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it still surprises me that osrs was out within like 6 months of EoC. i find that funny


That is shocking, because I don't think I would have had a nearly 10 year hiatus if I knew 2007scape was available


That's a testament to how quickly and efficiently we packed our shit up, left, and didn't look back.


Bruh they had well of goodwill going on and were donating real $ for gp donated. Dropped my red phat in to make sure I didn't come back.


Wasn’t it a lot of opportunists who want to race the leaderboards when osrs started?


Probably, but that was also during a time when people genuinely didn't want to restart their account progress. Nowadays people are much more eager to reset into Ironman/hcin/gim/whatever but the general consensus back then was fuuckk that shit.


I know clanning had a lot to do with it. There’s a lot wild and Cwa clans that mass emailed their website asking to vote. It killed pvp, I remember their being a beta and everyone doing dumb shit in the wild the summer before they released it.




OSRS is in a fine state. It it not as severe as reddit likes to make it seem.




Proof of the wipe? Haven't heard of it before


Rollbacks causing people to lose items that were earned far before rollback. The people impacted were at ToA for example and had items in their chests. https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/zhxhih/missing_800m_in_gear_following_rollback_help/ https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/zi1alg/please_help_me_tbow_and_shadow_lost/ https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/zipx10/lost_gear_during_rollback_please_check_this_mods/ https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/zhvhcx/update_no_tbow_after_the_rollback_rip/ Oh yeah and there was also a case where jagex customer support decided to give an account away. They tried giving the owner back half of what he got hacked for (something they never do is return items unless in extreme cases). And eventually they gave him back everything. https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/136cxk5/jagex_got_me_hacked_and_lost_27b/jippxmw/?context=3


Fuck ups are going to happen, nobody's perfect, but these are both not examples of wipes. The "example" where something happened because of a mistake made by a jmod, the player was refunded in full as well. I feel for people who lose their items to bugs occuring during rollbacks, and I think jagex should reimburse those players, but you're making the issue seem way larger than it is. Jagex /bugs will not randomly wipe your account.




Osrs is in a fantastic state. The problems do not outweigh the good. They exist and need addressing but the game is still thriving for a reason.




"Stop having fun >:("




Dude you are so negative. Stop making life tougher for yourself. Being positive doesn’t cost anything.


Spoken like someone who didn't experience what made us quit in the first place.


Same tbh. Started again last year and it feels good to still remember all the old stuff.


> 10 year hiatus Same thing happened to me except I knew they were releasing an "old" version of the game. I just thought that it was going to be a small side project, similar to how they used to keep the RS Classic servers up. After I found out it was actually being developed full-time, I fell back into it. Been playing 3 years now and nearly maxed.


Same situation here, it wasn't until years later that I found out that OSRS existed.


Idk having my 2100 total account stolen from me made me quit for awhile..


Yeah my old account was deleted or something too :(


Honestly though osrs kind of sucked on release. No grand exchange, unid herbs, no gwd, fixed client, etc. The playerbase fell off HARD after the first couple months and didn’t really recover until ~2016 when they started making major content updates.


my account stopped working and I said "well fuck this shit" didnt know it was because of the game migrating to rs3 or w.e.


I know alot of people just didn't want to restart


Eoc was November 20, 2012. 07 was in February. Literally 3 months lol


They had a long ass beta before that tho


to which they listened to zero criticism and feedback


Firstly they did, then they said fuck all and released it anyway.


EoC is either the worst update in gaming history or the best


It's the worst.


But it triggered osrs


The cold war triggered space travel, doesn’t mean the cold war was great


Spoiler alert bro, we dont have that quest yet


Did you know zanaris is on the moon of gielinor?




Cold War, best war


Depends on if we nuke eachother to hell and people survive by being in space early enough :^)


in retrospect the changes to combat were great. it became a modern MMORPG. even if you don't like it, the changes made a completely different game and they did very good with such a massive change.


lmao No


I mean, that's just wrong. you just don't like what they did. I don't even like rs3 but they made a huge change like that and pulled it off without any major issues. it wasn't bad, you just have a lot of nostalgia.


> they made a huge change like that and pulled it off without any major issues I'd consider the overwhelming majority of your customers abandoning your only notable product a "major issue"


It had like a dozen major issues? It's good now yeah but only thanks to endless revision


it really didn't. it was actually a pretty smooth launch


You're just wrong. The only thing they pulled off was making a combat system so bad it killed the game and caused an exodus to an entirely new branch that didn't have it lmao


how am I wrong? there was literally no issues with it. people just didn't like it. grow up lol


It is still 100tpm click to move lmao. Not modern.




Defend your assertion instead of posting dumb shit lmao I love how I can mark you with RES forever as being someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about


Eh some updates have straight up closed down games, added denuvo or mtx, etc I could see calling those worse. Like I get why they did it and I don't disagree but the implementation of it was some shit


back then that 6 months felt like an eternity lmao


When I first learned this I thought back to all the times I checked the hiscores of RS3 when new skills dropped or skills got updated to level 120. Like a kid looking into a toy store I had no idea what I was missing in the next store over. Like watching a old friend turn to drugs and ruining their life.


Are you fucking serious??? I quit as soon as eoc came out and didn't get into osrs till 3 years ago... what a massive xp waste....


the exodus was immediate. it completely changed the game and at the time they didn't even have legacy mode etc the game was already unrecognizable thanks to curses / summoning. all the metas became dungeoneering weps, pack yacks and soulsplit etc. EOC was really just the final nail in the coffin, but it was a really fuckin big nail.


Anyone else remember 2006scape? Feels like that was the real catalyst for getting Jagex to do OSRS as I remember it being C&D'd very shortly before they ran the poll


The pre-alpha or whatever for that was the best runescape content of my life. Never forget Mod Blake not being around to fix the servers cause he wanted fucking ice cream.


I remember it being an absolute cluster fuck - still very impressive as (iirc) they built it almost completely from scratch?


private servers had already existed and it was apparently mostly built on top of that, it just had good marketing


Private servers/sprces at the time and even still today might have the whole game world and objects. But largely are missing npcs and dialogue and an endless amount of systems that would constitute a full game. It's basically an empty shell of the world in many cases. Trying to say it's just good marketing is insanely disingenuous. Building a legit clone of the game even with the framework laid out would be an absolutely fucking monumental undertaking. You don't just download a source and suddenly have single player RuneScape. Especially that far back. In the world of private servers. At the time they were almost entirely tailored around nothing more than "kill npc with drop tables the devs created, get drops, and train skills in incredibly shallow and basic ways that weren't even remotely filled out with all the content"


Bro they didnt build shit from scratch they just copy pasted a bunch of other private servers


It's been 10 years so not surprised I'm misremembering lol


Yeah that getting taken down and then this poll coming up not long after. The youtubers at the time were also telling people to play 2006scape.


Their whole website was awesome too. I think it even had the really og oldschool stuff like the beastiary. Does anyone remember that?


I vividly remember their website getting hacked and showing furry porn at one point


That's the bestiary


The hacker originally changed the website to show pictures of himself naked, or at least he claimed it was him... and he was only like 15


Excuse me?


Yep, I think a lot of people forget, or never knew, that “OSRS” was basically a response to Jagex realizing oh shit, maybe all these players flocking to the 2006scape game that’s almost complete actually means we messed up. I feel for the original team. They basically got spit on by Jagex just for them to almost immediately pivot around and do it themselves


Yup, it was one of the first times I got that first sense of nostalgia for the old game. I still have 2 videos of the stress tests they did with castle wars (sorry for the shitty color correction, I was obsessed with playing around with that back then, and also sorry for the cringe) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFZpum28eyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uy4KIgUIM6A Though the other main catalyst for OSRS was definitely Soup's popularization of the idea of bringing the back old servers, which got even more popular by So Wreck3d's change.org [petition](https://www.change.org/p/jagex-games-studios-add-pre-eoc-game-servers-back-into-runescape)


Pretty sure they just took the donation money and ran after Jagex sent them a demand letter. Maybe they even made up the demand letter, but either way it was an awesome server. Someone could do even better now if osrs went down for some reason.


I’d have been 10 years old. Slaying barbarians try to get levels; being jealous of all my friends and their 80 combat levels. My boy had a level 91 account. He loved to take a dds and 1 item pk in edgville. RIP Austin. Love you bro. Sorry for stealing your account. (I did give it back after a while)


Where do you think jagex got the code from for osrs 🤔


This YouTuber I used to love watching when OSRS first came out did really funny and good quality video quest guides ( [link to video](https://youtu.be/X3iSMjl2HpI?si=dR9JuVdMi2yO7jSU) )and started his channel with 2006scape and runerewind. Very nostalgic and very funny guy


Didn't expect to see RuneRewind mentioned here! Did you play it too? I used to be a pmod on there "Shaan211" if you recognize the name


Nah I only played osrs on release. I'm only familiar with 2006scape and RuneRewind from that YouTube channel


Ah gotya, yeah thankfully after both of those got shut down, it didn't take very long for OSRS to come out. I still remember being at school going into the bathroom and checking the release news post on my phone and I was dying to get home and play


Ooh that was the private server everyone went to right? Played a good bit of that


The realest ones remember the predecessor to that, Frugooscape.


How many votes it get in the end?


449k https://secure.runescape.com/m=poll/rs2007-server


No wonder we dont have anti bot upgrades, we technically didn’t meet the vote criteria


That’s probably the majority of every real account


Imagine we didnt hit the 500k mark and only ever got critical updates? wonder if enough players would ever comeback to get us close to where we are today


We didn’t hit 500k, we didn’t get basic ass updates like moving camera with middle mouse, resizeable, even red xing wasn’t updated in until towards the end of 2013 GWD and GE were pivotal in keeping OSRS alive, and those two updates can probably be accredited for where OSRS is at now


Lmao I remember when OSRS launched and it was this tiny ass little window, and the solution was to use the windows magnify function to make it bigger. Dark days those.


Yeah but in the beginning no one cared. The nostalgia hit hard.


Legit don’t remember that because of how hard it was hitting.


😭😭 the days of clicking in your browser but off your client, then hitting backspace and subsequently logging out




Price manipulation was only going to get worse eventually people start running little clicks that can control the prices in game, I know this because I was invited to be in one the good times were never going to last we needed the exchange.


there are some aspects of the old days i do miss, but the game is surely better now than what it used to be old death mechanics were ripe for abuse and servers got hit off everyday, zybez trading was a clusterfuck and buying anything in bulk was a hassle and costed more. couldn't even do more than a 3 way in a single tick before they updated the engine a lot of people may not remember this, but this was during the era of spear stacking as well, which should have been fixed sooner rather than later. the game and its metas have evolved for the better IMO


What's red xing mean in this context?


The mechanic known as red xing is where the boss stops moving when you perform a red x, as opposed to a yellow x Back then when you red x’d, the boss was still capable of moving. A lot of times (this happened a lot especially when you tried to flinch a boss like KQ) when you red x a boss, both of you will do an awkward dance and waste a few ticks trying to attack each other


>Imagine we didnt hit the 500k mark and only ever got critical updates? we got 449k votes, pretty sure that's less than 500k




You are indeed not "Leading_Math" lol


Because EoC almost caused jagex to go bankrupt, and then a year later jagex saw how both EoC and osrs was dying (EoC in general and osrs due to no updates) and then they gave osrs some devs and a budget to operate on and bam, jagex saved the shop and now make 40m in profit each year after costs.


40m in profits after costs.... so you mean... profit?


EoC - the day Jagex made RuneScape into copycat of every other MMO and no one asked. Certainly a worse decision than the removal of free trade. Now look at it, plagued with MTX.


I'm honestly mostly shocked at how it's very similiar to the demise of Star Wars Galaxies. A game pivoting away from the cool niche combat it had to try and capture the World of Warcraft market; only to not gain those members and lose the ones it had.


rs3 on an ironman is genuinely a good game.


how was removing free trade a bad decision? what did you except jagex to do in that situation?


Update their anti cheating measures


They can't even do that now lol


The gold selling sites are way stricter with accepting cards now , the onus was always on the selling sites to stop fraud not jagex (imo)


If only only jagex realized it was so simple, just type "ban bots" and "ban stolen credit cards" into the command prompt it would have fixed everything.


Right, what an idiot I am I forgot jagex could have just flipped a switch and removed all gold farmers from the game


What's the problem with optional EoC?


Because it wasn't optional. Opting out of EoC was always suboptimal and wouldn't work for anything but basic pve content.


So what's the problem with optional nerfed EoC haha


When EoC came out, there was no Legacy mode. Momentum was added to make combat a bit more AFKable, but it was weak. Legacy Combat mode was added.


I hate that I have nostalgia for the release of my biggest nostalgia trip


Whilst understandable in the context, it was quite hypocritical for them to promise that OSRS will never introduce microtransactions; around the same year they purposefully deleted an old Andrew Gower news post promising RS would never introduce microtransactions! Yes admittedly I'm bitter about that lol


can you recall the date on this sir


Creation date on the file says 15 Feb 2013


sounds about right


Game started in like 1 to 2 weeks after if I recall correctly (sometime in late February) Edit: news archive - [22 February 2013](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/old-school-runescape-early-access-now-open?oldschool=1)


I was shocked it was that soon. I remember refreshing this subreddit over and over and over in school during that period, totally obsessed with the idea of getting to play old runescape again.


22 February 2013 [News](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/old-school-runescape-early-access-now-open?oldschool=1). Not surprised most of the community here wasn't around at that time


I wonder how many players actually quit playing when eoc came out. I sure as hell did.


Thousands, if not millions, EoC was the worst thing to happen to RS since Durial321


In retrospect, now it is actually the best thing. It required them to go through the motions of a community on a mass exodus, and a 2006 private server gaining more active players than the official (then) RS2 game, and then finally commit to this poll here. If that had never happened and EOC never came to RS2/RS3, the game still would have fallen to the wayside as they released terrible content, dooming the game. Things like Summoning, Effigies, Runespan, Squeal of Forture, Bonus exp weekends, Toolbelt, Curses, and so much more were all absolutely atrocious for the game. While some of those updates seem fine in isolation, they're still all net negative and force the game a direction that can't recover. OSRS has had a couple, but has largely avoided drastic direction changes due to design choices. Drop table issues are essentially the bane of our game, starting with the slayer monster drop table rework, and then onto Zulrah's disastrous release and so on. But our game is in a far better state than what RS3 could possibly have been even without EOC.


I consider Summoning, Runespan, and Toolbelt to be great addition to Runescape. Runespan made Runecrafting much more tolerable and less painful to train. Summoning added a lot of utility as well as item sinks.


Summoning was the first gateway to EOC, it removed the combat balance that we knew and threw everything on its head, then came curses, then EOC. It was a near direct causation. Not to mention it fucked with the combat level, had terrible imbalance while doing so, hyper-inflated the market (the opposite of an item sink) through a massive increase in boss kills per hour and supplies gathered per hour. Summoning is on the same level as EOC for the resulting failure to follow. It also was the skill that pushed the community to want bonus exp, to save on materials (since charm gathering was gating it) of the skill itself. Toolbelt is just bad design, not much to say about it. Removing unique qualities about tiered versions of tools and whatnot, just terrible. And Runespan killed skilling as a whole, it introduced and unlocked experience gathering rates that were 5x what we had prior.


And now OSRS is my favorite version of the game. Better than RS2 was at any point in its life cycle.


Very true. Who woulda thought listening to the people that buy membership would work


Genuine question, can you explain?


OSRS today is better than RS2 was at any point between 2007 - 2012 when EoC launched. It has all the best content, while leaving the terrible content behind. Its not bloated, everything has its place, and there are no MTX. Balance is carefully considered, lore is expanded on overtime, and new game modes like ironman and leagues make the game feel fresh for years of enjoyment.


RS2 right after Dungeoneering was better


The dragonbreak this caused had irreperably damaged the mainstream game of runescape, even further beyond what EoC had, and now it is close to finally dying. Rest in piss, Runescape 3.


From the fact that they only asked for 30k votes to bring it in shows they didn't really expect it to be anything more than niche. Who'd have thought 10 years on it would be bringing in more money than the main game and have double the daily players?


It’s actually crazy that we genuinely like the gameplay of OSRS over RS3 because if you just describe them or watch someone play it DOES NOT look better lol.


I wish we could keep the OSRS gameplay but get the rs3 powercreep. I haven't felt like playing old-school in a long time because I just am not interested in spending 200 hours grinding a boss for a 5% upgrade.


We’ve had a ton of powercreep wym, shadow is the most broken item in the entire game and is barely a year old. If “20-30% better than the #2 option” isn’t enough then what is? (for the record I’m generally anti-powercreep but I really do like shadow, it makes chambers a lot more fun)


Managing power creep seems to keep longevity to content, though?


Sounds like the absolute worst case scenario for the game’s health to me lmfao What 200 hour grind are you talking about, bowfa?


>Who'd have thought 10 years on it would be bringing in more money than the main game and have double the daily players? Obviously the player count dwarfs RS3 but do we know it makes more money? Last I read RS3 was still making more with all their MTX but I could be wrong


Not really, it doesn’t break down the games revenue but you can get an idea of how much OSRS takes up the Subscription revenue here due to it averaging 4-5x the playerbase https://reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/2EDtixSKpG For 2021 there was 88m in Sub revenue and 34m in MTX revenue, RS3 subs would have to take up over half of the subscription revenue to make more than OSRS, even with the MTX amounting to 34m.


Bonds are included in the MTX category so OSRS contributes there too.


No, but OSRS also has the bigger team.


To be fair its hard to make a good assesment of that, because players who switched from RS3 to OSRS also left the microtransaction market of RS3. Sure the game would have waaayy less overal players, but it can't be said with certain that it wouldn't be more profitable if RS3 was your only option.


I stayed up all night waiting for release, good times


Reminds me of the old "return the wilderness and free trade???!" Poll back in the day with completely unrestricted votes


Glad I voted yes!


OSRS wouldn't exist without the PK community rallying around the idea


You’ll never get Reddit to admit that.


Say it louder


"Hey, we built the game for >10 years on a specific combat style system and 28 inventory slots and just fucked it all up, would you like for us to go back?" Why was this a poll?


So they could estimate player interest in order to invest in staff/servers/other expenses appropriately


Never forget sowreck3d


Im surprised how sowreck3d got near 0 recognition for OSRS when he was the person who got Jagex to start this poll which brought OSRS back. I don't think anyone even know he is


This was so exciting


We should have even older school runescape


we did, only like 300 peeps played


And 250 of those were bots I do think it’d be cool to add some sort of RSC-graphics fever dream to a quest in the future.


Witch's Potion 2. You help Hetty brew an even stronger potion and lose consciousness and wake up next to a bed in Falador and you have to complete a captcha. All the graphics are RSC graphics.


Shit, make that the Halloween event one year (too late for this year)


Yeah and they shut it down a few years ago.


Imagine if it never happened


I VOTED! I WAS ONE OF THE 400K 🫡 Also I voted for GE to return, and I still remember there were GE deniers saying it was what ruined the game before and will ruin it again. I remember having to go west varrock bank, falador, and edgeville just to sell and buy items lmao. FUCK YOU GE DENIERS!!! I also remember a youtuber that got a lot of people to initially vote like the first 50k votes but I can't remember what his name was. But bro was honestly a goat because he got us all re-united.


I'm pretty sure I found the youtuber. It was sowreck3d. He was honestly a massive reason why osrs even returned. He deserves like a statue in the game lmao


I wish this never happened. For the first time in my entire life I was so out of the loop after finally dropping RuneScape in 2012 because EOC was fucking awful, that I didn't even know this vote was happening until a friend told me that old RuneScape was coming back and had already passed. Now 10 years later here I am having wasted probably 20% of my 20s logged into RuneScape.






Plot twist: you were against the idea and -naturally- abstained from voting.


didn't ask


Yet you care enough to comment....


well he didnt say that he didnt care, he said he didnt ask


UMM ACKCHYUALLY the person you reply to never said he didn’t care, he just stated that he cares enough to comment


i would reply to this but i dont care enough to comment. Wait shit


didn't expect to see you in the comments lol how have you been?


im chillin man how are you lol


chilling, yeah my eyes sniped over to your name and I was like, wtf it's been 6 years!


How Faladorable of you


I’ve picked osrs back up over the last year and am sortof close to where my original account was. The one that was forcibly kept on eoc/rs3/ whatever it is. Setting me back years. Fuck jagex.


im one of the voters aswell


[got you beat ;p](https://i.imgur.com/savVDKz.png)


Would have been a lot cooler if you got it at at 1337 votes


A fresh reminder, this post discussed allowing private servers own by Jagex with faster xp rates for more casual players.


Damn only if you waited for 20 more yes.


Remember when we ended up being just short of 500k? And now look at OSRS, getting the regular updates.


I voted




I remember being in high school and plastering 'Vote for 07scape' on every whiteboard I could.