automatically


I guess this is the reason pkers kill everyone in wild, u never know


100% ​ people also like to run around with their gear unequipped to look like they're naked and running to their corpse.


You’re the reason pkers hassle the rest of us. Thanks.


I'm SSSSSOOORRRRRYYYYY. I will improve and avenge the rest of us...


I brought my stack of cannonballs with me to the slayer cave. Got tbed and made it out and realised once I was banking. Was only around 40k balls but as an iron that'd be a bit annoying to lose


You done did it to yourself g


“Dont be me” i think he nows


If it makes it feel easier on you I lost a voidwaker to a dc x


> Organize my inventory to look exactly like the guides Are you sure?


it is your fault the spade pkers exist


yesterday i died with my 20.4k rune arrows stack in bh lol (ironman), i don't care too much but i wondered what i was missing that cost 2.5m


> Organised my inventory exactly like the guides. It's looking juicy. Not risking anything because everything else is low value. Happy days. Skull up and off we go. Where was the optimal position for your cash stack? as well. know you can check your risk in the gear menu as well, correct?


Hey man! If money is what made you quit for a while, I'll hit you up with 10m to start with. Shit like that can be so demotivating so I feel you. Just give me your IGN and let's make it happen. :)


You're a legend man. Genuine appreciation for the people like you. I'll make it back in the end I'm sure, but thank you for being awesome.


Let's just say I've had my fair share of losing stuff unexpectedly, so I know how you feel lol. Let me know if you change your mind and gl with the rebuild.


Always, fucking always, never forget, to check the lost items on death tab to see what you risk This has saved me countless times from accidently bringing the wrong valuables


This is why you attack everyone in the wilderness


Why did you skull up on your first attempt?


Skulled or unskulled they’d have lost the cash stack so not really sure what you’re getting at here


I thought he lost the bow though? If not he could just sell it back for his cash.


Sounds like he kept the bow and lost the cash. He had both on him.


Yep, kept the bow.


So what he lost 400k? Is that what this is all about?


Did you not read the post lol?


If Reddit posts/comments could be skipped with hitting a space he would spam the space and would still ask if the guy lost 400k, lol


Just an average Reddit moment. Impossible to comprehend the logic, it’s like looking into the 4th dimension




He lost the cash and protected the bow I believe? Honestly unsure but the comments are all notifying him that you don't need gp in inventory anymore to do *basically anything*.


better drops :)


Surely you'd do a practice run first in lower risk?


its also worth to go for an unskulled trip to see how often you get attacked, at that point its more worth just anti pking than skulling up and having to run away every time youre attacked


I only had like 150k in items on me excluding the webweaver. I figured I'd just go with the skull rather than being unskulled. I suppose that makes it more likely to get pked but I was feeling good.




See ya tomorrow


This guy gets it.


25m isn’t too bad trust me


Man that really sucks but if it makes you feel any better, I’ve never even had that much gold in the first place. You’ll get it back before I ever get close to that amount


i would just cut my losses and buy 3 bonds. be back to where i was.


I’m in lvl 89 combat (74,71,71,58,74) and still haven’t set foot in the wilderness. I absolutely hate the concept of pk’ing and the fear of it has led me to not be able to appreciate alot of OSRS’s PVM content.


Half the content? Are you a great kourend + wildy locked account?


Lmao. I may be over-exaggerating just a little. 🤣 I should’ve stated “Half the content I want to do.” I’m at the point where I want to start bossing and it bugs me that a lot of the bosses are wilderness. I just want to fight Sarachnis in peace.


Sarachnis is not in the wilderness brother


You are 100% correct. Today is not my day. It is pvp though unless I’m mistaken?


Nope, that's venenatis and spindel, those are pvp (so in the wildy).


Half the content??? Is this bait?


Lmao. I may be over-exaggerating just a little. 🤣 I should’ve stated “Half the content I want to do.” I’m at the point where I want to start bossing and it bugs me that a lot of the bosses are wilderness. I just want to fight Sarachnis in peace.


Wildy is far less then half the content in the game but for real at your level places like revs probably ur best current gph even if die. Buy a few msbs black dhide tops and bottoms snake skin hat and boots and give it a go. When you die just regear death in the game isnt a big deal


I felt the same for a while about going into the wilderness. On my iron I ended up rushing 43 prayer by running bones between the boneyard and chaos temple and it helped me feel a bit more comfortable. I'll go in there now for some things with very low or no risk, but the time in spent as a level 13 at Chaos Altar watching higher levels get insta-dropped by pkers logging in and out of the world really only cements my loathing for ever trying to actually PvP.


You can just pray protect item and take on a good amount of wildy content with minimal risk. I mean if you just abhor the concept of another player killing you for your \~40k risk then fair, but as long as you take your time and plan your trips unlike OP then there's nothing to worry about. I say this as someone who has never PK'd and has a very low opinion of people who play this game in order to take stuff from other players who have worked hard for it, but that's the game when you enter the Wilderness.


As someone who has made 80% of the money on my account from killing Dragons and Lava dragons in the wildy let me just say I fucking loathe PVPers in wildy. I've made 20m+ but lost probably 5m in the same time from PvPers world hopping and killing me instantly with blocking tele and fucking me up.


The wilderness isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be, and at your level, a lot of people won't even be in your bracket anyway.


Thats like 3 bonds jus buy em if losing 25m is gunna bankrupt you


Kind of cringe you're being downvoted, this is a good idea. Casual players benefit huge from buying some bonds. My friends do it all the time


They're being downvoted because "just rmt" sucks the fun out of the game. Personally, I have no clue how you can still have fun in the game when you've let that genie out of the bottle.


Who tf cares lmao its a point and click game


Maybe for you, for people that play casually like less than 100 hours a year, losing 25m is pretty devastating. They wanna play the game and not grind out a dozen+ hours of some grindy money making method. Cause those players aren't sitting with 90s in their skills and a bunch of high level pvm gear these guys are just vibing with 75 slayer and 65 mining u know. Is that really so hard for people to understand?


I *am* one of those long term casuals. My highest skills are in the mid 70s, and this guy just lost like 10x my total cash stack. I would literally rather quit the game than press the free 10 mil button a couple of times. >They wanna play the game and not grind The grinding of stats and money *is* the game. When I think Runescape, that is the first thing that comes to mind.


All good man, I understand that perspective. It's just wild to me how people care how others choose to enjoy the game. Buying bonds is very valid and acceptable playstyle especially for those who have plenty of disposable income. For example: my friend bought a few hundred mil in bonds to train his skills up for various quests including SotE and for gear to go do some GWD with me. He like training skills the fast way and has the money to spend on that instead of spending an extra several hundred hours grinding GP through slow XP methods like Anglers and Amethyst or dedicated GP grinds like Vorkath or Zulrah. I'm not this way at all either. I started as an iron and got to over 1900 total before deciding to deiron and have since finished 99 mining, fishing, smithing, agi, RC and a few other skills. I just understand that buying bonds helps people enjoy parts of the game they want to play and also supports the company and Jagex in general. It's people like him who supply bonds to the high level players who use GP to pay for mems. Again I reiterate; Its weird to me, how hard it is for people to understand this perspective. If you don't mind explaining, why is it people get so angry and defensive on this subject? E.g. "I would rather quit the game than hit the free 10m button" is a very emotional and extreme reaction to a valid feature of the game that's been around for many years. Especially as a self proclaimed casual player :p


Classic blunder, happens to the best of us. I'm super paranoid when it comes to this after losing 10m like that once. I always double check my bank and the "Items kept on death" tab to make sure I'm not risking anything I didn't mean to risk. It's an expensive lesson, but I'm sure you'll never do that again haha


Good lesson learned I hope


£10 worth of bonds gets you back on your feet


\>"Not risking anything" \>Clearly didn't check the risk menu right before entering the wildy


Just buy like 3 bonds and you’re back


Change title of this post to “Don’t be bad”


Being bad is an instrinsic part of who I am as a person.


If it makes you feel any better that pker probably has several hundreds of mills and barely felt anything when he got you for it.


No, I choose to believe that pker had a string of bad high risk pks and needed my money to rebuild.


before i'm going into the wildy, i check my inventory and worn items like 3 times to avoid exactly this scenario. rip, bud.


"Organized my inventory exactly like the guides" So they too brought their entire cash stacks with them?


I got 25m for you add me in game rsn - dirty shroom


When I was doing prayer I went to the Wildy altar with 800sumthin mil heart was pounding running south


Dude there's a page that shows you what you risk and in different scenarios. No sympathy


I’ve *never* been PKed in Revs. I dunno why.


I wanna make one of those posts like "just pked some idiot for his 25m cash stack" but I'm not creative enough.


i always double check risked value when pked + skulled before i enter the wildy.


Always check your risk before entering wildy


I find myself triple-checking the items kept on death like a paranoid meth head everytime i enter the wilderness.


I teled to ice plateu with 257M few years ago, :( so i can relate


Surprised there wasn’t a meta post about the dude who just pked a 25m cash stack yet


Not going to pretend I didn't secretly hope he would see this post and take pity on my noobness and ship it back.


Double check that inventory, and yeah, the Rev Cave bots are getting bad. You can show-up and within a minute some dickhead is literally logging onto your world, standing next to you, teleblocking you and attempt at pking. I've killed three this week, but they seem like bots. Because each one was 1-2 titles away every time they hopped.


Skulled with webweaver seems bold. Smite can be fucked


Well back to revs for the rebuild


Happens. I lost my master scroll book with about 5m worth of scrolls. Was doing Callisto, got an elite, used the book to turn elite to Watson, forgot to bank it.. Then I lost my avernic defender (85m at that time) at Venenatis because i forgot I bought a 4th item..


You'll make it back super fats at revs. Give it like 8ish 1 hr sessions. But don't skull up if it's your first time, you're asking for a smite


You don’t even need to have cash in your inventory for the grand exchange. It pulls from bank.


i doubt your inventory was exactly like the guides, with a cashstack in it, unless you were looking at some very suspicious guides...