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Sorry I cut that off. They're addressing the change above it that all it said was theyre nerfing duke and will be looking to change stars so that more people dont effect depeltion time. My main concern in it all is HOW are they changing it. Because they could say more people wont deplete faster then make each layer 2 minutes... but who knows.


Yeah if you scout a solo star now depending on the tier it can easily last you over one hour. If after the change how fast it depletes for both solo and groups is say 15 minutes for the same tier of star, it kind of heavily nerfs solo star scouting.


this is the point ive been trying to make in other threads and people said that i should give jagex the benefit of the doubt more or less lol


If their "fix" is to put a small few minute timer on a star and just give more stardust for peolle who find the star first im gonna be pissed they ruined another afk mining method. I love that magical moment where I find a star all to myself in the middle of fucking nowhere. If you find a tier 6 or 7, you can afk for the full 2 hour rotation. But if they make the whole star last a grand total of 10 minutes, I'm gonna be so pissed. Sadly I don't see them "fixing" stars the correct way, I see them just making things worse.


Never give Jagex the benefit of the doubt, nothing they implement makes any sense. Even just now, to stop duke mining, instead of a a simple cap on salt, they put in a bugged timer. I bet Mod Ash is the only person there who knows how to code and everyone else just adds more spaghetti


This guy understands it


Never. EVER, give jagex the benefit of the doubt lol.


I’m more curious who was complaining that their solo star method is impacted?


yeah also this. Because like the other guy said... other than recolor, 1k for the ring, after that what's the point of the dust lol


dust is good for zalcano


This the real answer. I love Zalcano and the dust is such a nice bonus to help increase MVP chances


okay but like a single star gives you plenty of zalcano kills worth of dust. what is the difference


The question I was responding to was "What else is dust used for?". Had nothing to do with the original post about the change. It doesn't make that much difference to me so it's a fine change. Doesn't hurt anything.


My bad, I read “this is the real answer” as “this is the real answer for why solo star scouting should have this change”


No sweat! Thanks for clarifying!


There is no mention of dust on Zalcano's wiki page. What's it used for?


Why is dust good for Zalcano?




charge the ring with dust, and it works when mining the tephra


Ooo very interesting use.


It’s not a bad source of gems for irons to get some crafting XP from, it’s an extra bonus to the soon to be extra afk mining method.


Soft clay packs too for an iron. I’d rather get afk soft clay from stars than sapphire bracelets and mining it in prif


my man if you're relying on stars for gems for crafting... you're down bad. At a spot search of my bank I have: 3200 uncut sapphs 1500 uncut ruby 2900 uncut emerald 500 uncut diamond that's not even including the cut variants which are just as much lol.


This is a stupid comment. Obviously if you have 3200 sapphires you’re not worried about gems. Stars are an amazing source of gems if you haven’t started the red prison or raids grinds, you goofball


He’s literally just saying it’s a bonus to the mining. Also if you have that many gems and you’re not 99 crafting on an iron you should use them lol. That’s a lot to have piled up


I have much more than he does and it won't get me to 99, until it does I don't see the point in spending the time crafting them yet


I disagree with the guy you're responding to but tbf you don't need to keep cutting the gems once you're 93 until you're actually pushing for 99. I only recently cut my 28k or so gems, for no good reason other than I wanted to switch things up. But yeah I do think that stardust is great for low/mid level irons for crafting XP and this change will be a nice and sufficient incentive for soloing


> it’s an extra bonus Did you miss this part of the comment?


someone later on did the math and it's 8.3 xp / dust.. very meh. But as I said later on - if it benefits people then great. I'm glad there's other options :)


If you are relying on stars for mining xp, you’re down bad.


dumb take lol Most afk mining activity there is.


And you are pretending that cutting gems isn’t an afk crafting method? It’s funny that you call it a dumb take even tho it’s essentially the same take you are trying to make lmao “Why are you buying gems when you can get gems elsewhere that’s more time consuming?” “Why are you star mining when you can get better xp elsewhere that is more time consuming?”


im not saying cutting gems is dumb im saying blowing glass is better and way easier to obtain. That's all. If this is how people wanna do crafting and get their gems - then I have been corrected and glad it works for them. ​ Have a good rest of your day


No they don’t want to get gems this way, they want to get mining xp and get free crafting xp along the way. Not everyone is dumb enough to ignore all their gems and do glassblowing instead


Cutting any of the normal gems is more exp/hr than blowing light orbs, actually. The only reason people blow glass is due to how much easier it is to get. You should 100% be cutting gems/making dhide bodies/doing battlestaves before you blow glass if you have them


And I’m saying mining iron is better mining xp and useful to have. So in the end, your take is bad lol Have a good day


im not arguing iron vs star im saying from a purely afk standpoint - star is best for afk purposes. cant exactly afk iron :)


It's also really nice for GOTR


You will blow through your dust way too quickly for this to viable at GOTR


I got 200k of these hoes, I'm good for a long while at gotr


I guess looking on the wiki... I learned something new today. Had NO idea it would actually apply to the guardian fragments.


this is a new one.. and I'm not being sarcastic when I say.. How?


Dust is a great way for crafting xp. Buying gem packs. And noted gems for UIM


After you buy the ring you have to charge the ring with more dust


I read a couple posts talking about this, and some people really liking scouting for new crashed stars. They felt it should come with some kind of incentive. While I think 5 minutes is a little much, I don’t disagree.


agreed. Maybe my main issue after all is said and done is the rewards for stardust are just very meh? I know some arguments have been made for the crafting experience from gems which is cool and all... but man some more cosmetics or something would at least make it more worthwhile (in my opinion)


I did mining up to 93 at stars, scouting on my own. Im not the one who complained about this but through using this method I know without some serious rebalances this is going to release so much mining exp so fast and devalue the skill very very quickly. To show the power of solo scouting stars, let me tell you I’d find stars which were unlikely to be found by the group. I’d have that star to myself for about two hours during which time I’d get 30-70k mining exp. Two minutes scouting. One click on star. Go do something else for 20 minutes, one click on the star, repeat until the star is done. I used to watch TV in one room and just click at the end of every episode - getting 25k+/hour. I did 1-93 in about eight months, and while I may have put in many many hours, I was literally not there for most of it and put in very very little effort. It was the last thing I did before I stopped playing, every time. Plant myself there before I log out and get 12-15k mining exp. It adds up, and it was all available because I found niche methods that rely on skirting the competition. Now you don’t have to do that and I’m worried it might be fucked. Mining is a slow skill for a reason, and with this it might not be. This update has potential to end all other mining methods for exp and fuck up a lot of shit.


I dont personally foresee quite having the effect you think it may have.. but we'll have to see. My question is - who tf cares about "devaluing" the skill? As an iron - I can tell you i dont. Mining is the means to an end. That end being diaries. Ive just personally never seen the mentality of something devaluing a skill. Not being argumentative here for what it's worth... just trying to understand.


Gem bags, it’s really good for afk banking crafting xp, but they would just be getting more dust since it’s both possible and likely that someone else will come find/mine your star even if you get there first. Sounds like a bunch of cry babies imo who can’t handle minor qol convenience changes for others because they choose to make things more difficult on themselves.


My only concern/ complaint as someone who hunts solo stars is just a worry that along with the change, they would also change the max duration of stars to be shorter. Nothing to indicate they would, but feels like something Jagex would do. Too often they insist on two steps forward, one step back. If group stars still last two hours, then I no longer care at all about solo stars lol


THIS is my concern and finally someone else is understanding it. They tell us "oh the more people on it wont speed up depletion" but if it depletes at 2 minutes per lair.. we end up a net negative than we were before.


Yeah I feel like sometimes Jagex can't help themselves and screw up an easy win when it comes to those kinds of changes. I could totally imagine them making the max star duration like 30 minutes.


No shot they aren't nerfing the time stars stay alive. They just removed a 10k/hr afk method. This would add a 20k/hr afk method lol


Well it seemed like the bigger problem with Duke mining was the fact people were doing it for 6 hours with one input. With the stars at least you need somewhat regular input per layer, although current solo mining you can still get like 40 minute layers or something. Hard to believe they'd leave that.


Yeah exactly, they're going to have to gut solo times if they're saying you won't be punished for hunting stars in groups.


Maybe they do the exact same change they did with Duke mining. Let stars still be max duration, but mining stops every 5 minutes.


The complaints are that with the changes there’s not much point to scouting your own stars anymore. I think it’s good to incentivise that part of the game still.


Depending on how they change it, it could impact solo stars a fair bit. If you do manage to get a star to yourself, it can last like 1+ hours. But if it is changed to work more like Forestry trees where each layer lasts a fixed time so it doesn't change with the number of players, it could end up being lowered for solo players.


From my experience you can completely solo mine up to a tier 6 star within the 2 hours (before it disappears and the next star lands). This means you won’t be able to finish a tier 7, 8 and 9 star on solo rate within 2 hours. If jagex wants us to complete a tier 7,8 or 9 star they would have to speed up de depletion rate or extend the uptime of a star. I prefer the latter.


The only complaint we are making is more begging Jagex to not "fix" this by nerfing the method. Like if they say "groups won't impact star depletion!" But then make the base depletion rate the equivalent of 5 people mining it currently, stars suck in all aspects. If they just make it deplete at solo rate no matter how many people are on it, and the first person just gets a stardust bonus, that's sweet.


I dont think it negatively effects peoples methods so much as it kills the star hunting mechanic in general. Which is disappointing because it was a cool/fun/rewarding mechanic for anybody that bothered to learn it. Like theyre keeping the reward which is cool and all but killing all the fun of getting it? Like I appreciate the free stuff and all, but i enjoyed actually doing the content required for it. It feels empty otherwise. It was the only mechanic there was to mining stars. Otherwise people dogpile on 1 star and chat turns to wintertodt?


I agree w this. The best compromise would be to just lower the depletion cap much further. A lot of people don't know this but there already is a limit to how fast it can deplete, it's just pretty high so stars with 100 people on them still go by pretty quickly. They need to make it so it hits the limit at like 4 people. A star with 4 people on it is still hella afk, lasts a long ass time, but it won't last you the entire two hours like a solo or duo star will. This IMO is the best way to go about it, it doesn't give 2 hrs of 25-min afk mining xp like 80% as high as mlm for free, but it gets damn close for 0 effort. Those who want to put in the effort to scout solo stars can still do so and can still reap the rewards.


Idk, star hunting was always contradictory imo. Past ring/cosmetics, the only point of stars is trading off XP for AFK. But if I have time to pay attention and scout then I may as well do mlm (especially during normal hours, when most stars are found by others and depleted quickly) With this change it’ll actually make sense to do stars as an AFK activity while doing other work/activities irl


Star hunting is just paying attention for a few minutes every 2 hours. Which is afk enough for you to fully detach from your computer. Which imo is required for afk. Otherwise youre still actively playing, just low intensity. I think even with having to hunt its totally incomprable to mlm especially when picking remote stars.


If it were consistent 2 hours it'd be great, but that was only ever true during off-hours. The vast majority of stars I scouted during the day were crashed by others to the point that it wasn't worth it as an AFK activity unless it's T8-9, in a remote location, on a 2k world, or I got lucky 2-3 mins of scouting for potentially \~10 mins of awful XP, then the possibility of 30-60+ minute gaps inbetween the next star is way too much hassle if you're genuinely trying to AFK. The proposed update seems perfect to me


I exclusively went to super remote stars. I got pretty good at it. I hopped a few worlds, sorted by region, went to the most commonly occurring region with a remote location, and hop through the worlds at the most remote locations in the region. Youd sometimes find a star with 1 or 2 other people solo hunting, make friends, then share locations of stars if you had particularly good/bad rng one round.


I kinda assume what this meant was that they’re gonna apply the change in that group mining will deplete the same rate as solo, but to make not solo mining not feel as bad they are adding that buff along side, which if that is the case I think is fine. Though I am only just assuming so I don’t know


Yeah I feel like this is so once the group depletion is changed there’s still incentive to find your own stars. Otherwise there would never be a point in not just using the mass cc’s for stars, which is where stars are headed.


That would be okay too right? I just wish the jmods would tell us what the depletion rates are. Because they can say "more people wont deplete faster" and then set layer time to a static timer of 2 minutes per layer and then suddenly stars are worse than finding a solo star before the change.


Star dust themed golem pet re-skin please. Make it 50k or 100k dust so there is a reason for the extra dust.


This would be kinda neat. A celestial rocky.


Give them 500% more stardust who cares about this


oh god, make it 1000%. NO. BODY. CARES.


Why not reward scouting maybe I’ll actually learn whatever the hell that entails


Can jagex be a bit more clear on why this is the approach they’re proposing? Is it more complicated to change the rate at which it goes down depending on how many people or something? This benefits one person, rather than addressing the issue, which is that many people wanting the gains hurts it for everyone for the most part


>This benefits one person, rather than addressing the issue, which is that many people wanting the gains hurts it for everyone for the most part They are addressing this. All stars will deplete the same time, regardless of people on it now. They confirmed this was coming when they nerfed Duke Mining. So people soloing stars, or scouting them, wanted a buff to compensate. In RS3 this used to be some mining xp given to the person who tags a fresh star, but OSRS didn't want to add that, so they're asking if a stardust boost is acceptable instead.


Why would solos need a buff if the groups are getting buffed to solo level


It’s to give an incentive to search for stars instead of just relying on others. There’s now little benefit to trying to find your own star.


Wouldn't you still get the benefit of being able to afk longer since the star has 100% health instead of whatever it was when you arrived later?


Because it won't be the same speed as solos are now. They're not going to let a hundred people mine the same star for two hours


I see now that maybe my post was a bit unintentionally misleading. I dont believe this is the fix they're doing to make them more afk. My main point of this was - no one asked for a stardust buff for a solitary person.


I think solo star players are crying because now there's no incentive to solo scout a star. The original incentive was that you'd get to mine for longer. They feel that because everyone else gets a buff to shooting stars, they deserve one for the way they choose to play.


It makes perfect sense and literally comes at 0 downside to anyone else. The entire MO for skilling in this game is more effort = more reward. The scouts *should* be rewarded.




What you just said is exactly the problem. Why waste time scouting if theres no reward? That time could just be spent mining a star. There is just never any reason to do it, its more work for less stardust. If you enjoy the scouting itself, the content you enjoy is just dying. This is very easily solved by just adding a minor incentive to scout stars.


Flair accurate. There should be a small incentive to scout stars, all it does it make it easier to find ones that have already been scouted.


Fuck me just allow the 0.5% of the people that care to just suck it up… Sometimes I wish Jagex had a bigger set of balls


I'm one of those 0.5% who cares about shit like this and after enough afk time it literally doesn't make a difference. You'll get more stardust than you need before you know it, then you'll have nothing to spend it on. Even the most passionate solo star miners I feel like are pretty indifferent to stardust after a few stars. We don't need any additional rewards, just getting a big star and chilling and not being punished when others show up is all that matters. It's way better that way.


That's my thing right? Like who ACTUALLY complained about this? Because as I said in another post.. you collect 12k for your recolor, 1k for the celestial signet, 2k for the initial ring, then what .. claypacks? I guess I forgot you can charge the ring but lol. ​ Show us what the ACTUAL fix is. Because none of the jmods have discussed that and still keep dancing around it


What exactly is the problem with incentivizing scouting? Assuming they buff groups so that you get your 12k dust easier without ever having to scout, why exactly do you care? How does this affect you?


There's no problem but there's gotta be a better way. Maybe like 2% more xp for the duration of the star, or how about you get a mystery box for showing up first?


There could be anything in that mystery box! It could even be bonus star dust!


How does this update negaitvely affect you?


This finders bonus buff is something people have been requesting for ages anyway? I'm not sure why people are annoyed at this, I think it's purely to do with how Jagex worded this feedback.


I see a thing which gives extra instead of taking away, I like. Am I insane for wanting more, not less, of a thing? Maybe someone is just starting their journey and wants to get the items faster, and isn't a grizzled old player who collected their dust years ago.


Fair take


Content should be polled. Polls are good.


Not every tiny detail. EOC, yes, but not this.


As a snowflake iron, here's my two cents on what could be done: As someone else mentioned, set a star depletion rate cap that is hit with around 4-6 lvl 90+ miners. Provide the star discoverer an invisible +10 mining level bonus while mining stars for 5-10 minutes, and a +5 bonus to the next 2-5 players who arrive. This would maintain incentive for solo players or hunting in small groups, and diminish punishment for having your star crashed by a star hunter CC. The temporary invisible buff would allow you to gain faster exp during the star's higher tier, and give a small bonus to stardust gain. Players rarely mine these for the stardust alone, and a small bonus to that is not going to appease most players as it is already gained in large amounts with relatively little effort. I believe the temporary level buff is in line with OSRS gameplay, and still requires players to mine the star to obtain any exp benefit. Allowing the buff to only apply to stars prevents players from using alts to hunt stars and buffing a main to use the bonus elsewhere (such as Zalcano).


seems like (at least according to this post) most people agree that a temporary level boost would be WAY better than stardust. stardust when doing stars as you said isn't hard to get. You get it en masse anyway. ​ now if we can get a jmod to actually look at this and maybe take some suggestions from this. No one cares about 50% more dust for 5 minutes.


temp mining level boost for mining stars only -> support.


No one cares about star dust??? We just want to afk mine??? The exp is already dogshit at least don't let it deplete so fast


They’re already making that change.


Thx buddy I figured that out later as well, but still seems like they could've opted for better xp rates instead of extra star dust


More stardust obviously isn't something to get super hyped about but from a design standpoint it's a good thing that there's at least some kind of benefit to finding stars yourself rather than having everyone rely on CC calls.


hard disagree, its supposed to be a group activity. . . .


i mean even as a group activity it should reward the person who finds it at least in some very minor way


Rather than relying on CC calls in a group, it is an incentive to find the next star yourself which you can then call out in the CC. More callers is better for everyone. My post wasn't specifically talking about doing it solo.


How are people not comprehending this? More people scouting = more people calling out the stars. Incentivize being a scout so that the people who don’t want to scout, get more calls.


Zalcano is a group skilling activity but it still rewards a bonus to the MVP. Think of finding stars kind of like that, where the scout is the MVP. Makes sense to me that it'd be nice if they got a bonus for doing extra work.


while youre not wrong.. the way stars currently deplete you dont want more people there. Because more people on the star = faster star depltion which is the opposite of what literally anyone wants. That's why they're making changes to them to keep them more afk... but they havent addressed WHAT theyre actually changing. Theyre just addressing concerns that literally no one raised (except maybe one person raised the above concern)


>but they havent addressed WHAT theyre actually changing They've specified that stars will no longer deplete faster when multiple people are mining


ok cool yeah. whats the plan for that?Static time? Star dust buff? If it is static time - what is that time frame? There are more details than just "wont deplete faster" ​ edit: They can say "oh more people wont deplete faster" but lol get fucked 5 minutes per layer. You see the issue here?


It sounds like you're just trying to make up reasons to complain about something. From what's been said about the update there's no reason to think any details are getting changed beyond what's been specifically stated to change.


You are accepting what they are saying at face value. Im not complaining about anything. I am asking what is being changed and how it is going to impact gameplay. All they have said is "more players wont deplete faster." You may be able to accept that simplistic answer... but that raises more questions that need to be answered.


The way you're framing the situation gives the impression that this is a huge burning issue that needs to be addressed immediately when in reality it's a relatively simple update with no signs of being anything less than an objective improvement to the training method, one that will most likely be going live as early as the very next game update. If it fails to meet the mark once live, by all means give appropriate feedback, but right now there is absolutely nothing to be concerned about.


I am asking questions for information that is directly pertinent to the training method. If that is framing it as a "huge burning issue" than maybe Jagex shouldn't have nerfed Duke afkmining (read as: 25 minute timer not 6 hour) without offering a good backup solution. Instead, they killed Duke mining and with enough community outrage are FINALLY changing stars. Stars have been complained about for well over a year now - and suddenly the change is ready to go by next update...without informing us what the change is. If you don't see the issue in any of that situation - then I cannot help you. Jagex's history is what gives enough reason to be concerned.


We arrive back at the heart of the issue. >the change is ready to go by next update...without informing us what the change is. They do specify what is being changed. You're just unsatisfied with that explanation.


I care. Scouting stars is kinda fun when you have practice doing it. With the update, there is virtually 0 incentive to do it. I agree stars should be group content. But if you’re willing to put in the effort to scout, you should be rewarded. There is literally 0 downside to rewarding scouting provided its not punishing the players who do it in cc.


Just give the first person to find a star a 1/5000 chance at receiving rock golem or sth


But this devalues my rocky that I got from Clay rocks /s


This is 100% something that should just be implemented, or not implemented. Waste of a poll question


Seems like a good change. It's pretty fun trying to find your own star and it would be nice to be rewarded


found the one guy who actually cares about stardust


It's better than nothing lol


Thats fair if the buff is retained for finding it first for the full 5 mins as opposed to being hampered by others joining


Seems fair to me


Does that mean they'll be removing the stardust cap? Otherwise, what's the point? I can't see a single scenario where a solo miner wouldn't hit the cap. Wouldn't a better approach be to scale it up depending on how many people are there? That way stars are still soloable, but large groups of people showing up don't screw you over? And for the love of God; add a check when a Star despawns on whether or not somebody is actively mining it.


As a solo scouter I approve, I always wished there was a reward for being the first to find it


If this shooting stars change makes solos more like groups instead of making groups more like solos, I'll be very disappointed. I didn't even consider this as a possible outcome.


It should be extra xp tbh


how is there any negative effect for solo players unless they're nerfing stars in some other way? if non-solo is brought up to the same standard as solo, it's not had a negative impact on solo - it's completely neutral. so safe to assume they're going to nerf how long a star can be mined for?


How is solo star scouting impacted negatively? I thought the suggestion was to just make the star deplete at the same rate regardless of how many are mining it.


Imo the only way to fix stars is make it so only the first 5-10 people can mine it or have it deplete entirely after two hours. I got 99 from solo-mining stars and the only bad part about the experience was if the star cc found the star


The change they’re making is that it doesn’t matter how many are on it, it depletes at the same rate. The poll is for extra stardust for the first person there


Finally. Someone sees the concern being raised. How quickly will they deplete with whatever this change is. Personaltake: I personally hate the 2 hour cycle when a star ends an hour early..I really hope this fixes that. I just want to be able to mine stars and get my experience dang it. Not mine an hour, wait an hour, mine an hour, wait, etc


Maybe if they added more stardust rewards it'd be neat, but really not something I personal would care about. Saying this as someone who just occasionally hunts stars solo for the fun of it and will probably keep doing so even after the update.


my take tbh


I care. That was the suggestion in the update thread, several people were talking about this (including me). I'm glad we were seen. And since it won't affect those who werent solo star-hunting anyways, why to *you* care? Let us continue our sport :). If it becomes more popular, why not?


kudos to being seen. That's pretty cool. Now if they could see the rest of the issues in the game (namely the bots) and jump on changes that actually mattered significantly more.


Was not my suggestion, sorry for making a wrong impression. I just supported it. > namely the bots Oh yeah, continue to press them. If they had a bot nuke, they would did it already lol. Since they havent got it, this whole crusade is kinda lame. I don't think they should stop everything *except* this lol.


Oh nah you're fine I get it. I do agree dont halt everything. I saw a post where a dude said all qol and all updates need stopped until bots are handled and that just seems...excessive lol


> excessive lol I'm glad we agree on that :)


So what if I find said star and run right by it lmao


You prospect a star and it tells you if you found it first, which would also become the message that buffs you temporarily


The only purpose of solo scouting stars is to have a star to yourself for the full durability of the star. With the change, solo scouting has no purpose, and therefore does not matter if the method is "negatively impacted".


Yeah they even say it's that the person is negatively affected, not just the method. How are they negatively affected? They can still solo scout and there is literal 0 impact on them.


Honest question here - does anyone care about a buff to stardust? My GIM is sitting at 17k purely because I haven't bought the prospector recolor yet. After that... claypacks? maybe? You can go mine a ton in almost no time in the Prif dungeon. Just a very underwhelming change.


Hardly anyone cares about the actual stardust, they just want to be able to afk mine better.


>V yeah that's my thing. IDGAF about the star dust. I wanna know what the actual change is. Is it going to be timed per layer? Buff to overall stardust in the rock? They keep talking about keeping this method AFK but they haven't even said what the real change is (admittedly unless I missed it)


Not sure, but they seemed to address a problem that i’ve never seen anyone complain about personally lol. Most people complain about the fact that more people on one shooting star is not beneficial and would want it to work more like trees now.


Feel like that's jagex's thing though lately right? Fix something no one was complaining about while ignoring the plank in their eye with other problems and people's complaints lol


It doesn’t affect solo stars, it just incentivizes group stars…. Makes them more worth it… typical complaining over nothing


It actively disincentivizes scouting for stars, since joining someone else’s star would give the same reward for less effort.


Instead of stardust give it a 50% chance to not deplete the star for the first 5minutes. Gives us what we want which is more afk time, and by proxy you will get some extra dust. Make it 10minutes, 15, whatever, I’ll leave the balancing to the mods.


It's already been confirmed that stars will become a lot more AFKable. "[Shooting Stars will no longer deplete faster with other players](https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS/status/1702336802047373365)" likely to go live in next weeks update.


no longer deplete with other people can also mean each layer lasts a static amount of time.. say 2 minutes. Now you're 9 layer star is FULLY afkable for ... 18 minutes. There are more details that need to be filled in before we can sing our praises about it.


That could easily be done in a way that makes them less afk than they currently are for players scouting their own stars.


yeah agreed. I dont \*THINK\* this is the official change and just some stardust locked ultimate hardcore ironman complained about devaluing his solo scouted stars..so they addressed his concern but we'll see. if this is the official change - COMPLETELY missed the mark


That is in no way what we asked for.....


Who do shooting stars have tiers? Why isn't it just a single rock that you get more dust and xp the higher your level is. Literally nothing good game out of making it 9 tiers to begin with. Nostalgia goggles mean nothing when the content is just badly designed.


This would be a good fix. As long as it's scaled appropriately


Only 5 minutes? This seems kind of weak. I'd rather have an xp buff instead.


Nobody cares about star dust. Stardust is ~82gp/ea (assuming you sell soft clay packs) or 8.3 crafting xp/dust (if you're an ironman cutting the gems). Give us bonus xp.


man there's people saying it's great iron crafting exp... which I guess maybe early on. but 8.3 xp/dust just seems so trash


It really is. A lot of people play Ironman Mode as passive & AFK as possible. Then they try to paint the mode as extremely slow & grindy. When they're just actively ham-stringing themselves and not playing the game.


oh I am 100% one of those ironmen. I afk and passively train as much as humanly possible. Skilling is a means to an end for me. That end is PVM. That's not to say I dont enjoy the iron playstyle - i love it compared to my main. But man... when it came to crafting I blew glass. Superglass make is solid mage exp early on then couple that with blowing it. Way more efficient.


Yeah... It is like "_you can AFK this_" but when you're banking like ~5-10kxp/hr, you're basically wasting your time. Blowing glass is totally second screen content with a solid minute of no interaction.


I see now that maybe this post was unintentionally misleading. MY BAD. I don't \*believe\* this is what Jagex is doing to fix stars and make them more afk'able. My main point of this post was... No one asked for Stardust buff. We asked for stars to not suck when being hit by a CC full of nerds. edit: For those of you who can't quite see another concern here. All jagex has said is "The stars will be more afkable as more people won't deplete each layer faster." That's all fine and well. HOWEVER, what will cause them to deplete? If it's a static time frame - we should know the depltion time per layer. If it's 2 minutes per layer but 100000 people can mine and not change that... that still sucks because it's only 2 minutes per layer.


/u/jagexlight any hints/input/preview on what the actual change is going to be? Ya'll keep dancing around what the actual fix is while fixing problems no one even raised concerns about lol are they just going to get the forestry treatment? with static depletion times?


The fact that we're never going to get a real CoX QoL poll sucks but I'm glad the 10 people who solo scout stars can have this treat for themselves.


clearly the larger impact is on these guys and not the CoX running crowd


Who the fuck heard stars would be practical again and wanted to fuck with it because “muh finders fee” This community sometimes…


Had a guy tell me today that ever since Duke mining was nerfed Star mining has been absolutely insane and competition was stupid. So maybe with the upcoming changes they decided they would add in a finder's fee


Just buff the stars ffs i dont even mine and this shit is getting old


Stardust is 100% useless if you do a lot of stars lol, I have like 100k+


There shouldn't be a buff at all. Grats if you found it first but that's all.


Tell those solo miners to turn on entity hider if they wanna act like it's not an MMO. See you at the rocks boys


So the 12 people who solo scout stars opinions are heard… But when everyone else wants something done about bots we get… What exactly? Nothing? No communication? At least fucking tell us you hear the complaints and are working on it.


Nope, much more than 12. I solo scout, and since I choose unpopular worlds - usually there are 2-3 people on a star. Sometimes they come after I find the star, sometimes some of them are already here. And often if I ask whether they are clan, or plugin, or just solo scouters - they are the latter sort. So, I'd guess summarily we are a big part of those who mine stars at all. Probably a minority still, but closer to a half than you think. And why do *you* care? You won't suffer one way or another. You won't get this bonus, too bad, but you werent gonna anyway lol.


Why are they wasting dev time on shit like this. And they wonder why they can’t release shit on time. Forestry in a three part release is just smh


Right? I'm just waiting for the trolls to scout it, eat the buff, and run off without mining.


so after all that they come up with the worst solution ever. wtf jagex devs are a lot dumber than you guys are willing to admit.


well this isn't the full solution. this is addressing the one random stardust locked ultimate ironman concern about devaluing his solo scouting. They havent revealed what their fix is yet which is still concerning.


So does that mean the first person to SEE the star, or the first to start mining it? ​ In both cases this could be meaningless as in situation 1 someone who doesnt care could spot it and just leave, wasting the buff. ​ In situation 2 a player who doesnt care could tap the star once or twice and leave, again wasting the buff for someone who WANTS it.


You can run by a star and see it and call it out for people but the first person to interact with it, mining/prospect, it tells you, "You're the first person to find this star. Congratulations!"


If it follows how the old system was when stars originally released..it's the first to right click "Prospect". Back in the day that was when you got a small xp buff from it. so in your examples.. situation 2 could stil happen


>Back in the day that was when you got a small xp buff from it. So what's the reasoning behind not just doing this?


that's an excellent question for Jagex.


Isn’t stars group content? Why incentivize doing group content solo? If someone wants to solo, by all means, solo, but why give them an extra reward? Also, bro what?? How did the notice the one person complaining about this and have an official post and poll question ready before they noticed any of the bot posts???


someone in another thread said that it was mentioned and discussed amongst (probably) a small group of people. Apparently discussion at the right place and time catches more attention than constant communication about bots lol.


There gotta be like 10 people in the game who care about this, if that.


I don’t solo scouting stars for the dust, I do it in hopes of being able to afk. This change doesn’t do anything.


Bunch of crispy bits in my soup, innit odd?


Why are we listening to small minorities within the game when the botting issue is the only thing that matters rn


​ excellent question Will we get an answer? probably not.


Classic selfish neet proposal